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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

Chine need one more spanking like 1979 it seems. You have bad track record against smaller nations. Remember what japan did you to in second world war. And fighter Viets did to you in 1979.You should stop foul crying and do something actually
LOL at the indian feeling so inferior :lol:

After we deal with Japan, we are taking A&N islands too. Then india will split into many countries.
Keep deluding yourself orange sniffers. Once we are done with Japan then we begin stage two: crushing Vietnam and Philippines with armored tank divisions!

See you have a problem there one Vietnam kick your behead in your war with them you need a armored they don't they can bet you just the same as the Americans they know the terrain and they have earth bunkers and tunnel systems if they still use them and you have to have air superiority on vietnam but help will be coming for vietnam the US i think is going to but even if they can't vietnam can hold you people off with classic guerrilla style tactics and they did it before making the war with them long and bloodly and your country can not afforded it! so that armored division is junk metal if your country attack any country yes including mine why? Well as for us our country is not tank country(archipelago state) you need to cross west Philippine sea to get here and your country has only two landing areas which i am not telling which can defend believe it or not and we have upgrade our artillery pieces from Israel and the US and buying more from the two country and we are upgrading our own tank force and anti tank weapons also so we can pull in our own defense since we switch to territorial defense last year and like the viets we know our country better well it is our country and our environment is ideal for defense warfare and guerrilla warfare but in my country case will just like the Nationalist chinese in world war 2 (man i hate to make comparisons) so we can hold you up conventionally in two to three months until the US arrives which we have MDT with so attack one of us or both you will still lose and lose everything attack countries like mine and the viets you lose your country's status as a world power because your country will be seen as an aggressor and just like Germany or Japan in world war 2 you lose big time and your leaders are not as stupid as you are so going to war is bad for them why do you think they haven't attack yet because they knew if they did again they would be seen as the aggressor hell they your country is seen here as bullies by majority of the worlds nations everybody knows that your current actions piss off a lot of countries in the region alone and leaving others to be suspicious of your country intentions so go a head nuke boy make threats but again please take your meds and look for professional help for you condition
You tried to make us leave with your warship. Remember the spanking we gave you for that? :lol:

Like hell its our EZZ we have every right to be there so you can leave now because even if you post many ship there we can still run circles around any of your ships the only thing you can do is leave or fire on us and if you do you start world war 3 so can take your rust infested ships out of my country EZZ and continental shelf because you people will never have any effective control over the area
Thread Title: Hypepower invades "Japan...

which means the thread was started after Hypepower had invaded.

Thread start date: September 14, 2012

Now it is October 30, 2012 and still the Hypepower is invading.

My question: When will this invasion end? Is the invasion happening over two biggest mainland island of Japan?

My opinion: In whatever way you see it looks like Japan had shown their middle finger to the middle kingdom. No wonder China is Hypepower.
LOL at a bunch of colonized countries feeling so inferior from China's rise. Don't worry, we have enough nukes to wipe all of you. Keep praying for Japan to win..... because you are next :)
LOL at a bunch of colonized countries feeling so inferior from China's rise. Don't worry, we have enough nukes to wipe all of you. Keep praying for Japan to win..... because you are next :)

No you don't.
LOL at a bunch of colonized countries feeling so inferior from China's rise. Don't worry, we have enough nukes to wipe all of you. Keep praying for Japan to win..... because you are next :)

Again and again you need to be reminded that these colonised countries saved you after you were...well...you know what happened.:rofl:
lmao these Chinese trolls are hilarious

Why don't you try to take Guam while your at it?
japan isnt a peice of cake infact i think they are the 4th or 5th strongest country in the world the only thing putting them down is there treaty . They have a strong navy .

The JMSDF is one of the world's largest navies and the second largest navy in Asia. It operates four helicopter destroyers, eight guided-missile destroyers, thirty frigates, six light-frigates and sixteen attack submarines (SSK).

Type 10 (26)
Type 90 (333)
Type 74 (561)

-Ah-1S______________(90 )
-Ah-64D_____________(11 )
-Oh-1_______________(38 )

Mitsubishi F-2____________(82 adet)
-Mitsubishi F-15___________(213)
-F-4 Phantom-II___________(91 )
Again and again you need to be reminded that these colonised countries saved you after you were...well...you know what happened.:rofl:
:lol: indians are so proud of being Anglo's butt-boy. It's the highlight of their entire history.

lmao these Chinese trolls are hilarious

Why don't you try to take Guam while your at it?
;) I didn't say Hawaii.

japan isnt a peice of cake infact i think they are the 4th or 5th strongest country in the world the only thing putting them down is there treaty . They have a strong navy .
They boast about 'strong' navy but can't stop our invasion. :lol:
LOL at a bunch of colonized countries feeling so inferior from China's rise. Don't worry, we have enough nukes to wipe all of you. Keep praying for Japan to win..... because you are next :)

Us feeling inferior to you hahahahaha that's just cheap! and we are still waiting on that nuke nothing really comes if you can't even make a proper copy of something your ripping off from someone else
An invasion is government-backed forces entering a foreign country's territory -- which China has :)

And you haven't answered my question. Why doesn't anybody stop China? Where is mighty US Navy? Where is mighty Japanese Navy?

I dont think China is invading, its just patrolling the disputed waters.

Has China landed Marines on those islands and planted a Chinese flag?
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