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China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

Agreed。The increase in land value that a new HSR brings alone is more than enough to pay for the cost of construction。Since all land belongs to the State in China,a state-owned HSR operating at a nominal loss is subsidized by state revenues from other avenues such as land sales、increased tax collection from an expanded GDP etc。From one pocket to the other so to speak。The same can't be said about India where land is mostly privately owned and the State gets very little from inflated land prices along an HSR corridor。Private land owners win all。:D

石狮和动车卢沟桥畔历史与未来的对话 - 行业 - 人民铁道网 - 中国官方铁路门户

A conversation between rock lions and bullet trains by Lugou Bridge
about history and future




  6月初的夏日阳光直射在卢沟桥上。记者踏着凹凸不平的石砌路,细细瞅着路上深深浅浅的车辙,马蹄的嗒嗒声、车轮转动的吱扭声混着人声、脚步声,仿佛隔空突然在耳畔响起——那是 《帝京景物略》中卢沟桥上清明上河图般的韵致,那是马可·波罗在自己的游记中描摹的熙熙攘攘、热闹非凡的场景。

  “有的侧身转首,两两相对,好像在交谈;有的在抚育狮儿,好像在轻轻呼唤;桥南边东部有一只石狮,高竖起一只耳朵,好似在倾听着桥下潺潺的流水和过往行人的说话……真是千姿百态,神情活现。”这是中国著名古建筑学家罗哲文在 《名闻中外的卢沟桥》一文中对卢沟桥上的狮子的精彩描摹,也是穿越数百年历史烟云之后,记者、游客眼中如今的卢沟桥石狮。

  在人们的日常惯性认知中,石桥、石狮的印象叠加,就等于 “卢沟桥”3个字。在一项国外的旅游调查中显示,北京认知度最高的前5个旅游景点,卢沟桥便名列其中。

  而对于中国人而言, “卢沟桥”3个字组合而成的名词,如果仅仅代表着一个旅游景点,就显得太过简单了。无论是谁,一提起卢沟桥都会立刻联想起中国近代那一段惊心动魄、刻骨铭心的历史——1937年7月7日,日本侵略者在这里制造了震惊中外的卢沟桥事变(亦称七七事变)。七七事变成为中国全民族抗战的开端,也由此开辟了世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场。





Lugou Bridge (Marco Polo Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Marco Polo Bridge Incident, also known as the Lugouqiao (Lugou Bridge) Incident (盧溝橋事變) or the July 7th Incident (七七事變), was a battle between the Republic of China's National Revolutionary Army and the Imperial Japanese Army, often used as the marker for the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945).
屏幕快照 2015-06-08 14.37.20.png
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CRRC hits the track running as stock breaks daily limit


CRRC Corp, the rail equipment manufacturing behemoth formed after the merger of China North Railway and China South Railway, jumped to a halt on its first trading day at the Shanghai bourse.

The company surged by the daily limit of 10 percent to 32.4 yuan in Shanghai, while its H-shares gained 6.1 percent as of 10:30 am.

The listing will serve as a starting point for the CRRC to deepen its technology innovation and build world leadership, said Cui Dianguo, chairman of the CRRC.

The stock began trading in Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges on Monday under CSR's tickers after a lengthy trading suspension.

The CNR and the CSR rallied nearly 3.65 and 4.08 times after the merging announcement on Dec 31 last year and was suspended from trading since May 7.

The CNR's stocks were delisted as scheduled from the both markets and included into the CSR, whose stocks were renamed CRRC. The listing completes the merger between the country's high-speed train maker giants.

According to the merger plan, the CRRC will focus on overseas industrial distribution and management.

Experts said that the merger will help the trainmakers become more competitive against rivals, including France-based Alstom SA, Canada-based Bombardier Inc and Germany-based Siemens AG.

According to CSR, nearly 20 countries, including the UK and Thailand, plan to build high-speed railways representing total investment exceeding $800 billion.
CRRC hits the track running as stock breaks daily limit


CRRC Corp, the rail equipment manufacturing behemoth formed after the merger of China North Railway and China South Railway, jumped to a halt on its first trading day at the Shanghai bourse.

The company surged by the daily limit of 10 percent to 32.4 yuan in Shanghai, while its H-shares gained 6.1 percent as of 10:30 am.

The listing will serve as a starting point for the CRRC to deepen its technology innovation and build world leadership, said Cui Dianguo, chairman of the CRRC.

The stock began trading in Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges on Monday under CSR's tickers after a lengthy trading suspension.

The CNR and the CSR rallied nearly 3.65 and 4.08 times after the merging announcement on Dec 31 last year and was suspended from trading since May 7.

The CNR's stocks were delisted as scheduled from the both markets and included into the CSR, whose stocks were renamed CRRC. The listing completes the merger between the country's high-speed train maker giants.

According to the merger plan, the CRRC will focus on overseas industrial distribution and management.

Experts said that the merger will help the trainmakers become more competitive against rivals, including France-based Alstom SA, Canada-based Bombardier Inc and Germany-based Siemens AG.

According to CSR, nearly 20 countries, including the UK and Thailand, plan to build high-speed railways representing total investment exceeding $800 billion.

The market cap of CRRC is now probably more than the rail businesses of Alstom、Siemens and Bombardier combined。:hitwall::D
CRRC hits the track running as stock breaks daily limit


CRRC Corp, the rail equipment manufacturing behemoth formed after the merger of China North Railway and China South Railway, jumped to a halt on its first trading day at the Shanghai bourse.

The company surged by the daily limit of 10 percent to 32.4 yuan in Shanghai, while its H-shares gained 6.1 percent as of 10:30 am.

The listing will serve as a starting point for the CRRC to deepen its technology innovation and build world leadership, said Cui Dianguo, chairman of the CRRC.

The stock began trading in Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges on Monday under CSR's tickers after a lengthy trading suspension.

The CNR and the CSR rallied nearly 3.65 and 4.08 times after the merging announcement on Dec 31 last year and was suspended from trading since May 7.

The CNR's stocks were delisted as scheduled from the both markets and included into the CSR, whose stocks were renamed CRRC. The listing completes the merger between the country's high-speed train maker giants.

According to the merger plan, the CRRC will focus on overseas industrial distribution and management.

Experts said that the merger will help the trainmakers become more competitive against rivals, including France-based Alstom SA, Canada-based Bombardier Inc and Germany-based Siemens AG.

According to CSR, nearly 20 countries, including the UK and Thailand, plan to build high-speed railways representing total investment exceeding $800 billion.
I'm crying... I should have bought it!
The market cap of CRRC is now probably more than the rail businesses of Alstom、Siemens and Bombardier combined。:hitwall::D
We will see more export in 2016, metro, DMU, EMU, locomotives, tramway, etc.
Now CRRC is focusing on intercity EMU, 160-250kph, not just for domestic intercity market but also intercity systems abroad.
. . .
We will see more export in 2016, metro, DMU, EMU, locomotives, tramway, etc.
Now CRRC is focusing on intercity EMU, 160-250kph, not just for domestic intercity market but also intercity systems abroad.
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Only political consideration can now stop CRRC from buying out the rail assets of Siemens、Bombardier and Alstom。If possible,CRRC should buy all three and gradually wind down the businesses,save the technology departments for softenning the blow to job losses。:D

New EMU built in conformity with the new CRH Design Code。:D
Beijing-Guangzhou Railway:
yesterday and today

南方周末 - 老京广铁路的影像记忆

After Japanese bombing, workers were busy repairing tracks.
Taken in 1938


Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan, the first bridge over Yangtze River, finished in 1957, connected the northern section and southern section of Beijing-Guangzhou Railway together for the first time.

Railway workers were repairing Baoding section which was destroyed by flood.
Taken in 1960s

In 1988, the double line project was finally finished.

A railway attendant was serving hot water in hard seat carriage.

In 1997, Beijing-Guangzhou railway was sped up to 160km/h.
Train 42, Shijiazhuang Station

In 2007, after the sixth round of Speed-up Campaign,
some sections of Beijing-Guangzhou Railway allowed 250 km/h.
_MG_4969 .jpg

2 years later, Wuhan-Guangzhou(southern section) HSR was opened. In 2012, Beijing-Guangzhou HSR was opened. Hong Kong section is estimated to operate in 2017.
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Wow, those conflicts and combat have been settled? Like those pro-HSR demonstrations in Dengzhou City vs Nanyang?

This is a unique trait of socialism with Chinese characteristics。:azn:

China is the ONLY country in the world that is capable of solving such complex problems in a speedy and fair manner。

Kudos to the Chinese system!:enjoy:
This is a unique trait of socialism with Chinese characteristics。:azn:

China is the ONLY country in the world that is capable of solving such complex problems in a speedy and fair manner。

Kudos to the Chinese system!:enjoy:
I will cry for the city which cannot be connected by this proposed new HSR, it means we don't have enough lines! Plan more, both trunk routes and short routes!
. .
I will cry for the city which cannot be connected by this proposed new HSR, it means we don't have enough lines! Plan more, both trunk routes and short routes!
Yes, China needs to spread out all the new cars people bought. Cannot be too concentrated in the Eastern part of China.

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