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China likely to seek explanation from India over terror sponsorship

I thought you were talking about respected list, (well played invoking the topic though)
as far as on topic is concerned - is it even debatable?
I wasn't talking about any 'respected list', that was yet another fine example of one of your countrymen throwing in random, irrelevant arguments when unable to offer counterarguments on the actual topic of discussion. My response to you was specific to the individuals I mentioned in that response, and not a commentary on some random 'list'.
I wasn't talking about any 'respected list', that was yet another fine example of one of your countrymen throwing in random, irrelevant arguments when unable to offer counterarguments on the actual topic of discussion. My response to you was specific to the individuals I mentioned in that response, and not a commentary on some random 'list'.
Ok so on topic, You think China will do as suggested in the ridiculous opening post?
The world has slowly but surely started to see India for what it really is "A terrorist sponsoring country". All of India neighbours are effected one way or the other from this state sponsored terrorism of India. US turns a blind eye because it sees India as a counter weight to China but other countries have started to call spade a spade.
Pakistan should ask China to push the same in the UN. We have provided UN with conclusive evidence of Indian terrorism inside Pakistan, an endorsement from China will help unveil the real face of this Sham of a so called largest democracy of the world.
Please continue. I do not mean to hijack this intellectually stimulating discussion on China pulling India up on terrorism.

In fact I am agog with righteous interest.
Ok so on topic, You think China will do as suggested in the ridiculous opening post?
Between the 2 narratives being thrown around - the Indians claiming Chinese support against Pakistan due to ETIM and the Pakistanis claiming Chinese support against India due to ETIM - the Pakistani narrative (and I use the phrase 'Pakistani narrative' very loosely here since the reports are limited to a handful of Pakistani e-papers that aren't necessarily the most reputable) is the more feasible, for reasons I mentioned on page 1 or 2.
According to details, the Chinese side will seek certain explanations from the Indians about RAW’s funding and training of militants of ETIM at Kunnar, Nuristan, Kandahar and other parts of Afghanistan for not only carrying out terror acts in China’s Xinjiang.

Source: China likely to seek explanation from India over terror sponsorship
How about the Indians demanding an explanation from the Chinese on their full blooded support to terrorists in the North East of India as well as the Maoists/Naxals? They've been up to their dirty tricks since the 50s.

I hope Doval and Co raise this issue during their talks in Delhi.
I wasn't talking about any 'respected list', that was yet another fine example of one of your countrymen throwing in random, irrelevant arguments when unable to offer counterarguments on the actual topic of discussion. My response to you was specific to the individuals I mentioned in that response, and not a commentary on some random 'list'.
Looking back at your entry in the thread, it wasn't on a topic either, rather a lack luster histrionics bashing on media's accuracy of some address. Which btw too is a "throwing in random, irrelevant arguments when unable to offer counterarguments on the actual topic of discussion."
Looking back at your entry in the thread, it wasn't on a topic either, rather a lack luster histrionics bashing on media's accuracy of some address. Which btw too is a "throwing in random, irrelevant arguments when unable to offer counterarguments on the actual topic of discussion."
Indian's have no leg to stand on when it comes to inaccurate, paranoid, conspiracy theory laden propaganda spewed by their media, traits that have been strengthened significantly since the advent of the Modi government. I was merely reminding some Indian posters (who were abusing the Pakistani media) of those truths.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM as far as your on topic narrative is concerned, See you can sell this Indian Boogeyman Syndome to the common Pakistanis, but it's a hardsell for Chinese..... Pashtun TTP - With Salafi/Wahhabi madrasa training working for Hindus against pakistan.... if it looks like duck, quacks like a duck, tastes like a duck (chinese) ... you dont yell it's a COW

Indian's have no leg to stand on when it comes to inaccurate, paranoid, conspiracy theory laden propaganda spewed by their media, traits that have been strengthened significantly since the advent of the Modi government. I was merely reminding some Indian posters (who were abusing the Pakistani media) of those truths.
omg ... that cracked me up... you are lecturing Indians on conspiracy theories on a thread dedicate to Indian terrorism in Pakistan.... ROFL
Fake news:

Indian reports of non-existent Border Action Teams
Indian reports of Pakistani spy pigeons, goats, camels and assorted wildlife
Indian reports of Dawood being protected by super-duper-KOmmando Team
Indian reports of verified Dawood addresses in Pakistan that end up being the addresses of UN Ambassadors and highways
Indian reports of 'former Defence Minister claiming XYZ' by distorting and manipulating actual responses in an interview with a non-native English speaker
etc. etc. etc. ....

Please talk on topic, before going around telling others to talk on topic.

So here goes, this news is fake. And that's that. Have some intellectual honesty.
I'd say piss off the Chinese more. When you guys get hit through Nepal or Asaam in retaliation....may be you'll have your "solid sources"?? :enjoy:

You realize there are over 7 states who want to part ways with India and over 29 separatist movements....if Chinese really came down to it, a few billions thrown in, can turn this situation into inferno. India already has plenty of Hindu religious drama where you are now turning your own minorities against your Hindu elite!!!! This Chinese strategy could add serious issues for you.

I think its time to learn to live, and let others live peacefully too. Time coming soon to call the RAW sector commanders back to India, from Baluchistan, Karachi, China's border cities and Afghanistan???? :tup:

Educate yourself with India, before blabbering nonsense. The news item is hoax. Chinese are in no position to seek explanation from India.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM as far as your on topic narrative is concerned, See you can sell this Indian Boogeyman Syndome to the common Pakistanis, but it's a hardsell for Chinese..... Pashtun TTP - With Salafi/Wahhabi madrasa training working for Hindus against pakistan.... if it looks like duck, quacks like a duck, tastes like a duck (chinese) ... you dont yell it's a COW
It's only a hard-sell for Indians and their apologists. Anyone who's seen the TTP, LeJ and associated groups function understands that these are at their core criminal enterprises with some sections of the leadership giving cover to the criminal enterprise and criminal acts through 'religious sanction'. They engage in murder, drug running, smuggling, kidnapping, extortion - every crime conceivable.

Terrorist groups that have no qualms about massacring innocent children in schools and mosques have no qualms about accepting money and training from so called 'Hindus', even if we were to assume for a moment that Indian intelligence and military institutions are so incompetent that they can't train operatives to pretend to be 'Muslim' (or use Muslim operatives) to interact with these groups, and furthermore are so incompetent that they insist on declaring and 'patenting' their support to said terrorist groups as 'Indian'.

Now, if your mind refuses to open up to the myriad ways in which India can support and work with terrorist groups like the TTP and LeJ against Pakistan, then there's nothing I can do to help you out.
omg ... that cracked me up... you are lecturing Indians on conspiracy theories on a thread dedicate to Indian terrorism in Pakistan.... ROFL
OMG, yes, and perhaps you should go back and reference the Indian history of supporting terrorists in Junagadh, Hyderabad, East Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. etc. It's not as much of a paranoid conspiracy theory as finding Pakistani spy pigeons and Dawood Ibrahim residing on the green-belt on a highway is.
U r speaking out of context and barking at the wrong tree. India is behind terrorism in Pakistan and on the other hand u have general musfraff giving interview saying that ISI supported Afghan,Pakistani militants and other Islamic extremists from different countries.The militants were given free visas,citizenship,accomodation and the rest is history. Some of the militants groups in Pakistan also have links with militants from ISIS AND Boko Harram

what a typical indian sentiment. its so clear you are not only blind but dumb you guys have realized it long ago but now accept the truth which is obviously hurts...
and stop acting like retarted kid India have Terrorist Prime Minister who is supporting Bajrandal RSS and BJP mother of terrorism your traditional hindu organizations spreading terrorism they are not spreading hate and terrorism only in india but Pakistan , Bhutan Nepal SL Bangladesh Afghanistan look at your country clearly divide between race, languages ethinicity color and religion ...suggestion is to build toilet for your people than spending time on PDF..i bet you can make 1 rupee by using proper toilet..
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It's only a hard-sell for Indians and their apologists. Anyone who's seen the TTP, LeJ and associated groups function understands that these are at their core criminal enterprises with some sections of the leadership giving cover to the criminal enterprise and criminal acts through 'religious sanction'. They engage in murder, drug running, smuggling, kidnapping, extortion - every crime conceivable.

man o man: i'll filter the unique in the post. So now Riaz Basra, Malik Ishaq, Akram Lahori, and Ghulam Rasool Shah - founders of LEJ offshoot agency of Sipah-e-Sahaba now are Indian backed...especially for an organisation that has been operating since 1997- when your beloved Angels of Afghan Taliban were in Power.

Wonder why would 5000 people attend the funeral of a Indian agent in sargodha?

Pretty good gap analysis in here - too long though
C'mon...we learn from the best. If Pakistan can survive international isolation, pariah status and admonishment from virtually the entire world, surely we can live through a couple of concocted stories, can't we?

Not really?Why?Because Pakistan or Pakistani People were made from the beginning to survive through any sort of event,Indians on the other hand are kamzor dil k log,the will break in pieces if much strain is applied

Sorry but if you compare us with you,i will call you stupid in public
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