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China rolls out red carpet for Sudan president

^^ all the red made it impossible to read beyond the first few lines. I''l just state this - who is despised in this scenario china or India? does the world ' you know that nagging body outside of china'- go, " Oh look India India India" .

Confucius said " covering love for genocidal manics does not work as a wax on wax off, grasshopper". He also said " show me your stats china" ...

My signature has the answer for people like you "A hungry man is not a free man. ~ Adlai E. Stevenson"

Don't you guys feel sick making fun and laughing at the misfortune of poor and famished people:confused:

No, Why should we feeling sick when you guys don't give a damn regarding those unfortunate people whom happened to be your own kind?
Hmm, "indicted criminal"? I thought to be a criminal you needed to be actually convicted?

Indicted: : to charge with a fault or offense :

Indicted - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The guy has an arrest warrant against him for God sake.

Genocide charge put back on arrest warrant against Sudan president | World news | The Guardian

Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, could face genocide charges in the international criminal court after a legal ruling over his role in the conflict in Darfur. Bashir already faces an arrest warrant on seven charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes. He is accused of having personally instructed his forces to annihilate three ethnic groups, the Fur, the Masalit and the Zaghawa.

A ruling saying there was insufficient proof to charge him with genocide was overturned by the ICC's appeal chamber today . Legal experts said the prospect of such a charge was now a step closer. If a genocide charge is brought it will be the first by the international criminal court against a serving head of state. Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav leader, faced genocide charges but only after he had stepped down; he died in custody before his trial at the Hague war crimes tribunal could end.

The Justice and Equality Movement, Darfur's main armed anti-government group, welcomed the ruling: "This is a correct decision," Ahmed Tugud, the movement's chief negotiator, said. "We believe that what we have seen on the ground in Darfur amounts to a crime of genocide." Sudan's government is accused of backing Arab Janjaweed militias who killed thousands of Darfuris in 2003 and 2004. Bashir insists he did not control them.

The international criminal court's prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, included genocide on his original charge sheet, but the pre-trial judges left off the charge when they approved the arrest warrant last March. Moreno-Ocampo appealed, saying the judges' standard for adding the genocide charge was set too high.

The UN estimates that more than two million people have fled their homes in Darfur and more than 200,000 have died. Khartoum has challenged these figures, claiming the death toll is no more than 10,000, and has refused to co-operate with the court in the Hague. The ruling was welcomed by the Save Darfur Coalition which said: "The US and the international community must immediately make clear to Khartoum that no retaliation against civilians, humanitarian aid operations or peacekeepers in Darfur will be tolerated."

The Coalition for the ICC, an NGO that supports the court, said: "The ruling is hugely significant, as it could lead to the inclusion of charges of genocide by ICC judges for a sitting head of state and for the first time in the history of the court."
And who told you we don't?

Because people like JayAtl seem more "excited" about a mass starvation that occured in China during the 1950's, and China's diplomatic relations with Sudan, yet somehow turn a blind eye to the fact that 5.6 million Indian children are starving to death every single year, in TODAY's India.

That kind of speaks for itself.

Maybe you guys can surprise us, and worry about your own people first.
Because people like JayAtl seem more excited about a mass starvation that occured in China during the 1950's, yet somehow turn a blind eye to the fact that 5.6 million Indian children are starving to death every single year, in TODAY's India.

That kind of speaks for itself.

Oh no no- people like Jay was coming after you for supporting a genocidal maniac. he did not deflect to starvation- YOU DID ( check the post reply history). You brought the starvation angle on India all by your beautiful self to derail the thread.

in TODAY's India

In Today's china one does not know what goes on because it is whitewashed
Oh no no- people like Jay was coming after you for supporting a genocidal maniac. he did not deflect to starvation- YOU DID ( check the post reply history). You brought the starvation angle on India all by your beautiful self to derail the thread.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to take the Indian members here seriously, when they talk about genocide, considering the fact that they are committing the largest mass murder in the modern world, systematically and year after year.

5.6 million Indian children are being starved to death every single year, just so Indian politicians can add money to their Swiss Bank accounts.
Because people like JayAtl seem more "excited" about a mass starvation that occured in China during the 1950's, and China's diplomatic relations with Sudan, yet somehow turn a blind eye to the fact that 5.6 million Indian children are starving to death every single year, in TODAY's India.

That kind of speaks for itself.

Maybe you guys can surprise us, and worry about your own people first.

So are you saying that poor country should have no voice?
Yeah, it's kind of hard to take the Indian members here seriously when they talk about genocide, considering the fact that they are committing the largest mass murder in the modern world, systematically and year after year.

considering its only you Chinese trying to make it out as such. Intelligent minds ( majority of the world body) scoffs and laughs at that equation to genocide.
So are you saying that poor country should have no voice?

I'm saying that I don't take you guys seriously at all, when you try to lecture us by starting thread after thread on the exact same topic, clearly for purposes of bashing. :wave:

Especially when your politicians are currently engaged in the largest mass starvation on Earth, for the sole purposes of filling their Swiss Bank accounts. The money is there. Even Africa is able to feed its people better than India.
I'm saying that I don't take you guys seriously at all, when you try to lecture us by starting thread after thread on the exact same topic, clearly for purposes of bashing. :wave:

Especially when your politicians are currently engaged in the largest mass starvation on Earth, for the sole purposes of filling their Swiss Bank accounts. The money is there. Even Africa is able to feed its people better than India.

I hope you do realize that these news articles aren't being written by us. If you don't have anything to say about the issue, the don't.

And none of us here are exactly corrupt politicians that you speak off. Its like i starting blaming you for forced abortion in China.
I'm saying that I don't take you guys seriously at all, when you try to lecture us by starting thread after thread on the exact same topic, clearly for purposes of bashing. :wave:

Especially when your politicians are currently engaged in the largest mass starvation on Earth, for the sole purposes of filling their Swiss Bank accounts. The money is there. Even Africa is able to feed its people better than India.

The list provided about swiss banks were private citizens. secondly- it is your politicians shown to have run off to the US with millions

...and thirdly do you even know what your countries corrupt does enmasse -other than snippets that leak out. Nooooo- because it is whitewashed. No free media to put those check and balances. lastly- if it is intentional starvation then India would be called out by the world body as doing such.

You don't have to take Indians seriously- you can take me - Americana, if it helps open your eyes to standing up one time against your countries govt. on genocide killers. I mean shoot- even genocidal killers can't make you guys NOT walk lock step with your govt
I hope you do realize that these news articles aren't being written by us. If you don't have anything to say about the issue, the don't.

And none of us here are exactly corrupt politicians that you speak off. Its like i starting blaming you for forced abortion in China.

Oh I have plenty to say about the issue. Until he is convicted in an International Court, we will keep doing business with him. Innocent until proven guilty right?

I'm just saying, if we should stop doing business with countries that murder their own people in the millions every year, then India is a better candidate than Sudan.

At least Sudan does not have the largest number of starving people on Earth. Or some of the world's dirtiest cities, and they even treat their women better than India does.

India fourth most dangerous place for women - NDTV
At least half of the post WWII "tyrants" were put into power by the US, and now they care.
LOL the USA has supported numerous such regimes all over the world, from the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein (until he was no longer useful), Mubarak, the Saudi Royal Family, etc.

We learned from the best. :azn:

hey hey hey wooo wooo wooo the Saudi Royal Family doesn't go on that list......Ok some of the are assholes but not all of them man damn

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