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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

Indians have ALWAYS been a slave boy of the white boys, they bloody well enjoy it too. It's the highlight of their entire civilisation. Colonial rule was the greatest years in Indian history, the British civilised the Indian race!
please take your medicine sir your getting worse

Indians have ALWAYS been a slave boy of the white boys, they bloody well enjoy it too. It's the highlight of their entire civilisation. Colonial rule was the greatest years in Indian history, the British civilised the Indian race!

And your still zombie of ccp
Indians have ALWAYS been a slave boy of the white boys, they bloody well enjoy it too. It's the highlight of their entire civilisation. Colonial rule was the greatest years in Indian history, the British civilised the Indian race!

the biggest slave of white boys are chinese women!!!
you should spend some time in the west and see how they worship them!!!! :chilli:
US Navy and Japanese Navy stop Chinese invasion!!

:rolleyes: Oh wait, they didn't....

Chinese ships in disputed waters for 14th straight day

Six Chinese government ships temporarily cruised in the territorial waters of disputed Tokyo-controlled islands on Friday, Japan’s coast guard said.

Four maritime surveillance ships entered the 12-nautical-mile zone around one of the East China Sea islands shortly before noon but moved out nearly two hours later, the coast guard said. It was the 14th straight day that Chinese ships have been in the disputed waters.

They were sailing near Uotsurijima, the main islet of the disputed chain called the Senkaku Islands in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands in China.

Then two fisheries patrol boats cruised within 12 nautical miles of Kubajima, another isle in the chain, for about 30 minutes, the coastguard said.

The six ships remained within 24-nautical-mile “contiguous” waters off either Uotsurijima or Kubajima at 7 p.m., a coast guard official said.

Chinese vessels have moved in and out of what Japan says is its sovereign territory over the last two months, since Tokyo nationalised some of the islands.

As well as the potential mineral reserves to which ownership of the islands grants access, both countries have considerable amounts of national pride at stake in the decades-old spat.

The dispute has hit the huge trade relationship between the two largest economies in the region. Senior representatives from both governments are reportedly readying for a third round of talks on the issue.

the biggest slave of white boys are chinese women!!!
you should spend some time in the west and see how they worship them!!!! :chilli:
LOL at indians worshipping whites so enthusiastically again :rofl:
:lol: Chinese ships in disputed waters: Japan - Channel NewsAsia

TOKYO: Four Chinese government ships cruised into the territorial waters of disputed Tokyo-controlled islands in the East China Sea on Sunday, Japan's coastguard said.

The maritime surveillance vessels entered the 12-nautical-mile zone around Uotsurijima, the main islet in the disputed chain called the Senkaku Islands in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands in China at about noon (0300 GMT).

Chinese vessels have moved in and out of what Japan says is its sovereign territory over the past two months since Tokyo nationalised some of the islands in the group.

On Friday, six Chinese government ships temporarily entered the territorial waters around the same islet, according to the coastguard.

As well as the potential mineral reserves, national pride is at stake in the decades-old spat, which has recently spiked and hit the huge trade relationship between the two biggest economies in the region.

Japan and China are readying for a third round of talks on the issue, but Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is not likely to hold bilateral talks with Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on the sidelines of an Asia-Europe summit in Laos opening on Monday, reports have said.
Senior USA officials report to Clinton: China is ready for war!!!

BusinessMirror - Report warns Clinton: There is military danger in China-Japan islands dispute

THE festering dispute between China and Japan over five uninhabited islands could spin out of control unless the countries improve their communication with each other, according to a confidential report submitted to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week by a delegation of former US officials.

The bipartisan four-person delegation met last week with Japan’s prime minister and China’s vice premier, who is expected to take over as prime minister, and both countries’ foreign ministers.

The US group warns Clinton in its written report that, while neither side wants a confrontation, a mistake or miscalculation could escalate into a military face-off.

Members of the delegation describedtheir findings on the condition of anonymity because their meetings and report are confidential.

Clinton dispatched the mission in an effort to assess ways to reduce mounting tensions in light of Japan’s nationwide elections next year, an imminent leadership change in China and rising nationalist rhetoric in both Asian countries over the islands in the East China Sea. The five islands are called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese. Taiwan, which calls them Diaoyutai, also claims the chain, which is surrounded by undersea oil and natural gas fields.

The members of the delegation, all former national security officials, were Democrats Joseph Nye and James Steinberg and Republicans Richard Armitage and Stephen Hadley.

Clinton sent a bipartisan delegation to signal to China and Japan that both political parties support the US position on the islands so its report would carry weight with whomever wins the US presidential and congressional elections, according to members of the group.

“While the State Department supported and facilitated their travel, they acted in a consultative role for the United States government,” said John Echard, a State Department spokesman. “The individuals were not traveling to mediate regional security issues, but rather listened to perspectives of each side.”

The former US officials met last week with Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and other officials, and are scheduled to meet with Clinton on November 8.

They plan to report to Clinton that surprisingly poor communications and serious misunderstandings between China and Japan increase the risk that the territorial dispute could escalate if their ships collide or there’s some other mishap, delegation members said. Their report says China and Japan need to improve communication at a variety of levels, from heads of state down to the local coast guard commanders whose vessels are patrolling in the vicinity of the islands.

Japan issued a protest last week when four Chinese patrol boats entered the waters near the disputed islands after officials of the two countries met last week in Shanghai in an attempt to improve relations.

In their meetings in both nations, the US delegation members said, they encountered differing reactions from officials and from analysts affiliated with the government toward the American effort to help defuse the dispute.

There also were differing reactions, the members said, to the delegation’s message that the US recognizes Japan’s administrative control of the islands, so it’s bound by Article V of the Japan-US security treaty to consult with Japan “whenever the security of Japan or international peace and security in the Far East is threatened.” Both Clinton and US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta also have made that point.

While some Chinese officials grumbled, Chinese analysts had harsher reactions, with some accusing Japan and the US of trying to overturn the outcome of World War II, according to two of the US members. That, said one delegate, was echoed by what he called rude remarks by Chinese Lieutenant General Ren Hiaquan in Australia this week.

Addressing a high-level military conference in Melbourne, Ren, vice president of the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Military Science, called Japan a former fascist nation that had bombed the northern Australian city of Darwin and said territorial disputes could trigger open war, according to The Australian newspaper and two attendees at the meeting.

Further, the Chinese delegation went sightseeing the next day instead of returning to the conference, said one of the attendees.
Japan had done some much damage to your women and nation that violating some territory once a while wont be enough by big margin.Beating by Japnese in second world war is big blot on your nation
LOL by the end of WW2 we occupied Japanese territories Manchukuo and Taiwan :lol:

Just Manchukuo itself is about the size of india!
LOL by the end of WW2 we occupied Japanese territories Manchukuo and Taiwan :lol:

Just Manchukuo itself is about the size of india!

Even fox start to eat dead lion. When Japnese and you guys were fighting the war face to face you guys performed pathetically. Only after US nuclear attack you gained some ground. Without US and UK help you were big zero in that war.
Even fox start to eat dead lion. When Japnese and you guys were fighting the war face to face you guys performed pathetically. Only after US nuclear attack you gained some ground. Without US and UK help you were big zero in that war.
:rofl: india was still colonized by your Anglo master but China gained massive territory in WW2 and become UNSC P5 member. Now we are so strong 60 years after we are expanding into USA's sphere of influence in East Asia. You are just feeling inferior ;)
:rofl: india was still colonized by your Anglo master but China gained massive territory in WW2 and become UNSC P5 member. Now we are so strong 60 years after we are expanding into USA's sphere of influence in East Asia. You are just feeling inferior ;)

No your sad tale of losing wars did not stop there. You got spanking in Vietnam in same decade when we were busy carving a separate nation from your all weather friend.
No your sad tale of losing wars did not stop there. You got spanking in Vietnam in same decade when we were busy carving a separate nation from your all weather friend.
:lol: you are feeling so inferior now you even worship agent orange sniffers.... they were shafted so badly even their treaty ally USSR stood by and watched in silence as we invaded!

But you are right that 1962 was the most lop-sided war PRC has fought so far!
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