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China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

today world is a mutual-cooperation world, any nation that went up or down will affect others, and with the huge potential power (already and is increasing) like china, that mean the world has no choice but to stick with panda if don't want to be self-suicide!

here once again, this is just show how narrow mind and silly though of your viets! that tell us you know noting about the world geopolitical, you just make your country loosing face to the world by your stupidly! you have to remember in your mind that once china down that mean the whole world will be down, to be good or not, there are will be a bunch of angry nations try to tear your vietnam to pieces if your dare to sabotage their surviving interests from china! ...............................even the u.s! :confused:


Many small nations in Asia don't possess the long term strategic vision, it would be hard to persuade them.

Now we need to cooperate with Russia, since the West is now targeting at Putin, if he is down from the pro-West color revolution, then it gonna also affect us later.
WHAT? These armchair generals are still fighting the next world war based on a BS article making outlandish claims written by a non existent Sorcha Faal???


today world is a mutual-cooperation world, any nation that went up or down will affect others, and with the huge potential power (already and is improving) like china, that mean the world has no choice but to stick with panda if don't want to be self-suicide!

here once again, this is just show how narrow mind and silly though of your viets! that tell us you know noting about the world geopolitical, you just make your country loosing face to the world by your stupidly! you have to remember in your mind that once china down that mean the whole world will be down, to be good or not, there are will be a bunch of angry nations try to tear your vietnam to pieces if your dare to sabotage their surviving interests from china! ...............................even the u.s! :confused:


To justify your point, No need to mark some one stupid. "bwin" has a point, whenever a powerful nation fall it gives opportunity to other country to rise. After fall of UK and japan(as superpower), USA and Russia emerged. After collapse of USSR China emerged.

So his point is right, it may happen after collapse of china Vietnam emerge. Except Russia and Pakistan, china is seen as direct threat by most Asian countries. Unfortunately china is not doing any CBM (Confident building measurement).

If you see recent chinese activity, you can see arrogance in it. We say one proverb "the tree with more fruit lower its branch" means the powerful should be humble. Power comes with responsibility.

I will be happy to see responsible democratic china rather than Bwin's War struck china. War is not solution. There is more place on earth we can co-exist.

Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder
To justify your point, No need to mark some one stupid. "bwin" has a point, whenever a powerful nation fall it gives opportunity to other country to rise. After fall of UK and japan(as superpower), USA and Russia emerged. After collapse of USSR China emerged.

So his point is right, it may happen after collapse of china Vietnam emerge.

Even China was poor in the past, but we always did possess the leadership quality.

The collapse of USSR just provided us a perfect opportunity to assume our rising power.

However, Vietnam was never born with the leadership quality and the natural talent like us, even if we collapse, they would still remain enslaved by US.
Many small nations in Asia don't possess the long term strategic vision, it would be hard to persuade them.

Now we need to cooperate with Russia, since the West is now targeting at Putin, if he is down from the pro-West color revolution, then it gonna also affect us later.

The Viets is only looking for money-making opportunities from the conflicts between USA and CHINA, the self claim of South China Sea is a lame lying that was made up by them to cover for their greedy, there are nothing out there only marines resources, those can make good money especially this time when Vietnam deepen in economic crisis and democracy revolution from the outside, CHINA is clearly a God sake pawn to save someone axx!!!

I feel nauseous when hearing some viets blatant of themselves being robed and invaded bla bla bla like a REAL!!! :sick:
The Viets is only looking for money-making opportunities from the conflicts between USA and CHINA, the self claim of South China Sea is a lame lying that was made up by them to cover for their greedy, there are nothing out there only marines resources, those can make good money especially this time when Vietnam deepen in economic crisis and democracy oppression from the outside, CHINA is clearly a God sake pawn to save someone axx!!!

The survival of Vietnam lies in our hands, but as for now we are not interested to send them to hell.

We need to wait till our RMB to become the common currency in ASEAN, and we will make sure everyone would praise our military campaign against Vietnam and Phillipines.

BTW, i think at that time, they will unconditionally surrender to us.
WW3:what: thats utter BS
and for those who want to cash with the current war like situation(like pakistan) wouldn't mind licking african black a$$ if they provide them some free weapons and Financial aid like they licked American white a$$ for 50 yrs
chinese dont give a damn about indian militia power(a country which fails to provide even basic military gear is planning some robotic warfare and even run space program) they cant even deal with Nepalese...china can take on India whenever and wherever they want..
for russian is it a kind of revenge thing...they just want bring down the US influence from Asia as US brought down theirs during cold war.
The survival of Vietnam lies in our hands, but as for now we are not interested to send them to hell.

We need to wait till our RMB to become the common currency in ASEAN, and we will make sure everyone would praise our military campaign against Vietnam and Phillipines.

BTW, i think at that time, they will unconditionally surrender to us.

Vietnam will be next base for USA in south China sea to counter Chinese aggression its only option they have.

China itself responsible for US presence in South China sea, cause you never behave with your small neighbours
Even China was poor in the past, but we always did possess the leadership quality.

The collapse of USSR just provided us a perfect opportunity to assume our rising power.

However, Vietnam was never born with the leadership quality and the natural talent like us, even we collapse, they would still remain enslaved by US.

thats why I used the word "may" I didn't use "shall". And quoting me please quote complete post.

Partial post of mine shows I am anti china, while last 2 line shows I am not anti china...
The survival of Vietnam lies in our hands, but as for now we are not interested to send them to hell.

We need to wait till our RMB to become the common currency in ASEAN, and we will make sure everyone would praise our military campaign against Vietnam and Phillipines.

BTW, i think at that time, they will unconditionally surrender to us.

Don't want to act like a fanboy, but as I have been observed from the conflicts, I do have more sympathy for the Chinese more than the Viets, fairly say, I would like the Chinese to own and control the disputed waters more than the Filipinos or Vietnamese because of history and the region peace. I just say the truth according to my favor in geopolitical, I don't have any interests in this!

Looking around, people can witness how a bunch of jealous Indian staring to troll from the fight, any fights that related to China will see Indian appear there!!!
Don't want to act like a fanboy, but as I have been observed from the conflicts, I do have more sympathy for the Chinese more than the Viets, fairly say, I would like the Chinese to own and control the disputed waters more than the Filipinos or Vietnamese because of history and the region peace. I just say the truth according to my favor in geopolitical, I don't have any interests in this!

Looking around, people can witness how a bunch of jealous Indian staring to troll from the fight, any fights that related to China will see Indian appear there!!!

We give them the chance to share the natural resources in the SCS, but their greed will eventually ruin them.

Same for Japan and South Korea, these guys simply don't understand their position in the world.
Vietnam will be next base for USA in south China sea to counter Chinese aggression its only option they have.

China itself responsible for US presence in South China sea, cause you never behave with your small neighbours

Brother, Chinese is Famous for Ah Q "spiritual victories", so let them keep barking inorder to hide their coward mind , we heard that for thousands years already (even when they forgot that their ancestors fled to VN and begged for protection during Mogol-Manchu invasion).:blah:

btw: we never allow US base in VN :)
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