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China makes NYC look like the 3rd world

that's another fact, same to accident to Chinese Shinkansen train
Build too fast, lack of safety principles cause accidents.

my first is the need of asking for car park lot rent before buying car in Shanghai.
We never want to see a beautiful city ruined by too many sky scrapers and consequences which several guy considered as "modern look".

It's not your concern ,all big cities in the world have traffic and car problems, when you reach this level, say, in a hundred years, you will understand. beside, we are working on solving those cosmopolitan problems.
Joke on the Vietnamese trolling the Chinese but Vietnam much poorer compare to China, surpassed China then troll on the Chinese.
poor them. We should care about them, not richie and bullshit skyscrapers.
That's the job for the American citizens not Chinese. If you wish you can donate your tiny treasure chest to these homeless New Yorkers
That's the job for the American citizens not Chinese. If you wish you can donate your tiny treasure chest to these homeless New Yorkers

Yeah you are nationalism so you don't think as global citizen.
Our people is human-being.

We share the same air, atmosphere, ocean, river ...
Are you kidding yourself, do you really expect those born ingrates to give anything good to others?

Do you know some Chinese billionaire donated to USA hundred millions dollars.
While the poor people q'ty in China larger than total pop of USA. Do they think China has no need to do charity ?
Maybe China misleads the media.
poor them. We should care about them, not richie and bullshit skyscrapers.
PLZ... no one would ever compared china to the nasty VN okay?it's u brainwashed and self-dreaming viets keep comparingthe two countries which always make us laugh.cause VN don't even get to compare with China at all.that was funny, like i said u r quite like those brainwashed north koreans.u can totally trust those silly anti-china news,that's ur business,cause i think u pathetic guys really need sum news like that to comfort yourselves for the pathetic truth of your country.like the chinese r living like hell or china is like hell or sumthing:lol::lol: i can totally understand.but we'll still treat u viets as a funny joke which bring us so much fun.
Are you kidding yourself, do you really expect those born ingrates to give anything good to others?
:lol: certainly not but as you could see he said Vietcongs are World Citizens, human being. Hence the question lol
He's avoiding the question so that tell us something about how giving these ingrates are.
Very impressive for Chinese commentators to be proud of such achievements.

Unlike in Hong Kong, these monuments: cities and skyscrapers was build for the single purpose of attracting foreign tourists and investors. In order to erect these monuments to achieve this goal, your regime do so by forcing their own Han people into homelessness, out of their ancestor's homes and lands and into the mercy of charitable foreigners who consistently raises funds to help millions of homeless Chinese while their government had forsaken them. After evicting people from their homes to the street, they then build spikes underneath bridges to prevent these homeless from sleeping in these beautiful cities build for foreigners.

While China preaches anti-western to its citizens, these hypocritical elites adores western fashions, drink western wines, dine in western cuisines, drives western cars, live in western style homes. They also buys homes in Europe and America, and beg for western businesses to expand their factories in their own lands. To further attract foreign businesses, they passed reforms that would enslave their citizen which forces these people to compete for work under these businesses for up to 20 hours each day at dirt cheap wages without proper labor laws or guidelines.

It is not the foreigners who had enslaved you. It is your own governments and elites who are enslaving you throughout your own history.

China's 5000 years of history = 5000 years of slavery. Be proud...Be every proud.

东亚病夫 it is time to wake up!!!
Very impressive for Chinese commentators to be proud of such achievements.

Unlike in Hong Kong, these monuments: cities and skyscrapers was build for the single purpose of attracting foreign tourists and investors. In order to erect these monuments to achieve this goal, your regime do so by forcing their own Han people into homelessness, out of their ancestor's homes and lands and into the mercy of charitable foreigners who consistently raises funds to help millions of homeless Chinese while their government had forsaken them. After evicting people from their homes to the street, they then build spikes underneath bridges to prevent these homeless from sleeping in these beautiful cities build for foreigners.
View attachment 118074

While China preaches anti-western to its citizens, these hypocritical elites adores western fashions, drink western wines, dine in western cuisines, drives western cars, live in western style homes. They also buys homes in Europe and America, and beg for western businesses to expand their factories in their own lands. To further attract foreign businesses, they passed reforms that would enslave their citizen which forces these people to compete for work under these businesses for up to 20 hours each day at dirt cheap wages without proper labor laws or guidelines.

It is not the foreigners who had enslaved you. It is your own governments and elites who are enslaving you throughout your own history.

China's 5000 years of history = 5000 years of slavery. Be proud...Be every proud.

东亚病夫 it is time to wake up!!!
That is just...:sick:

Thanks for the info.
Very impressive for Chinese commentators to be proud of such achievements.

Unlike in Hong Kong, these monuments: cities and skyscrapers was build for the single purpose of attracting foreign tourists and investors. In order to erect these monuments to achieve this goal, your regime do so by forcing their own Han people into homelessness, out of their ancestor's homes and lands and into the mercy of charitable foreigners who consistently raises funds to help millions of homeless Chinese while their government had forsaken them. After evicting people from their homes to the street, they then build spikes underneath bridges to prevent these homeless from sleeping in these beautiful cities build for foreigners.
View attachment 118074

While China preaches anti-western to its citizens, these hypocritical elites adores western fashions, drink western wines, dine in western cuisines, drives western cars, live in western style homes. They also buys homes in Europe and America, and beg for western businesses to expand their factories in their own lands. To further attract foreign businesses, they passed reforms that would enslave their citizen which forces these people to compete for work under these businesses for up to 20 hours each day at dirt cheap wages without proper labor laws or guidelines.

It is not the foreigners who had enslaved you. It is your own governments and elites who are enslaving you throughout your own history.

China's 5000 years of history = 5000 years of slavery. Be proud...Be every proud.

东亚病夫 it is time to wake up!!!

excellent post, your first post made a milestone

bo xilai wanted to make a difference and he was put in jail for that
Beijing introduces vintage buses to carry passengers back in time

Twelve vintage buses started service Sunday morning in Beijing, bringing passengers to iconic attractions downtown.

Starting near south Beijing's Yongdingmen gate tower, the 15-kilometer-long bus route stretched northward along the city's axis line, passing more than 20 scenic spots including the Temple of Heaven, the Tian'anmen Square, the Forbidden City, among others.

The buses run between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., costing 10 yuan (about 1.6 US dollars) for single journey, and 15 yuan (about 2.4 US dollars) for day trip.

Drivers are dressed in the Chinese Sun Yat-sen style uniform so as to give passengers a sense of nostalgia, while conductors are in blue overshirts which were embroidered with peony.

These buses were modelled after the trams that appeared in Beijing in 1924. They are painted red or green, with the floor of the carriage made of wood and the 28 seats covered with red leather.

Despite their antique appearance, the buses are powered with electricity and equipped with WiFi and air purification facilities.

According to a Mr. Liu with the Yintong investing group who oversaw production of the buses, the carriages are spacious to allow occasional performances such as cross-talks, and promotion of products from famous traditional brands.

Many old citizens in China's capital are quite fond of the trams, known to them as dangdang, with the sound of the bells drivers used as horns helping them recall days past.

The trams stopped service in 1966, 42 years after they were introduced.

Before the Olympics in 2008, the city revamped the historic shopping street at its heart and restored part of the tram services
in KL, there's a free bus service same to above in BJ
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