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China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

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currently many vietnam customs officer refuse to stamp seal on our new passport.
they paste an additional "visa" on the passport.

Philippine customs officer do nothing.
seems Vietnamese has more courage than the Filipino

Ya right all talk and trolling we are offical protest this latest chinese imperialism remember you claim my country as part of china in propaganda channel? you people are just so full of bull and shameless arrogance this will return to bite you people someday
Ya right all talk and trolling we are offical protest this latest chinese imperialism remember you claim my country as part of china in propaganda channel? you people are just so full of bull and shameless arrogance this will return to bite you people someday
your protest means nothing for me.
I only care your real acting. Do Chinese have problem to enter Philippine with new passport? no. nothing happens
Ya right all talk and trolling we are offical protest this latest chinese imperialism remember you claim my country as part of china in propaganda channel? you people are just so full of bull and shameless arrogance this will return to bite you people someday

I am afraid that in the future it will insert your country map into its newer e-passport lol :lol:
China once again displays its idiocy and juvenile delinquent tendencies… a scorning moves on the roll. While our country is at an uproar because of this blatant disrespect of our sovereignty. I think the only way to whip a super bully is to beat him at his own game. The Philippines must match China’s gesture by placing the disputed territory that is rightfully ours in our e-passports.
PH Protests New China Passports

MANILA, Philippines --- The Philippines has formally protested China’s move to include a map of the disputed islands in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) in its new passports.

“The Philippines strongly protests the inclusion of the nine-dash lines in the e-passport as such image covers an area that is clearly part of the Philippines’ territory and maritime domain,” Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said in Manila's note verbale sent to the Chinese embassy in Manila on Wednesday.

“The Philippines does not accept the validity of the nine-dash lines that amount to an excessive declaration of maritime space in violation of international law,” Del Rosario said, adding, “The Philippines demands that China respect the territory and maritime domain of the Philippines.”

In a separate statement, Foreign Affairs Secretary Raul Hernandez said China’s e-passports signify China’s “acquiescence to their claim… which we believe is excessive and is in violation of our territorial sovereignty.

“We are asking China to respect our territorial sovereignty, our exclusive economic zone, and maritime domain in that area,” Hernandez said in a statement.

He added that China's latest move is a violation of the provision on the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) that China and the 10-member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signed in 2002.

Based on earlier reports, Vietnam made a formal complaint to Beijing about the map.

However, the Chinese foreign ministry said the map is “not directed at any specific country,” according to a report by the Financial Times.

China claims sovereignty over virtually all of South China Sea while Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, as well as Taiwan, also have claims to parts of the sea, which is home to some of the world’s most important shipping lanes and believed to be rich in fossil fuels.

PH Protests New China Passports | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online
when chinese were ruling those islands, some people from some countries were in stone age.

when chinese were ruling those islands, some people from some countries were in stone age.
It is just a stratagem to reassure chinese people by CPC that the new leadership is patriotic and will ensure the claims of chinese vigorously. This is just a trick to fool the common chinese. I dont think that we should give much importance to it. Indian Govt. has taken the right decision to issue visa's stapled on Indian version of the map. This is a non issue and a childish and rather stupid trick of CPC to convince it's people who are filled with insecurity after the countries having issues with China have joined hands. They feel insecure due to isolation in International forums.
China's neighbours protest its passport map grab

China has redrawn the map printed in its passports to lay claim to almost all of the South China Sea, infuriating its southeast Asian neighbours.

In the new passports, a nine-dash line has been printed that hugs the coast of the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and some of Indonesia, scooping up several islands that are claimed both by China and by its neighbours. China has printed nearly six million of the new passports since it quietly introduced them in April, judging by the average monthly application rate. On Thursday, the Philippines joined Vietnam in voicing its anger at the new map.

"The Philippines strongly protests the inclusion of the nine-dash lines in the e-passport as such image covers an area that is clearly part of the Philippines' territory and maritime domain," said Albert del Rosario, a foreign affairs spokesman. Immigration officials in other countries worry that they will implicitly recognise China's territorial claims simply by stamping the new passports.

The issue was brought to light by keen-eyed Vietnamese officials who are in the process of renewing six-month visas for Chinese businessmen. "I think it is one very poisonous step by Beijing among their thousands of malevolent actions," said Nguyen Quang, a former adviser to the Vietnamese government, to the Financial Times.

In response, Vietnamese immigration is refusing to paste visas inside the new passports, instead putting the visa on a separate, detached, page. "When I tried to cross the border, the officials refused to stamp my visa," said David Li, 19, from Guangdong province, who ran into problems getting into Vietnam on Nov 19.

"They claimed my visa was invalid. They said it was because on the new passport's map, the South China Sea part of China's marine border crossed Vietnam's territory, so if they stamped on it, it means they acknowledge China's claim," he added.

Mr Li said two other passengers on his flight also had problems with their new passports, and that he was forced to buy a new visa for 50,000 Vietnamese dong (£1.50). Kien Deng, a Chinese travel agent who has worked in Vietnam for three years, said the Vietnamese officials had used the map for their financial advantage, charging a fee of 30 yuan (£3) to holders of the offending passport in order to insert a new visa.

"They are playing a cheeky trick which makes foreigners like us suffer," he said. "There are 20,000 students who visit Vietnam from China every year, and 70,000 businessmen in Hanoi and at least as many again in Saigon. So it adds up to a huge amount," he said.

The new passport also stakes a claim to the Diaoyu or Senkakku islands, which have been a great source of friction between China and Japan.However, the scale of the islands is so small as to be inv isible, and Japan has not yet lodged a complaint, according to the Financial Times.

China's neighbours protest its passport map grab - Telegraph
China's neighbours protest its passport map grab

China has redrawn the map printed in its passports to lay claim to almost all of the South China Sea, infuriating its southeast Asian neighbours.

In the new passports, a nine-dash line has been printed that hugs the coast of the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and some of Indonesia, scooping up several islands that are claimed both by China and by its neighbours. China has printed nearly six million of the new passports since it quietly introduced them in April, judging by the average monthly application rate. On Thursday, the Philippines joined Vietnam in voicing its anger at the new map.

"The Philippines strongly protests the inclusion of the nine-dash lines in the e-passport as such image covers an area that is clearly part of the Philippines' territory and maritime domain," said Albert del Rosario, a foreign affairs spokesman. Immigration officials in other countries worry that they will implicitly recognise China's territorial claims simply by stamping the new passports.

The issue was brought to light by keen-eyed Vietnamese officials who are in the process of renewing six-month visas for Chinese businessmen. "I think it is one very poisonous step by Beijing among their thousands of malevolent actions," said Nguyen Quang, a former adviser to the Vietnamese government, to the Financial Times.

In response, Vietnamese immigration is refusing to paste visas inside the new passports, instead putting the visa on a separate, detached, page. "When I tried to cross the border, the officials refused to stamp my visa," said David Li, 19, from Guangdong province, who ran into problems getting into Vietnam on Nov 19.

"They claimed my visa was invalid. They said it was because on the new passport's map, the South China Sea part of China's marine border crossed Vietnam's territory, so if they stamped on it, it means they acknowledge China's claim," he added.

Mr Li said two other passengers on his flight also had problems with their new passports, and that he was forced to buy a new visa for 50,000 Vietnamese dong (£1.50). Kien Deng, a Chinese travel agent who has worked in Vietnam for three years, said the Vietnamese officials had used the map for their financial advantage, charging a fee of 30 yuan (£3) to holders of the offending passport in order to insert a new visa.

"They are playing a cheeky trick which makes foreigners like us suffer," he said. "There are 20,000 students who visit Vietnam from China every year, and 70,000 businessmen in Hanoi and at least as many again in Saigon. So it adds up to a huge amount," he said.

The new passport also stakes a claim to the Diaoyu or Senkakku islands, which have been a great source of friction between China and Japan.However, the scale of the islands is so small as to be inv isible, and Japan has not yet lodged a complaint, according to the Financial Times.

China's neighbours protest its passport map grab - Telegraph

Oh, it also inserts Japan's Senkaku Islands!
Oh, it also inserts Japan's Senkaku Islands!

But I don't think that Japan will react to it. Like India it understands the realpolitik of China. Although this will help improve cooperation between Japan, India, Asean and US, Australia to ensure aggression by China doesn't stand.
currently many vietnam customs officer refuse to stamp seal on our new passport.
they paste an additional "visa" on the passport.

Philippine customs officer do nothing.
seems Vietnamese has more courage than the Filipino

PS; india customs officer also refuse to stamp seal on the new passport.
they do the same thing like vietnamese (paste additional visa on it)

which is good, mature yet befitting reply
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