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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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Conquer? :lol: Puerto Rico was given the choice to select, aka vote, for independence or remain a US protectorate. Guess what Puerto Rico is STILL today? Would China care to do the same for Taiwan or Tibet? Mexico? What a mess...Either there is a wall between the two countries where the world will see another spectacular collapse of another country...Or eventually Mexico admit that it cannot survive on its own and might as well be another US state. Canada? It is already another US state -- unofficially...:D

LOL... I'd love to see you tell a Canadian or a Mexican that his country will become a future state of the USA. :azn:
LOL... I'd love to see you tell a Canadian or a Mexican that his country will become a future state of the USA. :azn:

the greed of imperialism. how many more nations will remain under the US boot? US forces have never left a country they have occupied without a war to kick them out. Contrast with how our forces let North Korea have its own independent foreign policy (though wrongly) after the Korean War by withdrawing!
the soviets collapsed not because they were communist but because they were stupid.
Yes...It was stupid to believe that communism would work. No disagreement from me there...:D

the same reason for south vietnam's collapse.
Wrong...South Vietnam felled because of lack of US support. Under the 'Vietnamization' program where SVN would take over the prosecution of the war, the ARVN defeated the NVA in several major battles. Bad enough that even the supposedly 'genius' Giap had to concede that he could not defeat his SVN counterparts. As long as US air and other aid continues, SVN would have held and another 'South Korea' would have emerged.

And in a century, Vietnam will still be firmly under communist party management if it doesn't become a colony of China much as Mexico is the colony of the US. Next time you visit it may be to "Vietnam Province, PRC". It may very well be in your lifetime.
Mexico is an independent country. The only way Viet Nam will be a PRC 'province' is through military conquest. Laos and Cambodia will back Viet Nam in any armed conflict between China and Viet Nam. If Viet Nam fall, so will they and they have no faith in China's benevolence.
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the soviets collapsed not because they were communist but because they were stupid. the same reason for south vietnam's collapse. Shaking hands with the US was a pragmatic choice of the time, times change, US is a backstabbing nation and our leaders knew it, the US got lucky with 1 spineless traitor Jiang in the 90's.

And in a century, Vietnam will still be firmly under communist party management if it doesn't become a colony of China much as Mexico is the colony of the US. Next time you visit it may be to "Vietnam Province, PRC". It may very well be in your lifetime. Vietnam's a great place for investors, unfortunately Vietnamese expats are usually too poor so they need investors from China, both mainland and Taiwan.

With a growing stronger PRC, more hawkish leaders will come out as result, no more spineless cowards. :tup:
LOL... I'd love to see you tell a Canadian or a Mexican that his country will become a future state of the USA. :azn:
You might want to look up a few nationally recognized American comedians who joked about that.
You might want to look up a few nationally recognized American comedians who joked about that.

Yeah buddy it's a JOKE because no one takes it seriously. :D

Sort of like your hilarious idea to replace the United Nations with the "Concert of Democracies". :azn:
Yeah buddy it's a JOKE because no one takes it seriously. :D
A joke would not exist unless there are some truths unacknowledged in the subject. A joke is sometimes necessary to convey those truths in less painful ways. Humor is a serious study.

Sort of like your hilarious idea to replace the United Nations with the "Concert of Democracies". :azn:
NATO is not so hilarious, is it? But of course, since communism has proven to be an utter failure with China embarrassingly clinging to that label, it would not take much to change 'NATO' to something more appropriate.
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China's hawks are true intelligent patriots, and they have less corruption than those doves who are bunch of sellouts and bowing down to their western masters, all the doves can do is to treat their own people badly to please their western masters.
The only way Viet Nam will be a PRC 'province' is through military conquest.

hahahaha..They tried something like this once..
A joke would not exist unless there are some truths unacknowledged in the subject. A joke is sometimes necessary to convey those truths in less painful ways. Humor is a serious study.

You can continue to believe that America will conquer Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and add them as US states.

If you don't mind, I'm going to wait and see. :azn:
hahahaha..They tried something like this once..

Actually, the intention of that war was not to gain land, or for the purposes of conquest, etc.

It was designed to prove that the USSR would not intervene against China. :azn:
The 1979 border conflict wasn't a conquest for Vietnam, but to stop Vietcong to invade the rest of nations in Indo-China.

Actually, the intention of that war was not to gain land, or for the purposes of conquest, etc.

It was designed to prove that the USSR would not intervene against China. :azn:

yeah..yeah..yeah..thats why i said-- something like this..what i meant was there was a war and the result was not favorable for China..
You can continue to believe that America will conquer Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and add them as US states.

If you don't mind, I'm going to wait and see. :azn:
You do that. By the way...Did you expect Europe to unite under a common currency? Probably too young to have (or not have) that expectation. The euro as a unification device may not continue further but it is no doubt a brave attempt to unite a country filled with nation-states that even though they may have warred against each other in history, today they feel the possibility of unity strongly enough to make an attempt.
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