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China - J-14 Stealthy Fighter

Max The Boss

Jan 29, 2009
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Any one has latest information about J-14 Stealthy Fighter?
Any one has latest pictures about J-14 Stealthy Fighter?

From 2006 Jane's Defense Weekly publishing different articles regarding J-14 Stealthy Fighter. Some Defense analysts say J-14 Stealthy Fighter will be the most power aircraft of PLA Air force (PLAAF).

From 2006 Defense analysts says China has already launched its next generation stealthy fighter aircraft programme, and Shenyang Aircraft Industry Co. (SAC) has been selected to head research and development of a new fighter for the PLA Air Force (PLAAF).

A Jane's Defense Weekly article regarding J-14 Stealthy Fighter publishes in 2006.

According to the report from Jane's, development of the subsystems including the engine and weapon suite for the next generation fighter, which was codenamed by the Western intelligence as J-XX, has been underway for some time. Images of the concepts show a twin-engine aircraft sharing some design traits with Lockheed Martin's stealthy F/A-22 "Raptor" multirole fighter such as the internal carriage of its weapons.
Not too much public information about the programme is available at the moment. The aircraft, which could be designated as J-14, is still going through initial concept work, the same stage as the USAF Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) programme in the early 1980s, which later led to the F/A-22 Raptor.
As China has developed close ties with Russia's aerospace industry and has license produced many planes of formal Soviet designs, it can be predicted that the J-14 would include some, if not many Russian technologies and designs.
come on, bro, u do not know the way our chinese make new weapons. if we annouce a new weapon, that means the new weapon have already been introduced to our army. now we have annouced j-10, that probably means we are making j-11(like su-27). j-12, what i know is that this model has been canceled。
as to j-14(maybe j-13, only one can be projected into production), I think it is still in R&D process. so in china, if any new weapon is in R&D process, there is no way new information can be issued out.
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Does anyone know will Pakistan go for this beauty of jet J-14 when It comes out fully loaded and roaring to go in air ?

Is there any possiblity of PAF getting these beauties ?
。。。 guys it's just too early to talk about j-14
let's focus and put more attention on j-10B
i think we will see more information about it
This is typical Chinese mentality of doing things!

I say whenever China is ready to export J10, as she just did, it means that China is ready, or very close to be ready to have at least a technology demonstrator, or a prototype of the next gen fighter, call it J14 or JXX. It is simplely because no matter how close Pakistan is to China in defence, don't get me wrong here, China will never sell the most technological advanced fighter she has at a moment for export. Indeed no one in the world does.

And China will never show off her most advanced fighter to the public unless it is already secretly in service for some periods - We always, always hold the best cards close to the chest.

Although we know nothing concrete and reliable on J14 yet, one can always logically expect that it is already there! In fact, given the amount of resources input, one should reasonablely expect 2-3 different types of next gen fighters.

Think about it, China's basic material science has been progressing with leaps and bounds for more than a decade. It is not that hard to make something similar to F22 given huge amount of investment. The only real bottleneck is the engine, if we want it to be a 100% indigenous production. But even that could be solved with time, hopefully very soon.

Chinese 'junk'. No pun intended. ;)

All they can do is re-manufacture at equal or lower spec the technology built by better men. No concept of genuine entrepreneurial innovation but that will boil over soon. One more generation and they'll open up and that's when the sh!t truly hits the fan.

The cynic in me says the West will do whatever it can to prop up their current system as we've accomplished in south Asia with Divide and Rule(Paralyze).

Until then, they'll be peddling copies of Russian copies and our Wal-Mart dreams till the Middle Kingdom comes.
Does anyone know will Pakistan go for this beauty of jet J-14 when It comes out fully loaded and roaring to go in air ?

Is there any possiblity of PAF getting these beauties ?

As far as I am aware, it is fully depending on the dynamics of future air superiority statue quo bwt Pakistan and India. :coffee:
Chinese 'junk'. No pun intended. ;)

All they can do is re-manufacture at equal or lower spec the technology built by better men. No concept of genuine entrepreneurial innovation but that will boil over soon. One more generation and they'll open up and that's when the sh!t truly hits the fan.

The cynic in me says the West will do whatever it can to prop up their current system as we've accomplished in south Asia with Divide and Rule(Paralyze).

Until then, they'll be peddling copies of Russian copies and our Wal-Mart dreams till the Middle Kingdom comes.

No deed to reinvent the wheel if there is one next to you. At least this is how it works in the real world, unless you are truely an interllectural midget. By only selling craps to wall-mart, China has already beaten US hands down in the games of economics and capitalism. I do hope your imagination are sufficient enough to fill in the rest of the picture whenever China decides to choose something extra for breakfast, or can you? :what:
No deed to reinvent the wheel if there is one next to you. At least this is how it works in the real world, unless you are truely an interllectural midget. By only selling craps to wall-mart, China has already beaten US hands down in the games of economics and capitalism. I do hope your imagination are sufficient enough to fill in the rest of the picture whenever China decides to choose something extra for breakfast, or can you? :what:

Praise the party....so you've said and it should be fact. ;)

Reality is different mistress unfortunately for you. This isn't a nationalistic argument, just the way it is. I've noticed certain PDF members sucking the proverbial jock of any ChiCom story/report, but reality betrays them as well. Whens the last time Beijing protected Pakistani sovereignty?

When push comes to shove, your paper military fares really poor.

Again before you take it too personal....opinions are like a$$h0les, everyone has 'em and they usually stink. :enjoy::tongue:
Whens the last time Beijing protected Pakistani sovereignty?

As near as immediately after Mumbai bombing in case your short-term memory has been erased.

Again before you take it too personal....opinions are like a$$h0les, everyone has 'em and they usually stink. :enjoy::tongue:

Your self-referring skill is truly amazing! :tup:
No deed to reinvent the wheel if there is one next to you. At least this is how it works in the real world, unless you are truely an interllectural midget. By only selling craps to wall-mart, China has already beaten US hands down in the games of economics and capitalism. I do hope your imagination are sufficient enough to fill in the rest of the picture whenever China decides to choose something extra for breakfast, or can you? :what:
If that is how the 'real world' works, then China by now should have an equivalent of the F-117. Not necessarily mass production, but just a few flying models with the same RCS values as the US version. Until then, no air force is going to take seriously this mythical Chinese 'stealth' fighter.
Again before you take it too personal....opinions are like a$$h0les, everyone has 'em and they usually stink.

Especially, if it's from a white trash like you.

this mythical Chinese 'stealth' fighter.
China will deliver. You are a ******* fool if China is not developing a stealth fighter.
If that is how the 'real world' works, then China by now should have an equivalent of the F-117. Not necessarily mass production, but just a few flying models with the same RCS values as the US version. Until then, no air force is going to take seriously this mythical Chinese 'stealth' fighter.


What F117? :crazy:

The only notable advanage of F117 is stealth. F117 is retired! The reason for that is that both China and Russia habe already developed radar "signiture"for F117 thus it is not useful as more, as it is not stealth under Chinese defence radar at all!

that was f-117 which hit by a SAM over Serbia.:rofl:

grave yard of f-117 Ladies and gentlemen .f-117 is not stealth at all.:bounce:
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