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China likely to seek explanation from India over terror sponsorship

The only 'useless discussion' here is the one Indian's think they'll be having with China about 'joint venture against alleged Pakistani terror networks".

The Chinese already have their 'joint venture against ETIM and terrorism' with Pakistan, with Zarb-e-Azb having driven the overwhelming majority of China focused terror groups into Afghanistan, from where they operate along with the TTP, Islamic State and Baloch terrorists. The shared thread with all these groups is the Afghan government/NDS/ANA refusal to act against them.

So the only 'conversation on cooperation against terrorism' the Chinese will be interested in having with India is one in which India is point blank told to stop supporting the aforementioned terrorist groups through Afghanistan and/or use its influence with the NDS/ANA to force them to end their support for said terrorist groups.

Wrong number obviously, since Indian intelligence was bragging about an address for Dawood Ibrahim that turned out to be the grassy median in a boulevard.

Then again, this is still an improvement over the Indian military arresting and interrogating pigeons and chasing UFO's in the skies above Delhi ...:crazy:

LOL seriously man you guys are well trained to get pleasure out of distress.

Good luck with that
Well said China, China knows India is heavily involved in destablizing Pakistan using proxies in Afghanistan, India is playing a very dangerous game if it continues this path, China is investing heavily in Pakistan and they would protect their interests at all costs.
Wrong number obviously, since Indian intelligence was bragging about an address for Dawood Ibrahim that turned out to be the grassy median in a boulevard.

Then again, this is still an improvement over the Indian military arresting and interrogating pigeons and chasing UFO's in the skies above Delhi ...:crazy:

First try the dozens of terrorists receiving state-funding from ISI/Pak Army and then talk. Doesn't it feel humiliating when your government is told by all state actors to "do more" on terrorism (read " stop incubating them").

And you have mentioned this pigeon story to death by now. Kindly come up with a new story.
Wrong number obviously, since Indian intelligence was bragging about an address for Dawood Ibrahim that turned out to be the grassy median in a boulevard.

Brother its useless arguing with Bhartis, since PHANTOM is programmed in their brains, they will continue to live in denial, Moti jee should be the first one tried, he is responsible for over 2000 deaths alone.
LOL seriously man you guys are well trained to get pleasure out of distress.

Good luck with that
And you lot are well trained to avoid addressing any rational arguments, throwing out nonsensical and irrelevant one-liners as shown in the quote above.

Please do try to actually respond to the points I made.

First try the dozens of terrorists receiving state-funding from ISI/Pak Army and then talk. Doesn't it feel humiliating when your government is told by all state actors to "do more" on terrorism (read " stop incubating them").
I don't have to try anything. The Indian media is full of nonsensical, paranoid propaganda day in and out some examples of which were provided to you, for more, just check the latest Pakistan section of any Indian newspaper. And FYI, we tell those 'State Actors' to shove their nonsense where the son don't shine.

Indians and their apologists love to pull their hair out about 'why oh why does the West keep funneling money, weapons and technology to Pakistan despite these so called admonishments over terrorism' - the answer is simple. The public and private positions are poles apart. Privately the West has a decent understanding of Pakistan's constraints, and has no evidence to support the allegations of State sponsorship of terrorism, which is why the funds and weapons keep flowing.
And you have mentioned this pigeon story to death by now. Kindly come up with a new story.
I did, your security forces are chasing UFO's now, which are probably pigeons ... so unfortunately for India and Indians the pigeon references are going to continue. Perhaps if your security forces and government weren't so 'bird brained' (get the pun?) you wouldn't have to sit around and be ridiculed over the nonsense put out by the Indian media.
The public and private positions are poles apart.

That is precisely the point. Except that you have it in reverse. See Wikileaks cables to understand. While publicly the international community just gently chides Pakistan for "not doing enough" on terrorism, in private conversations/diplomatic cables it is singled out as the biggest proliferator of terrorism in the world.

'why oh why does the West keep funneling money, weapons and technology to Pakistan despite these so called admonishments over terrorism'

Please, you should "receive" whatever help (?!) you can, from wherever you can. Be our guest. We know you need it.
That is precisely the point. Except that you have it in reverse. See Wikileaks cables to understand. While publicly the international community just gently chides Pakistan for "not doing enough" on terrorism, in private conversations/diplomatic cables it is singled out as the biggest proliferator of terrorism in the world.

Please, you should "receive" whatever help (?!) you can, from wherever you can. Be our guest. We know you need it.
The only thing that counts is actual policy, and when it comes to the actual policies of the P5, with respect to Indian 'Bollywood rhona dhona' about alleged Pakistani terrorism, the Indian allegations are relegated for use as toilet paper, as they so richly deserve.

And back to the Indian media's nonsensical and paranoid propaganda about Pakistani UFO, pigeon Kommando Border Action Teams protecting Dawood Ibrahim in his non-existent residence on the grass median of Islamabad's main boulevard ... nothing to say about that I see ...:crazy:

They are model citizens.
The first 2 have not had successful prosecutions against them.

OBL was an illegal alien residing in Pakistan without sanction (even the US has no evidence to support allegations of Pakistani State complicity in OBL's residence in Abbottabad).

Again, throwing out random and irrelevant one-lines to avoid answering hard questions is a tactic Indians have perfected to promote their nonsensical anti-Pakistani propaganda.
Hahahahahah. Pakistani media, fake wikileaks, fake reporters like christina palmer,
fake saudi royal family tipoff, fake chinese explanations lol!

Pakistanis love lapping up such stuff. As long as it keeps them happy and prevents them from going ''non state actor'' im all for such therapy for pakistanis.
Atleast they have replaced circus and get asswhipped by jawans with QUOTE "This is not your bloody area" with use less discussion. Back door both India and China will discuss about Pakistan terror networks and joint venture between the both to stop.

Come on, look at how the Chinese zerg rush your border. All the border guards can do is shriek, "P-please! Get back. Th-this is not your side...w-why are you doing this?"
These ain't Bengali smugglers, kiddo. Indian ***-whipping is solely reserved for helpless civilians.
The only thing that counts is actual policy, and when it comes to the actual policies of the P5, with respect to Indian 'Bollywood rhona dhona' about alleged Pakistani terrorism, the Indian allegations are relegated for use as toilet paper, as they so richly deserve.

Yes, that explains the diplomatic support for Pakistan's claims vis-a-vis any issue regarding India, from Kashmir to terrorism. Btw...where did you gain the insight that P5 policy is to support Pakistan's position on anything, leave alone its status as primary sponsor of terrorists in the world?
Because you are seasoned player here,
lets dive into specifics.

Lets look at individuals one by one.
Do you think Maulana Masood Azhar is a model citizen of Pakistan?
The first 2 have not had successful prosecutions against them.

OBL was an illegal alien residing in Pakistan without sanction (even the US has no evidence to support allegations of Pakistani State complicity in OBL's residence in Abbottabad).

Again, throwing out random and irrelevant one-lines to avoid answering hard questions is a tactic Indians have perfected to promote their nonsensical anti-Pakistani propaganda.
Pakistanis love lapping up such stuff. As long as it keeps them happy and prevents them from going ''non state actor'' im all for such therapy for pakistanis.

Lets be honest, buddy. When it comes to BS, Indians will readily lap it up like a cup of fresh gomutra.
New Delhi: Almost a year ago India came very close to eliminating Dawood Ibrahim, the country's most wanted terrorist and accused in the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, who is being shielded by Pakistan. A team of Indian commandos had infiltrated into Pakistan to hunt Dawood and were all set to execute the highly secret operation before they were asked to not carry out the strike.

Indian intelligence agencies have been trying to trace and nab Dawood ever since he fled to Pakistan more than two decades ago after masterminding the biggest terror strike in the country.

But several attempts at extraditing him have failed over the years. Now explosive details accessed by IBN7 suggests India attempted a daring covert operation to eliminate Dawood on Pakistan's territory.

"An operation was planned in 2013 to eliminate Dawood. Nine agents were selected by RAW for the operations. The operatives were given passports of Sudan, Bangladesh and Nepal. The team was called Super Boys," claimed a source.

For the operation, RAW had sought active support from Israel's Mossad and September 13 was chosen as the date of execution, the source said.

According to the source, "Dawood has been living in Karachi for years and every day he travels from his Clipton Road home to the Defence Housing Society. This was the opportunity the 'Super Boys' chose to utilise. A dargah on the way was chosen as the spot for execution. On September 13, 2013, the nine commandos took positions across the road. The commandos not only knew details of Dawood's car but also had a latest video which exposed his present appearance."

But minutes before the execution, the plan was aborted after a mysterious phone call.

The source, however, did not divulge details about the call, who made it and why the plan was aborted.
India came close to killing Dawood in Karachi, called off operation after a last minute phone call: sources:IBNLive Videos
Macho team names, help from a shadowy intelligence group, and a mysterious phone call, this story has got all of it! Plenty of them out there too.
Is this a season for india to receive bashing from neighbors?

Yesterday PM of Nepal and now china
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