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"China is the next great country in the world" - Jim Rogers

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there are just tow languages in china mandarin and cantonese...isnt that right?
so you dont need another language to unite your people...you talk as if we've abandon our language...our national anthem is in bengali...and not hindi...we have like 23 official languages...english has wide spread usage because of the ease it brings to cross-country communication...our official documents are done in hindi.

you are right, brother, it seems you know a lot about China.

In fact, China never treat India as enemy,( never in history ,nor now)

But why do your goverment officials all aim at China?
china is going to be the biggest power the world has seen.it's because of the communism they followed.i see socialism as the most pure of all the ways of governing a republic...as it stimulates growth from the base to the apex and not the other way round...india is also a part socialist country like china...in ways we've follwed china along the course of our history...only we've taken the harder part of being a democracy of a billion people...with the kind of literacy we had in 1947....being a democratic rpeublic was always going to be difficult.....it was like removing the teacher from a stuffed classroom of 6yr olds...i see promise in asia.

Communism....no man they are not communist any more...they are totalitarian capitalist system which itself is contradicting...whether they will remain the totalitarian state or move to some other system is to be seen...Human by nature wants to remain free....even gold case cann't make the bird happy....This Is The Main Challenge for China.....

you are right, brother, it seems you know a lot about China.

In fact, China never treat India as enemy,( never in history ,nor now)

But why do your goverment officials all aim at China?

thanks brother...i see india and china toppling the world order...1962 was a blunder.i dont believe that the government officials(barring george fernandez) view china as a threat...but are cautious...and when both india and china are seeing unprecedented growth...why would we destroy our now huge economies in a useless war?
from what i've heard...i think it's just america that views you as a threat to the existing world order...of white leadership..which inevitably would be toppled by asia.
Communism....no man they are not communist any more...they are totalitarian capitalist system which itself is contradicting...whether they will remain the totalitarian state or move to some other system is to be seen...Human by nature wants to remain free....even gold case cann't make the bird happy....This Is The Main Challenge for China.....


the communist system was almost perfect...the one advocated by kalr marx and fredrick engels...it united the populous of a nation and removed all that seperated man from man...like posts...regions...religion...etc...now tha tis beautiful...but it had a major downfall...it removed the feeling of mutual competition which is a fundamental requisite of the human thirst for bettering thy neighbour...and developing in the process.that is what led to the dismal performance of the soviet union in it's later stages....people just cant be satisfied that easily...they want to better their neighbors and colleagues...
china learnt from the soviet union's demise...and invited foreing investments...something for which our industrail base wasnt ready for...and hence you see the china of today....dude their approach might seem a little harsh..but when you start as a nation of almost 80-90% illiterates..who ant even mange their farm-stock properly...you cant give them the power to run their nation...we thought differently...i am sure our leaders were aware that the democratic path for a billion people would be long and treacherous.
thanks brother...i see india and china toppling the world order...1962 was a blunder.i dont believe that the government officials(barring george fernandez) view china as a threat...but are cautious...and when both india and china are seeing unprecedented growth...why would we destroy our now huge economies in a useless war?
from what i've heard...i think it's just america that views you as a threat to the existing world order...of white leadership..which inevitably would be toppled by asia.

You are a wise indian, I wish more people would be like you.
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You are a wise indian, I think more people would be like you.

thanks....and so are you...look beyond what is shown to you...and you'd see friends everywhere...
I have been in this forum for a lone time, but just watch. I come from a chinese inland city. I am so convulsed by some indians. I replied this poster to just tell some indians a truth, that is:
China,chinese goverment, and most of chinese people, never think india is a rival, never, at most only a trouble-maker. because india can never sovle his own problems with his self-proud "democracy",never sovle his own people's destitution and inequity but just snarl "india is a democratic country", and threaten other countries with his very limited army force, but only can threaten. because I never think india can feed a mighty force with very very very poor economy.
If india want to become a great country or a powerful country, i suggest india learn from his god-father: usa, learn usa's mighty economy and self-reflection, not his domecracy.
Indian democracy is not a real democracy, how can india talk about "democracy " so loudly and often but so many indian people even have no right to gorge their stomach?

Democracy is good thing, but if india want to talk about democracy, pls be democratic to indian own people first, especially to their stomaches, do not shame real democracy, democracy is people's right to get better living, not a tool to argue, to fight!
and, voting right does not mean democracy.
God bless indian people!
Really??? are there still people in pakistan who consideres themselves indian..??? Thats a surprise..!!!!!!

The same to u, to india, and to every country.
this poster make no sense.
In a democracy,, really a republic like the USA you have every opinion in the book,,,and with a free press,, lot of news is just written to be sensational,,,but its not the USA policy to hold other countries down, like Pakistan, India or China or even see them as competitiion.if they are better off the world is the better off including the USA....for example if Pakistan has a literacy rate over 50 percent and and percapita GDP of over 2500, it would be a better market for USA products and less inclined to follow Radical Islam,,,a prosperous china and India and Pakistan is a great market for high tech and intelectual american products...

I am of the opinon that China wont survive as a half Communist and Half Capitalist country,,,,sooner or later the stress is going to cause a lot of turmoil and India will be the dominate country, maybe even in the entire world....and we Pakistanis are going to be screwed if we dont get it togather.

I agree with you on China as they have to make a choice between capitalism and communism.
Chinese have determination to study all superior knowledge, tech and culture
from all the world. But we don't lose ourself

India even lost their own monther tongue,
You set english as your offcial language,
how pitty you are!

take your pity away from us . english is not our official language . its hindi .
the reason that we are so interested in english ( as the rest of the world ) is that it is the global communication language . if chinese people will not learn it they will be left behind . but they are learning it . in india english and hindi both are compulsary till 12th grade . india is going to have the largest % of english speaking youth in the near future . unlike china ( rapidly ageing population.)
thanks brother...i see india and china toppling the world order...1962 was a blunder.i dont believe that the government officials(barring george fernandez) view china as a threat...but are cautious...and when both india and china are seeing unprecedented growth...why would we destroy our now huge economies in a useless war?
from what i've heard...i think it's just america that views you as a threat to the existing world order...of white leadership..which inevitably would be toppled by asia.

I think it's just the international media that portraying China and India as adversaries. Look what China and India have done last few years. India recognized Tibet as part of China and China recognized Sikkim as part of India. As Pritosh said "1962 was a blunder". I see great progress in future relationship of India and China. Imagin alomost 40% world population working together. India and China will be world Engine that is going to drive world economy. There is nothing wrong with being prepared for the worst and have strong army.
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I think it's just the international media that portraying China and India as adversaries. Look what China and India have done last few years. India recognized Tibet as part of China and China recognized Sikkim as part of India. As Pritosh said "1962 was a blunder". I see great progress in future relationship of India and China. Imagin alomost 40% world population working together. India and China will be world Engine that is going to drive world economy. There is nothing wrong with being prepared for the worst and have strong army.

China don't want to be the so called great country,
We just want to live a richer and richer life.

Last year, the fat woman prime minister of German said ' coz Chinese begin to drink milk and Indian eat a more meal perday leading the world food price higher'
In western people's mind, Asian people are inferior to them.

so I wish you put less hostility to China
China don't want to be the so called great country,
We just want to live a richer and richer life.

Last year, the fat woman prime minister of German said ' coz Chinese begin to drink milk and Indian eat a more meal perday leading the world food price higher'
In western people's mind, Asian people are inferior to them.

so I wish you put less hostility to China

You have stopped making sense to me now!!! How the hell your statement is related to what I posted. :hitwall::hitwall:
China has made spectacular progress since 1979, no doubt. and all indications point towards the great Chinese civilisation becoming a great nation too.

Of course this opinion is based upon whats known abt china, we don't know much, thats a problem. surely a state controlled media will not let the negative news come out.
take your pity away from us . english is not our official language . its hindi .
the reason that we are so interested in english ( as the rest of the world ) is that it is the global communication language . if chinese people will not learn it they will be left behind . but they are learning it . in india english and hindi both are compulsary till 12th grade . india is going to have the largest % of english speaking youth in the near future . unlike china ( rapidly ageing population.)

"the reason that we are so interested in english ( as the rest of the world ) is that it is the global communication language ."??????????????????????????????
Do not hide indian colonial history!Need other countries' people to remind u?
Yes, english is a global language, but it is good only because of USA's powerful economy, not because of indian former godfather- Uk now, if without economic influence, no one language is better or worse in this world.
so, please think a little deep, and please think a little more about your own country's people living (better or worse), do no just snarl "english is good, democracy is good"
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