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China outpaces Japan, US on patent filings

Wat he said is absolutely true. They just applied for patents that's it ,there is nothing to proud of

we built one of fastest super computers in the world with domestic chips,we sent men to the space and set up spacestation,we explored the bottom of the sea with world class dometically made submersible....what can you be proud of your country?
China's Next Frontier: The Deep Sea

NEWSER) – If you've got a submarine, chances are you're gonna come across a few Chinese flags. Beijing is set to launch a manned submersible on an ultra-deep dive in search of valuable minerals, unseating the US as the leader in the high-stakes world of deep sea exploration. The Jiaolong is expected to dive to 5,000 meters between Hawaii and North America sometime within the next two weeks,

China to Push Past the US in Deep Sea Exploration Race

China Explores a Frontier 2 Miles Deep

When three Chinese scientists plunged to the bottom of the South China Sea in a tiny submarine early this summer, they did more than simply plant their nation’s flag on the dark seabed.

The men, who descended more than two miles in a craft the size of a small truck, also signaled Beijing’s intention to take the lead in exploring remote and inaccessible parts of the ocean floor, which are rich in oil, minerals and other resources that the Chinese would like to mine.

China Explores a Frontier 2 Miles Deep - NYTimes.com
R u really sure wat u talking abt?

off topic: china explored the bottom of the sea ? do u hav proof?

Chinese submersible dives past 5,000 metres for first time

A Chinese mini—submarine dove 5,057 metres Tuesday in the Pacific Ocean as it seeks to claim the title of deepest—diving submersible.

The Jiaolong did not reach the 6,500 metre—depth, set by the Japanese Shinkai submersible in 1989, but its designer said it could eventually dive 7,000 metres. The State Oceanic Administration plans such a dive next year.

The Jiaolong project, which began in 2002, is part of a programme by China to explore the seabed for raw materials.

The Oceanic Administration told Xinhua that Tuesday’s dive of the 8.2—metre—long, 22—ton Jiaolong with three men aboard was a success.

The dive was in international waters in the north—eastern Pacific between Hawaii and North America.

The depth the Jiaolong achieved Tuesday meant that it was capable of reaching more than 70 per cent of the world’s seabeds, Wang Fei, the administration’s deputy director, was quoted as saying. It was also exposed to pressure of 5,000 tons per square metre, Wang said.

Japan and China are among five countries capable of diving to depths greater than 3,500 metres. The others are the United States, France and Russia.



---------- Post added at 11:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

R u really sure wat u talking abt?

off topic: china explored the bottom of the sea ? do u hav proof?

I always know what I m talking about

The Associated Press

A manned Chinese submersible successfully reached its lowest-ever depth Tuesday and can explore more than 70 percent of the world's sea floor,
we built one of fastest super computers in the world with domestic chips,we sent men to the space and set up spacestation,we explored the bottom of the sea with world class dometically made submersible....what can you be proud of your country?

yep you certainly should be pround of your Commie's Republic of Copycats.
you are just a big liar,there so so so...many people from Taiwan in Beijing,in my class there are several,none of them talking like you.
yep you certainly should be pround of your Commie's Republic of Copycats.

Most countries would be proud to be able to do any copies at all. Most countries would fail in buidling up the whole chain of manufacturing to get all part for the copy not to speak of the difficulty to assemble them and make it functioning.
yep you certainly should be pround of your Commie's Republic of Copycats.

1. it's just about no. of patent filings, not patent granted.
2. China becomes the largest sources of junk patent applications.
look at those excited chinese morons

Point no 2 that this gentlemen just made seems to be a real problem. It found a mention even in restrictive Chinese media and it's a Chinese IP lawyer herself is making "junk patent" claims.

Who is making junk patents? Source :- ChinaDaily
“The so-called patent agents are actually little more than makers of junk patents,” said Ms. Guo laughingly. Ms. Guo is a patent agent herself and was a bit tired as she had just returned from a business trip where she had met a handful of clients. ials, and she had to write down several patents on the spot.She told China IP that in one company visit the day before, all technical staff there simply described products to her verbally, without any written mater

Guo seemed helpless over how these patents are produced more “efficiently.” In actual practice, she told our reporter, agents might even go so far as “creating” some innovative features for those soon-to-be-doomed patent applications. “We agents are practically becoming inventors,” she said with self mockery. “However, when we try to tell companies what’s in our mind, they refuse to understand and think we are just looking for money.”

In recent years, China has been moving very fast in the number and speed of patent applications. As Thomson Reuters pointed out in a research report, “China will surpass Japan and the United States in the annual number of patents by 2011.” However, coming at the same time is the corporate and academic opinion that “over 50% or even 80% of Chinese patents are junk.”

“As a patent agent, I’m even more anxious to create valuable patents than corporations are,” Guo said. Usually regarded as a high-income group, patent agents have their bitter complaints.

Supportive Policies Cause Many Junk Patents

To encourage innovation, in recent years local governments have issued incentive policies for patents; setting up funds and offering other preferential treatment. This was effective and China saw a fast increase in the number of patents applied for and granted. Many firms received financial support and tax cuts. However, it has been reported that for many firms the most common motive for the increased patent applications is government support instead of the patents themselves. A marketer with little IP knowledge reported to China IP : “Our company applied for many patents last year to qualify for preferential government policies.” People simply use patents as nothing more than a means to an end. Therefore the patent support policies were dubbed as policies that can be used to make a “quick buck.” In one IP fraud case, a Shanghai swindler helped an enterprise apply for patent for free; the enterprise received a patent certificate while the swindler received a handsome amount of money from the support fund.

You Minjian, lawyer in charge of IP affairs at Co-effort, a Shanghai-based law firm, stated, “The government support policy caused plenty of junk patents and a batch of agents who produce such junk. Service prices of the trade were also dragged down. Now in Shanghai it only costs 4,000 Yuan for an invention. The sum is simply too low for a good patent, which requires time and thought. People just get things done quickly. When you go to defend your rights you will find that too many applications are just junk. But enterprises don’t care, for all they are looking for is some financial interest.”

Presently, this group of patent agents can be described by one word——busy. Every agent has piles of cases at hand and sometimes they are too busy to accept new cases. According to Ma Lianyuan, former president of All-China Patent Agents Association, China has more than 10,000 certificated agents, but no more than 7,000 of them really practice. Statistics from the website of the SIPO showed that some 980,000 applications were fled in China in 2009. So each agent took 140 on average annually, and had to finish one every 2.5 days. The quality can be imagined.

However, due to the amazing number of applicants, patent agency became a trade so hot that more and more firms joined in. Consequently, price cuts became an important competitive means. “Some enterprises, setting eyes on the government fund rather than patent quality, would usually choose agencies of lower price and inferior service,” a Shanghai agent reported, “and enterprises and agencies would bargain fiercely, just like picking up a head of cabbage from the street.” Disorderly market competition also fueled junk patents. Tan Wenye, partner of Anova Law Group said, “In the US, people simply don’t bargain with lawyers, just like patients don’t bargain with doctors. For enterprises, IP is as precious as life to human beings.”

However, enterprises were not the only ones who set eyes on supportive policies. College incentives to patent applications fueled enthusiasm among faculty and students, and scandals of junk patents were staged. Middle school and university students sought extra marks in college entrance and postgraduate exams, and some professors took it as a tool to obtain money. Supported by research funds and workplace subsidies, plenty of patent applications and numerous result-assessment meetings appeared.

Tian Lipu, commissioner of SIPO, said the country’s preferential policies were attractive. The encouragement is a good thing, but it might easily go astray. He believes “junk patents” are a problem at a certain stage of development which can be solved by more refined and scientific administration and the incentives should focus on inventions and international patents.

You Minjian also said, “Government support should focus more on inventions which go global, because they are costly and competitive, and awards should be available for completed inventions.”

Flaws in Patent Examination

The epidemic of junk patents naturally led to finger-pointing at SIPO. The absence of substantive examination on design and utility model applications caused a large number of junk patents under these two categories. The Office has been placing emphasis on revising China’s patent system to curb the problem, and the threshold for designs was raised greatly in the third revision to the Patent Law in 2009.

Apart from an improved system, however, more doubts exist regarding patent examinations. A researcher from a pharmaceutical company told of his personal experience on an online forum. He said, “Following our agent’s suggestions, our lab applied for six patents at the same time. But each carried no substantial difference, all being variations of one technology and only having unnecessary changes on a certain step of the process.” The result was that the applications went to different departments of examination, one to biomedicine, another to biological assessment and still another to material assessment. Four of them were finally rejected with different reasons, one didn’t receive any reply and only one stood the chance of being approved. The researcher couldn’t help asking: why did the applications, almost the same in nature, go to different departments? And why did the examiners have widely different perspectives and gave different reasons of refusal? Ironically, it was only at that point that the researcher understood his agent’s cunning in suggesting six patents simultaneously.

China still lacks high-quality examiners as applications pile up,experts report. Moreover, inadequate assessment and supervision also contributed to the appearance of junk patents. Ruud Peters, CEO of Philips Intellectual Property and Standards, once stated in an interview, “All patent examination organizations hope to get done with all of the backed-up applications. And there is only one way: to go through the process quickly. It means to sacrifice quality and attention for speed, and a decrease in the average quality of patents.”

Anyways, Congratulations to all Chinese!! You got the numbers doesn't really matter how you got it??

90% Taiwan people want to go to mainland China for their development,in the future there will be no people in Taiwan,haha

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

sorry. I can't read those commie-made Characters.

I never heard a Chinese(Taiwanese) can't read Chinese characters,if you are Chinese and grew up in mainland China or Taiwan,you will have no trouble reading both simplified and traditional Chinese,unless you are not Chinese at all.
90% Taiwan people want to go to mainland China for their development,in the future there will be no people in Taiwan,haha

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

I never heard a Chinese(Taiwanese) can't read Chinese characters,if you are Chinese and grew up in mainland China or Taiwan,you will have no trouble reading both simplified and traditional Chinese,unless you are not Chinese at all.

But we don't need those green 台巴子, they better to stay in Taiwan, and stop trying to hang out with our girls.
every country has junk applications,China,Russia,America,does India have no junk applications??how can you be that sure?
Another Interesting fact about Patent filling in China.. Looks like it's domestic patents vs international patents issues.. China files more domestic patent which do not fall under PCT pursuit. Domestic patent fillings seems to have been bumped up by "junk patents" which Chinese IP lawyer talked about in the China daily report.

First, The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an international patent law treaty, concluded in 1970. It provides a unified procedure for filing patent applications to protect inventions in each of its contracting states. A patent application filed under the PCT is called an international application, or PCT application. The bold part is the key PCT is applicable to International patent applications.

Now coming to next part, There are two types of patents fillings that's happening in China

a) Domestic Patents - These are covered/granted by national or regional authority and national laws/practices
b) International Patents - These are covered by PCT and are internationally verified before a patent is granted.

Now to the numbers,

Domestic Patents -

In year 2010, China filled 391,000 domestic patents
source :- China's domestic applications for invention patents up 28% in 2010

International Patents -

In 2010, China filed 12,337 patents under the PCT system.

Source :- China's international patent filings up 56.2%

Conclusion : Chinese mostly filled domestic patents in 2010 - 391,000 Domestic patents against 12,337 PCT certified international patents. Now nobody has issues with the patents filled under PCT system. All the bogus/junk patents were actually domestically filled and formed majority of 391,000 applications and they were duly supported by malpractices in IP Patent filling system in China.
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