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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Updates & Discussions

“Mad Dog” Mattis Barks About CPEC And Endangers NATO’s Afghan Caravan
October 14, 2017

Andrew Korybko |

US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis recently said that “the One Belt, One Road also goes through disputed territory, and I think that in itself shows the vulnerability of trying to establish that sort of a dictate”, around which time he also threatened to work on revoking Pakistan’s “Major Non-NATO Ally” (MNNA) designation if it doesn’t cooperate more closely with the US in Afghanistan.

The US’ top military leader is implying that CPEC might become destabilized because it runs through supposedly “disputed territory”, and Trump’s earlier remarks in late August about Pakistan providing “safe havens for terrorists” pair perfectly with Mattis’ in suggesting that the Hybrid War on CPEC will be soon be waged through Afghan-based terrorists who supposedly “boomeranged” back into Pakistan as “blowback”.

This dramatic move would assuredly prompt a vicious response from the US, but Washington might have already shattered whatever remaining illusions the Islamabad elite may have had left

None of this should be surprising, however, since it should have been clear to most observers that the US would always be opposed to CPEC if even only by virtue of the fact that it represents China’s only reliable non-Malacca access route to the Indian Ocean.

Read more: CPEC’s vulnerabilities: Can Pakistan carve a way out?

Although there are other components to the Hybrid War on CPEC, particularly relating to the transnational region of Balochistan and India’s role in this entire asymmetrical campaign, the core of the US’ present efforts is to shape the narrative that Pakistan is a “Muslim terrorist-exporting Chinese ally”, and that Beijing and all other CPEC participants are at the very least indirectly complicit in supporting “terrorism” against the nation of India and American troops in Afghanistan.

The overall idea is to create an atmosphere of instability around CPEC that the US could attempt to blame solely on Pakistan, and the Mainstream Media would then exploit this weaponized narrative

This manufactured and artificial framing of the situation is designed to serve as the pretext for the US to sanction and then strike CPEC, with the latter being carried out under the guise of targeting “terrorists” who spilled across the border from Afghanistan back to their so-called “safe havens” in Pakistan. The overall idea is to create an atmosphere of instability around CPEC that the US could attempt to blame solely on Pakistan, and the Mainstream Media would then exploit this weaponized narrative to dissuade businesses from using this game-changing transport route.

Read more: Drones & Jets for India and threats for Pakistan: The ‘new…

All things considered, the whole point of this operation is to “contain China”, as the failure or weakening of CPEC would inordinately impact on Beijing by depriving it of its much-needed non-Malacca access route to the Indian Ocean, thereby retaining its erstwhile dependency on US-controlled transit areas in the South China Sea and elsewhere.

The US’ top military leader is implying that CPEC might become destabilized because it runs through supposedly “disputed territory”, and Trump’s earlier remarks in late August about Pakistan

That being said, the US should expect that Pakistan could react to these forecasted developments, or even the recent threats, by restricting the Pentagon’s overland and air transit through its territory to Afghanistan, though this is the “nuclear option” that Islamabad will probably only employ if its decision makers were confident that relations with the US were way too damaged beyond the point of any realistic rehabilitation and that their country had the full support of its multipolar partners in China, Russia, and Iran first.

Read more: CPEC: Is the sovereignty of Pakistan being compromised?

This dramatic move would assuredly prompt a vicious response from the US, but Washington might have already shattered whatever remaining illusions the Islamabad elite may have had left and inadvertently made this scenario more likely than it thinks.

Gwadar Port Free Zone Under Construction in Full Swing

work on Pakistan Railway ML1 project to start soon.
The up gradation and dualization of Pakistan
railway’s main line track (ML1) from Karachi to Torkham at a cost of US$ 8 billion, would pave way to run fast moving trains in the country.
Pakistan and China have agreed to upgrade main line (ML1) to be
completed in next five years, would help provide an infrastructure to run fast moving trains in future.
The Pakistan Railway would carry out up gradation and dualization of
main line track from Karachi to Torkham, at a cost of US$ 8 billion, of which US$ 5.5 billion would be a concessional loan from China while Asian Development Bank (ADB) would contribute remaining US$ 2.5 billion for the project.
“ML1 is used for 75 percent traffic but infrastructur and equipment on this line has not been improved since long which has resulted in decrease of railway speed from 120 to 60 KM per hour.
The upgradation of the ML1 would not only improve existing railway infrastructure and increase the current speed up to three times but would also support modern fast movement trains.
The cost of passengers and cargo service has increased due to low
speed, he said and added, Pakistan railways would be expanded.
Quetta Peshawar and Havilian Khunjrab would be linked through railway in the next phase to be started after this up gradation.

The railway network project formed the backbone of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) communications infrastructure projects and was of particular significance to regional connectivity. Both countries also shared the vision for developing effective railway
system from Kashghar to Gwadar which would provide a cost competitive mode of transportation and instant connectivity to China for transportation of goods.
Railways transportation is a critical element of
connectivity between Pakistan and China, adding, the implementation of railways projects would have a tremendous impact on socio-economic development of the region.
45 China engineers working on ML1, this is great project for Pakistan


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100 Pakistanis offered full scholarship study in China
Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-30 21:23:12|Editor: Liangyu

NANJING, Oct. 30 (Xinhua)-- Ten Pakistanis started a two-year postgraduate course on Monday at a Chinese university as part of a commercial sponsorship program to offer full scholarships for 100 Pakistani transport personnel in the coming five years.

The program is funded by China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC). The first batch of the ten students will attend Southeast University in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province.

The scheme provides an opportunity for Pakistani government staff, technicians and graduates to study construction and operation of bridges and roads at Chinese universities, according to Lu Shan, chairman of CRBC.

"The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is not only a corridor of physical connectivity, but also one of people-to-people exchanges," said Chen Shuai, an official with the National Development and Reform Commission.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an important part of China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along -- and beyond -- the ancient Silk Road trade routes.
No bottleneck in implementation of CPEC: China
admin November 6, 2017 BusinessLeave a comment 6 Views

NC Monitoring Desk

BEIJING: China rejected reports that there is any bottleneck in the implementation of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) or the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a news briefing that the projects are going on smoothly. “I wonder how such conclusion was drawn and what basis and evidence of it,” Hua replied when asked to comment on the media reports that BRI projects were bogged down with problems in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos and Singapore. It is pertinent to mention President Xi Jinping’s ambitious project ‘BRI’, which includes China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), has been included in the Constitution of the ruling Communist Party of China in the just concluded once-in-a-five-year Congress. According to officials, the Chinese firms so far have invested USD 560 billion overseas under the BRI since 2013 and paid over USD 100 billion in taxes and created millions of jobs. The spokesperson further added, “The main objective of BRI is to synergize the development strategies of various countries through stronger international cooperation so as to give full play to each other’s competitive strengths for win-win development. Over the past four years and so, the building of the Belt and Road has progressed smoothly with fruitful outcomes and won extensive agreement and support from the international community. A growing number of countries have engaged in the cooperation and many projects have begun generating tangible benefits to the people of the relevant countries. The economic and trade cooperation along the Belt and Road has gained prominent achievements with smooth progress and a number of major cooperation projects are speeding up in their implementation.
CPEC projects set to enter next stage of execution

Seventh JCC to take decisive action on a dozen projects on Tuesday
The seventh Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will take decisive actions on Tuesday on about a dozen projects that will help take these schemes to the next stage of implementation.

However, no major breakthrough is expected on deepening industrial cooperation between Pakistan and China.

CPEC conference begins tomorrow

A summary containing actionable points on about one dozen schemes related to energy, roads, uplifting Gwadar and developing Special Economic Zones (SZEs) has been moved to the prime minister for approval, said CPEC Project Coordinator Hassan Daud Butt on Saturday.

Approval is sought for the design of $260 million New Gwadar International Airport and final endorsement of $2 billion Karachi Circular Railways project, among other projects.

The current prioritised list of energy projects comprising 15 schemes of 11,110MW is also expected to be expanded. “The seventh JCC that will meet on coming Tuesday in Islamabad will pave the way for making 2018 a year of implementation of the corridor projects,” he claimed.

Four new schemes to be part of CPEC

The JCC is the highest decision making body of the $55 billion umbrella CPEC projects that has the mandate to review progress on ongoing schemes and take decisions on inclusion of new projects.

Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal and China’s National Development and Reforms Commission Vice-Chairman Wang Xiatao will chair the JCC meeting.

Butt said Pakistan’s focus would now shift on industrial cooperation “which is necessary for the revival of industries in the country”.

However, no major breakthrough is expected in the 7th JCC, thanks to slow pace of work by the provinces on prioritised Special Economic Zones.
The key functions of the Science & Technology Park are:

  1. To provide an exhibition and developmental platform for academia and industry (local and international)
  2. To develop knowledge-based enterprises by undertaking research based routes to the development and commercialization of ideas and technologies
  3. To act as a knowledge provider by establishing university research and education infrastructure, applied research laboratory facilities by public bodies at the Technology Park
  4. To be a dynamic business and trading platform for local and international industries
  5. To showcase Pak-China commodities in order to provide impetus to the existing collaborative ventures while simultaneously encouraging new linkages
  6. To act as a wholesale and retail market
  7. To provide Financial support services such as through establishing venture capital entities, regional development agencies and/or banks at the Technology Park
  8. To provide modern e-commerce platform keeping up with latest global trends
  9. To act as an investment and financing platform for novel startups and technologies
  10. To set-up Business Incubators and Business Development Centers, both for male and female entrepreneurs alike.
The proposed Technology Park would be established primarily as a real-estate development entity co-owned by the government of Pakistan/COMSATS Institute of Information Technology and manned by the qualified professionals.

Construction area for Pak-China International Science, Technology, Commercial & Logistic Park is 10,000 kanals
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