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China Expands Its Military Reach

America is our major threat, they have this idea of containment and attempt to stir up conflicts between regional countries as much as possible by encouraging disputes from being solve peacefully, India is part of their parcel to stir up conflict with China, but the snake head is the USA who encourages such conflicts, that threat is worst than any of our other territorial dispute and must always be vigilant, so that is where our arms buildup should focus towards countering, exclusively, and never let up.
The different between a police maker(or politician) and an idealogist is the police maker only responses for real threat instead of
the imagined enemy.You can believe what the newpaper or a TV show told you but the politician won't.He will wait until the real offensive action happened and he will make the responce on some certain levels.For example,the Indians are talking that they will dig oil in the disputed south China sea,but since they still didn't send any ships to that region,so the Chinese politicians can do nothing but wait and just wait.Until the Indian ship is there,the Chinese police makers can responce to send the coast guard to kick it out,the conflict level can be increased to a seriouse border war.
You talked the USA is encouraging the small countries around China to have conflicts with us,so we do the same to encourage N.Korea or other middle east countires to make troubles with them ,that's what the Chinese police makers' responce to them.
But you can't claim that the Chinese police makers only worried about the USA due to the Americans encouraged those conflicts and the USA plays the central role in Chinese defence policy.
Acturally the defence affairs is not the most important thing the Chinese politicians concered,the economy is.They acturally still claim the next 20 years are the strategy window for developing China and improving the living standard.The defence policy is serving this goal to ensure the energy safety and security the trading route.The annual Chinese military expenditure is still on a very low level in percentage of GDP-under 2.5%,lower than most countries,that clearly indicates that the Chinese politicians is not panic in any recent threats and all the defence projects are progressed under the plans already made.
I agree somehow that the Chinese military buid-up should focuse on the US,but just on the technical leve since they still have technical superioty against us,especially the navy.But it's not wise to buid the same military machine like them,for example 11 super CVs which is a big wast of resources.To be the world police is not our goal,to developing China is,and the military build up serves this goal.
The different between a police maker(or politician) and an idealogist is the police maker only responses for real threat instead of
the imagined enemy.You can believe what the newpaper or a TV show told you but the politician won't.He will wait until the real offensive action happened and he will make the responce on some certain levels.For example,the Indians are talking that they will dig oil in the disputed south China sea,but since they still didn't send any ships to that region,so the Chinese politicians can do nothing but wait and just wait.Until the Indian ship is there,the Chinese police makers can responce to send the coast guard to kick it out,the conflict level can be increased to a seriouse border war.
You talked the USA is encouraging the small countries around China to have conflicts with us,so we do the same to encourage N.Korea or other middle east countires to make troubles with them ,that's what the Chinese police makers' responce to them.
But you can't claim that the Chinese police makers only worried about the USA due to the Americans encouraged those conflicts and the USA plays the central role in Chinese defence policy.
Acturally the defence affairs is not the most important thing the Chinese politicians concered,the economy is.They acturally still claim the next 20 years are the strategy window for developing China and improving the living standard.The defence policy is serving this goal to ensure the energy safety and security the trading route.The annual Chinese military expenditure is still on a very low level in percentage of GDP-under 2.5%,lower than most countries,that clearly indicates that the Chinese politicians is not panic in any recent threats and all the defence projects are progressed under the plans already made.
I agree somehow that the Chinese military buid-up should focuse on the US,but just on the technical leve since they still have technical superioty against us,especially the navy.But it's not wise to buid the same military machine like them,for example 11 super CVs which is a big wast of resources.To be the world police is not our goal,to developing China is,and the military build up serves this goal.

Indian ship can only be there to annoy, America have bases in Japan and Korea, this means we have to try maintain complete military supremacy over these areas, America is our major threat, that is the reality and that is also where all our military efforts are targeted to, that is also the reality, America is doing alot of dirty little covert action to try to undermine us, they have shown not to be a trusted ally because they have an empire thinking, so the only way is to break their empire thinking completely before they can be trusted again.
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