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China speaks better English than India, says study

Drug smuggling is a major crime, and only death penalty can justify this.

But my question was, Does Chinese judicial system discriminate on the basis of skin color?
As drugs trafficking is an impossible task for immigrant Africans without local support.

The law is very clear. More than 50 grams and you get executed. Being Chinese won't help.
A mixed report on Chinese loving Africans

Print Page - marriage between black african and chinese girls.

Then there is the famous Lou Jing's case. That speaks volumes.

Her African American father vanished and so she was looked after by her single Chinese mother. She entered a Beauty contest in Shanghai and was one of the finalists.

And then the heated debate in China on the internet.
China's black pop idol exposes her nation's racism | World news | The Observer
TV talent show exposes China's race issue - CNN

And from China Daily:

Seeing red over black Angel
By Raymond Zhou (China Daily)
Seeing red over black Angel

Dubbed the "Black Pearl", and "Chocolate Girl" on the show, her rise to fame culminated in heated discussions on the Chinese blogosphere.

Must I say more?
Yo Bhojpuri bhaio, mhari to kuch samajh ni aarhi, thum ke bolon laag re soo..Kuch Haryanvi bhi shikan ki khoshis kar loo.
Maine to yo haryanvi bhasha sab te baadiyaa lage se
There are no Ifs and buts here buddy.... you will find drug peddlers where there is demand. There is no reason why they would travel half way across the globe for fun. The issue is that despite such harsh punishments from the govt, drug peddling is still thriving... blame it on the young ones with plenty of cash to spend and get a time of their lives.

As the adage goes - there is no smoke without a fire.

Notwithstanding, this is an universal scourge and it seems that there is no way to control it.

Very sad.
A mixed report on Chinese loving Africans

Print Page - marriage between black african and chinese girls.

Then there is the famous Lou Jing's case. That speaks volumes.

Her African American father vanished and so she was looked after by her single Chinese mother. She entered a Beauty contest in Shanghai and was one of the finalists.

And then the heated debate in China on the internet.
China's black pop idol exposes her nation's racism | World news | The Observer
TV talent show exposes China's race issue - CNN

And from China Daily:

Seeing red over black Angel
By Raymond Zhou (China Daily)
Seeing red over black Angel

Dubbed the "Black Pearl", and "Chocolate Girl" on the show, her rise to fame culminated in heated discussions on the Chinese blogosphere.

Must I say more?

:coffee: Lou Jing's problem is that adultery, not black.
I knew it! It just sounded so familiar that name Gahmar. My family is from Nagsar. And yes Aaam ke Bageecha(Amiya?) also has jamun trees, we have few of those back in Nagsar. I go to Nagsar whenever I visit India:D

Hamaar Gaon Nagsar, Jila Gazipur ba (hope this is right?). Was born in Benaras though, have house there and stuff.

Ee bhaeel na baat... ham hu Banarase ka janam lihale baani :D

And yeah, you can wade through Bihar with that language... can't say about accent :lol:
Of course.

Some excuse has to be conjured and trotted out.

As if every other Chinese is pure like the driven snow!

You guys are magicians at large!!

BTW, did you read the links before assuming the sagacity of Confucius?

I am telling the truth.
There are many Chinese women married to black. Why only Lou Jing's mother was accused?
As the adage goes - there is no smoke without a fire.

Notwithstanding, this is an universal scourge and it seems that there is no way to control it.

Very sad.

Here is China, They should respect the Chinese people. I think they should know how the Chinese hate drugs.
If they do not know how to respect the Chinese people, Could the Chinese people will like them?
Indians do the same. You treat them like animals.

In spite of friendship and love in private spaces, the Delhi public literally stops and stares. It is harrowing to constantly have children and adults tease, taunt, pick, poke and peer at you from the corner of their eyes, denying their own humanity as well as mine. Their aggressive, crude curiosity threatens to dominate unless disarmed by kindness, or met with equal aggression.
Once I stood gazing at the giraffes at the Lucknow Zoo only to turn and see 50-odd families gawking at me rather than the exhibit.

On a visit to the Lucknow zoo, people gawked more at me than at the exhibits.

Parents abruptly withdrew infants that inquisitively wandered towards me. I felt like an exotic African creature-cum-spectacle, stirring fear and awe. Even my attempts to beguile the public through simple greetings or smiles are often not reciprocated. Instead, the look of wonder swells as if this were all part of the act and we were all playing our parts.
Racism is never a personal experience. Racism in India is systematic and independent of the presence of foreigners of any hue. This climate permits and promotes this lawlessness and disdain for dark skin. Most Indian pop icons have light-damn-near-white skin. Several stars even promote skin-bleaching creams that promise to improve one's popularity and career success. Matrimonial ads boast of fair, v. fair and v. very fair skin alongside foreign visas and advanced university degrees. Moreover, each time I visit one of Delhi's clubhouses, I notice that I am the darkest person not wearing a work uniform. It's unfair and ugly.

Discrimination in Delhi surpasses the denial of courtesy. I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt. Further, the lack of neighbourliness exceeds what locals describe as normal for a capital already known for its coldness.

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner. Who knows what else is more quietly denied?

"An African has come," a guard announced over the intercom as I showed up. Whites are afforded the luxury of their own names, but this careful attention to my presence was not new. ATM guards stand and salute my white friend, while one guard actually asked me why I had come to the bank machine as if I might have said that I was taking over his shift.

It is shocking that people wear liberalism as a sign of modernity, yet revert to ultraconservatism when actually faced with difference. Cyberbullies have threatened my life on my YouTube videos that capture local gawking and eve-teasing. I was even fired from an international school for talking about homosociality in Africa on YouTube, and addressing a class about homophobia against kids after a student called me a 'fag'.

Outside of specific anchors of discourse such as Reservations, there is no consensus that discrimination is a redeemable social ill. This is the real issue with discrimination in India: her own citizens suffer and we are only encouraged to ignore situations that make us all feel powerless. Be it the mute-witnesses seeing racial difference for the first time, kids learning racism from their folks, or the blacks and northeasterners who feel victimised by the public, few operate from a position that believes in change.

Living in India was a childhood dream that deepened with my growing understanding of India and America's unique, shared history of non-violent revolution. Yet, in most nations, the path of ending gender, race and class discrimination is unpaved. In India, this path is still rural and rocky as if this nation has not decided the road even worthy. It is a footpath that we are left to tread individually.

(The writer is a Black American PhD student at the Delhi School of Economics.)
Indians do the same. You treat them like animals.

Agree 100%. The only reason I was not happy with your comments was when you were on your high horse. Now that you stand at the same pedestal without the pseudo moral high-ground, try and understand that fringe elements are in every society but that does not mean a whole country should be labelled with the same brush.

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