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China rolls out AWACS aircrafts for Pakistan Air Force

i dont think we have any prob because we already have 3 phalcon and will receive 3 more and its one of the best in the world .......
the Indeginious AEW&CS is also a AESA radar one ...and complete 360 degree
so what prob will we have...............
Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

Based on Chinese sources, it's not as advanced as the Kj2000(3-AESA) or Kj-200, which has an AESA balanced beam.

It uses a conventional pulse-doppler.

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

ZDK-03 is an export AWACS system being developed for the Pakistani Air Force. This project was initiated in the early 2000. A prototype (serial # T0518/Project 021) based on Y-8 Category II Platform was first discovered at CFTE in early 2006. Unlike KJ-200, this variant carries a tranditional rotodome above its fuselage, with a mechanically rotating antenna inside. Therefore the Y-8 AWACS was speculated to be developed for the export market only as it appears less advanced than KJ-200 which features a fixed AESA radar. The AEW radar may be the product of the 38th Institute/CETC, but no details are available. The aircraft also features a solid nose and tail as well as two small vertial tail stablizers. The Y-8 AWACS protoype was promoted to Pakistani AF in 2006. After some negotiations a much improved design has been under development based on PAF's specifications. The variant is now dubbed ZDK-03 and is based on the new Y-8 Category III Platform featuring 6-blade propellers. It was reported in early 2009 that a total of 4 has been ordered by PAF in a $278m deal, with the first one to be delivered by the end of 2010. ZDK-03 is expected to serve as an airborne command & control center for the JF-17 fighter fleet.
well sir he was asking a technical question on compare t cant scan 360 dgree and range is not compareable to AESA TECH

It could very well be an AESA...on a rotating radome.. which means much better scan rates..and better range all around..
Btw.. the radar is based of KJ-2000's which is an AESA..
Please.. read the previous posts before you decide on what is AESA or what not...
there is nice article on it back there..had anyone bothered reading it instead of coming in with hands typing after looking at one page.. ON EVERY THREAD in this forum of ours.. it would save a lot of useless rants.. repeated cynical comments.. and rebukes..or flame wars too.
And save our mods a little work.
Thank you for your time.
We don't want to know your source as we are not interested.

We know ourselves that the radar specification is for now not known, it may be anything, till officially or some reliable source doesn't confirms it, no need for speculation but we can discuss the pros and cons of having and not having AESA, PESA or whatever.

The primary advantage of a AESA over a PESA is that the different modules can operate on different frequencies. Unlike the PESA, where the signal was generated at single frequencies by a small number of transmitters, in the AESA each module broadcasts its own independent signal. This allows the AESA to produce numerous "sub-beams" and actively "paint" a much larger number of targets. Additionally, the solid-state transmitters are able to broadcast effectively at a much wider range of frequencies, giving AESAs the ability to change their operating frequency with every pulse sent out. AESAs can also produce beams that consist of many different frequencies at once, using post-processing of the combined signal from a number of TRMs to re-create a display as if there was a single powerful beam being sent.
It could very well be an AESA...on a rotating radome.. which means much better scan rates..and better range all around..
Btw.. the radar is based of KJ-2000's which is an AESA..
Please.. read the previous posts before you decide on what is AESA or what not...
there is nice article on it back there..had anyone bothered reading it instead of coming in with hands typing after looking at one page.. ON EVERY THREAD in this forum of ours.. it would save a lot of useless rants.. repeated cynical comments.. and rebukes..or flame wars too.
And save our mods a little work.
Thank you for your time.

cant tell that it will be a Aesa because its not based on KJ 2000
its based on KJ200 radar will little modifications because KJ 2000 is a huge system and it needs a huge aircraft ...
Following the introduction of the KJ-2000 AWACS and KJ-200 (Y-8 'Balance Beam’) AEW aircraft in 2001/02, a third Chinese AEW aircraft programme was revealed in 2005. Based on the Shaanxi Yun-8F400 airframe, the aircraft features a conventional rotodome mounted above the fuselage. Internet source photos showed that an example has been built, carrying serial number T0518. The exact status of the programme is unknown, but some sources suggested that the aircraft may have been aiming the export market.

Airborne electronic systems has been a focus of the PLA’s extensive military modernisation since the 1990s. In particular, AEW capability has been seen by the military as vital to obtain air superiority over the Taiwan Strait. The fact that the PLAAF is testing AEW/AWACS designs with different radar arrangements (rotodome, fixed dish radome phased array radar, and ‘balance beam’-style electronically scanned array radar) reflects its serious intention to develop a modernised AEW&C capability.

The Y-8F-400 was developed by Shaanxi in Aircraft Industry Corporation in 2001. The aircraft features a solid nose which replaced the Y-8’s original ‘glass-in’ nose design, and a three-man flight crew. All windows on the fuselage were removed. A pair of vertical stabilisers are fitted on the tips of the tail-plane to enhance directional stability.

Little is known about the performance of the radar system fitted on the new Y-8 AEW. It was estimated that the aircraft may be comparable to the U.S. E-2C Hawkeye in terms of performance and capabilities.

Yun-8 Rotodome Airborne Early Warning Aircraft - SinoDefence.com
cant tell that it will be a Aesa because its not based on KJ 2000
its based on KJ200 radar will little modifications because KJ 2000 is a huge system and it needs a huge aircraft ...


KJ-200 and KJ-2000 both have AESA, why don't you guys do your your work before coming here and ranting around.

ZDK-03 is not based on KJ-200, except for the airframe, KJ-200 has a linear shaped AESA radar configuration, while ZDK-03 has a round dish mounted configuration, with either AESA, PESA or a normal radar housed in it and the radar dish rotates 360.

Nothing in common with KJ-200, beside the aerial platform.

And KJ-2000 is a big plane with a big radar, but same configuration (meaning 3 sided AESA radar configuration) though smaller in size can also be housed on a Y-8F600 platform.
cant tell that it will be a Aesa because its not based on KJ 2000
its based on KJ200 radar will little modifications because KJ 2000 is a huge system and it needs a huge aircraft ...

Based on a balanced beam radar.....you come up with a rotodome radar :lol: .......If DRDO would have come up with this type of stunt i would have believed it cuz the song that is "It happens only in India":D

KJ-200 and KJ-2000 both have AESA, why don't you guys do your your work before coming here and ranting around.

ZDK-03 is not based on KJ-200, except for the airframe, KJ-200 has a linear shaped AESA radar configuration, while ZDK-03 has a round dish mounted configuration, with either AESA, PESA or a normal radar housed in it and the radar dish rotates 360.

Nothing in common with KJ-200, beside the aerial platform.

And KJ-2000 is a big plane with a big radar, but same configuration (meaning 3 sided AESA radar configuration) though smaller in size can also be housed on a Y-8F600 platform.

thanda ho jaaa bhai :pop:..... u r having same kind of discussion to those people which proved JFT crap.
NOW ZDK-03 is hot, its Crap !
at the time of FC-20, u know what it would be ...

let the kids enjoy...

KJ-200 and KJ-2000 both have AESA, why don't you guys do your your work before coming here and ranting around.

ZDK-03 is not based on KJ-200, except for the airframe, KJ-200 has a linear shaped AESA radar configuration, while ZDK-03 has a round dish mounted configuration, with either AESA, PESA or a normal radar housed in it and the radar dish rotates 360.

Nothing in common with KJ-200, beside the aerial platform.

And KJ-2000 is a big plane with a big radar, but same configuration (meaning 3 sided AESA radar configuration) though smaller in size can also be housed on a Y-8F600 platform.

i think you better read what i have written properly i have never said KJ 200 is not an AESA radar....both KJ 200 and 2000 are aesa
but anyways lets discuss the utility of having KKE and SEE AEWC platforms. I still remember that ex cheif wanted all out SEE rather than KKE and SEE as while SEE can effectively handle every platform (Which should include JFT too) but KEE cant handle Falcons and western aircrafts which will restrict its mobility and undermine its utility to PAF what do you guys say on this
thanda ho jaaa bhai :pop:..... u r having same kind of discussion to those people which proved JFT crap.
NOW ZDK-03 is hot, its Crap !
at the time of FC-20, u know what it would be ...

let the kids enjoy...

No one is telling that ZDK-03 is a crap... it will better the saab erieye...just trying to find out the capabilities of the
No one is telling that ZDK-03 is a crap... it will better the saab erieye...just trying to find out the capabilities of the

even we dont know this at the moment....its been 3 years and still no concrete information is out....PAF has kept it highly classified
I wonder how the ZDK-03 performs in comparison to the Swedish Erie Eye?

I think China understands Pakistan's needs very well, and therefore, will not give junk to the Pakistanis. The ZDK-03 is probably overall more capable than either the Swedish Erie Eye or the KJ200 though it does not use AESA but a conventional radar. In addition, there is some TOT arrangement which would help Pakistan's own efforts in Avionics. Considering that this is a 278M for 4 planes, this is quite a bargain. Each ZDK03 is probably worth much more than 70M each, so I dont' think the Pakistanis should get upset just because it's not an AESA. This is a tremendous addition for the Pakistan airforce.

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