I suspect that it's people with you kind of mindset in Vietnam who have completely misjudged the current geopolitical and econonomics mega trends, thereby lead Vietnam to a developmental cul-de-sac.
The West is on the way down, almost irreversably due to leftist multiculti BS. looking for West as the padrón ally would be long term suicidal for Vietnam.
CHina average IQ of 105 and her sheer size decide, assuming SD=15, that China's >130 high IQ pool would be larger than the US, Japan and the EU combined. Thus provided that the domestic policies are further fine tuned as she has been doing, China would elapse both the US and Japan ( needeless to say the tiny Korea for that matter) in High tech in the long run, granted!
Economicaly, Vietnam can hardly become "another Japan or Korea", due to average IQ unfortunately, and the timing, for the foremr two were the `welfare children` of the West (had enjoyed wrorry-free economic developemnt plan for decades) due to the unique historical Cold War alliance. Yet Vietnam can become a rather wealthy and prosperous nation nonetheless for her size and capacity, if adopts the correct development path. The cash hungry West with its "Marriots men" would strip the current Vietnam´s shirt off in a potential full-on economic "co-op", as it did many times over in S America and SE Asia. Vietnam should forge economic and strategic special relationship with her next door incoming superpower China instead, particularly given the same Confucius culture (for that matter the same with Japan and Korea, who are in China´s current economic `allaince` already, like it or not ). In such a scenario, Vietnam will have abundant tech, finance, knowhow, a text-book development East Asia sample , and a huge end-market right in front of her main door! It is the most efficient way for Vietnam and , as I said, a win-win.