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China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea

Before Sino-Vietnam War II starts, I will provide my prediction of the sequence of battle:

1. China has over 1,800 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) facing Taiwan. I predict China will drive them over to the Vietnamese border and bombard Vietnam's military, communication, and transport infrastructure.

2. After Vietnam has been paralyzed, the PLA airforce swoops in and starts eliminating any concentration of Vietnamese troops in barracks or in the field.

3. PLA ground troops with helicopter gunships move toward Hanoi.

4. PLA provides notice that Hanoi will be leveled to the ground. All civilian inhabitants have 72 hours to leave.

5. Using howitzers and H-6 bombers, China levels Hanoi and then goes home.


H-6K bomber


H-6K Bombs Away!


Chinese Rolling Thunder!

It's reported that Chna for the propaganda give mental-heroin to brain wash Chinese, Peking TV showed a clip of Chinese Soldiers are training in Field. Late on found that the Peking TV' reporter had been stolen some clip shots from some western action film.:rofl:

Pictures are Photoshop products
It's reported that Chna for the propaganda give mental-heroin to brain wash Chinese, Peking TV showed a clip of Chinese Soldiers are training in Field. Late on found that the Peking TV' reporter had been stolen some clip shots from some western action film.:rofl:

Pictures are Photoshop products

If you're not convinced by the photographs, watch the videos.

Gentlemen, we are dispatching to Hanoi with due haste. To this day, stories are told about the Romans razing Carthage. Comrades, we will live forever in the stories of Hans leveling Hanoi. This is one for the history books. Let's start marching toward Hanoi!

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If you're not convinced by the photographs, watch the videos. Gentlemen, we are dispatching to Hanoi with due haste. Let's teach them a lesson they won't forget for generations!
oh, our Spy will soon find our the weak point, after that those Ships and Tank just need some Mig 21 and RPG to blow away.:yahoo:
China should aim to be friendly to all her neighbours and not be aggressive. It wont be good in the long term, as when you need help, your neighbours will just ignore you.
China should aim to be friendly to all her neighbours and not be aggressive. It wont be good in the long term, as when you need help, your neighbours will just ignore you.
In fact, that China's tactic for more than Thousand years alredy, Make friend with further country, and try to robe and threaten the neighbours. That why, their territory expand quite Big.^^
The reason I posted my five-step process for China's decapitation of Hanoi is the approaching drums of war. China is patient, but their patience has limits.

In 1962, India did not heed China's warning to stop moving the border posts into Chinese territory. In response, the PLA destroyed the Indian Army and opened the road to New Delhi. We are about to witness a repeat of 1962. However, I believe this is different.

Hanoi had already been forewarned in 1979 not to challenge China. This time, when the PLA opens the road to Hanoi, they will burn down the Vietnamese capital to send a stern message: Defy Beijing at your peril.

Quote from China's Global Times: "China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces." We may yet see Chinese Rolling Thunder over Hanoi!

The Russians smashed the Georgians. The Americans are bombing the bejesus out of Iraqis, Afghans, and Libyans. It's finally China's turn to demonstrate its Great Power status! Vietnam is volunteering to be China's opponent.

China must react to Vietnam's provocation

"China must react to Vietnam's provocation
Global Times | June 21, 2011 03:06
By Global Times

The ongoing disputes about the South China Sea mostly originate from Vietnam. The biggest challenge of China's insistence on a peaceful solution can also be laid at Vietnam's door.

Depending on how the situation develops, China has to be ready for two plans: negotiate with Vietnam for a peaceful solution, or answer the provocation with political, economic or even military counterstrikes. We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue.

Vietnam has been taking risky actions in the South China Sea for some time. It has occupied 29 Chinese islands. It has been gaining the most benefits from undersea natural gas and oil exploitation. It is also the most aggressive in dealing with China.

Vietnam is the major advocate of inviting the US into the South China Sea as a "balance." Its government is also consenting to a growing nationalistic sentiment among its people. Hanoi has been setting a bad example in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has been trapped in an unrealistic belief that as long as the US balances out the South China Sea issue, it can openly challenge China's sovereignty, and walk away with huge gains.

In previous military conflicts between the two countries, China tried hard to show restraint. But that seems to have only made Vietnam more daring still. Vietnam's interpretation of China's peaceful policy appears to be that whatever Vietnam does, China will refrain from using force.

Since a limited military conflict with China over the South China Sea in 1988, Vietnam has been increasingly aggressive in grabbing islands as its own, ignoring China's traditional policy of "shelving disputes and developing jointly." It is pushing the limits of China's national interest and dignity.

China has to send a clear message that it will take whatever measures necessary to protect its interests in the South China Sea. If Vietnam continues to provoke China in this region, China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces.

China should clearly state that if it decides to fight back, it will also take back the islands previously occupied by Vietnam. If Vietnam wants to start a war, China has the confidence to destroy invading Vietnam battleships, despite possible objections from the international community.

The US may add some uncertainty in the South China Sea. China will handle this carefully, and is not likely to engage in a direct confrontation with the US.

China's rise has come at the cost of increasing strategic risks in the south. China will continue its dedication to peace and development, but it has to be ready to face confrontation and showdown. The provocation from Vietnam may become a touchstone."
The reason I posted my five-step process for China's decapitation of Hanoi is the approaching drums of war. China is patient, but their patience has limits.

In 1962, India did not heed China's warning to stop moving the border posts into Chinese territory. In response, the PLA destroyed the Indian Army and opened the road to New Delhi. We are about to witness a repeat of 1962. However, I believe this is different.

Hanoi had already been forewarned in 1979 not to challenge China. This time, when the PLA opens the road to Hanoi, they will burn down the Vietnamese capital to send a stern message: Defy Beijing at your peril.

Quote from China's Global Times: "China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces." We may yet see Chinese Rolling Thunder over Hanoi!

The Russians smashed the Georgians. The Americans are bombing the bejesus out of Iraqis and Afghans. It's finally China's turn to demonstrate its Great Power status! Vietnam is volunteering to be China's opponent.

China must react to Vietnam's provocation

"China must react to Vietnam's provocation
Global Times | June 21, 2011 03:06
By Global Times

The ongoing disputes about the South China Sea mostly originate from Vietnam. The biggest challenge of China's insistence on a peaceful solution can also be laid at Vietnam's door.

Depending on how the situation develops, China has to be ready for two plans: negotiate with Vietnam for a peaceful solution, or answer the provocation with political, economic or even military counterstrikes. We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue.

Vietnam has been taking risky actions in the South China Sea for some time. It has occupied 29 Chinese islands. It has been gaining the most benefits from undersea natural gas and oil exploitation. It is also the most aggressive in dealing with China.

Vietnam is the major advocate of inviting the US into the South China Sea as a "balance." Its government is also consenting to a growing nationalistic sentiment among its people. Hanoi has been setting a bad example in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has been trapped in an unrealistic belief that as long as the US balances out the South China Sea issue, it can openly challenge China's sovereignty, and walk away with huge gains.

In previous military conflicts between the two countries, China tried hard to show restraint. But that seems to have only made Vietnam more daring still. Vietnam's interpretation of China's peaceful policy appears to be that whatever Vietnam does, China will refrain from using force.

Since a limited military conflict with China over the South China Sea in 1988, Vietnam has been increasingly aggressive in grabbing islands as its own, ignoring China's traditional policy of "shelving disputes and developing jointly." It is pushing the limits of China's national interest and dignity.

China has to send a clear message that it will take whatever measures necessary to protect its interests in the South China Sea. If Vietnam continues to provoke China in this region, China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces.

China should clearly state that if it decides to fight back, it will also take back the islands previously occupied by Vietnam. If Vietnam wants to start a war, China has the confidence to destroy invading Vietnam battleships, despite possible objections from the international community.

The US may add some uncertainty in the South China Sea. China will handle this carefully, and is not likely to engage in a direct confrontation with the US.

China's rise has come at the cost of increasing strategic risks in the south. China will continue its dedication to peace and development, but it has to be ready to face confrontation and showdown. The provocation from Vietnam may become a touchstone."

In 1979 Vietnam - China border war, China was defeated by China (only with paramilitary troops and border guards). You still have not learnt this lesson?
If you still how to think, Please do not refer to your Global Times - an big liar. It fooled of you for years by provding untrue information and modified information. When Vietnamese official give their speeches in a way but when it reported to Chinese in China, it modifys impudently. For instance, when Mr Phung Quang Thanh delivered his speech in Shirang La conference, his said the East Sea (South China sea) dispute must be solved by multisides, China Global Times cheated its reader that Mr Phung Quang Thanh agreed to two - side solutions. etc...


In 1979 Vietnam - China border war, China was defeated by China (only with paramilitary troops and border guards). You still have not learnt this lesson?
If you still how to think, Please do not refer to your Global Times - an big liar. It fooled of you for years by provding untrue information and modified information. When Vietnamese official give their speeches in a way but when it reported to Chinese in China, it modifys impudently. For instance, when Mr Phung Quang Thanh delivered his speech in Shirang La conference, his said the East Sea (South China sea) dispute must be solved by multisides, China Global Times cheated its reader that Mr Phung Quang Thanh agreed to two - side solutions. etc...

China burned down North Vietnam during the 1979 border war. Your home was burned down. That means you lost.

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China.
China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy."
China burned down North Vietnam during the 1979 border war. Your home was burned down. That means you lost.

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China.
China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy."
Yes, correct, we lost the houses, and lost some islands after few year, but China lost the face, Huge numbers from China'army ware defeated by VN's broder guard only, now all know that: your Combat skill is too bad against VN .^^
China burned down North Vietnam during the 1979 border war. Your home was burned down. That means you lost.

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China.
China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy."

Haha. Wiki source. But no problem if you want. China had never gained any big thing except for destroying villages, farms. Dreamt for Hanoi. Haha. After more than 60 thousand solders had been killed and especially, when 12 multi-funtioned missiles systems were dispatched to border provinces, China declared to withdraw to avoid more casualities.
But you won one thing. By this lost, Deng Xiao Ping found a reasonable to upgrade your army.






(P/S: Anyone can explain why thread "Kmer Rouge and the role of China" has been locked. Im busy all day to afford my life. Im not free compared to many Chinese here who are paid salary to spread its Hegemonism)
(P/S: Anyone can explain why thread "Kmer Rouge and the role of China" has been locked. Im busy all day to afford my life. Im not free compared to many Chinese here who are paid salary to spread its Hegemonism)
So, forget it, we're in Pakistan forum now, we must follow the rules, quit complaining.
Japan did not surrender CHina.They surrender USA are you Mr.Ah Q ??^^

Check with Japanese government whether Japan surrendered to China (USA as well) in 1945 and see who is the fxxking idiot.


Can you fxxking read???

We, acting by command of and on behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.
Yeah, like there were no POW pictures of viets? :lol:


Looks like they having a big smile on their faces, perhaps surrender was better than being killed.
Ocean-faring Chinese explorers had claimed the Spratly Islands a thousand years ago.

[Source: Wikipedia article on Spratly Islands with primary sources listed in footnotes]

"Ancient Chinese maps record the "Thousand Li Stretch of Sands"; Qianli Changsha (千里長沙) and the "Ten-Thousand Li of Stone Pools"; Wanli Shitang (萬里石塘),[7] which China today claims refers to the Spratly Islands. The Wanli Shitang have been explored by the Chinese since the Yuan Dynasty and may have been considered by them to have been within their national boundaries. [8][9] They are also referenced in the 13th century,[10] followed by the Ming Dynasty.[11] When the Ming Dynasty collapsed, the Qing Dynasty continued to include the territory in maps compiled in 1724,[12] 1755,[13] 1767,[14] 1810,[15] and 1817.[16] A Vietnamese map from 1834 also includes the Spratly Islands clumped in with the Paracels (a common occurrence on maps of that time) labeled as "Wanli Changsha".[17]"


By the twelfth century, names for the South China Sea islands began to appear. The Paracels and the Spratlys were referred to more consistently as Changsha and Shitang. By the mid-fourteenth century, Shitang could be accurately identified as the Spratlys. There is also evidence of Chinese naval control over some areas of the South China Sea, which resulted in complete Chinese dominion of the South China Sea in the late thirteenth century. Finally, in the fifteenth century, Zheng He's seven voyages placed the South China Sea islands on the official navigational charts. In this map, the Xisha Islands are called Shitang, and the Nansha Islands are referred to as Wansheng Shitang Yu.


The Map of South and East Ocean Sea Routes was drawn in between 1712-1721 by Qing (Ching) Dynasty Fujian (Fuchien) Province Navy Commander Shi Shibiao, the son of a famous Qing Dynasty imperial officer. This map clearly shows the sea routes, time, and descriptions from Chinese coastal ports to Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia and the Philippines. On this map, the locations and names of the Southern Sea Islands (Nanhai Zhudao) are very accurate. The map shows Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea islands (including Nansha Islands, Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Dongsha Islands).


1834 Vietnamese map showed the islands as Chinese "Wanli Changsha."

[Note: Thank you to HuziHaidao12 for the first two pictures and captions.]
Check with Japanese government whether Japan surrendered to China (USA as well) in 1945 and see who is the fxxking idiot.

Japanese Instrument of Surrender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you fxxking read???

We, acting by command of and on behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.

And Japan surrendered to China DIRECTLY.




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