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China, silent on Imran arrest, backs Pakistan Army as ‘defender of stability’

The Chinese nor Saudis nor Gulf Kingdoms will champion for democracy,cos they are not the torchbearers of democracy or have democracy back in their countries ..to teach other countries about democratic values.
China -Pak relation is country to country relation for strategic benefits and not based on emotions ..Pakistan has geography to offer and China the technical and financial support
China always supports incumbents.
Absolutely China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia support current political and military establishment. Bajwa and Imran were the worst leaders we ever had.
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Who can tell me what China can intervene in Pakistan's internal affairs and what cannot?

I hope Pakistan can tell China clearly.
ARMY-PDM is winning. Why would they support a losing side?

ground realities are different.
ARMY-PDM is winning. Why would they support a losing side?
How? Chinese aren't stupid. Goodluck to the chinese getting to Gwadar like this.
ground realities are different.

How? Chinese aren't stupid. Goodluck to the chinese getting to Gwadar like this.

What civil war? The protests are fizzling out.

If Chinese support revolutionaries in Pakistan, pro West revolutionaries in their country would be emboldened.

Chinese aren't idiots. They don't care about who rules Pakistan. Reforming Pakistan isn't their goal.

Only emotional North Indian idiots might help oppressed Pakistanis.
Article elegantly emphasis that it's the PA that is the Gov't not the PDM or any other political party sitting on the fake throne. Why would any organization let go of such power ? gotta hold on to it no matter what the cost might be. Just because ISPR is not posting pictures of COAS meeting foreign dignitaries doesn't mean that it's not happening.

Only thing that has changed is the Face, the organization is the same there are and no losers as the ones that don't get the top spot get selected to sit on a different high table ( WAPDA, PIA, yadda yadda. )

The Chinese people need to know

The Chinese people dont need to know anything apart from what Uncle Xi tells them. They dont count.

Chinese are not a bunch of fools that don't know what's going on in the world as in your country.
What is this " https://www.thehindu.com/news‘?

The user is a low life who's only accomplishment in life is taking food from orphaned children and babies.

He's been told by his masters to post nice things about them otherwise he wouldn't get his daily ration.
Chinese run after their interest. And they know right now where the real power is.
Anyhow this is going to change because as we speak the Supreme Court has ordered to release Imran khan.
China should not back these Generals and PDM lapdogs of America.

The Chinese people need to know that Imran Khan is the most popular
leader who was kidnapped from the Court by the Army. This is why people
have come out on the streets, if he is released soon then it will end in a civil
Do you think Xi is President because he is the most popular leader or because he controls the Chinese establishment?
China wants IK removed, he halted most CPEC projects during his term. Most Chinese believe he is a west installed mole now. Sad to see he is still fooling the masses even to this day.
China should not back these Generals and PDM lapdogs of America.

The Chinese people need to know that Imran Khan is the most popular
leader who was kidnapped from the Court by the Army. This is why people
have come out on the streets, if he is released soon then it will end in a civil
Don't be fooled. China had a hand in Imran's ousting. Sure, people like to blame the Americans but don't discount Chinese involvement. They have more influence over Pakistan than the US. And, of course, China would back the military, which is the strongest and most influential institution in Pakistan.
China wants IK removed, he halted most CPEC projects during his term. Most Chinese believe he is a west installed mole now. Sad to see he is still fooling the masses even to this day.

I like how nobody was saying this in PDF threads when he was in office.

When in Office
Chinese: We love Imran Khan

When out of office
Chinese: Imran Khan was never a friend of China and was a CIA mole.
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