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China rejects Philippine's accusation on South China Sea issue

The afformentioned islands are within the EEZ of the Republic of the Philippines, as it falls within the 200 EEZ as guaranteed by UNCLOS. These islands are no where within China's 200 EEZ, they are some 500 miles BEYOND. These islands do not belong to China, they belong to the Republic of the Philippines. PERIOD.

Well said.

Poorly said. 黄岩岛 Huangyan Dao (scarborough shoal) does not belong to the Phillipines:

"According to Treaty of Paris(1898) between the United States and Spain, Treaty of Washington(1900) between Spain and the United States, Treaty between Great Britain and the United States(1930), Constitution of the Philippines (1935), Republic Act No. 3046 "Act to Define the Baselines of the Territorial Sea of the Philippines"(1961), and all the maps published by Philippines official until 1990s, 118th degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich is the territorial limit line of Philippines. Scarborough Shoal is obvious outside this limits, and Philippines has never made claim or put dispute on Scarborough Shoal, which is internationally recognized as teritory of China. But in the following years, Philippines made an unilateral decision to include Scarborough Shoal as its territory, ignoring China's opposition.
Most Philippines maps published by Spain and United States in 18th and 19th century does not show Scarborough Shoal or show it as foreign territory, for example, in the same color as Malaysia and China."

黄岩岛 Huangyan Dao (scarborough shoal))
What does UNCLOS say:

These extend from the edge of the territorial sea out to 200 nautical miles (370 kilometres; 230 miles) from the baseline. Within this area, the coastal nation has sole exploitation rights over all natural resources. In casual use, the term may include the territorial sea and even the continental shelf. The EEZs were introduced to halt the increasingly heated clashes over fishing rights, although oil was also becoming important. The success of an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico in 1947 was soon repeated elsewhere in the world, and by 1970 it was technically feasible to operate in waters 4000 metres deep. Foreign nations have the freedom of navigation and overflight, subject to the regulation of the coastal states. Foreign states may also lay submarine pipes and cables.

Who Signed and Ratified UNCLOS?

The convention was opened for signature on December 10, 1982 and entered into force on November 16, 1994 upon deposition of the 60th instrument of ratification. The convention is ratified by 162 states (including the Cook Islands and Niue) and the European Union.

This includes the PRC. And she has also ratified this Law with the rest of the international governing body. So, adhere to what you swear and sign to be true and evade in double-speak.

Reference: Wiki
黄岩岛 Huangyan Dao (scarborough shoal) does not belong to the Phillipines:

Please evade in double-speak, and adhere to what your government signed and ratified 1994. Again, to reiterate to you that the UNCLOS states the following about Exclusive Economic Zones: These extend from the edge of the territorial sea out to 200 nautical miles (370 kilometres; 230 miles) from the baseline. Within this area, the coastal nation has sole exploitation rights over all natural resources. In casual use, the term may include the territorial sea and even the continental shelf.

The Scarborough Shoal are beyond China's EEZ, as pertained and dictated through UNCLOS, which China also signed and ratified in 1994. The Scarborough Shoal are well within 130 nautical miles from the Philippines, and thus, are definitely recognized as part of that country's EEZ. That, is a fact.

If you go by historical basis, then Mongolia would have the right to claim all of China, and most of Eurasia because of historical premise -- considering the Golden Horde ruled most of Eurasia--including China. eg, Yuan Dynasty.

If we go by historical premise then Italy has the right to claim most of Mediterranean Europe because it was part of the Roman Empire; if we go by historical premise, most of Central, Southern America would belong to Spain; if we go by historical premise, then all of Pakistan, Burma, Nepal, India belongs to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the seas around their countries belong to Britain because all of them at one point in time were under the rule of the British Empire.

Times change, history is the past. Live in the present. In the end, I reiterate, the Philippines owns the Scarborough Shoal as it lies within their 200 mile EEZ, as provided for by UNCLOS. China, as a signatory, should abide by its oaths and promises. The world is watching now.
If we go by historical premise then Italy has the right to claim most of Mediterranean Europe because it was part of the Roman Empire; if we go by historical premise, most of Central, Southern America would belong to Spain; if we go by historical premise, then all of Pakistan, Burma, Nepal, India belongs to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the seas around their countries belong to Britain because all of them at one point in time were under the rule of the British Empire.

Times change, history is the past..


Modern Italy is a nation state, which has nothing to do with the holy RomanEmpire.

Ditto the UK, Spain, etc.

China, however, is a civilisasion state. The history of China therefore overwirtes modern man-made treaties should any contradiction exists.

Modern Italy is a nation state, which has nothing to do with the holy RomanEmpire.

Ditto the UK, Spain, etc.

China, however, is a civilisasion state. The history of China therefore overwirtes modern man-made treaties should any contradiction exists.

The people of Italy are direct descendents of the Romans. Please ready your history as your comprehension of historical dynamic is quite poor, obviously. The Chinese Ming Dynasty, collapsed, so did the Yuan (Mongol), the Han, the Qing (Manchu). Communist China is not the same government as Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, etc. Your historical premise is moot and quite poor. Your historical basis is down the toilet.

Abide by UNCLOS, which your country signed and ratified in 1994.

PS. Please, please, read your history.


China, however, is a civilisasion state. The history of China therefore overwirtes modern man-made treaties should any contradiction exists.

Incorrect. The laws and pacts that the present government that so happens to control China is obligated to uphold any ratified treaties. This is the modern era.

If we go by historical claim, then All of China belongs to Mongolia. As all of China was under the control of the Mongol Empire ;)


The people of Italy are direct descendents of the Romans. Please ready your history as your comprehension of historical dynamic is quite poor, obviously. The Chinese Ming Dynasty, collapsed, so did the Yuan (Mongol), the Han, the Qing (Manchu). Communist China is not the same government as Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, etc. Your historical premise is moot and quite poor. Your historical basis is down the toilet.

Abide by UNCLOS, which your country signed and ratified in 1994.

PS. Please, please, read your history.

Incorrect. The laws and pacts that the present government that so happens to control China is obligated to uphold any ratified treaties. This is the modern era.

If we go by historical claim, then All of China belongs to Mongolia. As all of China was under the control of the Mongol Empire ;)



Romas are the descendents of Romans, not Italians
Romas are the descendents of Romans, not Italians
The Italians do descend from the roman empire, the Roman Empire's core was modern day Italy. If you was from any city of Italy you was a roman (this couldn't be said from the people of their provinces) so yes, the italians do descend from the old romans....
Map of the roman empire at it's bigger extent:
He forgets that the following languages: Italian, Spanish, French and Romanian are called ROMANCE languages for a reason. They are derived from Latin, the language of the Romans.

And yes, Italians are the descendents of the Romans.

Some people should take Classical European History before talking. :)
Who knows the real reason why China dare not to bring the issue to international court like Philippine requirement ?

While China always should loudly " China have enough evidence to bla...bla...bla..." deadly funny.
The truth behind China's nine-dash map

From InterAksyon(dot)com

Even Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines, calls Communist China's claim to Panatag Shoal a historical absurdity: “Chinese historical claims since ancient times amount to an absurdity as this would be like Italy claiming as its sovereign possession all areas previously occupied by the Roman Empire."

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Chairman Joma Sison are of one mind on the issue. In response to a self-serving position paper where the Red Chinese Embassy claimed "Huangyan Island (China's name for Panatag Shoal) has been the traditional fishing area of Chinese fishermen for generations," and "It is China that first discovered this island, gave it the name, incorporated it into its territory, and exercised jurisdiction over it,” the DFA said: "Historical claims must be substantiated by a clear historic title. Fishing rights are not a mode of acquiring sovereignty. Neither could it be construed that the act of fishing by Chinese fishermen is a sovereign act of a State, nor can be considered as a display of State authority."

Chairman Sison adds that if Red China can cite historical records then the Philippines can cite pre-historic records: "Archaeological evidence shows that the islands, reefs and shoals at issue have been used by inhabitants of what is now the Philippines since pre-historic times.” So there.

But Red China stands by a map with a nine-dash line that it presented to the United Nations (UN) on May 7, 2007, the day after Vietnam and Malaysia asserted sovereignty over their respective continental shelves. The nine-dash line is a u-shaped squiggle between the Southeast Asian landmass and the Philippine archipelago. Red China claims it owns everything inside that wavy doodle. The issue then is the provenance of the map and the u-shaped nine-dash line.

I asked a forensic expert to look into it as my own little pro bono contribution towards easing tensions between the Philippines and Red China. The forensic report is hereby submitted for your perusal and evaluation: “Sir: Upon a careful examination of the aforesaid ancient map, I have reached the following conclusions: First, the map is authentic. However, there is evidence that it was tampered. If, as the Chinese Embassy claims, the map was drawn by the famous Chinese cartographer Hao Shao centuries ago, then the lower left corner area of the map would have the chop of Fu Manchu and not the smiling face of Mao who only became China's emperor in 1949;

Second, I was suspicious of the u-shaped nine-dash line because it did not look as old as the map itself. I applied chemicals to the line, to see if there was anything hidden beneath it. The test proved negative. However, the line moved after it came into contact with the chemicals. Suspecting that it was not actually a part of the map, I put a tweezer to it and I was able to lift the entire u-shaped object without any difficulty. Hence the wavy object is not an integral part of the map;

Third, laid flat and straight the u-shaped object measures about 10 inches. I snipped off a quarter inch from it and put that under an electron microscope. What I saw surprised me so I conducted additional tests on the object. The tests confirmed what I observed using the electron microscope. The object is a dried noodle string. Subsequent DNA and carbon testing suggests that the said noodle may have slipped from Mao's chopsticks sometime in 1949; Fourth, Mao was a sloppy noodle slurper."
I suppose the old saying holds true. What you can't take legally you try to steal. Drop it China, you are just damaging what little reputation you have left.

Both Vietnam and China must respect the Philippines territories, if not there would be a hardcore punishment in return.

What punishment?
I suppose the old saying holds true. What you can't take legally you try to steal. Drop it China, you are just damaging what little reputation you have left.

What punishment?
probably stop supplying maids to Chinese families?
probably stop supplying maids to Chinese families?

replace them with chinese maids... :laugh:

i tried a chinese maid once ... (i) fat and lousy work ethics :tdown: (ii) lied that she knew english (i.e. the agent lied) :tdown: (iii) took 2 hrs only on the utensils (wonder I should smile or frown) :tdown:, (iv) almost in a mood to start a fight anytime (God, we got afraid that she could create a scene in the our neighbourhood), (v) on the costlier side - took 50 SGD for 4 hrs - we gave it more as charity, rather than wages (she gave up after 3 hrs only .. and we decided to forego the last hour).

Filipino maids are best in singapore, followed by Indonesians. Didn't find any Indian maids - but some one else did: can be costlier and more importantly difficult to find in Singapore; the benefit being they already know cooking.

We use stricltly Filipinos only now - easy to get and very efficient and off course with language advantage.

Chinese are best employed in factories, but not as domestic helps. Secondly, those chinese labour must have a chinese supervisor to make them work .... else they will fool you like anything.
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