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China setup its own peace prize

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China should award some western anti-war activists for their courage of standing up against their government.
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Wonder what people would say if Jimmy Carter wins lol.
I should have taken this strategy in school! Open my own valuation system after failing to get A. :lol:

Grow up is all that I can say.
China should award some western anti-war activists for their courage for standing up against their government.
Would this prize be for being 'anti-war' or for 'standing up' against the government? Or both? And there are anti-war activists and government critics inside China, no? What China should do is be more specific, such as and 'anti-US' award to the most prominent who is the most strident against the US government. Keep in mind that an accolade's prestige is only as good as the number of individuals desiring it. Do not forget to throw in some money as well.
This peace prize seems to be all very important, I mean after Obama winning the prize last year, I expected people to take the prize with lots of salt! :s
Wonder what people would say if Jimmy Carter wins lol.
I say 'Bravo' to Jimmy. A lot of Americans would as well. This 'peace' award from China to Carter would be a double-edged sword for Jimmy.
And there are anti-war activists and government critics inside China, no?

Don't be stupid, the Norwegians just gave A peace prize to a government critic.

And it's damned hard to have an anti-war activist if your country is not at war.
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Don't be stupid, the Norwegians just gave A peace prize to a government critic.

And it's damned hard to have an anti-war activist if your country is not at war.
Look who is being stupid here...:rolleyes:...Being 'anti-war' is an adjunct...

Noun: A thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.
Adjective: Connected or added to something, typically in an auxiliary way: "alternative or adjunct therapies".
...To being a government critic. And not even a necessary element at that. A war, or a potential one, is an opportunity to lend credence to one's criticism. An increase in defense spending can serve the same purpose. So if China is going to create a 'peace' prize...:lol:...Said 'peace' prize should be quite specific in its targeting criteria lest it backfired because there are Chinese government critics, vis-a-vis Tiananmen Square, who will waste no time in exploiting China's support for NKR or defense build-up.
This peace prize seems to be all very important, I mean after Obama winning the prize last year, I expected people to take the prize with lots of salt! :s
Am confident that behind closed doors -- oh Wikileaks where are thou ? -- That the Nobel committee regrets its decision and recognized that while no permanent damage was done to the Nobel's prestige, it will take a very long time to repair the prize's image. The Europeans have always been condescending to Americans any way. They know that it was used as a lollipop to a favored child -- Barack Obama.

Anyway...This Chinese 'peace' prize...:lol:...Should have a tank as its main emblem.
Look who is being stupid here...:rolleyes:...Being 'anti-war' is an adjunct...

...To being a government critic. And not even a necessary element at that. A war, or a potential one, is an opportunity to lend credence to one's criticism. An increase in defense spending can serve the same purpose. So if China is going to create a 'peace' prize...:lol:...Said 'peace' prize should be quite specific in its targeting criteria lest it backfired because there are Chinese government critics, vis-a-vis Tiananmen Square, who will waste no time in exploiting China's support for NKR or defense build-up.

Look I don't want to argue about grammar but you can't even provide the correct definition for adjunct (as a part of speech)

In linguistics, an adjunct is an optional, or structurally dispensable, part of a sentence that, when removed, will not affect the remainder of the sentence


You used anti-war activist as a noun that indicates a unique subject, apart from anti-government critic.

When you're wrong, at least be man enough to admit it.
Look I don't want to argue about grammar but you can't even provide the correct definition for adjunct (as a part of speech)

You used anti-war activist as a noun that indicates a unique subject, apart from anti-government critic.

When you're wrong, at least be man enough to admit it.
When you have to descend to this level it is clear to all that you have no argument. Pathetic.
China should award some western anti-war activists for their courage of standing up against their government.

China wouldn't dare. The thought of some of those basket cases giving an acceptance speech in front of a Chinese audience would be scary for the Chinese government. Bit like shooting your own foot off to scare the next guy. Any western activist who accepted an peace award from China would see what's left of their credibility go quickly down the chute. Somethings just cant fly - NK giving out awards on transparency or food production, India giving one for corruption crusaders(to say someone in Norway) & China giving one out for peace.
One mans hero is another mans villain.

You can't please everybody - Opinions will differ between countries and cultures therefore every nation should have the right to award any prize to any person for any noble cause as they see fit.

Why should the Norweigan prize be seen as the global standard, after all, it's just the opinion of a couple of Norweigan guys on the comittee?
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