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China never intends to challenge US: PLA general

You dont get a bull by locking horns with it. you do by going around it in circles till it tires out.
When talking about mainland-Taiwan-US triangle relationship, one must first $crew all high-morality, such as democracy, peace, etc. If US are truly for peacefulness, why it bombs Libya? If it is truly for democracy, why it let Bahrain authority suppress the democratic movement?

The core is the national interest that talks. China has transformed from US enemy to becoming more and more a US competitor. At the same times, the economic interests of the two countries are increasingly intermingled. It is in US interest to keep Taiwan issue alive, so US can make maximum profit from it, both politically (ideologically), economically and militarily. It can do so, for instance, by selling second-hand arms with exotic price to Taiwan. Everybody knows that a healthy democracy hinges on money, and US is comparatively more and more lacking that “goodies”.

To the best of US interest, Taiwan issue must be kept alive, but must be alive peacefully. This is the challenge to US: war is not in the best interest of US.

To China, Taiwan issue is a pain in the a$$. I wouldn’t be surprised if PLA will resort to force some 50 years ago, but highly doubtful at present time. A barren Taiwan is not in the interest of mainland, because the bleeding of blood can arose time-healed hatred, and economically vanished Taiwan, which pours hundreds of billions financially to mainland, is only a big lose to mainland.

Fortunately, as mainland grows stronger and more influential, Taiwan has been gravitationally attracted to the mainland, and has no way to escape. As time moving forward, the center of gravity will more and more towards mainland. Nobody can stop it, including USA. Just imaging if the sun were growing in its mass, all the planet in this system will eventually melt in the sun. Haven’t you guys heard of trans-Taiwan strait tunnel? Haven’t you guys heard of Trans-Taiwan strait bridge? Given mainland manufacture power, both can be realized. If people of both sides can move freely across the strait, be it legally or illegally, it is more unified than separated.

So time is on mainland side. As long as mainland keeps a low key with an ever stronger army, a better system, the day will come for the peaceful re-unification. And I would be the one in billion people that celebrate the epoch event.
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