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China ICT (Info Communications Technology) Industry, Infra, Commerce, Exports: News & Discussions

Sharing country achievment is nothing to talk about. But boasting is relevant to many chinese. What most common i hear from chinese is praise their local made stuffs like greatest invention and about to take over the world. See how chinese boast about their super computer superior than U.S . Please do me favor do more research before boasting.

I hear the same crap howe wonderful xiaomi compare with iphone and will over take iphone again and again in where there are chinese. Be humble little bit with that crap.
Samsung used to perceived as Iphone copycat. It takes them alot innovation to build its brand awareness today.

The word copy cat and inspired build on top of existing technology is different things. Windows copy UI designs from Mac. Now not anymore its considered copy cat from mac.

Xiao mi at this point is just copy cat of Iphone even in icons designs. Wonder why it cant launch in U.S.

After all one U.S copy of another U.S is not the point. The point is you chinese boasting like your xiaomi world greatest invention from china when in fact its just blame copy from U.S., nothing uniqued except its cheaper like everything come from china anyway.

Cheap is ok, copy is ok but boasting for cheap and copy cat stuff is look like crap. Almost every country can make smart phone nowday. What innovative xiao mi offer? A qualcom snap dragon or an android os?

Mi provide service, for example, you want an kind of app, they will design it. When you give advice to improve the application, they will listen to you and make changes. This is one point of Mi service.
I think it is inappropriate for any primitive Vietnamese to give unsolicited advice to technologically-advanced Chinese. Vietnam was near the bottom of the world list in USPTO patents with a negligible 10 patents.
China passes France and U.K. for 7th place in USPTO patents

The four largest exporters in the world (e.g. #1 China by using Greater China patents, #2 U.S., #3 Germany, and #4 Japan) are also the four largest USPTO patent holders.

Greater China comprises mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.


Patents granted by the United States for the year 2013.

1. U.S. 147,652 patents
2. Japan 54,170
(Greater China 19,471)
3. Germany 16,605
4. South Korea 15,745
5. Taiwan 12,118
6. Canada 7,272
7. China 6,597
8. France 6,555
9. U.K. 6,551
10. Israel 3,152
11. Italy 2,930
India 2,474
Singapore 857
Hong Kong 756 (Patent office counts Hong Kong as a separate entity)
Russian Federation 432
Brazil 286
Malaysia 230

These countries are sometimes mentioned by the media as the "next China":

Mexico 204
South Africa 181
Poland 113
Thailand 104
Turkey 83
Argentina 80
Greece 70
Chile 57
Ukraine 38
Egypt 34
Philippines 34
Indonesia 15
Vietnam 10
It will increase more accidents and distraction, I feel it is just bad concepts. Why everyone need internet now in car, washroom, refrigeration, underwear, bicycle and what not?
Sharing country achievment is nothing to talk about. But boasting is relevant to many chinese. What most common i hear from chinese is praise their local made stuffs like greatest invention and about to take over the world. See how chinese boast about their super computer superior than U.S . Please do me favor do more research before boasting.

The superccomputer list is published by "Top500" semi-annually and foreign professionals are there to check the validity of the computer functions It is a reputable list of achievement. If they have confirmed a computer to be the no 1 fastest in the world and if a Chinese member posts the news, how can this be a bragging? Or you immense jealousy has surged to the surface again!

You need to educate yourself before continuation of your hatred on our progress!

I think you Chinese need to do more research before boasting your achievment. What are you doing, the U.S is way ahead. Take super computer for example, while you chinese can only increase the processing speed, the U.S is way ahead developing computer with human cpability. Do search for IBM watson and true north.

Everything you Chinese do up till now is not really evolution rather than copy the existing technology and modified to fit your needs. Xiao mi or Alibab all are just copy idea from apple, samsung and ebay.

While many of you chinese make it like the world are paying attention. But not really. The Japan sucessed developed fuel cell car which will change the industry, and industry robot like Asimo like human. The U.S is developed war robot called petman, and laser weapon already.
i think the viets contribution to the humankind is for us human to understand the odd behavior of primitive primate``isnt it?``get lot you filthy viets :D
I guess it will be pure electric driving or at least hybrid.
Full intelligence connection to smartphone, control your car through smartphone from anywhere.
Human voice interface.
smart programming of map, probably self-driving without a driver
Just like today`s smartphones, phone calls are no longer the main function.
Internet cars may focus on internet and information, rather than cars itself..

Isn't this already being done using GPS navigation devices in cars? What will be the key differences?
Lots lots of people have made huge huge amounts of money investing in countless number of fast growing Chinese high-tech companies.


There is so much more yet to come:enjoy:
It will increase more accidents and distraction, I feel it is just bad concepts. Why everyone need internet now in car, washroom, refrigeration, underwear, bicycle and what not?
The same can be said in just about everything. You just need to keep an open mind.
One fine example would be, let's ban all advertisement hoardings, they are also a distraction to drivers when they reveal a semi naked woman in a lingerie advertisement.
You're delusional. Vietnam can't even send a potato into space.

I will show you a video of a Chinese manned launch. I demand you provide video proof of your claimed Vietnamese launch into space. You Vietnamese don't even have a space launch facility.

From the Discovery Channel documentary video, China's Yang Liwei heads into space on Shenzhou 5 in 2003.

Comrade nam is saying a Vietnamese-Chinese American (most likely an anti-VCP 華僑) hitched a ride in an American space shuttle in the 80s.

I think it is inappropriate for any primitive Vietnamese to give unsolicited advice to technologically-advanced Chinese. Vietnam was near the bottom of the world list in USPTO patents with a negligible 10 patents.
China passes France and U.K. for 7th place in USPTO patents
Again, most likely filed by 華僑 living in Vietnam
I guess it will be pure electric driving or at least hybrid.
Full intelligence connection to smartphone, control your car through smartphone from anywhere.
Human voice interface.
smart programming of map, probably self-driving without a driver
Just like today`s smartphones, phone calls are no longer the main function.
Internet cars may focus on internet and information, rather than cars itself..

I found it funny that China would call it a "Internet Car" since it has the same functions as a smartphone . I guess they can't call it a smart car since the name is already taken.

You're delusional. Vietnam can't even send a potato into space.

I will show you a video of a Chinese manned launch. I demand you provide video proof of your claimed Vietnamese launch into space. You Vietnamese don't even have a space launch facility.

From the Discovery Channel documentary video, China's Yang Liwei heads into space on Shenzhou 5 in 2003.

Are some people this close minded and ignorant...


Phạm Tuân (born February 14, 1947) is a retired Vietnam Air Force aviator. He became the first Vietnamese citizen and the first Asian in space when he flew aboard the Soyuz 37 mission as an Intercosmos Research Cosmonaut.

Launch of VINASAT 2
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