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China protests over South Korea's plan for US missile defences

...to perpetuate American Hegemony in the Pacific.
It was a hegemony -- using the word broadly -- not from intent but from circumstances and JPN had a large role in creating those circumstances. Convenient that you omitted that.
It was a hegemony -- using the word broadly -- not from intent but from circumstances and JPN had a large role in creating those circumstances. Convenient that you omitted that.

It was a hegemony that was always sought after by the United States even before the Japanese Empire saw to the necessity of war. Because of this geostrategic reality, at the time:





The United States had always deigned to acquire those islands and to wrest control of the Central and Western Pacific from Japan; one way or another. The war, which was forced upon Japan through crippling sanctions, was just the conduit to realize that.

It was a hegemony -- using the word broadly -- not from intent but from circumstances


Let us not feign ignorance, please. Accept it as reality and truth, i think being apologetic about this doctrinal and "mandated" truth is beneath you.


Manifest Destiny and the Pacific
China how about you do something about your bastard child North Korea who has detonated a few A-bombs and threatens to nukes SK,Japan, and the U.S.A every other week.

china has what 1,000s of short range,medium rang,long range,extra long range, and even hypersonic glide vehicles and they are scarred of a unproven THAAD that at most would have less than 100 interceptors.

geeze, if it makes China feel better they can station their own anti-ballistic missile system in Cuba ;)
Come on Man ! NK is not our bastard child.
It was a hegemony that was always sought after by the United States even before the Japanese Empire saw to the necessity of war.
Those islands did not came under US possession until after WW II. Prior to the war, those islands were mandated, meaning authorized to JPN for administrative controls, but they were never considered to be belonging to JPN. So even if the US did desired them, that desire was pointless regarding the fact that US 'hegemony' in the Pacific would not have existed if there was no war.

The war, which was forced upon Japan through crippling sanctions, was just the conduit to realize that.
Crippling sanctions ? The reality is quite different and another convenient omission from you.

Twenty-One Demands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Before WW II, the US and Imperial JPN were already at odds and that fact is well known. Less publicized is the fact that prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US offered an olive branch to Imperial JPN.

First...The US would stop publicly criticizing JPNese atrocities on mainland China if JPN would stop her expansion on mainland China.

Second...While the US would not support Imperial JPN's possession of Manchuria, neither would the US issue any public moral condemnation of the same. The US was willing to publicly state that what went on in Asia was an Asians-on-Asians matter.

Imperial JPN refused the offer.

After the hostilities between Japan and China had spread to the Shanghai area early in l932 the Japanese Government asked that the United States extend its good offices for stopping hostilities. Thereupon, the United States made a proposal on February 2 containing the following points: cessation of all acts of violence on both sides; no further preparation for hostilities; withdrawal of both Chinese and Japanese combatants in the Shanghai area; protection of the International Settlement at Shanghai by the establishment of neutral ones; and upon acceptance of the foregoing, prompt negotiations to settle all outstanding controversies between Japan and China with the aid of neutral observers or participants. The same proposal was made to Japan and China by the British, French and Italian Governments. The Chinese Government promptly accepted the proposal; the Japanese Government, while accepting some of the points, rejected flatly the second and fifth points, and consequently the proposal came to no avail.
The Chinese government was in no way to militarily challenge Imperial JPN. Everyone knew that the only power that could challenge was the US and she was bound by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 which demand that pact signatories renounce war as an instrument of national policy. In short, the weak Chinese government was willing to cede a large portion of its home soil, which includes Chinese citizens in that portion, to Imperial JPN, in order to gain peace. The US had done next to nothing to stop JPNese expansion in Asia, not just mainland China, in the 1930s. Isolationism was dominant in the American public psyche.


Did We Almost Lose the Army? - NYTimes.com
"the one-vote margin in the House, when the draft came up for extension four months before Pearl Harbor."
In essence, those who were drafted in 1940 had their service extended by merely one yr was passed by only one vote in the US Congress. The Americans were in no mood for ANY war, let alone one that was an Asians-on-Asians conflict on the other side of the world.

Regarding your charge that the US wanted 'hegemony' in the Pacific, your JPN refused to take the first of two opportunities to deny the US that status.

The second opportunity was the crippling sanctions that you cried about and tried to portray JPN as victim. The sanctions were severe. Before the sanctions, JPN imported %80 of her petroleum related products, %90 of gasoline, %60 of machine tools, and %70 of scrap metals from the US. The US demanded that Imperial JPN leave SE Asia and offered to negotiate, with the weak Chinese government as presence, on Manchuria. JPN refused by attacking Pearl Harbor, an act that even JPN's highest leadership knew would result in eventual military defeat.

Your familiar attempt to portray JPN as 'victim' of American aggression is analogous to that of a robber and a rapist who got beaten up for his crimes then cried about his injuries.


Let us not feign ignorance, please. Accept it as reality and truth, i think being apologetic about this doctrinal and "mandated" truth is beneath you.
This is funny. I maybe wrong, but if there is any Asian on this forum who have a direct link to WW II and JPNese racism, it is I.

Because of your ancestors, my mother was an orphan in 1941. She never knew what her parents looked like. From my father's side, there are plenty of stories about the atrocious behaviors of the JPNese on the Viets. Anything the JPNese did to the Chinese, they did to the Viets, the Phis, the Laos, the Cambodes, and the Indians. If you want to see ignorance, look in the mirror.
It was a hegemony that was always sought after by the United States even before the Japanese Empire saw to the necessity of war. Because of this geostrategic reality, at the time:

The United States had always deigned to acquire those islands and to wrest control of the Central and Western Pacific from Japan; one way or another. The war, which was forced upon Japan through crippling sanctions, was just the conduit to realize that.


Let us not feign ignorance, please. Accept it as reality and truth, i think being apologetic about this doctrinal and "mandated" truth is beneath you.

Manifest Destiny and the Pacific

One of the revisionist historical views is that the USA forced war upon Japan by imposing an oil embargo designed to throttle Japanese industrial growth. This then forced Japan to invade surrounding Asian countries in order to get access to oil, under the threat that if it failed, the Russians as a rising power in the Far East would invade and turn Japan into a colony in the same way as most of Asia.
It's quite interesting to see how some Western individuals trying to lecture Japanese about error of colonialism when it was the west that enslaved most of Asia through their own imperialistic policies and appetite for hegemony. What even amuses me is how one member even is now blaming my people for the unfortunate circumstance of his mother , yet failing to realize that it was French imperialism that extinguished Viet Nam's independence and RETARDED the growth of the nation.

The Dutch, Americans, French, British basically get to wash their sins and thus lay blame on only Japan, incidentally the only (at the time) Oriental Power to break the assumption of White Superiority through the Russo Japanese War and after the surrender of Singapore, Batavia and Manila.

The truth of the matter is that Japan destroyed Western Colonialism. Out of the beating of her own Imperial Body, the rest of enslaved Asia rose to independence. The Vietnamese uprising against the French, the Javanese uprising against the Dutch, the Indians clamoring for independence from Britain. All of this was because of Japan's sacrifice, although methodology was archaic at times.

Japan lost, yes, but out of The ashes of the Japanese Empire was the cultivation of Asian Nationalism and Awakening.

And the ultimate collapse of the western imperial order.


Tho I DO NOT glory in the horrors of war , especially in the war in Asia, I do GLORY in the fact that Japan imposed great defeat on the old imperial powers (Dutch, British, Americans, French) in Asia. In fact it was through Japan's defeating of their forces that doomed their apparatus in Asia. The theory and assumption of White / European superiority was smashed all together and burn to asunder, never to be rectified.

While I believe war is ultimately a foregone conclusion, I believe it was necessary to instill defeat on these parasitic imperialist powers who had, for centuries, a stranglehold on the neck of Asia.




Through IMAGES such as these, that helped to doom and put an end to Western Superiority over the Asian. With White Europeans , in mass, surrendering to the 'Yellow Oriental' Japanese. :)

What even amuses me is how one member even is now blaming my people for the unfortunate circumstance of his mother ,...
Why not blame your JPN ? It was JPNese troops. And it is revealing that a JPNese would call the lamentations of JPNese atrocities as 'amusing'. I guess that in JPNese eyes, the victims of their ancestors' deeds have no moral value.

...yet failing to realize that it was French imperialism that extinguished Viet Nam's independence and regarded the growth of the nation.
Actually...It was China who extinguished Viet Nam's hopes for immediate independence, the same China that you now wish to submit your JPN as a vassal state.

Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Summary and Chapter I
I saw Halifax last week and told him quite frankly that it was perfectly true that I had, for over a year, expressed the opinion that Indo-China should not go back to France but that it should be administered by an international trusteeship. France has had the country-thirty million inhabitants for nearly one hundred years, and the people are worse off than they were at the beginning.

As a matter of interest, I am wholeheartedly supported in this view by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and by Marshal Stalin. I see no reason to play in with the British Foreign Office in this matter. The only reason they seem to oppose it is that they fear the effect it would have on their own possessions and those of the Dutch. They have never liked the idea of trusteeship because it is, in some instances, aimed at future independence. This is true in the case of Indo-China.

Each case must, of course, stand on its own feet, but the case of IndoChina is perfectly clear. France has milked it for one hundred years. The people of Indo-China are entitled to something better than that.
The US under Roosevelt planned to put Indochina (Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) under UN trusteeship at the end of WW II. Roosevelt died but Truman had no reasons to deviate.

It was the treachery and back room dealings between France, China, and the Viet Minh that introduced France back into Viet Nam.

Ho–Sainteny agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...permitted France to continue stationing troops in North Vietnam until 1951.
I blame the appropriate people, pal.

The truth of the matter is that Japan destroyed Western Colonialism.
Yeah...By doing the exact same thing. I guess since it was Asians-on-Asians, it was not too bad.

Japan lost, yes, but out of The ashes of the Japanese Empire was the cultivation of Asian Nationalism and Awakening.
Aaahhh...So not only was JPN the 'victim' of American aggression for Pacific hegemony, it was the JPNese who so nobly sacrificed themselves for all Asians' sakes.

Damn...The spin is good...:lol:
Yeah...By doing the exact same thing. I guess since it was Asians-on-Asians, it was not too bad.

Japan's actions in the Asian Theater was a foregone conclusion, as I have said in my prior post, and in many posts here in PDF. There is no excuse for that, nor am i trying to excuse the sins of my ancestors. HOWEVER, I find it personally insulting how you are placating blame only on my people for the experiences of your mother without taking into consideration how French colonial laws in Viet Nam practically robbed Vietnamese of their wealth, forcing people to pay taxation to maintain the French colonial system, and at the same time divert much of Viet Nam's resources to appease Paris. If you actually studied Japan's interentionism in Viet Nam you will see that Japan had helped train the Viet Minh and even after the end of the 2nd world war and after Tokyo's surrender, thousands of Imperial soldiers decided to stay in Viet Nam to help train Viet Minh against the looming struggle against the returning French (who had so quickly surrendered to Japan in 3 days after we invaded Hanoi....). Ultimately, the Vietnamese victory over the French in Dien Bien Phu brought immense gladness to many Japanese. As did the ultimate surrender of the Dutch in Java, and the eventual birth of 'Indonesia' a slogan that was cultivated by Japanese operating with Sukarno during the great conflict.

India's independence in 1947, too, was joyous jubilation for many Japanese. As the British Empire collapsed into nothingness...........

Aaahhh...So not only was JPN the 'victim' of American aggression for Pacific hegemony, it was the JPNese who so nobly sacrificed themselves for all Asians' sakes.

The Goal was to Unite Asia under the Great East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere. And the eventual mobilization of Asia as the center of the global order. With Western Imperialists under foot.

Tho it did not materialize 70 years ago through war, I am glad to see that it is slowly being realized through peaceful means and through more comprehensive sectors through the cooperation of China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, and the rest of Asia.

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It's quite interesting to see how some Western individuals trying to lecture Japanese about error of colonialism when it was the west that enslaved most of Asia through their own imperialistic policies and appetite for hegemony. What even amuses me is how one member even is now blaming my people for the unfortunate circumstance of his mother , yet failing to realize that it was French imperialism that extinguished Viet Nam's independence and RETARDED the growth of the nation.

The Dutch, Americans, French, British basically get to wash their sins and thus lay blame on only Japan, incidentally the only (at the time) Oriental Power to break the assumption of White Superiority through the Russo Japanese War and after the surrender of Singapore, Batavia and Manila.

The truth of the matter is that Japan destroyed Western Colonialism. Out of the beating of her own Imperial Body, the rest of enslaved Asia rose to independence. The Vietnamese uprising against the French, the Javanese uprising against the Dutch, the Indians clamoring for independence from Britain. All of this was because of Japan's sacrifice, although methodology was archaic at times.

Japan lost, yes, but out of The ashes of the Japanese Empire was the cultivation of Asian Nationalism and Awakening.

And the ultimate collapse of the western imperial order.


Tho I DO NOT glory in the horrors of war , especially in the war in Asia, I do GLORY in the fact that Japan imposed great defeat on the old imperial powers (Dutch, British, Americans, French) in Asia. In fact it was through Japan's defeating of their forces that doomed their apparatus in Asia. The theory and assumption of White / European superiority was smashed all together and burn to asunder, never to be rectified.

While I believe war is ultimately a foregone conclusion, I believe it was necessary to instill defeat on these parasitic imperialist powers who had, for centuries, a stranglehold on the neck of Asia.

Through IMAGES such as these, that helped to doom and put an end to Western Superiority over the Asian. With White Europeans , in mass, surrendering to the 'Yellow Oriental' Japanese. :)

Just one teensy correction, the Afghans were the first Asian power to completely wipe out an entire European colonial army. The worst losses the British Army suffered until the Battle of the Somme. It's true however that Japans role in WW2 gave 'an opening' to other Asian peoples to rise up and overthrow European colonialism.

Japan's fury and contempt towards other Asian peoples was motivated by anger that they were not as willing to fight European colonialism. Japan would have been much more successful if had played a longer term game of assisting other Asian peoples, however Japan was also worried that with the problems in obtaining oil its industry would rapidly fall behind.

Most Asians have forgotten how truly horrible the colonial era was.
The US under Roosevelt planned to put Indochina (Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) under UN trusteeship at the end of WW II. Roosevelt died but Truman had no reasons to deviate.

It was the treachery and back room dealings between France, China, and the Viet Minh that introduced France back into Viet Nam.

Ho–Sainteny agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ho-Sainteny Treaty was implemented because of US fears of Communist Domino Theory, which was already beginning to unravel in Europe with the Soviets cordoning most of Central Europe. Ho Chi Minh was actually a pragmatist individual earlier in life and saw to cooperation without bloodshed. He had considered French agreement with the ultimate independence of Viet Nam from the French Union. In fact Ho Chi Minh only agreed to the Treaty to bide time. It was actually the machinations of French and their puppet Bao Dai , who led the Vietnamese National Army into conflict with the Viet Minh.

Secondly you need to understand that immediately after the end of the 2nd world war, there was increasing anger within the Vietnamese intelligentsia on the news of the return of the French, whom they had detested with visceral motives since Japan, throughout the occupation, helped cultivate Vietnamese Nationalism against French colonialism. As early as 1946, there was conflict in the rural country side throughout Viet Nam with the Viet Minh fighting and targetting French expeditionary forces.

In the end South Viet Nam was nothing more than a puppet state of the West, led by the incompetent Bao Dai, who was then deposed by his deputy, Ngo Dinh Diem. The state of South Viet Nam was only created by UN charter , designed to divide Viet Nam at the 17th parallel and prevent the national revitalization of Viet Nam and a singular independent power post Western Imperialism.

I am happy, however, to see that North Viet Nam succeeded in the mandate to unify all of Viet Nam. And purged any inkling of western puppetry.

Just one teensy correction, the Afghans were the first Asian power to completely wipe out an entire European colonial army. The worst losses the British Army suffered until the Battle of the Somme. It's true however that Japans role in WW2 gave 'an opening' to other Asian peoples to rise up and overthrow European colonialism.

Yes, i suppose you are referring to the episode of the Afghan Anglo War where a British force was annihilated. Perhaps Japan's victory over the Western powers is just testimony to the pan-Asian struggle against foreign oppression and European domination.
No. You disregard my opinion as being "too optimistic" or "unrealistic" , just because it doesnt fit into the Western agenda, yes? Such a parvenu kind of thinking, Michael.

If it doesn't meet your agenda, then its "unrealistic". What is unrealistic is America's forward deployed forces in Japan and Korea. It is unsustainable and actually is anti-historical because it prevents national and historical processes from taking place.

What is readily apparent, however, is the fact that North Korea is now a nuclear power, and now has the ability to deliver extrahemispherically. Quite impressive for a poor nation , compared to what South Korea has attained. In fact South Korea (to a degree similar to Japan) has artificially inhibited their own military defense to appease American politicking and pressuring them from making real-time offensive weapons and technology. The truth of the matter is that Washington will inhibit any aggressive weapons technology development in Seoul because this is a threat to Washington's grip in Seoul. The same in regards to Japan.

Our Yankee doodle friends are not innocent babes breathing fresh picked lillies on green fields, lol. Please, come on. Their agenda is far more insidious and calculating, actually


I actually am happy that North Korea has this ability, now. In fact it is a credit for all Korean people , including even the patriotic South Korean friends @sEoulman556 @Red Mahura because ultimately Korea will be unified. It isn't an issue of "if" , but just when. And when that does happen, Pyongyang's military technology advances will be integrated to a more independent and confident Seoul. In fact by natural inclination, Korea will be a nuclear armed and capable power. That justifies what? Threats? How callous. Beijing's repudiation of Pyongyang is only lip service, please don't be so naive to read and believe western media (which really does not understand the Korean world view). In fact a nuclear armed Pyongyang will permanently inhibit Washington's presence, and further erode the South Korean dependency on America and supposed "invincibility" of American military assets.

Ultimately, im sure our Korean patriots would like to rid their land of American soldiers. And would like to see a nuclear powered, armed, Korea. :)

Let the Americans warn all they want. It does nothing, it will change nothing. Just like how this 6 party system has failed miserably in thwarting Pyongyang's abilities.


I hate to sound unfortuitous , however, this 6 party system failed miserably. In fact it is a western created institutionalism heralded by the United States since 2003. What has come out of it? Absolutely nothing. It has failed pathetically and is actually considered a laughing stock joke in Japan.

Pyongyang is now a nuclear power state.


No matter how we look at it, any government who cant provide the basics needs like common food(its only getting worse) to its people is a failed state. The rest of what Pyongyang is talking about is bullshit.:pop:
Japan's actions in the Asian Theater was a foregone conclusion, as I have said in my prior post, and in many posts here in PDF. There is no excuse for that, nor am i trying to excuse the sins of my ancestors. HOWEVER, I find it personally insulting how you are placating blame only on my people for the experiences of your mother without taking into consideration how French colonial laws in Viet Nam practically robbed Vietnamese of their wealth, forcing people to pay taxation to maintain the French colonial system, and at the same time divert much of Viet Nam's resources to appease Paris. If you actually studied Japan's interentionism in Viet Nam you will see that Japan had helped train the Viet Minh and even after the end of the 2nd world war and after Tokyo's surrender, thousands of Imperial soldiers decided to stay in Viet Nam to help train Viet Minh against the looming struggle against the returning French (who had so quickly surrendered to Japan in 3 days after we invaded Hanoi....). Ultimately, the Vietnamese victory over the French in Dien Bien Phu brought immense gladness to many Japanese. As did the ultimate surrender of the Dutch in Java, and the eventual birth of 'Indonesia' a slogan that was cultivated by Japanese operating with Sukarno during the great conflict.

India's independence in 1947, too, was joyous jubilation for many Japanese. As the British Empire collapsed into nothingness...........

The Goal was to Unite Asia under the Great East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere. And the eventual mobilization of Asia as the center of the global order. With Western Imperialists under foot.

Tho it did not materialize 70 years ago through war, I am glad to see that it is slowly being realized through peaceful means and through more comprehensive sectors through the cooperation of China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, and the rest of Asia.

The Ho-Sainteny Treaty was implemented because of US fears of Communist Domino Theory, which was already beginning to unravel in Europe with the Soviets cordoning most of Central Europe. Ho Chi Minh was actually a pragmatist individual earlier in life and saw to cooperation without bloodshed. He had considered French agreement with the ultimate independence of Viet Nam from the French Union. In fact Ho Chi Minh only agreed to the Treaty to bide time. It was actually the machinations of French and their puppet Bao Dai , who led the Vietnamese National Army into conflict with the Viet Minh.

Secondly you need to understand that immediately after the end of the 2nd world war, there was increasing anger within the Vietnamese intelligentsia on the news of the return of the French, whom they had detested with visceral motives since Japan, throughout the occupation, helped cultivate Vietnamese Nationalism against French colonialism. As early as 1946, there was conflict in the rural country side throughout Viet Nam with the Viet Minh fighting and targetting French expeditionary forces.

In the end South Viet Nam was nothing more than a puppet state of the West, led by the incompetent Bao Dai, who was then deposed by his deputy, Ngo Dinh Diem. The state of South Viet Nam was only created by UN charter , designed to divide Viet Nam at the 17th parallel and prevent the national revitalization of Viet Nam and a singular independent power post Western Imperialism.

I am happy, however, to see that North Viet Nam succeeded in the mandate to unify all of Viet Nam. And purged any inkling of western puppetry.

Yes, i suppose you are referring to the episode of the Afghan Anglo War where a British force was annihilated. Perhaps Japan's victory over the Western powers is just testimony to the pan-Asian struggle against foreign oppression and European domination.

Mate, you just change from "Idealist" to "Hypocritical"

Essentially, what you are saying is that, as long as you can use whatever mean to extinguish the so called "western imperialism". You are good for it. Going so far that you even promote "Asian Colonist-ism" to replace the western imperialism...

Did it ever occur to you that it's this "Asian Post Colonialism" mind set is what drove Asia into the so called "Western Imperialist"? Including the Yours Truly - Japan?

While you sitting in front of your computer dreaming about the resurrection of "Great Eastern Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" Did you ask yourselves is that what other wanted? You may speak on behalf of Japan (Actually you couldn't) but you did not represent any of the other East Asian Entity, and to force upon the believe of "Union" is for greater good to all other entity is basically what you said the "Western Imperialist" was doing all along.

Set aside whether or not CAN China-Korea-Japan form a Union for that matter, Should or Would China and Korea form an Union to Japan is a whole other problem. While you can hypothetically form a Union with any country in the world. The matter of fact is if said Union are warranted and benefited to every member of said Union. What you now presenting is a mindset of "Like it or not, we are gonna get it" would be no more than force this perception to people that outside your domain.

While purporting or advocating the union is your own business, but to tell down an individual that oppose to said union is a bit hypocritical, don't you think? I mean you can go all out and support a Greater Asian Union, I would not have say anything to you, but you should not and could not say anything to me for me not supporting it.

Do not trying to tell other people what they should be thinking......You have your right to advocate your own point, so did @gambit. He saw what he saw, you weren't him, how exactly can you understand why he think what he think?

Why not blame your JPN ? It was JPNese troops. And it is revealing that a JPNese would call the lamentations of JPNese atrocities as 'amusing'. I guess that in JPNese eyes, the victims of their ancestors' deeds have no moral value.

Actually...It was China who extinguished Viet Nam's hopes for immediate independence, the same China that you now wish to submit your JPN as a vassal state.

Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Summary and Chapter I

The US under Roosevelt planned to put Indochina (Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia) under UN trusteeship at the end of WW II. Roosevelt died but Truman had no reasons to deviate.

It was the treachery and back room dealings between France, China, and the Viet Minh that introduced France back into Viet Nam.

Ho–Sainteny agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I blame the appropriate people, pal.

Yeah...By doing the exact same thing. I guess since it was Asians-on-Asians, it was not too bad.

Aaahhh...So not only was JPN the 'victim' of American aggression for Pacific hegemony, it was the JPNese who so nobly sacrificed themselves for all Asians' sakes.

Damn...The spin is good...:lol:

You should let him express his point, it does not matter what one individual think, because we all know any sort of an Union against the United States will only end up like this


Japanese Surrender.JPG



Do remember, we did not asked for WW2 to come to us. Even after the extreme pressure the US face with the Great Britain, but when War have a way to find us, we will have to finish it somehow. And when it was all over and those people cry Hegemony, then they should always remember this, if they don't want to have to cry foul, don't start a war that they cannot possibly finished.

You should really let him drool on his dream, reality is, we are still holding Japan and South Korea by the balls, and it wasn't we whom asked for it.
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Mate, you just change from "Idealist" to "Hypocritical"

Essentially, what you are saying is that, as long as you can use whatever mean to extinguish the so called "western imperialism". You are good for it. Going so far that you even promote "Asian Colonist-ism" to replace the western imperialism...

Did it ever occur to you that it's this "Asian Post Colonialism" mind set is what drove Asia into the so called "Western Imperialist"? Including the Yours Truly - Japan?

While you sitting in front of your computer dreaming about the resurrection of "Great Eastern Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" Did you ask yourselves is that what other wanted? You may speak on behalf of Japan (Actually you couldn't) but you did not represent any of the other East Asian Entity, and to force upon the believe of "Union" is for greater good to all other entity is basically what you said the "Western Imperialist" was doing all along.

Set aside whether or not CAN China-Korea-Japan form a Union for that matter, Should or Would China and Korea form an Union to Japan is a whole other problem. While you can hypothetically form a Union with any country in the world. The matter of fact is if said Union are warranted and benefited to every member of said Union. What you now presenting is a mindset of "Like it or not, we are gonna get it" would be no more than force this perception to people that outside your domain.

While purporting or advocating the union is your own business, but to tell down an individual that oppose to said union is a bit hypocritical, don't you think? I mean you can go all out and support a Greater Asian Union, I would not have say anything to you, but you should not and could not say anything to me for me not supporting it.

Do not trying to tell other people what they should be thinking......You have your right to advocate your own point, so did @gambit. He saw what he saw, you weren't him, how exactly can you understand why he think what he think?

You should let him express his point, it does not matter what one individual think, because we all know any sort of an Union against the United States will only end up like this

View attachment 293992

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View attachment 293995

Do remember, we did not asked for WW2 to come to us. Even after the extreme pressure the US face with the Great Britain, but when War have a way to find us, we will have to finish it somehow. And when it was all over and those people cry Hegemony, then they should always remember this, if they don't want to have to cry foul, don't start a war that they cannot possibly finished.

You should really let him drool in his dream, reality is, we are still holding Japan and South Korea by the balls, and it wasn't we whom asked for it.
Thanks God, finnally an American came up and affirm that "we are still holding Japan and South Korea by the balls".

Thats the reason why 90% TPP will be ratiffied in 2018 and JP will have to aceept the deal just like she accepted the unconditional surrender in 1945, and let US suck JP economy dry.

So, Cnese here should realize that FTA wt SK,JP will lead to No where . U guys can not hope it will weaken US power in Asia.
It was a hegemony that was always sought after by the United States even before the Japanese Empire saw to the necessity of war. Because of this geostrategic reality, at the time:





The United States had always deigned to acquire those islands and to wrest control of the Central and Western Pacific from Japan; one way or another. The war, which was forced upon Japan through crippling sanctions, was just the conduit to realize that.


Let us not feign ignorance, please. Accept it as reality and truth, i think being apologetic about this doctrinal and "mandated" truth is beneath you.


Manifest Destiny and the Pacific

Last time I checked the history books, those Japanese Mandated Islands in the Pacific (which now compose of the Republic of Palau, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Territory of Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) were originally belonging to the Spanish East Indies in the 19th century, then the Spanish-American war broke out but was sold to the Second Reich / Imperial Germany until 1914 when Japan occupied the islands during WW1.

Yes, i suppose you are referring to the episode of the Afghan Anglo War where a British force was annihilated. Perhaps Japan's victory over the Western powers is just testimony to the pan-Asian struggle against foreign oppression and European domination.

He might be referring to an earlier Western power - Alexander the Great's military force

No matter how we look at it, any government who cant provide the basics needs like common food(its only getting worse) to its people is a failed state. The rest of what Pyongyang is talking about is bullshit.:pop:

The concept of absolute poverty is relative, in the end. For people in Japan , South Korea and other advanced nations ie, Germany, Singapore, United States, UK et al --- the lifestyles in North Korea may be considered 'poor' because it is not at par to the consumption level and lifestyles in our respective countries. However for North Koreans were this is all they have known since the formation of a Democratic People's Republic of Korea after the collapse of Japanese Empire's Chosen Colony in 1945. You have to understand that to the North Koreans -- they still hold true to the notion of National Pride ; in fact if you actually read into North Korean publications (a la Chongryon publications) they always lambast Japan's current position by saying how Japan has betrayed her Imperial ancestors and the Imperial System by catering to Americans; they say the same about South Korea and tout how South Korea has betrayed the notion of Korean Independence to host US forces in their sacred Korean soil.

To an extent -- they do have a point. North Korea , in my opinion, is one of the few countries in East Asia that truly has an independent foreign policy and one that doesn't care about American interest groups or special agencies. I suppose aside from China, North Korea is the only truly independent power in East Asia that has the ability to negate US admonishment.

He might be referring to an earlier Western power - Alexander the Great's military force

No, i think he is referring to the British Army's retreat from Kabul in 1842, and the subsequent annihilation of the entire Army. In fact only 1 managed to escape alive back to British India.....

1842 retreat from Kabul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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