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China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

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I remember one time when i go to China from Hong Kong with my wife (Who is sweduish) beause of her i lined up on the non-Chinese citizens/resident line (I hold HKSAR passport and return permit) because i don't want her to line up alone. Big mistake. Got jerk around for 2 or 3 hours and they stop you and put you in a room like you are some kind of criminal. Then we both missed a great chunk of the schedule and missed the check in time for our hotel suite....

Guess what i did in the return trip? Same things.

Seems you actually are a criminal.

1. You violated the rule. Your wife can not be an excuse.

2. In order to get HK passport, the SAR government need a document stating that you have given up your present nationality. And as far as I know, US also does not allow dual citizenship.
Seems you actually are a criminal.

1. You violated the rule. Your wife can not be an excuse.

2. In order to get HK passport, the SAR government need a document stating that you have given up your present nationality. And as far as I know, US also does not allow dual citizenship.

LOL........you are wrong, it's legal to be dual citizens in US and Hong Kong seems to me you know nothing about HK and US citizenship.

Let's talk about the first case, the easy one

I don't know where and when you hear the US does not allow dual nationality.

According to Immigration Act, US Citizen are allow to retain their Citizenship when apply for a new one or will not lost their original citizenship if apply for a new Citizenship (7 FAM 1162)

Basically the only instant an American lost its US Citzienship is

A.) US Citizen official renounced the US Citizenship on acquiring another citizenship.
B.) Joined the Armed Force for a hostile combatant nation.

United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

about the HKSAR Passport, no, there are no need to signed "a document stating that you have given up your present nationality" rather you just tick a box claim you are of Chinese nation.


Actually, you can legally hold numeral foreign residence and still be qualified as Chinese National as per explanation of Basic law on 1996

Quote form Hong Kong Immigration Department

四. 在外國有居留權的香港特別行政區的中國公民,可使用外國政府簽發的有關證件去其他國家或地區旅行,但在香港特別行政區和中華人民共和國其他地區不得因持有上述證件而享有外國領事保護的權利。

GovHK ??????????????????

tranlate to For Chinese national who hold other foreign residence, they can use the foreign travel document (ie Foreign Passport) and travel oversea, but they are not entitle to consular protection when they are in Chinese Territories or Hong Kong Territories.

So, it's legal to have 2 or more travel document, but you are not entitle to their respective protection if you are in Trouble in China or Hong Kong.

So, quit saying i am illegal, infact i am following the rules and use Chinese Document and travel to and from China and Hong Kong and still treated like a criminal.
LOL........you are wrong, it's legal to be dual citizens in US and Hong Kong seems to me you know nothing about HK and US citizenship.

A.) US Citizen official renounced the US Citizenship on acquiring another citizenship.
B.) Joined the Armed Force for a hostile combatant nation.

United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

about the HKSAR Passport, no, there are no need to signed "a document stating that you have given up your present nationality" rather you just tick a box claim you are of Chinese nation.


Actually, you can legally hold numeral foreign residence and still be qualified as Chinese National as per explanation of Basic law on 1996

Quote form Hong Kong Immigration Department

四. 在外國有居留權的香港特別行政區的中國公民,可使用外國政府簽發的有關證件去其他國家或地區旅行,但在香港特別行政區和中華人民共和國其他地區不得因持有上述證件而享有外國領事保護的權利。

GovHK ??????????????????

tranlate to For Chinese national who hold other foreign residence, they can use the foreign travel document (ie Foreign Passport) and travel oversea, but they are not entitle to consular protection when they are in Chinese Territories or Hong Kong Territories.

So, quit saying i am illegal, infact i am following the rules and use Chinese Document and travel to and from China and Hong Kong and still treated like a criminal.

A lengthy post, but full of misleading or lies. Next, be concise, just get to point directly.

1. for US dual citizenship, I was wrong, but you are not right either. Do not use Wiki.
US State Department Services Dual Nationality

2. For Hong Kong part, completely wrong. Check your own links again please.

I do hope you can understand Chinese with 100% accuracy.

From your first link, 7. Declaration of the Applicant: I, the undersigned, declare that I am a Chinese Citizen.

From your second link: 第三條:中華人民共和國不承認中國公民具有雙重國籍.

So, are you legal?

In addition, your highlighted Chinese words, 外國有居留權 does NOT means citizenship. 外國政府簽發的有關證件 NOT passport. I have no time to reply all your mistakes. just Stop fooling others please.

The more you say, the more you like a criminal, indeed.
I do hope you can understand Chinese with 100% accuracy.

From your first link, 7. Declaration of the Applicant: I, the undersigned, declare that I am a Chinese Citizen.

From your second link: 第三條:中華人民共和國不承認中國公民具有雙重國籍.

So, are you legal?

In addition, your highlighted Chinese words, 外國有居留權 does NOT means citizenship. 外國政府簽發的有關證件 NOT passport. I have no time to reply all your mistakes. just Stop fooling others please.

The more you say, the more you like a criminal, indeed.

Sigh..when a person is stupid then they are really stupid.

First of all, i want to know how i am NOT RIGHT with the US Dual Citizenship. I am not right because i quote Wikipeida? OR i am not right because i am not right??

Onto Chinese Citizenship

The number 3 acts 中華人民共和國不承認中國公民具有雙重國籍. I have been explained and i have been quoting the law.

Maybe it's a bit unclear so i will use a speech from 國務院港澳事務辦公室副主任王鳳超 on April 4 1997

Untitled Document



If this is too complicated try the community legal database of HK

社區法網 - 入境: ä¸*國國籍

4. 香港居民能否持有雙重國籍?

What people don't know is, Under Chinese rule, China can determine whether or not it's own citizen is of Chinese National. Act 3 is a general clause that NOT TOTALLY APPLY TO HK. As the law has been explained by Basic law, which set forth to people who already have dual citizenship BEFORE the returning HK to China, those people who are legally Dual Citizen should not be make to Renounce their own Citizenship when they automatically become a Chinese Citizenship on July 1 1997.

The solution is Chinese does not regonise those Multi-citizenship when the subject is in Chinese Territories (HK included). A foreign citizenship and residence in the eye of Chinese government is NOT representing a foreign Citizenship, but rather simply just a Travel Document.

If you want i can suppply you will about 30 case, then we can see who is liar and criminal, and who's not. LOL

YES, I AM A CRIMINAL, A SMOOTH CRIMINAL ~~~~~~~~~~ "Dance to the beat of Moon-walking"

PS I don't generally quote WIki unless i see merit form Wiki which is the fastest way to quote.
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