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China getting wary of allies

In an article where the influence of US increases in the China's traditional allies, he brought up India out of no where, I assume the Indian rabbit is always in the Pakistani hat, and the only trick (or answer) they seem to provide for any question.

He can be certified as mentally dysfunctional with his statement about India-US alliance, we ar such a good allies that we have to buy Soviet hardware for decades.

LOL so you say
He can be certified as mentally dysfunctional with his statement about India-US alliance, we are such a good allies that we have to buy Soviet hardware for decades
yet your Indian counterparts are celebrating his blog at the same time so which one is it he is a retard or your country men are so desperate that they have taken a blog and ran with it.
I agree with you. As a raising power China made greater inroads in places like Africa and Middle East but unfortunately in spite of its stated stand of benign power, the sphere of influence in Asia is stagnant. The traditional alliances did not yield any diplomatic, military or economic returns. But one has to learn from China with its ability to trade with non-allies and keep the economic engine running.

Funny if one was to look at Chinese foreign policy no where china is trying to become a military power its more interested in becoming a economic power so i cant see how you can say there alliance hasn't given them the economic clout.
The article contains some grain of truth. China is having major problems with Burma right now. Everything is still normal with Pakistan and North Korea though.

The problem with Burma is that they underwent some kind of subtle internal political change, and are much more pro-Western now then 5 years ago. Now they are not a reliable ally. We're not even sure if we can put our pipeline through Burma like we wanted to. Lately they've even said they wanted to join USA for military exercises.

Most likely China will need to stop our favorable trading policies with Burma if they get too close with the US. They can start paying for market prices for everything. Then they will see how generous USA really is!

Burma is also very wary of india on their border, so they need China to balance india as well.
^^^ So far I read/understand, India played a key role for Myanmer's policy change tilting towards west.
Hmmmn, China gets vary of her allies. I can't speak for Myanmar or NK, but come to the streets of Pakistan and see how much love we have for the United States; ask an average Pakistani, if you will. Whereas China truly enjoys a special place in the hearts of Pakistanis, in fact, never mind the saner majority, even those Jihadi types have a soft spot for China.
China has itself to blame, for all this.

All of allies of USA become rich ..... Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand etc etc etc.
USA is the biggest destination for exports for all these countries.

Who-ever tried to align with China, got impoverished .... North Korea, Pakistan, Myanmar !!!
China used these economies as source of raw materials, and was detrimental to the growth of their own economies.

The funny things is.. China itself was poor before it aligned itself with USA (post-Nixon).
And USA even made China economically better.

It doesn't need a high "IQ" to see, why all countries want to align with USA, and hang up on China (undoing their earlier mistake).

Logic FAIL.

All those countries you mentioned (except for Thailand, which is NOT rich by any stretch of imagination), have an underlying Confucian culture - that's what makes them successful, not being US allies.

Why is “Confucian Culture” so wildly successful?
Logic FAIL.

All those countries you mentioned (except for Thailand, which is NOT rich by any stretch of imagination), have an underlying Confucian culture - that's what makes them successful, not being US allies.

Why is “Confucian Culture” so wildly successful?

Sorry, too lazy to read your link ... .but who said Confucius was bad.

In fact, Confucius is easily included in the club of histories great people - Buddha, Plato, Aristotle...

It's CPC govt in PRC, which has destructive tendencies .... not really seen anywhere in the world since Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.

The sooner China gets rid of CPC .... the better it will be for the chinese ... and for the rest of the world.

Even the "economy" that they are making .... is put out as the "biggest bomb" they have in their arsenal.

Hope sanity prevails .... Economic Growth is for well-being of the people .... it's not a "bomb" that you need to hold out. Dumbos.
The article contains some grain of truth. China is having major problems with Burma right now. Everything is still normal with Pakistan and North Korea though.

The problem with Burma is that they underwent some kind of subtle internal political change, and are much more pro-Western now then 5 years ago. Now they are not a reliable ally. We're not even sure if we can put our pipeline through Burma like we wanted to. Lately they've even said they wanted to join USA for military exercises.

Most likely China will need to stop our favorable trading policies with Burma if they get too close with the US. They can start paying for market prices for everything. Then they will see how generous USA really is!

Burma is also very wary of india on their border, so they need China to balance india as well.

Favorable trading policies? HAha...thanks for the laugh....China uses Bruma for its resources, plain and simple and then you flood their population with your products....if anything....China is given the favorable treatment....about time if you ask me for th Burmese to start looking after their own interests rather than be puppets to anyone...
Its no use. I am sorry to say Pakistan has now become a new colony of China its true, all I see is pakistanis embracing chinese. Chinese I met at my University dont know where pakistan is on map some even say they are harbouring terrorists :D Dont get me wrong but chinese members here are a bit too much inclined in being an ally of pakistan even though most of you dont even know where your closest ally is on map.
Chinese are getting wared agreed they are surrounded by US. Burma is inclining towards India. and well NK we all know whats happening there.... Remains pakistan where its people have fallen to such an extent that children are learning chinese as their national language. But uncertainty of Pakistan remaining as a country is currently in question isnt it tell me if wrong? we all can agree Iran, Afghanistan both hate Pakistan. India we all know. China I think its only arms sale. Only Pakistan is the buyer of Chinese arms. China in return doesnt get anything valuable in return. So yes they need to be wary. Hey I am not trolling just stating the known and dont bring nationalist fanatics quoting my comment
The article contains some grain of truth. China is having major problems with Burma right now. Everything is still normal with Pakistan and North Korea though.

The problem with Burma is that they underwent some kind of subtle internal political change, and are much more pro-Western now then 5 years ago. Now they are not a reliable ally. We're not even sure if we can put our pipeline through Burma like we wanted to. Lately they've even said they wanted to join USA for military exercises.

Most likely China will need to stop our favorable trading policies with Burma if they get too close with the US. They can start paying for market prices for everything. Then they will see how generous USA really is!

Burma is also very wary of india on their border, so they need China to balance india as well.
Best analysis of this editorial that I've read. Too many people with an anti-China fetish incorrectly assume that every editorial and opinion piece is automatically the creation of some kind of top-down directive by the all knowing, all seeing, all controlling, all powerful so-called Red China machine. I find this childish viewpoint to be quite entertaining. Reminds me of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. LOL
Its no use. I am sorry to say Pakistan has now become a new colony of China its true, all I see is pakistanis embracing chinese. Chinese I met at my University dont know where pakistan is on map some even say they are harbouring terrorists :D Dont get me wrong but chinese members here are a bit too much inclined in being an ally of pakistan even though most of you dont even know where your closest ally is on map.
Chinese are getting wared agreed they are surrounded by US. Burma is inclining towards India. and well NK we all know whats happening there.... Remains pakistan where its people have fallen to such an extent that children are learning chinese as their national language. But uncertainty of Pakistan remaining as a country is currently in question isnt it tell me if wrong? we all can agree Iran, Afghanistan both hate Pakistan. India we all know. China I think its only arms sale. Only Pakistan is the buyer of Chinese arms. China in return doesnt get anything valuable in return. So yes they need to be wary. Hey I am not trolling just stating the known and dont bring nationalist fanatics quoting my comment

No it's not we have no bases in Pakistan. a chinese you have met in your university ? Burma needs both the USA and us. actually Pakistan has strategic value to us we have invested in their port.

---------- Post added at 04:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

Best analysis of this editorial that I've read. Too many people with an anti-China fetish incorrectly assume that every editorial and opinion piece is automatically the creation of some kind of top-down directive by the all knowing, all seeing, all controlling, all powerful so-called Red China machine. I find this childish viewpoint to be quite entertaining. Reminds me of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. LOL

Hit the Nail on the head.
Its no use. I am sorry to say Pakistan has now become a new colony of China its true, all I see is pakistanis embracing chinese. Chinese I met at my University dont know where pakistan is on map some even say they are harbouring terrorists :D Dont get me wrong but chinese members here are a bit too much inclined in being an ally of pakistan even though most of you dont even know where your closest ally is on map.
Chinese are getting wared agreed they are surrounded by US. Burma is inclining towards India. and well NK we all know whats happening there.... Remains pakistan where its people have fallen to such an extent that children are learning chinese as their national language. But uncertainty of Pakistan remaining as a country is currently in question isnt it tell me if wrong? we all can agree Iran, Afghanistan both hate Pakistan. India we all know. China I think its only arms sale. Only Pakistan is the buyer of Chinese arms. China in return doesnt get anything valuable in return. So yes they need to be wary. Hey I am not trolling just stating the known and dont bring nationalist fanatics quoting my comment

using your logic, here is my reasoning:
EU has been US colonies for decaces. where people learn english as their mother language. european companies must beg US for export licenses even though they are able to do that! so Eu a new colony of USA.
EU and India hate Pakistan not because Pakistan is bad, but because EU wants to support India and help india to counter Pakistan and china. it turns out Eu is too evil to be trusted.
Best analysis of this editorial that I've read. Too many people with an anti-China fetish incorrectly assume that every editorial and opinion piece is automatically the creation of some kind of top-down directive by the all knowing, all seeing, all controlling, all powerful so-called Red China machine. I find this childish viewpoint to be quite entertaining. Reminds me of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. LOL


This article is only an opinion blog not the official line of CPC.

Last December, NATO aircraft and helicopter gunships attacked two Pakistani border posts. Some believe the attack served as warning to China's neighbor countries to remind them who they should be friends with.

Is somebody taking heed recently? Pakistan? Iran? Syria? More attacks are required for these countries to understand; may be they will never understand.

On the other hand, strained relations with Myanmar also indicate that Sittwe-Kunming oil pipeline's future is in jeopardy. This increases the strategic importance of Pakistan and need to develop IPC pipeline urgently.
Thailand, Singapore, south Korea, and japan all of them got money poured into their country from western states for a decades. China have to openly earned their economic from scratch to now. India got money pour into their country since they slavery to Britain, but they still impoverish country. They economic now is photocopy China from A-Z, if we observation over and over their economics is copy exactly from China. From cheap labor to a peaceful rising power country. If they said they does not copy china from A-Z, we can laugh out loud now.
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