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China, India battle for aerospace lead

You don't know what ASR requirement and you never had ASR ,still you went ahead to claim:
Incorrect statement you need not know what is ASR requirement (even if you know) to come to the conclusion I came to. I claimed the need for more thrust is determined by ASR which determines which engine was to be chosen, F2J3 was available at that point of time which can be installed in light bird thus was chosen and within some years order for IN20's was placed because it is the ASR thrust requirement that developers has to match not the vice-versa. Answer me these why would Kaveris FOC would need it to have 20000 lb+ instead of what it has achieved by now (verificable by MOD report), If Kaveri need that much thrust to made it feasible/redeem to install in LCA, and if F2J3 thrust being inadequate to meet the needs propells HAL to order for further developement of a IN20 variant, what does it says about the required ASR needs eh?

Thus your analogy between delivering less thrust and design and being a small bird has no grounds but requirement of thrust has grounds with ASR.

Read these points again,

1. Kaveri was to power LCA delivering in excess of 20000+ lb's of thrust, less was not the 'design goal of the same' and same to match the ASR, refer to any open source articles on kaveri regarding this in Frontier India or Desidoc magazines.
2. When it was known that to certify and qualify LCA with Kaveri will delay the LCA project (right from 90's) A foreign engine was chosen, that day only two engines was available to power LCA for a easy re-trofit with kaveri later, either the RM12 or the F2J3, RM12 has Volvo exclusive IP's and wont be sold without Gripen, only F2J3 was opted for to speed up flight certification process even it did not met full thrust requirements (verificable from the requirement of Kaveri's final requirement) and verificable from the FACT that IN20 developement cost was born by HAL and it was HAL's need that made GE further develope the F2J3 to match the extra need in thrust.

3. IN20's are not installed yet.

The F404-GE-IN20 is a variant of F404-GE-402 engine designed to meet the requirements of the Indian Air Force and Navy for the Tejas, formerly LCA, combat aircraft. Modifications introduced into the -IN20 engine include redundant features and an advanced Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC).

The Indian ADA agency awarded General Electric a $105 million contract in February 2004 for development engineering and production of 17 F404-GE-IN20 engines. The Indian Air Force will take delivery of its first -IN20 engines in 2006. These engines will be used to power low rate (also called limited) production Tejas/LCA aircraft.

I can provide more but lets call it end for now.

Alas! none of the what you said regarding thrust is VERIFICABLE, The simple conclusion we can come to is wait till IN20 gets installed as it is clearly EVIDENT from Kaveris Thrust Goals, TO money PAID by ADA to increase thrust of F2J3 to IN20 standards PROVES the need of more thrust was a requirement by ASR/design requirement and not by myth or fiction.

Should we not ask for ASR from a person who is more knowledge than any person can dream of ?

The definition of more knowledgable than one can be seen from the posts, knowledge is nothing but using strong common sense which you have not displayed so far, your analogy of one has to provide the ASR to put forward his credibility does not ruins the fact you were BS'ing all over from the first page which has been proven wrong without the ASR. :azn:

Who shall I ask for proof, if not from a person who claimed GQASR?

You should yourself see in the mirror on what you stated here is what I claimed, And I have already clarified my points above that applies to the same.

Proven!!! When ???
Care to provide your open sources for every one's benefit instead of Bioler plates?

Again see above I have clarified the points.

You are now carefully hedging your bets on IN20, Smart boy! If GE 404 thrust is not sufficient then a bigger engine will not solve the problem. The problem is called "Installed thrust" not engine thrust, if you know the difference!!Kaveri ? do you want me to comment?

I'm not hedging my bets on IN20 but I'm speculating (Read my last part : its matter of speculation. ) that IF even IN20 gives short thrust due to its non-flat-rated nature (speculation again: specially when PD mentioned IN20 will see through FOC/IOC) Kaveri is there to do the job because the thrust of it will already exceed the design intent (refer to FrontierIndia article on the same).

Regarding Installed thrust and Engine Thrust again refer to what I said above, the thrust of IN20 engines was NEEDED right from first. No reports clarifies that the INSTALLED thrust by F2J3 will see it through IOC/FOC but states the THRUST (INSTALLED OR ENGINE) of IN20 engines wre needed to see through FOC/IOC.

If the very ENGINE thrust of F2J3 is deemed not enough to meet ASR (THUS the need of IN20), How do you expect the INSTALLED thrust of F2J3 will meet ASR? CAN YOU PROVE the gain in INSTALLED thrust of IN20 over F2J3 will NOT be deemed enough to MEET ASR (WHEN IN20 ENGINE THRUST REQUIREMENT WAS LAID OUT BY ADA OVER F2J3) and CAN you PROVE by any means that the INSTALLED thrust of IN20 WILL be less?

The reason I said stop shouting with useless debacles and wait and see what happens or wait till what unfurls next.

See, I mentioned in my previos post, we can discuss India's aerospace prowess "when LCA get IOC or after 15 years" which ever is earliest. You and I seem to agree here ATLEAST :cheers: Till then LCA is myth not fact, OK?

Yes time will tell that, however Aerospace prowess regardless of LCA can be discussed and has been discussed and has been reasonably discussed with whom it matterred the need to be discussed.

Main Entry: myth
Pronunciation: 'mith
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek mythos
1 a : a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon

None of which applies for LCA, Can you bring some proper English in the table please? :D Gramatically and philologically it can be agreed with you that IOC/FOC of LCA is NOT a REALITY YET but a MATTER OF SPECULATION (read speculation again), so is your timeline so stop speculating will ya? :D

I have told you time and again chaps like you will shine like a rocket where your denial and repetitive statements will be taken for granted but will just like a rocket will go away flyingng things in international foras based on logic and not fiction. So far I HAVE NOT TALKED anything on what CAN happen but what HAS happen and what IS TO happen. Any further points is matter of speculation which you are doing all along.
Incorrect statement you need not know what is ASR requirement (even if you know) to come to the conclusion I came to. I claimed the need for more thrust is determined by ASR which determines which engine was to be chosen,
IN20 developement cost was born by HAL and it was HAL's need that made GE further develope the F2J3 to match the extra need in thrust.
I'm not hedging my bets on IN20 but I'm speculating (Read my last part : its matter of speculation. ) that IF even IN20 gives short thrust due to its non-flat-rated nature (speculation again: specially when PD mentioned IN20 will see through FOC/IOC) Kaveri is there to do the job because the thrust of it will already exceed the design intent
What anybody can read from the above statements, You do not know what the ASR are and you assume /speculate that ASR might be this or that after 700 hours of flight test and met with failure. You are again hedging your bets speculating that IN20 will also fail with "installed thrust", for which india paid development cost. Then you went on to fantisize Kaveri will come to the rescue, that to with added bonus of it will already exceed the design intent , again creation of your fertile imagination.

The definition of more knowledgable than one can be seen from the posts, knowledge is nothing but using strong common sense which you have not displayed so far, your analogy of one has to provide the ASR to put forward his credibility does not ruins the fact you were BS'ing all over from the first page which has been proven wrong without the ASR
The defination of knowledgeble come from your claim of this:
As I have told you I know more about Indian defence system than you will ever dream of
Yes time will tell that, however Aerospace prowess regardless of LCA can be discussed and has been discussed and has been reasonably discussed with whom it matterred the need to be discussed.
Then pray tell me why you came here to discuss? if it has been reasonably discussed with whom it matterred the need to be discussed.
Main Entry: myth
Pronunciation: 'mith
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek mythos
1 a : a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon
None of which applies for LCA, Can you bring some proper English in the table please? :D Gramatically and philologically it can be agreed with you that IOC/FOC of LCA is NOT a REALITY YET but a MATTER OF SPECULATION (read speculation again), so is your timeline so stop speculating will ya? :D

The defination of myth for you:
A story about mystical beings, things otherwise impossible to achive in reality that only exist in imagination. Pretty much LCA to me :)
Another quality issues here?

Ravi Sharma

BANGALORE: The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited’s inability to meet revised Naval Staff Qualitative Requirements on the indigenously Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv has made the Navy look overseas. It seeks to acquire a utility helicopter that will perform anti-submarine warfare and communication roles.

The Navy’s decision to send a request for information (RFI) to leading manufacturers, including Bell, Boeing and Eurocopter, has upset HAL officials, who say they have worked overtime to accommodate its specific requirements on this multirole, multicustomer helicopter.

Contract stalled

The Navy, which has eight Dhruvs in its inventory, indicated that it was considering procuring around 60 of them. But, according to HAL sources, the Navy has stalled on signing a contract.

The helicopter to be chosen for the Navy’s surface fleet, including the Godavari class of frigates, will replace some of the Sea Kings, HAL-built Chetaks and Dhruvs, and possibly even the Russian Kamov-25s. The HAL has received the RFI, which, however, does not specify the number of helicopters or the weight class.

The Navy has been unhappy with fleet serviceability of the Dhruv and even complained to the Defence Ministry. Though the HAL has taken steps, including setting up a dedicated maintenance, repair and overhaul facility for helicopters, and brought down the line replacement unit failure rate of the ALH fleet during the first seven months of 2007 to 5.5 per 100 hours of flying, the latest irritant is over the hingeless main rotor’s foldable blades
IAF accuses BEL of supplying poor equipment

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has had enough. On August 31, the deputy chief of Air Staff, Air Marshall NAK Browne, fired a letter to the chairman of Bharat Electronics (BEL), with a copy to the Ministry of Defence (MoD), complaining that BEL is misusing its status as a DPSU to arm-twist the IAF into buying equipment that is substandard, or is developed abroad, with BEL incorrectly claiming ownership.

There goes the aerospace powers.... substandard maaal

In the letter (Air HQ/S 96135/12/2/ASR(TY BM-IV), which has been reviewed by Business Standard, Browne complains, “When BEL equipment fails to meet the IAF’s requirements during field evaluation, the company tries to overturn the rejection by sending representations to MoD.”

The “In all the cases, these representations have been found to be devoid of merit,” the letter points out.

In the purchase of a critical electronic intelligence system (called the Ground Based Mobile Elint System), “BEL imported sizable and critical sub-systems from sub-vendors abroad.”
So the critical subsystem imported and passed as "Indeginous":smokin:

Apparently, BEL was not developing the system, but merely purchasing components, slapping them together, and selling them to IAF.

This became evident when the IAF was evaluating the sub-systems, where air force officers were surprised to find that “most of these sub-systems were demonstrated by OEM representatives and not by BEL.”

That BEL was merely a front for foreign companies like M/s Elisra, Israel, and M/s Indra, Spain was clear from the fact that, “BEL representatives were mere observers and could not participate in the demonstration in any manner.”

“Despite knowing nothing about the equipment,” complains the IAF deputy chief, “letters are being repeatedly sent by BEL to IAF and MoD extolling BEL’s capability to manufacture and support them.”

Well what a fun way of development and Indigenous effort:coffee:.

Read the complete tamasha........from the link have good time of the aerospace powerss:enjoy:

All I can tell is if we respect our enemy and consider them powerful, on the day of the fight we will be better equipped.

Till LCA takes it to the IAF Squadron I will be silent.
But when the sun rises I hope people remains to tell that there was darkness.

Many people misunderstands the aim of the entire LCA project.
Its not just about creating a fighter aircraft alone.

Its just the beginning of self reliance for a nation.

Even if you are the richest one, mastering technology comes with pain and experience. Examples are the NATO dependent middle east oil rich nations w.r.t. defence equipments

The aim is to ensure that dependency on imported defence weapons is reduced. For that India is trying to take things bit by bit. Where ever India is not capable in a particular technology, it imports. But at the same time India ensures that proper research is done into the same so as to replace the imported equipment with a better self made one. Example is Israel 2032 and Indian MMR radar. And this is the Indian concept of maximizing the development and production of weapon system indegeniously.

Unless someone views the LCA & Arjun project from a similar point, all they see will be failures.

Constructive criticism is welcomed but born to criticize is something different.

And after all its daring people who get criticized and criticizers are those who never dares and acts, but watches the match from the gallery.

Many people misunderstands the aim of the entire LCA project.
Its not just about creating a fighter aircraft alone.

Its just the beginning of self reliance for a nation.

Unless someone views the LCA & Arjun project from a similar point, all they see will be failures.

Constructive criticism is welcomed but born to criticize is something different.


In a May 2006 interview, HAL chairman Ashok Baweja had said that the fifth prototype vehicle (PV-5), the trainer prototype, and the first of the eight LSP aircraft would be delivered before the end of 2006. These aircraft will help accelerate the initial operational clearance for the LCA.until on which occasion . It was expected to be inducted into the IAF by the end of 2006, with the LCA's System Design & Development (SDD) phase finally being completed in 2010.[53] Trainer version is under development and the design of the Naval version is complete, and are expected to fly soon. However LSP-1 made its first flight only in April 2007, while the Trainer prototype is yet to be delivered.

Model designations, tail numbers and dates of first flight are shown.

Technology Demonstators (TD):
TD-1 (KH2001) - 4 Jan 2001
TD-2 (KH2002) - 6 June 2002

Prototype Vehicles (PV):
PV-1 (KH2003) - 1 November 2003
PV-2 (KH2004) - 2 December 2005
PV-3 (KH2005) - 2 December 2006 - This is the production variant.
PV-4 - Originally planned to be a Naval variant for carrier operations, but now a second production variant.
PV-5 - Two-seat Trainer variant aircraft.

Naval Prototypes (NP):

NP-1 - Two-seat Naval variant for carrier operations.
NP-2 - Single-seat Naval variant for carrier operations.

Limited Series Production (LSP) aircraft:
Currently, 8 LSP series aircraft are on order.

LSP-1 (KH2011) - 25 April 2007
LSP-2 - Will be the first aircraft to have a radar integrated and will have GE-404 IN20 engine with higher thrust than the GE-404-GE-F2J3.
LSP-3 - Will be the first aircraft to have the MMR and will be close to the IOC standard.
LSP-4 to LSP-8 - Planned to fly by late 2008.

Planned production variants
Tejas – Single-seat fighter for the Indian Air Force.
Tejas Trainer – Two-seat operational conversion trainer for the Indian Air Force.
Tejas Navy – Twin- and single-seat carrier-capable variants for the Indian Navy.

To me a plane which is not on the production line completly why it have so many Varients its waste of the time ant money ...

Any new news about LCA we are in 2008 ?

Sources: HAL Tejas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At last, an LCA order

The long-awaited order from the Indian Air Force for the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) has finally been awarded, HAL chairman, Mr N R Mohanty, announced 27 February at the Asian Aerospace 2002 exhibition.

The Indian Air Force has ordered a limited series production of eight aircraft with delivery of the first one in 2006.

In a further announcement Mohanty went on to say that the Intermediate Jet Trainer, the HJT-36 which will replace the Kiran for Stage II training, will have its first flight by the end of 2002 and is due for delivery in 2004.

Did this LCA enterd into IAF and news about it or what is the serial number of the A/C

Source :At last, an LCA order - Jane's Air Forces News

To me a plane which is not on the production line completly why it have so many Varients its waste of the time ant money ...

Any new news about LCA we are in 2008 ?

Oh I see, mate there is already one LSP-1 flying high, I think you had forgotten to read it in wikipedia.

The varients are several segments of LCA projects which needs to validate the progress of particuler projects.
Since LCA is growing day be day.

You mean adding more and more weight:azn:, What are the DRDO cooking, with underpowerd engine, excessive drag... et ell.

I think someone needs to give some dose of reality to DRDO. It is after all suppose to be Light aircraft.
You mean adding more and more weight:azn:,

Pls provide the source.

No mate, it is too light.

What are the DRDO cooking, with underpowerd engine, excessive drag... et ell.

You are still stuck with those malfunctions. They are not the so gloomy which cause LCA project to get rattle.

I think someone needs to give some dose of reality to DRDO.

Yeah, that is why so many foreign companies are so eager and pledging to collabrate with DRDO as it has achieved a milestone in the form of LCA and associated spin like Su-30MKI.

It is after all suppose to be Light aircraft.

It is still light.
You are still stuck with those malfunctions. They are not the so gloomy which cause LCA project to get rattle.
[Date:01/12/2007 URL: url=http://www.thehindu.com/2007/12/01/stories/2007120156141600.htm]The Hindu : National : Questions over Tejas’ induction[/url]

Not willing to be presented with a fait accompli at a later date, the IAF’s clear message is that as the end user it must be given what it wants and “what was repeatedly promised to it”; and an underpowered Tejas, which has also seen an increase in its basic all up weight, would not meet their requirements

besides lack of installed thrust there were also niggles with the Tejas airframe, which would come up when the ADA expanded the Tejas’ flight test programme and went in for high angle of attack/ high alpha testing, very low speed trails, carefree manoeuvres and other combat related flying. “The Tejas requires aerodynamic fixes.” But this could further increase its all up weight.

Me? No its LCA, which is stuck with those problems. I have not heard of DRDO having done airfame clean up or intake re-design.

Yeah, that is why so many foreign companies are so eager and pledging to collabrate with DRDO as it has achieved a milestone in the form of LCA and associated spin like Su-30MKI.

They see a sitting duck there......for them to feast on "Consultancy", "collaboration", Joint-venture". How can anyone not fall over each other to make a killing???

It is still light.

I belive it still is namesake -LCA:enjoy:
[Date:01/12/2007 URL: url=http://www.thehindu.com/2007/12/01/stories/2007120156141600.htm]The Hindu : National : Questions over Tejas’ induction[/url]

Me? No its LCA, which is stuck with those problems. I have not heard of DRDO having done airfame clean up or intake re-design.

I know about all this nicks in design and thrust, Did I denied that in my previous post? I had just admitted that LCA is in streamline stage and those nicks are not enought to derail it furthur and LCA is fast reaching its IOC stage.

Pls provide me the source which claim that because of those nicks LCA is rattled.

They see a sitting duck there......for them to feast on "Consultancy", "collaboration", Joint-venture".

Oh so this is your problem, why didn’t you told me straight away that you simply like to prejudice LCA and Drdo? then why does all this pretext of light weight, thrust problem, since I can understand your emotional sensitivity with LCA.

Regarding those consultancy, collaboration, joint venture, afterall these elements are the privliages earned by DRDO on global stage.

How can anyone not fall over each other to make a killing???

It is problem with every airforce, hey I don't find it hard to admit it and hence IAF is no exception.

I belive it still is namesake -LCA:enjoy:

But it is world's smallest and lightest versatile fighter plane in the world which has a very low RCS and it will be going to become frontline fighter plane of worlds best airforce that is IAF.

I am pround of DRDO and its invention in the form of LCA
Well when it goes into production for China it will be given a J-number (9 in all likelihood) As I am sure you know the J means something in Chinese. Do you know what it is?
The only aircraft that get a "F" prefix are ones that are independently funded rather than government funded. When the Fc-1 goes into service then it will drop that code and become a J number.
If others are confused that is their problem not mine, as it is fairly simple.

JF-17 Thunder (Pakistan), FC-1 梟龍 (China) bases on Super J-7 (S-7) project, which make replacement of out-dated J-7 (Mig-21 Chinese version).
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