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China setup its own peace prize

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Ok... how would starting its own peace prize help China?..particularly in this situation

man, let's get serious, the world is laughing out loud here. this is a PR stunt. let them have their Shanghai Bob moment...
..........and it does that how exactly? By alienating most of its neighbours who now want the U.S. back in the area? You guys managed the impossible with the Japanese now stopping the demand for U.S. withdrawal of its bases from their territory. Same with SK though that is due to your great ally, NK. Even the Vietnamese now want close ties with Washington. Singapore now advises every other country with issues with china to get close to the U.S.
Smart foreign policy.:lol:

With all your subtlety, you only proved Bang Galore's point that China's foreign policy is alienating most of his neighbour and making them allies of America.

Very subtle indeed! :lol:
With all your subtlety, you only proved Bang Galore's point that China's foreign policy is alienating most of his neighbour and making them allies of America.

Very subtle indeed! :lol:

It's better to be in bed with the US, than with a snake or should I say a dragon :D
It's better to be in bed with the US, than with a snake or should I say a dragon :D

Well all I can only say that one has to be incredibly stupid to make US which was once viewed as evil imperialists, seem more safer to deal with.
And that's deserving of a 11 year prison sentence how?

It is a federal crime for anyone in the United States to threaten the President of the United States. Here, the convicted criminal Liu Xiaobo has publicly called for the overthrow of the entire Chinese government. Surely, an 11-year sentence is lenient.

Man accused of threatening President Barack Obama due in court in Las Vegas | SILive.com
"Jun 8, 2009 ... Beyond all that, threatening the life of the President is against the law. No matter how innocent the threat is, if the authorities hear ..."
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Ok that! You work so hard to get india entangled in a "string of pearls" & then you mange an Indian response again all by yourselves by sheer stupidity. You can have your pearls, you now have whole nations ranged against you and we did nothing at all, now that's brilliant.

Should have given that lesson in subtlety to your leaders but wait, didn't they get that from Deng already......? Seems that some of your leaders have no more use for Deng's philosophy. Subtle indeed.
It is a federal crime for anyone in the United States to threaten the President of the United States. Here, the convicted criminal Liu Xiaobo has publicly called for the overthrow of the entire Chinese government. Surely, an 11-year sentence is lenient.

Man accused of threatening President Barack Obama due in court in Las Vegas | SILive.com
"Jun 8, 2009 ... Beyond all that, threatening the life of the President is against the law. No matter how innocent the threat is, if the authorities hear ..."

If Liu Xiaobo directly threatened to kill Hu Jintao you would have a case, otherwise not a valid comparison.

Xiaobo would be arrested if he advocated a violent takeover. Seeing as that wasn't what you quoted is it safe to assume he didn't advocate it?
Overthrow of a government isn't the same as threatening the life of a specific person, in this case the commander in chief. If Liu Xiaobo directly threatened to kill Hu Jintao you would have a case.

I think you missed the point. The United States has laws that make it a crime to advocate the overthrow of the United States government or to harm the President of the United States, even in jest.

On a similar principle, China has laws that make it a crime to advocate the overthrow of the government of China.

I am not arguing the fine legal point of whether Liu Xiaobo would be prosecuted under U.S. law. I am saying that China has laws analogous to the United States that protect its government from revolutionaries.

Liu Xiaobo is a Chinese citizen and presumably understands Chinese law. He knowingly committed a crime in advocating the overthrow of the Chinese government and it is proper for the Chinese government to imprison a criminal engaged in sedition.
China will most likely award the prize based on recognizable contribution to peace. For example, someone that worked in Africa for ten years is more qualified to win the peace prize than the newly-elected two-week-old President of the United States.

We can expect China to explain why the person won the peace award. Everyone in the world knew that Obama did not deserve to win a peace award last year. This year, the Nobel committee has shown their arbitrary nature in awarding the prize to a convicted criminal.

Of course, just like the Nobel Peace Prize! After all they also award prizes based on achievements in peace, literature, science, etc. Why just look at their website telling you so!

About the Nobel Prizes
Factbox: Who is Liu Xiaobo?

(Reuters) - China's official media accused the West of "launching a new round of China-bashing" ahead of Friday's awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to jailed dissident Liu Xiabao.

Here are some facts about Liu.


* Liu was prominent in the 1989 pro-democracy protests centered on Tiananmen Square that were crushed by armed troops, and was jailed for 20 months.

* In 1995, Liu orchestrated several daring petitions to parliament by groups of dissidents and intellectuals. He was held for more than seven months without formal charges.

* On September 30, 1996, Liu and veteran pro-democracy activist Wang Xizhe issued a statement urging the communist authorities to honor a promise in 1945 to give people religious freedom, freedom of the press and speech, and the freedom to form political parties and hold demonstrations.

* They demanded that Communist Party chief Jiang Zemin be indicted for violating the constitution for saying the Chinese army was under the "absolute leadership" of the party instead of the state.

* Within weeks, Liu was sentenced to three years in a labor camp.


* In December 2008, he helped to organize the "Charter 08" petition, which called for sweeping political reforms. It was published on the 60th anniversary of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

* He was detained almost immediately and held for six months under house arrest.

* A group of prominent foreign academics, lawyers and writers including several Nobel laureates wrote to Chinese President Hu Jintao asking for Liu's release.

* In December 2009, Liu was jailed for 11 years for "inciting subversion of state power" for his role in the petition and for online essays critical of the Communist Party.

* The case and unusually harsh sentence drew protests from Western governments and rights activists at home and abroad.

* In May, Liu was moved to Jinzhou Prison in Liaoning, his home province.


* Liu Xiaobo was born on December 28, 1955, in the city of Changchun in the frigid northeastern province of Jilin.

* After middle school, he was sent to the countryside to work in farms, then worked at a construction company in Changchun.

* In 1977, he was admitted to study Chinese literature at Jilin University, and created a poetry group with six fellow students: The Innocent Hearts (Chi Zi Xin).

* In 1982, he began postgraduate literature studies at Beijing Normal University, starting an academic career that would lead to a professor's position at the university.

* In 1987, his first book, "Criticism of the Choice: Dialogues with Li Zehou," on philosophy and aesthetics, became a non-fiction bestseller. It challenged the ideas of professor Li Zehou, a rising ideological star with great influence on young intellectuals.

* Liu worked as a visiting scholar at the universities of Oslo and Hawaii and at Columbia University in New York.

* He returned to China as student protests broke out in Beijing in 1989. His third book, "The Fog of Metaphysics," a comprehensive review of Western philosophies, was published the same year.

* He served as president of the Independent Chinese PEN Center from 2003 to 2007 and holds a seat on its board.

* An empty chair will represent Liu at Friday's awards ceremony and symbolise China's policies to isolate and repress dissidents, a top Nobel official told Reuters.


* The Norwegian Nobel Committee said two-thirds of nations invited will attend Friday's formal award ceremony despite Beijing's unprecedented campaign to persuade countries to boycott it.

* China has claimed that more than 100 countries and organizations will not attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. China called Liu's award an "obscenity" that should not have gone to a man it calls a criminal and a subversive.

* China will award its answer to the Nobel Peace Prize, giving the "Confucius Peace Prize" to former Taiwan vice-president Lien Chan on Thursday in Beijing, one day before the Nobel is officially bestowed upon jailed Chinese dissident Liu.

* Numerous Chinese activists, including Liu Xiaobo's wife, Liu Xia, have been detained or prevented from leaving the country in advance of the Nobel ceremony.

* Friday's ceremony will be the first time that a detained laureate has not been formally represented by anyone at the awards gala since Nazi Germany barred pacifist Carl von Ossietzky from coming in 1935.

Factbox: Who is Liu Xiaobo? | Reuters
If Liu Xiaobo directly threatened to kill Hu Jintao you would have a case, otherwise not a valid comparison.

Xiaobo would be arrested if he advocated a violent takeover. Seeing as that wasn't what you quoted is it safe to assume he didn't advocate it?

correction ,even if one ADVOCATED for a violent over throw of the govt, it is protected as free speech in the US. The tea party openly advocates such and have on plenty occasions in the past. what you can't do is threaten a President but you can advocate about overthrowing the govt , even by violent means and it is protected by the US constitution.

I have this Martin2 guy on my ignore list and don't see any posts attributed to him unless someone quotes him. But know this , he is a hard core anti -US,a Taliban sympathizer, and anything he says I would advise you /ignore.

Liu Xiaobo is a hero to the world, what is shameful is that his family members are also under arrest.
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* In December 2009, Liu was jailed for 11 years for "inciting subversion of state power" for his role in the petition and for online essays critical of the Communist Party.

Any wonder then that there are no Chinese members here who are critical of CCP.:D
Why is it so hard to understand something so simple?

1. Liu Xiaobo is a Chinese citizen.

2. Chinese law, like American law, is very clear: advocating the overthrow of the government is a crime. The "red lines" that China and America have drawn are slightly different, but identical in principle.

3. Like all Chinese citizens, Liu Xiaobo knew that it's a crime to call for the overthrow of the Chinese government.

4. Liu Xiaobo willingly committed a crime by publicly calling for the overthrow of the government of China.

5. A person that intentionally commits a crime is imprisoned.

How is a person, who intentionally commits a crime, worthy of any peace prize? The whole idea is stupid. He's a criminal and he should serve his full eleven-year sentence. This is not a tough call.
Why is it so hard to understand something so simple?

1. Liu Xiaobo is a Chinese citizen.

2. Chinese law, like American law, is very clear: advocating the overthrow of the government is a crime. The "red lines" that China and America have drawn are slightly different, but identical in principle.

3. Like all Chinese citizens, Liu Xiaobo knew that it's a crime to call for the overthrow of the Chinese government.

4. Liu Xiaobo willingly committed a crime by publicly calling for the overthrow of the government of China.

5. A person that intentionally commits a crime is imprisoned.

How is a person, who intentionally commits a crime, worthy of any peace prize? The whole idea is stupid. He's a criminal and he should serve his full eleven year sentence. This is not a tough call.

Hey sport! That's why he gets the prize. It's for standing up to something wrong even if there are personal consequences to that action, otherwise no doubt you would be one of the main contenders along with your buddies here. Nobody gets the prize for doing nothing in the face of what is universally accepted as wrong.
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