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China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

Indian pride hurt here?:lol:

US and China will be overwhelmingly more dominant than the 3rd greatest power in 2030, which will be Russia. I expect around 6 Chinese CBGs, which will comprise around 3 100,000 tonne CATOBAR carriers and 3 conventional carriers by 2030. In contrast, India will have 2 40-45,0000 tonne conventional STOBAR carriers and 1 65,000 tonne CATOBAR carrier.

India will still be behind Russia as Russia's nuclear arsenal and nuclear submarines will be much more capable than India's.

Nope, Indian pride is not that fragile, I just wanted to know your opinion about your own country while you were busy cheerleading for China.

And don't worry about us, we will continue to maintain sufficient deterrence against our probable enemies, we won't repeat our mistakes. Indian Ocean Region will continue to remain Indian Ocean Region beyond 2030.
have you missed Sri Lanka'

I think Chinese GDP will be around 15 trillion as the IMF estimates are a little pessimistic for China.

Once converted into PPP, then China will be ahead of the US.
If you consider PPP, india is already 3rd Mr moron
donot troll here......no one said India will have a economy of 6 trillion $ in 2020.....

for the development of both countries......its necessary that there is no war between the two big economies

Really? Because from what I can see the Indians were expecting an economy of $6 trillion by 2020! But how wrong they were! LOL According to the IMF in 2018 India will still have an economy smaller than Italys HAHAHA

'Indian economy expected to reach $ 6 trillion by 2020' - Economic Times
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Long term projections are inaccurate and nothing more than pure conjecture. The IMFs short term projections up-to 2018 are much more reliable.

You are the fool.
How many years are considered long term?
And how many years are considered shart term as per you?
If you consider PPP, india is already 3rd Mr moron

In terms of military, India PPP does not count as much as China's PPP as India has to import nearly all it's military equipment in US dollars.

China makes all it's own stuff, apart from importing engines which are not a big percentage of it's total requirement.

Hope that explains things.
Well according to the IMF their 2018 projections are short term.

In my opinion any projection beyond 2025 is unrealistic and long term. But hey, don't let me stop you from living in your fantasy world.:rofl:
You need to get your facts right, the Europeans still had their Empires in WW2. That's not 2 centuries ago by my calculations. Do the math! It was only 80 years ago when the British Empire was the worlds largest empire and foremost superpower!

However, those days are gone, and now China is on the rise to superpowerdom. We will in the future dominate the world (including the Indian Ocean), while Americas power falls into steady decline.

Furthermore, you are wrong, Britain's presence in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the world is still very significant. They maintain a few highly modern destroyers and frigates in the Indian Ocean as well a powerful nuclear-powered attack submarine. Only a fool like you would underestimate Britain's superior technology, skill and determination. America also maintains a whole CBG in the Indian Ocean with lots of highly modern cruisers, destroyers and nuclear submarines. Combined, the West (mostly USA, UK etc) totally dominate the Indian Ocean.

India on the other-hand is just weak, you don't have 140 surface combatants as you falsely claimed. India only has 23 destroyers and frigates, half of-which are obsolete. Your submarine force is small and obsolete too. India's military technology is 20-25 years behind Europe and North America and 10-15 years behind China.

In the world none really care about the opinions of India (such as talks on Iran, Syria or North Korea). India is not important....

now its time to educate you....

European powers ruled the Asian "Empire" even by 1990s.best example was Hong Kong.but how many resources they could keep in this region to control it??Even by WW II,Britain could spare 2 warships to protect Singapore,Jewel of their Empire.thats the level of their "Power Projection".and thats shows the vulnerability of their strategy.when one face hostility in the next door,it can't protect their interest half a world away.

British Navy now have near zero presence in IOR.hell,they couldn't even keep their present level of force and will fall dramatically,making a single or zero carrier navy.

US 5th Fleet covers part of IOR(not all) and mostly confine themselves in Gulf and Red sea.

you need to educate yourself what "Surface Combatants" mean...

India has some 180 Surface Combatants.

List of active Indian Navy ships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

no country can spare so much resources to project power in IOR.Neither USA,nor China..

yes we've older platforms.hell,every navy possesses that kind of platform.even your navy possess old nuclear subs and frigates/destroyers.but then again,who am I kidding with..

In terms of military, India PPP does not count as much as China's PPP as India has to import nearly all it's military equipment in US dollars.

China makes all it's own stuff, apart from importing engines which are not a big percentage of it's total requirement.

Hope that explains things.

thats make them makers.lets take an example on your argument...

Iran makes a lot of things while Britain buy a lot of it from others.that makes Iran better than Britain,cause they make,not buy.right???

but here is the things...what Britain is buying can kill better than anything Iran can offer.cause,Iran is struggling to survive,while Britain is not.
thats make them makers.lets take an example on your argument...

Iran makes a lot of things while Britain buy a lot of it from others.that makes Iran better than Britain,cause they make,not buy.right???

but here is the things...what Britain is buying can kill better than anything Iran can offer.cause,Iran is struggling to survive,while Britain is not.

In terms of military equipment, UK makes more than 90% of it.

Unlike Iran, China has the option to buy Russian but chooses not to. We can say that the Chinese think their stuff is comparable or better than what Russia would provide.
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In terms of military equipment, UK makes more than 90% of it.
Unlike Iran, China has the option to buy Russian but chooses not to. We can say that the Chinese think their stuff is comparable or better than what Russia would provide.

actually no.UK govt doesn't make 90%.hell,even USA probably doesn't make that much.you guys always think that all parts of an aircraft or a tank build by some company is made from the scratch and thus its origin belongs to a single country.but if you study,you'll see that as much as 50% of hardware is imported from private companies around the world.but of course you could barely find the list of these partners.and in large project,this list cross hundreds.so,there is no such kind of "Entirely UK or USA product".plus,Arms Majors always reside in Europe or USA or Canada.but they're global companies.lets take the example of BAE.

it is a British Multinational company,while its subsidiary,BAE Systems INC is American.this particular company is one of the largest arms provider of US Armed force.so,don't even USA make 90%.as for Iran and China,they're under sanction and can buy only from Russia.its not quality based on which China makes its own arms.its cheap,plus the fear of any further sanction(which might restrict use of weapons),which forced them to do it.
actually no.UK govt doesn't make 90%.hell,even USA probably doesn't make that much.you guys always think that all parts of an aircraft or a tank build by some company is made from the scratch and thus its origin belongs to a single country.but if you study,you'll see that as much as 50% of hardware is imported from private companies around the world.but of course you could barely find the list of these partners.and in large project,this list cross hundreds.so,there is no such kind of "Entirely UK or USA product".plus,Arms Majors always reside in Europe or USA or Canada.but they're global companies.lets take the example of BAE.

it is a British Multinational company,while its subsidiary,BAE Systems INC is American.this particular company is one of the largest arms provider of US Armed force.so,don't even USA make 90%.as for Iran and China,they're under sanction and can buy only from Russia.its not quality based on which China makes its own arms.its cheap,plus the fear of any further sanction(which might restrict use of weapons),which forced them to do it.

The UK can make all the critical parts by itself - airframe , radar and engine for Typhoon fighter as an example. Non-critical parts it can replace by itself if there were any restriction of supply.

As for China, it would buy at least some stuff from Russia if it felt that the quality of it's own designs were at least not comparable. You do not put pride before the sake of national security. In the 1990s, China purchased fighter aircraft(SU-27), submarines(Kilo), SAM(S-300) and Destroyers(Sovremenny) from Russia despite the fact that it could produce all these types of weapons themselves. The reason was that they were much better than what the Chinese could produce at the time. For the last 5 years all that China has been importing from China has been the AL-31F engine that it needs for it's SU-27s and J-10 fighters.

It would be a grave mistake to think that China is not far ahead of India in military technology.
The UK can make all the critical parts by itself - airframe , radar and engine for Typhoon fighter as an example. Non-critical parts it can replace by itself if there were any restriction of supply.

again wrong.its not UK who makes these parts.its the arms majors.and they takes help from other dozens of smaller companies,if not hundreds.

You do not put pride before the sake of national security

exactly.and it lies on indigenisation.in the face of sanction,all these fancy stuff are useless.but inferior weapons can keep you alive.just look at Iran.they produce inferior weapons.but even that came quite handy for them.

For the last 5 years all that China has been importing from China has been the AL-31F engine that it needs for it's SU-27s and J-10 fighters.

but they're still producing modified copies of su-27,s-300 and others and calling them as its own.but even this come quite handy.see,nobody knows how those cheap copies will fare against real product.but whatever...it also shows not everything can be achieved using "Copying".

It would be a grave mistake to think that China is not far ahead of India in military technology.

d!ck measuring is not my style.and i know where it'll lead.i just proved what i wanted to.
but they're still producing modified copies of su-27,s-300 and others and calling them as its own.but even this come quite handy.see,nobody knows how those cheap copies will fare against real product.but whatever...it also shows not everything can be achieved using "Copying".

Type-052D destroyer is not a "cheap copy" of any Russian ship.

KJ-2000 AWACs is not a "cheap copy" of any Russian AWACs

J-10 is not a "cheap copy" of any Russian plane.

China is using the SU-27 airframe but the composite material for airframe, AESA radar and other avionics and the WS-10A engine is completely indigenous.

What are you trying to say here?
Type-052D destroyer is not a "cheap copy" of any Russian ship.
KJ-2000 AWACs is not a "cheap copy" of any Russian AWACs
J-10 is not a "cheap copy" of any Russian plane.
China is using the SU-27 airframe but the composite material for airframe, AESA radar and other avionics and the WS-10A engine is completely indigenous.
What are you trying to say here?

don't draw early conclusion.

Type-52 used extensive amount of western parts like Fire control radar,engines etc.other ships are based on this...

Type 052 destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kj-2000,used on IL-76,somewhat based on canceled deal of A-50 and Phalcon.nobody knows for sure,but strong suspecion over Israel,who even gave secrets of Python missiles to them.

J-10,based on Lavi,Israel.even Russia took part in it.even Russian engineers admitted it that it incorporates several techs from Lavi.

WS-10A is the project which just showed how painful and time consuming it is to make a product.you can observe that China already showed some 2-3 stealth jets within years.but how come China made so many while Russia is struggling with one and France don't even has one???these are major arms producer.yet they are trailing decades from China in stealth tech??Suspicion never arouses from nothing.plus,so many data theft reporting suggests only one direction.and thats not North Korea.

but even then,I admire their lightning progress.
don't draw early conclusion.

Type-52 used extensive amount of western parts like Fire control radar,engines etc.other ships are based on this...

Type 052 destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kj-2000,used on IL-76,somewhat based on canceled deal of A-50 and Phalcon.nobody knows for sure,but strong suspecion over Israel,who even gave secrets of Python missiles to them.

J-10,based on Lavi,Israel.even Russia took part in it.even Russian engineers admitted it that it incorporates several techs from Lavi.

WS-10A is the project which just showed how painful and time consuming it is to make a product.you can observe that China already showed some 2-3 stealth jets within years.but how come China made so many while Russia is struggling with one and France don't even has one???these are major arms producer.yet they are trailing decades from China in stealth tech??Suspicion never arouses from nothing.plus,so many data theft reporting suggests only one direction.and thats not North Korea.

but even then,I admire their lightning progress.

Type 052 is replaced as Type 052D comes online. Type 052D bears resemblance to Arleigh Burke. J-10B looks nothing like the original Lavi. J-10B incorporates highly advanced American technologies supplied by Israel, ones that are used on F-35 and the now defunct F-16 IN Block 70.
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