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China solar giant Suntech declares bankruptcy

There we go. :lol:

It is survival of the fittest, those companies which are not competitive enough will be weeded out.

In the end we will be left with a smaller number of companies in each sector. Only those which have proven themselves to be competitive will get to stay and thrive.

I agree with you in this point :cheers:
Bloated China Steel Sector Facing Closures, Big Miners to Suffer

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's bloated steel sector is facing a wave of closures in the next few years, with slowing demand and decades of "blind" expansion finally about to catch up with the industry, a senior executive and parliamentary delegate said.

Zhang Wuzong, the chairman of the privately-owned Shandong Shiheng Special Steel Group and a forty-year veteran of the industry, told Reuters in an interview that China's problems would also scupper the huge expansion plans of suppliers like Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, which have bet their future on sustained demand growth in China.

No steel firm will be immune, with the future of even state-owned firms like the loss-making Angang Group at risk, he added.

"The Chinese market is now oversupplied," he said. "The government knows it and we know it. 'Survival of the fittest' is the only way to solve the problems."

"It will take time but I believe a lot of the backward private enterprises will be closed. I also believe there will be some state-owned enterprises that will be eliminated too, including some of the big ones. This is a certainty."

China has at least 900 million tonnes of crude steel production capacity, far higher than its official total output of 716 million tonnes in 2012. Profits in the sector fell 98 percent last year with many firms making losses.

The government said earlier this year that it would implement new policies to encourage mergers and close obsolete smelters, with the aim of bringing 60 percent of total capacity under the control of its top 10 mills by 2015.

"The best way a market can develop is on the principle of 'survival of the fittest' -- it is not a question of state-owned firms taking over private firms or the other way around, but which is the strongest," said Zhang, noting that current policies were mistaken because they distorted "market order".

By forcing better-performing firms to take over the nearly bankrupt, the government was making the situation worse. Angang's listed assets made losses of around 4 billion yuan ($644 million) last year, but the group company has also been forced to acquire other loss-making state-owned steel firms like Panzhihua Steel, despite having no economic rationale to do so, he said.

Zhang said his own company had shed around 2 million tonnes of crude steel capacity in the last few years to improve efficiency. Last year it was only the 64th largest steel mill by capacity, but the sixth most profitable.

Many larger firms, now saddled with capacities higher than the whole of Germany, will have to follow suit, but after assembling huge workforces, they remain under pressure to stick to a losing strategy.

Still, any hope that the government will come and bail them out could finally be dashed, Zhang said.

"Government support is extremely limited -- it's not like before when the government can find the money to help out a company that is facing bankruptcy. They just can't do this any more. They need to just let them die."

read more in the below link


haha when we cough many companies in the rest of the world will get a flu
The same kind of fraud took place in suntech bussines venture in Germany and it is not off topic

China Solar Company Suntech Hit by 680M German Bond Fraud

One of China's biggest solar power companies said on Monday it's been the victim of massive fraud.

It's called Suntech Power Holdings, based in Wuxi, China. Its German affiliate--Global Solar Fund--had claimed it bought more than 680 million dollars worth of German government bonds as loan collateral. But later, Suntech discovered that the bonds probably never existed. This means Suntech could be liable for a 680 million-dollar guarantee--in addition to the 2.3 billion in debt it already owes on other loans.

Suntech's share price fell 27 percent on the New York Stock Exchange since Monday.

The issue has rung even more alarm bells about financial irregularities among Chinese companies in the US. Several others are already facing heavy scrutiny from the SEC.

China Solar Company Suntech Hit by 680M German Bond Fraud --NTDTV.org

1. learn to post some reliable source than ndtv
2. let the investigation start by all means if true. Fraudulent transactions have to be expunged from our system.
3. local competitors should look forward for more sweet deals when the bankers and the government foreclose on the company.
This is results of excessive competition in the Chinese solar industry, but I have a question, did it has any relationships with India?
They even couldn't get into the competitive club, but they always comment on others, maybe that is the reason why they lag far behind China.
In China, media and people always focus other advantage and learn how to grow up, that is the biggest difference between Chinese and Indian.
One Chinese company goes down, and a new one will take its place. Meanwhile, Indians will keep dreaming about overtaking China until infinity and beyond.

Now the state can buy the company on the cheap。

Bondholders,especially those from the US,will be crying fouls loud。:azn:
I sense a hint of sourness in this thread.

They are Indians, what else do you expect from one of the most uncivilised and arrogant cultures in this world. That's the only thing they can do, laugh at others. They can't do anything themselves so they resort to picking faults in other countries that work hard. It pretty much sums up the entire Indian civilisation to be honest. These kind of reactions tell you all you need to know why India has such a massive illiterate population and the world's highest rape rate. Poverty, illiteracy, corruption, arrogance and uncivilised are words that sum up India and Indians.
well, i'm not sure whether India will crumble on its own weight, but what I'm sure of is that, we shameless brown folks are dying to become independent,developed and advanced nation like Nigeria.we seriously envy the way the blacks have developed their nation to where it is now. I'll be grateful if the Nigerians will agree to share their cool technology with us, so that we can become half as advanced as Nigeria.

Nearly Every Indian has won ***million$ as lottery via SMS/Email from Nigeria. So that makes them more advanced:rofl:
This is just one company. Our national economy is growing fine, unlike yours which only grew at 4.5% in the last quarter.

It's so easy to tell others they are wrong. One company doing badly is not a reflection on how the Chinese people are "overdoing" ourselves.

Or other cheap comments like how our only advantage is unfair practices. If it is so easy then why don't you do it.

my dear friend when ur running a marathon its not about how fast u can run but its about long u can run..yes our economy is bad because of bad judgement by our leaders
my dear friend when ur running a marathon its not about how fast u can run but its about long u can run..yes our economy is bad because of bad judgement by our leaders

yes,and the marathon in indian term is around 81 trillion miles a loop and for zillion loops``and now you lagged is because your ankle hurts``

and do you know why india is categorized as primitive factor driven economy by WIPO? the question is simple, the country is indians

Wow .... Suddenly the truth became a Cheap comment :lol:

Regarding Chinese GDP growth rate I do have my doubts and I don't want any discussion on that.

I am not saying Chinese Govt. is giving unfair advantage to its firms but all I am saying is the strategy failed.

India do manufacture goods but in its own way. We are slowly moving into manufacturing sector but our business model is different and we are in no hurry for over heating our economy.

what truth came out your ignorant and inferior complex brain, care to elaborate?
All German solar firms went bankrupt recently due to tough competion from China.

So people can assume China companies will prosper as one of their major competitors died. But that is not the case. Chinese solar panel firms produce too much, more than the market can consume, so they need to downsize.
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