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China prepares for war 'in all directions'

No war in 30 years. Warmongering indeed.

That's great. Give us some time to catch up at least! :P
[that was said in friendly manner and it should be interpreted in the same. :P ]
You started both economic reforms and modernising your army like 10-15 years before india did. So we,re not legging behing THAT much. :D
well these two pictures suggest Tibet was not a part of Tang or Han dynasty

these pictures are from western. also the north border should be far north cos Han fight Hun empire constantly and drive nomads into europe. Tang cavalry Legions finally conquered 突厥 the mighty Hun empire

Tibet was a part of Tang dynasty. cos tibet had a govenment till Tang dynasty.

松赞干布 united the tribes in tibeten plateau and claim to be the king. He ask the emperor for wife and his minister win the contest against Persian, india and other kingdoms in Central Asia. the interesting story “六试婚使” wall painted in 布达拉宫 the Potala Palace and Temple 大昭寺 in Lhasa.

641AD princess 文成公主 married to him. 布达拉宫 the Potala Palace was built for the princess.

there are conflicts between tibet and Central government but ended with alliance agreement each time. The 8th alliance agreement in 821AD also established the famous 唐蕃会盟碑 or 长庆会盟碑 (unity tablet) .

it reads :“圣神赞普墀祖德赞与大唐文武孝德皇帝和叶社稷如一统,立大和盟约 。兹述舅甥二主结约始末及此盟约节目,勒石以铭。” - 'unity of the emperor and the king and the empire as one. Uncle and nephew set up the tablet as witness'. so it also called 甥舅和盟碑 'uncle nephew tablet'. it still stand in front of the sacred temple 大昭寺 in Lhasa. trade flourished and conflict ended since then.
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