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China is already a Superpower

Type 052D

Sep 29, 2012
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Watch and burn enimies of 中華人民共和國! Long live Zhonghua

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Why China rises and the US falls

America needs to really wake up and stop whining. It needs to fix the social political system and economic system. The only way to compete with China over the long term is to have its "EDUCATION" right. Education is the secret to China's long-term sustainable rise. Recently, America was shocked to see how much the American students are falling behind on science, math and writing, while Chinese students excel in those three on international tests. Many in the US realize the challenge but also quickly point out that those Chinese students were from the developed Shanghai area and they have more money and better facilities. Wrong!!! students in Shanghai or Beijing are known to be lousy students who perform a lot worse than those from poorer areas. They have much lower college entrance thresholds, and normally they cannot enter the top Chinese universities. This shows how wrong the US is: it looks at education only by money... while it is the will and love of knowledge that make a people worship education. See BBC Chinese School, or []. Education can make a turnaround within 10-20 years in a person's life, and within 20-50 years in a nation's lot.

America was in shock when it learned that China produced a stealth fighter, the fastest super-computer, longest highway system, longest high-speed rail system, ...all happened within a number of years since its reform started in 1979 when China was a lot worse than Ethiopia or Ecuador.
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No no no, as the leaders of the CCP always say that we are freaking poor.
Not yet but will be. When fully developed it will be 3-4 times stronger than America in every field. economically it will be larger soon, military next and finally innovation maybe or may not. People don't want to go to China to innovate and yet there is nothing Chinese that rules the world. But yes China will be a superpower.
Only Indians claim to be superpower.

We have NEVER claimed to be a superpower.

We never claim to be a superpower. This thread has beeen opened by your fellow CHinese, so stop your rants. Now its the westerners who shout that India and China will be superpowers, it makes sense because huge populations and growing economy will eventually make both a massive powers. Westerners do that so that their companies can come here and invest by showing us these dreams.

Even if Chinese or Indian per capita income might never reach the Americans or european standards but still we will defeat them in every field like engineers, medicine, overall production, investments and military eventually.
This can't be real people, we must have COPIED those buildings from America and put a Chinese flag on it with a video editing software. There's only one super power and that's America the promised land.
Why not?? whats bad with being a superpower.

In China, the word superpower has a lot of negative connotations from the Cold War period.

Why should we care about what happens in Nicaragua or Timbuktu? China's priority is to develop ourselves, not to spread power across the world like "America" does, spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year just to be the "global policeman".
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