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China rejects Philippine's accusation on South China Sea issue

The people of Italy are direct descendents of the Romans. Please ready your history as your comprehension of historical dynamic is quite poor, obviously. The Chinese Ming Dynasty, collapsed, so did the Yuan (Mongol), the Han, the Qing (Manchu). Communist China is not the same government as Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, etc. Your historical premise is moot and quite poor. Your historical basis is down the toilet.

Please stop trolling.

His argument that China is a civilization state not a nation state is agreed by many scholars. Your trolling here doesn't change anything, it just makes you look stupid. Please google the term and stop trolling.

故未可与言而言,謂之傲;可与言而不言,謂之隱;不觀气色而言,謂瞽。故君子不傲、不隱、不瞽,謹順其身。詩曰:匪交匪舒,天子所予。此之謂也。 - 荀子《勸學篇》

Chinese are best employed in factories, but not as domestic helps. Secondly, those chinese labour must have a chinese supervisor to make them work .... else they will fool you like anything.

probably because they don't want to work for low caste indians?

Who knows the real reason why China dare not to bring the issue to international court like Philippine requirement ?

While China always should loudly " China have enough evidence to bla...bla...bla..." deadly funny.

we have another pretty useful tool on hand:

Hanoi is 300km away from our border, within the range of our WS-2 rockets.


Incorrect. The laws and pacts that the present government that so happens to control China is obligated to uphold any ratified treaties. This is the modern era.

If we go by historical claim, then All of China belongs to Mongolia. As all of China was under the control of the Mongol Empire ;)

you are actually shitting in your own mouth.

according to your thug theory, Mongol was a part of China until 1970s.

check history before spreading your ****. thanks
....His argument that China is a civilization state not a nation state is agreed by many scholars....& more nationalistic jingo......

How does that matter?

I mean what civilization did you leave on those islands to claim them as yours today? You do realize how far from mainland China and how close to mainland Phillipines they are?
What numbnuts of a politician would agree to the Chinese version of the map with those 9 lines.
People wouldn't be able to take a swim from the Philipines coast without violating Chinese waters if that map would come into effect. That does not sound absurd to you?

EEZ treaties are quite clear in regards to borders and lines and i dont think some ancient maps will change that.
How does that matter?

I mean what civilization did you leave on those islands to claim them as yours today? You do realize how far from mainland China and how close to mainland Phillipines they are?
What numbnuts of a politician would agree to the Chinese version of the map with those 9 lines.
People wouldn't be able to take a swim from the Philipines coast without violating Chinese waters if that map would come into effect. That does not sound absurd to you?

EEZ treaties are quite clear in regards to borders and lines and i dont think some ancient maps will change that.
Too bad. China already occupies Scarborough Shoal. So it is impossible to force us away unless you want a nuclear exchange.
Amen, Brother !

Those islands are within the Philippines' EEZ , as pertained and guaranteed by UNCLOS, which was signed and also recognized by the People's Republic of China. As a signatory of that, The PRC are to uphold and respect that agreement.

When the United States Navy had naval bases in Subic, we used to help patrol that region with the Philippine Navy and China never dared send ships to the region. After our withdrawal, seeing that the Philippines is a weak country, the Chinese have been more militant and started claiming that region as theirs. However, when the Philippines was a Spanish Colony, and later an American Protectorate, the Chinese governments never patrolled these waters. As they were recognized as part of the Spanish Philipines, and later part of the Independent Republic of the Philippines.

I can assure you that during the governments of the Qing Dynasty, Sun Yat Sen and by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai Shek), there were no Chinese naval forces claiming the spratleys or the Scarborough shoal.

The United States , as reiterated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has RE-AFFIRMED its historical and strategic military alliance with the Philippines. If the Philippines is attacked, the United States will get INVOLVED. That is a guarantee.

The United States lost almost 60,000 of our marines when we took the Philippines from Imperial Japan in 1944. We could have bypassed them vis-a-vis the island hopping campaign, but we Liberated the Philippines and much American Blood were lost to free our Filipino brothers in arms.

The United States and the Philippines have a very special and strategic relationship. The United States will steam the entire Pacific Fleet to aid the Philippines if it were attacked. That is GUARANTEED. She is part of the American Nuclear Umbrella.

Wow! Americans are such a peace-loving and "humane (!) people!! Who are you trying to fool here "brother" ?? You should do stand-up comedy...

EEZ treaties are quite clear in regards to borders and lines and i dont think some ancient maps will change that.

What treaties?! Western nations never abide by treaties?? Treaties are for (what you westerners call) third world countries only...
USAHawk785 is world most retarded Doctor, I wonder what hospital did he work for? There is 3 kind of patients, the normal patient with few illness? or the mentally illness patient? or the dead patient? I think he looking after the mentally patients, so it is normal he are among one of them.

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