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China made F-7BGI is ready for export Bangladesh, paint job is done

After reading through this thread, I just got to say one thing:

Bangla dudes, just calm down!

-The guy who asked why you don't get JF-17 was from a cost-benefit analysis perspective. How did anyone find that offensive? After all FC-1 is also a Chinese development.

- F-7 is no doubt a proven air frame and we personally know the deadly potential that the Fishbed's cousin is capable of. The Fishbed protected our skies till this day and despite it having become old more than a decade ago, is a respected fighter jet. However, considering that today's warfare is all about electronics and more efficient designs, the FC-1 would have been like putting a bit more money and then considering a long term investment.

- The YAK-130 is fantastic aircraft and a very capable advanced transition trainer. But considering that you're having single engine modern aircraft and are inducting more, don't you think that a dual engine trainer would be a concern from cost perspective? And if engine is not a concern, then don't you think requesting Russia to offer you MiG-35 (the ones that were participating in MRCA) + the Yak-130s would be a deadly combination? I mean even the Burmese chose one of the latest variants of the MiG-29s.
Let's not fight over Su-30 guys. Don't expect too much. We already operate half a squadron of Mig-29S/UB (for those who believe we have Mig-29SE/UB, you r wrong), we have already developed our technicians for the aircraft and it takes effort. So far I understand, we are probably getting 40 Mig-29SMT (8 Mig-29SMT within 2014 and 32 more by 2021). There is a little chance that we might also get Mig-29M/M2 instead of SMT. You see the main contenders are Mig-29SMT/M/M2 and F-16(block-50/52). Secondary contenders are Su-30 and JAS-39.

Another report suggested that F-16 and JAS-39 are been disqualified for being too expensive (price, weapons pricand availability, avionics, facility). So now there are 2 contenders. Primary Mig-29SMT/M/M2 and Secondary Su-30MK*. This suggests we might endup with both the aircraft. Mig-29SMT/M/M2 as multirole fighter and Su-30 as multirole bomber. We might find the result like: 8 Mig-29SMT by 2014, 16 Mig-29M/M2 by 2019 and 16 Su-30 by 2025.

F-7MB, A-5III, FT-6 will be retired by 2014. F-7BG shall be retired in 2026 and F-7BGI shall remain in service till 2032.

Thanks for the info bro , but this is just unbelievable how its gonna take 15 more years just to get only 30 more planes ? Where russia usa can make aircraft in notime , 13 billion dollar foreign reserve for what ? They need to spend atleast 25 percent from their just lyk how burmies are doing rite now for their military , my point is if u dont know how to fly with suk30 than just get more mig29smt until finish training for suk30, but 8 more will do the job for next couple years , but in 15 years only 30 more planes will definitely not gonna be enough noway , , so i guess its need atleast 1 or 2 squadrons suk30 or whatever immediate just to cope up with any kinda threat
Thanks for the info bro , but this is just unbelievable how its gonna take 15 more years just to get only 30 more planes ? Where russia usa can make aircraft in notime , 13 billion dollar foreign reserve for what ? They need to spend atleast 25 percent from their just lyk how burmies are doing rite now for their military , my point is if u dont know how to fly with suk30 than just get more mig29smt until finish training for suk30, but 8 more will do the job for next couple years , but in 15 years only 30 more planes will definitely not gonna be enough noway , , so i guess its need atleast 1 or 2 squadrons suk30 or whatever immediate just to cope up with any kinda threat

Welcome bro.

Its not Russia or USA, they can deliver those within next 5 years if you pay them... its us, we are still not financially that solvent that we can pay cash for those aircraft and get delivery immediately. You see, we still depend on heavy negotiation, long term loan and barter. For example: we let Russia to invest in the energy (nuclear and other) sector, deep sea mining and as such they have agreed to provide us (@ much reasonable rate) with 16 YAK-130, 40 4+ generation fighter aircraft (possibly Mig-29SMT/M or Su-30) with an option for 16 more, 2 Air search radar, 125 BTR-82A, 6 Mi-171 and better access for Bangladeshi products in Russia. The list above is confirmed by multiple sources. We have already received the 2 radars and 3 Mi-171.

Its not 30 aircraft we are getting by 2025. In fact, by 2025 we are basically modernizing the air force in a manner to defend our skies better than ever before, coping with the world:

1. Radar (2D) - 12 (4 new)
2. Radar (3D) - 4 (new)
3. Combat Datalink
4. Interceptor - F-7BG - 16
5. Multirole Fighter - Mig-29SMT/M/M2 - 48 (40 new)
6. Multirole Bomber - Su-30MK* - 16 (new)
7. Attack/light bomber - F-7BGI - 16 (new)
8. Close air support - Mi-171SH - 12 (6 new)
9. AJT/LIFT/light attack - YAK-130 - 16 (new)
10. Medium Transport - C-130B/E - 8 (4 new)
11. Tactical transport/converted bomber - AN-32C - 3
12. Medium transport Helicopter - Mi-171 - 25 (8 new)
13. VIP Transport Helicopter - Mi-172 - 2
14. Utility Helicopter - UH-1N - 16
15. Primary Trainer - YAK-152/Hongdu L-7/PC-9 - 32 (new)
16. Primary Helicopter trainer - Bell-407 - 8 (new)
17. Primary SAM System - BUK-M1 - ?? (new)
18. Secondery SAM System - LY-60D - 3 Battery (new)
19. Point Defence - FM-90 - 5 Battery (3 new)
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