This blurring of the line between partisan ideology and government is politically dangerous.
A 'party' is a human organization with transparent, meaning obvious, ideological and political motivations for all to see. A 'government' is and should be an apolitical structure containing the necessary mechanisms to maintain order in the country. Those mechanisms are institutions like the police departments, the legislature, the judicial system, the regulations that outlines who and how to build roads or inspect food or fixing the sewer system, etc. And the military is a member of this supposedly apolitical structure.
The word 'professional' is problematic for those who have never served in the military. In one perspective, a 'professional' is one who offers his skills to what the highest bidder. There is nothing dishonorable about this. But when it comes to national defense, a truly professional military is one that is apolitical and takes orders from the government, not the political party that is in control of the government.
Example: A civil engineer maybe a Republican in partisan politics, but as long as he is employed by the government as a civil engineer, his actions should be dictated by the laws of physics, not by the ideas that are espoused by the Republican Party. The government said the traffic lights in a neighborhood needs upgrades to compensate for increased population. If the civil engineer decide to do a poor job because the demographics of that neighborhood is largely Democrats, the civil engineer is in violation of the ethics of his profession and of the moral responsibilities he bears as to serve all citizens regardless of ideological credo.
The issue here is that the PLA have no philosophical directive to serve the Chinese people but to be a political enforcement arm of the Chinese Communist Party, which is 'communist' only in name, not in practice. At any time at the party's whims, the PLA could and will act like that Republican civil engineer who endangers lives just because he does not like Democrats in the neighborhood. The Chinese members here do not see this as ANY form of corruption, but those in the West who grew up with continuous reinforcement of the separation of partisan ideology from governmental institutions that are apparently designed to serve all citizens regardless of partisan affiliations, this is corruption of the worst kind.