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LOL, China is growing at double-digits, and looking to replace America as the largest economy in the world. Everything is going China's way, we are churning out the cash, and raising more people out of poverty than any other country in history.

Then SUDDENLY we have all these "kind-hearted folk", who look down on us as brainwashed sheep.

Please change your system. They say.

Why fix something that isn't broken? We say. Why should we risk derailing our economic growth?

Answer: So that mainland Chinese can use FACEBOOK! Nevermind the fact that we already have our own Chinese-language social networking sites. Without Facebook, we will never be human beings like they are.

Reform is needed and the government needs to be pushed hard on things like corruption and the rule of law but the absolute worst thing that can happen to China is to be undermined by "people who wants to stand up for the common Chinese people". That is the road to serfdom (to borrow a phrase).

America will not admit that it doesn't fcking care the Libyans, it didn't fcking care about the Iraqis, there are millions of people more oppressed than them but they are picking and choosing according to their geopolitical interests and giving it a fraudulent vale of crocodile tears.
America will not admit that it doesn't fcking care the Libyans, it didn't fcking care about the Iraqis, there are millions of people more oppressed than them but they are picking and choosing according to their geopolitical interests and giving it a fraudulent vale of crocodile tears.

Yeah buddy. :tup: Luckily, nobody is buying it.
then what are they waiting for .. perhaps for red pigs to fly :coffee:
Honestly, I am not enthusiastic about voting in such a democratic system in America. I feel so depressed.
No one was taking the initial article serious (it's been posted numerous times before like you said) but people here without fail brought up the DL and here we are.

What can one say, whenever some member thinks he needs some 'ego satisfaction' tonic he has to bring up such topics.
Tibetans in India are refugees not terrorists.

Even the Dalai Lama himself admitted he was taking money from the CIA, to train anti-China militants and guerilla fighters.

World News Briefs - Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - NYTimes.com

The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960's from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000.

The money allocated for the resistance movement was spent on training volunteers and paying for guerrilla operations against the Chinese, the Tibetan government-in-exile said in a statement. It added that the subsidy earmarked for the Dalai Lama was spent on setting up offices in Geneva and New York and on international lobbying.

Also, it is a historical fact, that the Tibetan government in exile was hosted by India, after failing to violently overthrow the Chinese government in 1959. India does not dispute this.
those separatists in northeast india had been harshly cracked down by indian army, while the west never report that. they are focusing on Libya, Syria and now Pakistan.

this is called double standard. that's why we no west should hate them because they are selfish and arrogant. now india's their ally to make the rest of the world their enemy.
Here's a simple solution and I mean this as the nicest way possible. GET OUTTA HERE :)

LOL, since when did one American citizen (you), gain the right to ask other American citizens to leave their own country?

Millions of Americans don't vote. Do you know what the voter turnout percentage is in America? Only around 40%.

United States Elections Project
LOL, since when did one American citizen (you), gain the right to ask other American citizens to leave their own country?

When morons come here for a better life than living in Santa's 24/7 workshop. And start complaining about democracy? :lol:

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