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China’s India War — How the Chinese Saw the Conflict

Indian netizens like to talk about their demographic dividend. Often, they forget the quality of the population:
1. much shorter life span of Indians: in 2011, India life expectancy is 65 years while China's is 74 years. As a result, the shorter life has whittled down their working time and the contribution to the society.
2. high illiteracy rate. in 2011, India's literacy rate is 74%. Not quit sure how the one quarter of illiterate population could do for their country.
3. discrimination in race, ethnic, religion, social caste is deep rooted in India society. In spite that India claims to be melt pot of all cultures and all religion, India is more of a tinderbox with varieties of distrust and hatred among the social communities.

if you travel to india, the hatred among themselves are wide spared. regional, religious, racial, classes and genter``
Agreed, key words="Henderson report" as Neville maxwell claimed that was how he got the inside information from it as well.
Hopefully GOI will disclose the "Henderson report" one day.

Are you suggesting a US citizen has access to a report which Indian officials till today have no access?

It is Henderson Brookes and not Henderson.

He was an Anglo Indian General who settled in Australia after retirement.
this is simpliton talk``in terms of labour productivity, capital investment and efficiency china is way head of india``acctually, China is moving from efficiency economy towards innovation driven economy, whereas india is still 2 steps lagging behind of china as primitive factor driven economy.

labour size does not equal to productivity, infrastructure, ease of doing business, technology readness, primary education, training availability and strong government influences are the keys to ensure productivity.

and because of those elements that puts india's economy under the factor driven primative stage.

Precisely, you are correct. A lesser developed economy can grow faster than a better developed economy and both economies will converge after some time in future. China is ahead of India

However, even now, Chinese growth is not majorly coming from factor productivity. By factor productivity, I mean all the factors you have listed in your post. Making toys is one thing and making airplane engines is another proposition

You may want to disagree, but there is something called population dividend. Youth are better at new ideas and innovation. Why do you think Western countries wants quality immigration from developing world? Who do you think are going share the burden of the older population on the economy- obviously the youth.
Agreed, key words="Henderson report" as Neville maxwell claimed that was how he got the inside information from it as well.
Hopefully GOI will disclose the "Henderson report" one day.

You do realize your statements are logically flawed.

If indeed Neville Maxwell had access to Henderson Brooks report ,what is the point of Indian Govt disclosing it? It'd leaked all over.
What nonsense. :lol:

Africa has the youngest demographics, why aren't they at the top of the world?

EU, Japan, have the oldest demographics... yet their people live a thousand times better than Africans or Indians.

Africa and India have young demographics, because they have low life expectancies, so their people die earlier. That's hardly something to boast about.

Having youngest demographics is one thing and harvesting the youth is another. Africa has not come to that stage yet where it could exploit its demographics; neither did China before 1979 nor India before 1992. You have to have correct economic policies and institution placed before you can exploit your demographics

You are comparing apples and oranges. Growth is not synonymous with quality of life. If it were then developing world should have a better quality of life as compared to the developed one

Africa and India have young demographics, not because they have low life expectancies, but because of high fertility rate
i remember such a book was prohibit for some time in india due to it reported some inconvenient facts that india refuses to hear
I have the book here with me.

Facts are there, but cutely twisted to fit the western view aimed to cause a fear psychosis so that India joins the West!
Having youngest demographics is one thing and harvesting the youth is another. Africa has not come to that stage yet where it could exploit its demographics; neither did China before 1979 nor India before 1992. You have to have correct economic policies and institution placed before you can exploit your demographics

You are comparing apples and oranges. Growth is not synonymous with quality of life. If it were then developing world should have a better quality of life as compared to the developed one

Africa and India have young demographics, not because they have low life expectancies, but because of high fertility rate

Actually China began exploiting its population dividend right in 1949 and boasted 9% growth rates throughout the 50's.

The only problem was, our per capita GDP at the time was lower than Zimbabwe, so we spent 30 years trying to catch up to Zimbabwe and the Congo. But due to our total aggregate population, we were still able to put public health, infrastructure, and military goals in sight.

In 1980, we finally were nearing the Congo in terms of economic power, but that of course was still not enough for takeoff. Look at the Congo today. In 1990, we got to the level of the African dictatorship Cote D'Ivoire, and that was when we started taking off for reals.

India, on the other hand, only got to the level of Cote D'Ivoire a few years ago.
yes, before 1962 and after 1962, we didn't lose land, but from 1950-1959, south tibet had been occupied by indian.
we have a time to get south tibet back during the war, but retreated eventually.
:wave:Yes, I'm. Don't tell me I'm not cool.:cheesy:

Now I know China didn't lose land in 1962.

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