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China Russia relations


Jul 31, 2009
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How are relations between China and Russia (both SCO members)?

The Russians are cash-strapped and are looking for anyone to partner with to develop their military hardware.

India has been smart and taken up the Russians' offer on PAKFA, Brahmos, and Novator K-100.

Seems like Russian technology is up for sale. How come China isn't buying it all?
How are relations between China and Russia (both SCO members)?

The Russians are cash-strapped and are looking for anyone to partner with to develop their military hardware.

India has been smart and taken up the Russians' offer on PAKFA, Brahmos, and Novator K-100.

Seems like Russian technology is up for sale. How come China isn't buying it all?

china doesn't want to.
They want to be independent as Russia is a regional rival for china

Either way after the way China so bluntly violates Militarily gear for reverse engineering, Like the way they did with the Su-27 and Su-30
to make the J-11

I think Russia feels threatened to give China gear, not saying they wont but it must certainly be on their mind.

Instead China gets soviet gear from the old states of the soviet union like Ukraine. to bridge many of its technological gaps
Everybody reverse engineers, incuding India.

Didn't the Brahmos chief want to get rid of Russia because he now has the scramjet technology and wants to use it in other Indian missiles?
Everybody reverse engineers, incuding India.

Didn't the Brahmos chief want to get rid of Russia because he now has the scramjet technology and wants to use it in other Indian missiles?

Well Brahmos was A JV to begin with so India and Russia have equal rights to the technology.

And i admit India wants to gain the tech from various purchases, But India compensates the original providers for full ToT and uses it for future projects.

For what ever reason Russia feels it would rather not sell to China and China would rather not deal with Russia
Well Brahmos was A JV to begin with so India and Russia have equal rights to the technology.

IIRC, Russia provided the scramjet engine and body, while India provided the seekers and electronics. The venture was joint, but each side provided their own part of the total.

The Brahmos guy somehow got his hands on the scramjet blueprints and wanted to kick the Russians out of future projects.

And i admit India wants to gain the tech from various purchases, But India compensates the original providers for full ToT and uses it for future projects.

That's what I am wondering if the Russians sell the tech, or they retain IP rights but allow its use in joint ventures.

For what ever reason Russia feels it would rather not sell to China and China would rather not deal with Russia

China is getting Russian engines, so they do have some sort of relationship going. This is particularly significant because China and India are technically military rivals.
How are relations between China and Russia (both SCO members)?

The Russians are cash-strapped and are looking for anyone to partner with to develop their military hardware.

India has been smart and taken up the Russians' offer on PAKFA, Brahmos, and Novator K-100.

Seems like Russian technology is up for sale. How come China isn't buying it all?

china are only interested in S-400,the radar of SU-35/PAKFA,engines.
russia won't sell any technology of these.but russia don't need to sell these core technology to get india's $.it's not like china are lack of money for R&D now,why should china invest in their R&D but can't get the core technology
china are only interested in S-400,the radar of SU-35/PAKFA,engines.
russia won't sell any technology of these.but russia don't need to sell these core technology to get india's $.it's not like china are lack of money for R&D now,why should china invest in their R&D but can't get the core technology

How are relations between China and Russia (both SCO members)?

The Russians are cash-strapped and are looking for anyone to partner with to develop their military hardware.

India has been smart and taken up the Russians' offer on PAKFA, Brahmos, and Novator K-100.

Seems like Russian technology is up for sale. How come China isn't buying it all?

The relations are cordial on the surface, they share the common goal of curtailing American influence, but why would Russia want a militarily equal super power for a neighbor? Also, China and Russia fought a brief war so the Russians aren't particularly comfortable with China's growing stature. You already know about the Chinese penchant for reverse engineering Russian equipment.

India on the other hand is a time tested friend, thousands of miles away, it serves as a suitable counter to China. Arming India to the teeth = money + distraction for the Chinese. Precisely why America is cozying up to India .

China isn't buying simply because Russia won't sell to 'em :D
Totally Wrong, please research first then talk.:hitwall:

No we didn't get any blueprints. Brahmos I is using RAMJET, not SCRAMJET, there is difference between the two,i think. Bhramos II will have everything Indian, Tech used in HSTDV + K15 will be applied to Bhramos II as far i guess. SCRAMJET tech from HSTDV and Stealth feature from K15(a.k.a "Shourya"), BHRAMOS II will be a Hypersonic Stealth Missile. Very very LOW RCS. Thats mine guess, coz Bhramos director once said that he want to make Bhramos II fully invisible.:yahoo:

yeah they aren't idiots. Russia will never give core technologies to anyone. Never, as they won't be able to blackmail anyone after that. Just kidding.:cheesy:

India will always have upperhand in tech with china. In quantity india can never match or i can say we don't want to match in that.:taz:

Let me help you with a better answer;

India could't make most of her weapons on her own,

So India need to import 70% weapons;

China instead can make almost all of her weapons on her own as

many as she need.

Thats the real reason why India can't or intended to match quantity

with China.

Final conclusion; India simply can't afford to imports 70% weapons in

large quantity. :smitten::pakistan::china:
The relations are cordial on the surface, they share the common goal of curtailing American influence, but why would Russia want a militarily equal super power for a neighbor? Also, China and Russia fought a brief war so the Russians aren't particularly comfortable with China's growing stature. You already know about the Chinese penchant for reverse engineering Russian equipment.

India on the other hand is a time tested friend, thousands of miles away, it serves as a suitable counter to China. Arming India to the teeth = money + distraction for the Chinese. Precisely why America is cozying up to India .

China isn't buying simply because Russia won't sell to 'em :D

Yeah, you are right , Russia won't sell weapons to China ?

The Russians want to sell SU-35s to China, India and other foreign customers, and this opportunity turned the cash flow back on. Apparently Russia now has the billions of dollars it will take to carry out the Su-35 development program. India has become a partner, contributing cash, technology and manufacturing capability.

PLease do continue with your so call allies wet dream !!

Su-35 Suffers A Setback

The relations are cordial on the surface, they share the common goal of curtailing American influence, but why would Russia want a militarily equal super power for a neighbor?

I agree with this. Russia doesn't want a militarily equal super power for a neighbor.

Actually, I do not think she wants any in the world.

But the reason why China is not buying might not be so simple. After all, for China, buying from Russia is not the only way to get weapons.
Yeah, you are right , Russia won't sell weapons to China ?

The Russians want to sell SU-35s to China, India and other foreign customers, and this opportunity turned the cash flow back on. Apparently Russia now has the billions of dollars it will take to carry out the Su-35 development program. India has become a partner, contributing cash, technology and manufacturing capability.

PLease do continue with your so call allies wet dream !!

Su-35 Suffers A Setback


Russia has not proposed Su-35 to China..
I agree with this. Russia doesn't want a militarily equal super power for a neighbor.

Actually, I do not think she wants any in the world.

But the reason why China is not buying might not be so simple. After all, for China, buying from Russia is not the only way to get weapons.

Yes it is the only way to get the high tech weapons. Please remember there is an arms embargo upon China by US and EU still continuing.
Russia has not proposed Su-35 to China..

Because Russia know China won't buy SU-35 even proposed;

Here are the reasons;

Could the Chinese J-11s be better than the Russian Su-35s?
EmailWritten by moinansari on May-15-09 10:47am
From: rupeenews.com

It would be a great irony if the copy was better than the original. All indications are this could be true. The latest versions of the J-11 will be steathier, equipeed with more powerful engines with more thrust, and have more avionics than the original Su-35 which have been in design for the past two decades.
Several years ago, China signed a contract authorizing it to assemble 200 Su-27SK fighters. After building 105 planes, China unilaterally suspended the deal. Many believe that China is manufacturing a fighter that is in effect a replica of the Russian Sukhoi SU-27. Russian arms “Made in China”. China used the opportunity to develop its own domestic manufacturing and now has local capacity to build the next generation of aircraft. Why did Pakistan buy fewer F-16s? Hint:-Indigenous Flanker!

Russia has supplied China with weapons worth a total of more than $25 billion for the past 15 years. Aircraft, ships and air defenses account for the bulk of this sum.

The Su 35s are in trouble. The prototype crashed, and it is not as stealthy as the F-22 its closest rival

One of the two prototypes of the Russian Su-35 fifth generation fighter crashed on takeoff on April 26th. The cause was a problem with one of the two engines. A third prototype is already under construction. Russia had hoped to have the destroyed prototype fly over the May Day parade in Moscow on May 1st. The crash is really bad PR, since one of the consistent shortcomings of Russian warplanes has been the unreliable engines.

Last July, this long promised Russian answer to the F-22, the Su-35, had its first flight. In late 2007, the Russian Air Force showed off the first of two flyable prototypes. It was three years ago, that Russia announced its long promised Su-35 fighter, was back in development again.

The Su-35 is an enhanced Su-30 (itself a development of the Cold War era Su-27), and has been in development since the 1990s. At one point, it was called the Su-37, but the name was changed back to Su-35. Since the 1990s, time, many Su-35 prototypes were built, and apparently no two were identical. There were many disagreements over what direction the development should take, and by the late 1990s, the project was basically suspended for lack of funding. Stratfor. Su-35 Suffers A Setback by James Dunnigan May 13, 2009

The Flanker J-11b Chinese version of the SU-27

China’s armed forces have more than 280 Su-27SK, Su-27UBK, Su-30MKK and Su-30MK2 fighters.

Yes it is the only way to get the high tech weapons. Please remember there is an arms embargo upon China by US and EU still continuing.

Well, yes. I remember. But things are always changing, and we are confident about ourselves.

And in my opinion, military is sensitive for China because she has to consider and benifit. Buying too many high tech weapons might push her under foreign media attack: The "China threat" theory.


China is trying to tell the world that she wants peace. That's what we need.
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