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China never intends to challenge US: PLA general

Good point! Why doesn't CS and B address my point that it is China's responsibility to negotiate an agreement with the Taiwanese that they can voluntarily embrace?
Same way your government invaded the South when they didn't embrace your political deals. Pot calling the kettle black.
You're using them as leverage and a political chip to play.

During the last phases of the Civil war, you were in the process of ditching Chiang and the KMT, but after China firmly came down in the Soviet camp, Taiwan became 'an unsinkable aircraft carrier'

The good guy act is wearing thin.

Oh? What are our defence obligations towards Taiwan being used as a political chip for?
Cold War's been over for about 2 decades now and Macarthur has been gone from the US military for almost half a century . I should be more specific, what has the US government done now or in the last decade that has prevented any peaceful and non-coerced plan towards reunification?
The cold war is over, the threat of communism as a competing idealogy is gone, but China remains a strategic competitor and perhaps now the main strategic competitor.

Cold War's been over for about 2 decades now and Macarthur has been gone from the US military for almost half a century . I should be more specific, what has the US government done now or in the last decade that has prevented any peaceful and non-coerced plan towards reunification?

Manipulate public opinion by funding certain sections of Taiwan's political spectrum (*cough* pan green), arms (plural) sells to Taiwan, you know all that good stuff.
Same way your government invaded the South when they didn't embrace your political deals. Pot calling the kettle black.

I actually think that was a just war, fought for a just cause. :(
The cold war is over, the threat of communism as a competing idealogy is gone, but China remains a strategic competitor and perhaps now the main strategic competitor.

Manipulate public opinion by funding certain sections of Taiwan's political spectrum (*cough* pan green), arms (plural) sells to Taiwan, you know all that good stuff.

What evidence is there of the US government funding the pan green coalition/ manipulating Taiwanese media to favor Pan Green?
They pay pundits and talking heads the same way political parties here do.


Report is overwhelmingly more focused on the PRC than on Taiwan. It makes a mention of Taiwan recieving money to help develop its export control system and combat human trafficking. Not sure if that's part of the amount given for legal and political reforms, or if its a seperate expenditure.

No mention of the recipients of the money under 'legal and political reforms' (obviously).

In anycase the report seems to be in line with supporting human rights and democracy (and reforms to the bettering of such ideals) and all that pr rather than a focus on an anti-China campaign. Any clash with China would seem to be incidental due to differing values rather than an intentional and deliberate goal of obtaining Taiwan's independence under this assumption.
Certainly something as politically explosive/sensitive as that wouldn't be stated baldly in a public report considering current relations, but neither can this report be considered evidence of US funding for pro-independence and/or anti PRC parties.
Look people...

We need China... and China needs us so we must try to work together here.... let's put our differences away and just let both our people and your people to have freedom to which they can speak whats in there mind without having the fear of being attacked or kidnapped for christ sakes...

We should be working together to get rid of these terrorist and get Pakistan to be on our side and follow our demands as we are only interested in taking on these terrorist...

Pakistan very well knew where OBL was, and kept that information from us....

I strongley feel, the reason we are not to upset about that is because we can understand what kind of situation you would be if you told us where he was at as Al-Qaeda and Taliban would target Pakistan.

All it takes is corperation here and I feel that we lost that.... China will have to play a key role here for that region to be stable and I feel China will work with us but maybe wants to keep it secert. Thats why Pakistan is following our demands right now.

Lets just resolve this issue for world peace so we can spend our time and money on bigger things like spaceships and building citys in new planets....

Lets first pick which moon to pick from saturn to dump all our nucler waste at.... that sounds like a good idea...

lets create jobs in China to build mass Spaceships, lets be able to regenerate body parts and organs...

I hope China sees the light
Report is overwhelmingly more focused on the PRC than on Taiwan. It makes a mention of Taiwan recieving money to help develop its export control system and combat human trafficking. Not sure if that's part of the amount given for legal and political reforms, or if its a seperate expenditure.

No mention of the recipients of the money under 'legal and political reforms' (obviously).

In anycase the report seems to be in line with supporting human rights and democracy (and reforms to the bettering of such ideals) and all that pr rather than a focus on an anti-China campaign. Any clash with China would seem to be incidental due to differing values rather than an intentional and deliberate goal of obtaining Taiwan's independence under this assumption.
Certainly something as politically explosive/sensitive as that wouldn't be stated baldly in a public report considering current relations, but neither can this report be considered evidence of US funding for pro-independence and/or anti PRC parties.

From what I see on Taiwanese TV (the local chinese station uses clips), the pundits/ activists that advocate formal independence (which would instantly trigger war) and uses the most inflammatory language are the same ones receiving US aid from the organizations listed on the report. It could be a coincidence, if the US didn't have a history of doing these things in other countries in the past. I don't see why the US's China policy would be any different than the programs that were funded to bring down the Soviets.
From what I see on Taiwanese TV (the local chinese station uses clips), the pundits/ activists that advocate formal independence (which would instantly trigger war) and uses the most inflammatory language are the same ones receiving US aid from the organizations listed on the report. It could be a coincidence, if the US didn't have a history of doing these things in other countries in the past. I don't see why the US's China policy would be any different than the programs that were funded to bring down the Soviets.

The thing is, the interest isn't there. The US definitely doesn't want Taiwan to declare formal independence because, as you said, it's highly likely it would instantly trigger war. The status quo serves just fine for everybody involved compared to the likely alternatives.
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