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May 21, 2006
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Gifts nuclear muscle to India’s rivals
By M.D. Nalapat

China’s military planners think that the addition of India’s substantial military muscle could create a “second front” across the Himalayas, in the event of a conflict between the US and the PRC over Taiwan, and that the Indian Air Force is ideally positioned — because of its proficiency with the same advanced Russian equipment that China deploys.

It is not only Pakistan and—since 2005— Bangladesh that is being gifted nuclear teeth courtesy Beijing. In the case of Myanmar, a country that has even less industry to power than North Korea, and which is moreover blessed with abundant oil and gas deposits, nearly a thousand nuclear scientists and technicians have gone to Russia for training, of which 280 are full-fledged nuclear scientists.

These days, Russia has become the UK to China’s US: a poodle of Beijing ever ready to bark or bite on command. Thus, the likelihood that China is behind the expansion of Russo-Myanmar nuclear ties is high. Additionally to training the nuclear scientists and technicians, Moscow signed an agreement with the China-controlled junta in Yangon (formerly Rangoon) on May 15, 2007 to set up a “Nuclear Research Centre” and to provide a so-called “research reactor” at Ayela. Given that there is significant and overt collaboration between North Korea and Myanmar, both of which are military allies of China, those who see the secretive junta in Yangon, as a conduit for the transfer of technologies from Moscow to Pyongyang may not be wrong.

In addition, Beijing is developing the Sittwe port as a safe harbour both its merchant men as well as its battle ships, and has recently shown interest in creating alike facility near Tilawa, where a 12-million square meter economic zone has been set aside to accommodate Chinese hi-tech enterprises, several of which are known to function in concert with the PLA. It will not be forgotten that arms and other assistance regularly flow to the NSCN(K) and NSCN (IM) in the north-east from Yunnan in China through Myanmar, a fact ignored by the Sonia-led UPA.

There are also reports—as yet unconfirmed—of a PRC electronic listening post in one of the Maldivian Atolls. Unlike the western powers, who have on behalf of Wahabbi interests based in Saudi Arabia pressured the secular Gayoom administration into accommodating a (largely Wahabbi) opposition, the much more intelligent. Chinese diplomats have refrained from seeking to impose their own political preferences on the elite of the strategically-located island republic, thus earning goodwill for China in yet another country that is historically close to India, the Maldives. Indeed, in 1999 the PLA (through front agencies) leased the Marao Island Atoll from the Maldives for establishing a listening post close to the Diego Garcia base.

In Bangladesh, which is an officially recognised nuclear partner of China, several teams of Chinese nuclear and missile experts have already visited the country, deepening the links between its own military and the powerful Bangladesh armed forces. Soon, BD frigates will be armed with Chinese-supplied C-802 missiles, that can be used to challenge capital ships from countries seen by Dacca as unfriendly. The latest such visit was in August this year, led by CMC member Chen Bingde and comprising of experts from the PLA’s Armaments Department. The visit was in furtherance of the plan to add Bangladesh to Pakistan as a strategic pressure point for India. It will be remembered that Pakistan is already a leading beneficiary of Chinese-source missiles, including the reverse-engineered Tomahawk (that is called the HATF by Islamabad). The PLA has also set up a huge training facility for artillery firing in the Chittagaon Hill Tracts to give the Bangladesh army teeth against a possible rise in tensions with India. Of course,while all this is happening, Sonia and her marry men are silent, indeed effusively appreciative of Beijing, the city that the “Madam” plans to visit in October.

Substantial electronic and human capacity to monitor both civilian and military shipping along the Straits of Hormuz and the Arabian Sea have already been put in place in Gwadar, in Pakistan’s captive Baloch province. Even Bhutan and Nepal— thus far seen as being within the Indian sphere of influence—are being energetically wooed by Beijing, which has already expanded its presence in the second considerably during the past four years. Once the Qinghai-Tibet railway line gets extended from Lhasa to Nepal via Xigaze to Kodari in 2012, the PLA plans to use Chinese assets in India to get a second rail and road link that would connect Yunnan with India’s north-east. This would expand the links already present with Pakistan and Myanmar. Since 1999, the PRC has quietly but consistently enhanced its force projection capabilities to a level that can seriously challenge the US, Australia and Japan. Unless, that is, India joins the trio in crafting a deterrent to the steady expansion of China’s might in the region.

Even while China is going ballistic about “nuclearising” India, the reality is that Beijing has created a second nuclear device power (apart from North Korea) in Asia, and is on the way to creating a third (Iran) with the help from its junior partner, Russia. Khushab is being upgraded, with a new Chinese-supplied plutonium-producing reactor being installed. Chinese companies such as Southwest Aluminium and China International Engineering are openly providing help, while Unit-2 of Chashma is nearing completion, and negotiations are on for four more nuclear power plants of Chinese design in Pakistan. Ominously in the light of the Sonia-led UPA’s plans to degrade India’s own production capabilities by rushing through the one-sided India-US nuclear deal, China is helping the Directorate of Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Pakistan’s AEC to create a spent-fuel reprocessing facility. Substantial quantities of deadly items such as special aluminium, nuclear-class pipes, special steel and graphite composites are being supplied to a country known to be an international proliferator of nuclear technology.

Plants in Pakistan are being built to produce HTPB, ammonium perchlorate, aluminium powder, missile casings and other deadly items, all this while Sonia smiles as she gazes towards Beijing in fond anticipation of the welcome she will get in that grateful city. The Manmohan Singh government has been as weak-kneed towards the several hostile actions of China as it has been towards Pakistan’s demands in Kashmir and elsewhere, to the detriment of India’s security.

In order to help their Pakistani friends deliver nuclear weapons to Indian targets, China is helping Pakistan’s National (Missile) Development Complex to develop solid-fuel missile systems to rivals those designed by the DRDO. Thanks to China’s help, Pakistan’s missiles now have a 2400-kilometre range, even as the Sonia-led UPA has reportedly committed the treasonous act of choking further development of the ballistic missile programme, as a result of Chinese, US and EU pressure on the weak Manmohan Singh government. The August 26, 2007 firing of a Chinese-supplied RAAD cruise missile from a Pakistan Air Force Mirage-III EA platform should be a wake-up call, not for the compromised Sonia regime, but for the administration that will follow it by the middle of next year.

The rulers of China have sought to arm militaries in the region that are potentially or presently hostile to India, beginning with Pakistan and later moving on to Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and now Nepal. In every one of these and other countries, Chinese diplomats and armed forces personnel talk about the “hegemonistic ambitions of New Delhi”, and promise help in battling against this danger. Alarmingly, in Pakistan and now Bangladesh and Myanmar, the assistance given (directly or through surrogates) has assumed a nuclear dimension. Such activities have recently been intensified after the warming of military-to-military relations with the country seen by the PRC as Enemy Number One, the US, which has now displaced India as the primary target of Chinese activity in the Indian Ocean region.

While military strategists in India raise their blood pressure levels by pointing to the PRC’s “encirclement” of the country through an archipelago of military and intelligence assets around the periphery of the world’s only billion-plus democracy, the reality is that India has been displaced by the US as the primary target of Beijing’s attention and actions since 1999. New Delhi does indeed alarm military planners in Beijing, but only because they foresee a situation in which India joins the two “Deputy Sheriffs” of Washington, Japan and Australia, in a US-led coalition capable of taking on the PLA on land, sea and air, should the eventuality arise.

China’s military planners think that the addition of India’s substantial military muscle could create a “second front” across the Himalayas, in the event of a conflict between the US and the PRC over Taiwan, and that the Indian Air Force is ideally positioned—because of its proficiency with the same advanced Russian equipment that China deploys—to challenge their Chinese counterparts for air supremacy across the Sino-Indian border.

Today, apart from the army and the air force, the Indian Navy would be as lethal, denying Beijing access to oil and other resources needing to pass through the two choke points of the Straits of Hormuz and the Malacca Straits. Small wonder that the distancing of India from the US is the topmost priority for Beijing’s most numerous agents in India.

While the pell-mell rush of the Sonia-led UPA to sign the present flawed US-India nuclear deal is understandable only in the context of her subservience to outside diktat, what is beyond doubt is the steady acceleration of the US-India military relationship, fuelled in large part by the enhanced capabilities of China in the region. Handled cautiously and on the basis of equality, this emerging India-US military partnership could propel the Indian armed forces to greatly expanded force capabilities within 15 years, capacities that could surpass those of Beijing, a country that has had a more advanced military than India since 1958.

Small wonder that the PRC’s agents in India are angry over this development, eager, as they are to protect Chinese interests at the expense of India.
Organiser - Content
Gifts nuclear muscle to India’s rivals
By M.D. Nalapat

China’s military planners think that the addition of India’s substantial military muscle could create a “second front” across the Himalayas, in the event of a conflict between the US and the PRC over Taiwan, and that the Indian Air Force is ideally positioned — because of its proficiency with the same advanced Russian equipment that China deploys.

It is not only Pakistan and—since 2005— Bangladesh that is being gifted nuclear teeth courtesy Beijing. In the case of Myanmar, a country that has even less industry to power than North Korea, and which is moreover blessed with abundant oil and gas deposits, nearly a thousand nuclear scientists and technicians have gone to Russia for training, of which 280 are full-fledged nuclear scientists.

These days, Russia has become the UK to China’s US: a poodle of Beijing ever ready to bark or bite on command. Thus, the likelihood that China is behind the expansion of Russo-Myanmar nuclear ties is high. Additionally to training the nuclear scientists and technicians, Moscow signed an agreement with the China-controlled junta in Yangon (formerly Rangoon) on May 15, 2007 to set up a “Nuclear Research Centre” and to provide a so-called “research reactor” at Ayela. Given that there is significant and overt collaboration between North Korea and Myanmar, both of which are military allies of China, those who see the secretive junta in Yangon, as a conduit for the transfer of technologies from Moscow to Pyongyang may not be wrong.

In addition, Beijing is developing the Sittwe port as a safe harbour both its merchant men as well as its battle ships, and has recently shown interest in creating alike facility near Tilawa, where a 12-million square meter economic zone has been set aside to accommodate Chinese hi-tech enterprises, several of which are known to function in concert with the PLA. It will not be forgotten that arms and other assistance regularly flow to the NSCN(K) and NSCN (IM) in the north-east from Yunnan in China through Myanmar, a fact ignored by the Sonia-led UPA.

There are also reports—as yet unconfirmed—of a PRC electronic listening post in one of the Maldivian Atolls. Unlike the western powers, who have on behalf of Wahabbi interests based in Saudi Arabia pressured the secular Gayoom administration into accommodating a (largely Wahabbi) opposition, the much more intelligent. Chinese diplomats have refrained from seeking to impose their own political preferences on the elite of the strategically-located island republic, thus earning goodwill for China in yet another country that is historically close to India, the Maldives. Indeed, in 1999 the PLA (through front agencies) leased the Marao Island Atoll from the Maldives for establishing a listening post close to the Diego Garcia base.

In Bangladesh, which is an officially recognised nuclear partner of China, several teams of Chinese nuclear and missile experts have already visited the country, deepening the links between its own military and the powerful Bangladesh armed forces. Soon, BD frigates will be armed with Chinese-supplied C-802 missiles, that can be used to challenge capital ships from countries seen by Dacca as unfriendly. The latest such visit was in August this year, led by CMC member Chen Bingde and comprising of experts from the PLA’s Armaments Department. The visit was in furtherance of the plan to add Bangladesh to Pakistan as a strategic pressure point for India. It will be remembered that Pakistan is already a leading beneficiary of Chinese-source missiles, including the reverse-engineered Tomahawk (that is called the HATF by Islamabad). The PLA has also set up a huge training facility for artillery firing in the Chittagaon Hill Tracts to give the Bangladesh army teeth against a possible rise in tensions with India. Of course,while all this is happening, Sonia and her marry men are silent, indeed effusively appreciative of Beijing, the city that the “Madam” plans to visit in October.

Substantial electronic and human capacity to monitor both civilian and military shipping along the Straits of Hormuz and the Arabian Sea have already been put in place in Gwadar, in Pakistan’s captive Baloch province. Even Bhutan and Nepal— thus far seen as being within the Indian sphere of influence—are being energetically wooed by Beijing, which has already expanded its presence in the second considerably during the past four years. Once the Qinghai-Tibet railway line gets extended from Lhasa to Nepal via Xigaze to Kodari in 2012, the PLA plans to use Chinese assets in India to get a second rail and road link that would connect Yunnan with India’s north-east. This would expand the links already present with Pakistan and Myanmar. Since 1999, the PRC has quietly but consistently enhanced its force projection capabilities to a level that can seriously challenge the US, Australia and Japan. Unless, that is, India joins the trio in crafting a deterrent to the steady expansion of China’s might in the region.

Even while China is going ballistic about “nuclearising” India, the reality is that Beijing has created a second nuclear device power (apart from North Korea) in Asia, and is on the way to creating a third (Iran) with the help from its junior partner, Russia. Khushab is being upgraded, with a new Chinese-supplied plutonium-producing reactor being installed. Chinese companies such as Southwest Aluminium and China International Engineering are openly providing help, while Unit-2 of Chashma is nearing completion, and negotiations are on for four more nuclear power plants of Chinese design in Pakistan. Ominously in the light of the Sonia-led UPA’s plans to degrade India’s own production capabilities by rushing through the one-sided India-US nuclear deal, China is helping the Directorate of Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Pakistan’s AEC to create a spent-fuel reprocessing facility. Substantial quantities of deadly items such as special aluminium, nuclear-class pipes, special steel and graphite composites are being supplied to a country known to be an international proliferator of nuclear technology.

Plants in Pakistan are being built to produce HTPB, ammonium perchlorate, aluminium powder, missile casings and other deadly items, all this while Sonia smiles as she gazes towards Beijing in fond anticipation of the welcome she will get in that grateful city. The Manmohan Singh government has been as weak-kneed towards the several hostile actions of China as it has been towards Pakistan’s demands in Kashmir and elsewhere, to the detriment of India’s security.

In order to help their Pakistani friends deliver nuclear weapons to Indian targets, China is helping Pakistan’s National (Missile) Development Complex to develop solid-fuel missile systems to rivals those designed by the DRDO. Thanks to China’s help, Pakistan’s missiles now have a 2400-kilometre range, even as the Sonia-led UPA has reportedly committed the treasonous act of choking further development of the ballistic missile programme, as a result of Chinese, US and EU pressure on the weak Manmohan Singh government. The August 26, 2007 firing of a Chinese-supplied RAAD cruise missile from a Pakistan Air Force Mirage-III EA platform should be a wake-up call, not for the compromised Sonia regime, but for the administration that will follow it by the middle of next year.

The rulers of China have sought to arm militaries in the region that are potentially or presently hostile to India, beginning with Pakistan and later moving on to Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and now Nepal. In every one of these and other countries, Chinese diplomats and armed forces personnel talk about the “hegemonistic ambitions of New Delhi”, and promise help in battling against this danger. Alarmingly, in Pakistan and now Bangladesh and Myanmar, the assistance given (directly or through surrogates) has assumed a nuclear dimension. Such activities have recently been intensified after the warming of military-to-military relations with the country seen by the PRC as Enemy Number One, the US, which has now displaced India as the primary target of Chinese activity in the Indian Ocean region.

While military strategists in India raise their blood pressure levels by pointing to the PRC’s “encirclement” of the country through an archipelago of military and intelligence assets around the periphery of the world’s only billion-plus democracy, the reality is that India has been displaced by the US as the primary target of Beijing’s attention and actions since 1999. New Delhi does indeed alarm military planners in Beijing, but only because they foresee a situation in which India joins the two “Deputy Sheriffs” of Washington, Japan and Australia, in a US-led coalition capable of taking on the PLA on land, sea and air, should the eventuality arise.

China’s military planners think that the addition of India’s substantial military muscle could create a “second front” across the Himalayas, in the event of a conflict between the US and the PRC over Taiwan, and that the Indian Air Force is ideally positioned—because of its proficiency with the same advanced Russian equipment that China deploys—to challenge their Chinese counterparts for air supremacy across the Sino-Indian border.

Today, apart from the army and the air force, the Indian Navy would be as lethal, denying Beijing access to oil and other resources needing to pass through the two choke points of the Straits of Hormuz and the Malacca Straits. Small wonder that the distancing of India from the US is the topmost priority for Beijing’s most numerous agents in India.

While the pell-mell rush of the Sonia-led UPA to sign the present flawed US-India nuclear deal is understandable only in the context of her subservience to outside diktat, what is beyond doubt is the steady acceleration of the US-India military relationship, fuelled in large part by the enhanced capabilities of China in the region. Handled cautiously and on the basis of equality, this emerging India-US military partnership could propel the Indian armed forces to greatly expanded force capabilities within 15 years, capacities that could surpass those of Beijing, a country that has had a more advanced military than India since 1958.

Small wonder that the PRC’s agents in India are angry over this development, eager, as they are to protect Chinese interests at the expense of India.
Organiser - Content

whoever this guy nalapat or chootia path or whatever he is. after reading this funny article I could not stop my self laughing until I realy started feeling stomach ache. Its there history that whenver Pakistan make a breakthough in any field they propagate it as we cant do anything on our own but yes India the f****** looser can make everything onits own.

cant say anything more this article is based on pure jealousy and typical indian mentality.
umm The article is too alarmist. Other than that it doesn't say anything thats not already known. We know China is trying to encircle India, we know who the Chinese proxy are, we know Indian leadership has as much spine as does an octopus.
I think chinese moves are good to at least contain India with the help of Pakistan and BD. While they get engaged with taiwan and US.

It will be amazing game. US is left with fewer allies with every passing day. Pakistan on the other hand can work on its influence factor in Islamic world to mobilize anti trio(Indo US Australian)axis. And Russia can move in Europe. But the outcome of all this would remain unpredictable.

Its all getting very very interesting. i feel Pakistan Chinese navies can play pretty influential role in strait of hormuz and expanding till arab sea.

India liek its older sis US also seems to be loosing her allies quickly, while both become desperately dependent on eachother econommically. Seems to me US(MASTER) Slave(India) relationship to me. As India gets kicked off from Tajikistan. I dont understand on what basis Indians stationed its military in Tajikistan even if it was trying to containing China but i could not undertsnad the essence of such stupid strategy. :bunny:

I can see the game is being played in favor of China, but they still need to be bit more careful as they progress towards in achieving there objectives. Pakistan has to become an important tool for there achievement and it may be best interest for Pakistan as well.:coffee:
Would India really attack China if there was a war over Taiwan going on between the US and China? Why would India want to be a part of a war that could, no will escalate to WWIII?

If India attacks China, Pakistan will attack India. Russia will support China because the US would be a huge threat to it if China is captured. So if this journalists hypothetical war happens, its going to be China/Pakistan/Russia v USA/India/UK. Basically the end of the world.

I am pretty sure the dragon is sleeping until it knows it can challange the mighty eagle. China will not attack Taiwan with Russian made planes. No, they will wait till the day their own jets are just as good or better than what the United States has.

And this journalist sure does talk a lot of bullshit. You'd think Pakistan is China's province the way tihs guy puts it. Pakistan developed it's WMD's mostly through it's own efforts.
The article was a joke nothing more then indian ranting.
I think chinese moves are good to at least contain India with the help of Pakistan and BD. While they get engaged with taiwan and US.

Forgot Japan. Add Taiwan+US+Japan and compare that to China's allies of BD and Pakistan, does it match up?!!

Its all getting very very interesting. i feel Pakistan Chinese navies can play pretty influential role in strait of hormuz and expanding till arab sea.

You know where that strait is , right?

India liek its older sis US also seems to be loosing her allies quickly,

Who did India lose? India looks like gaining more friends as days pass by. Israel, US, Germany.

While both become desperately dependent on eachother econommically.

Well thats ****, sheer dumbness at its best.

Seems to me US(MASTER) Slave(India) relationship to me.

Well hw did Pakistan lose its virginity?

Pakistan has to become an important tool for there achievement

You said it mate! 'Tool' like 'use and throw' well that reminds me of something else too :azn:
USA is trying to get India to be her lackey, no doubt about that. But that doesnt mean that we'll just start a**-kissing the US. USA is trying to use us and we know it. India wont risk a war with china for USA. I dont think china has anything to really worry about.

Also remember that sino-indian relationships are improving. Right now they are at their best since 1962.
Well it has often bugged me how some Pakistanis actually like to be considered 'important tools' of superpowers, and surprisingly take pride in it. There is a big urge to be under the shade of a great power. Its not the first time i have heard this. Is it only limited to internet warriors or is it widespread among the population ?

The sheer psychophancy displayed towards China these days, and the US when they were bestest of allies is simply amazing. I have never seen any people take so much pride in some other people's acievements, allies or no allies.

Is it just me or have other people also noticed this pehnomenon ? Instead of bashing me, try to be honest.
Forgot Japan. Add Taiwan+US+Japan and compare that to China's allies of BD and Pakistan, does it match up?!!

Taiwan, are you kidding me, what power does taiwan has of anysort, just tell me one it netiher has any political power nor any military neither has any influence in the world hell even US denyed them there new fighter jets to be sold to taiwan. Japan has just the economy and nothing much. BD is still developing and it will take time to mature up but when you compare pakistan, yes we can match up, we have the economy and we have the military muscle. Your only advantage is the US but then dont forget once you sit in uncles lap, russia wouldnt be the same with you people as its now and pakistan has started to build her relations up with the russia.
Taiwan, are you kidding me, what power does taiwan has of anysort, just tell me one it netiher has any political power nor any military neither has any influence in the world hell even US denyed them there new fighter jets to be sold to taiwan. Japan has just the economy and nothing much.

These lines shud be framed.

BD is still developing and it will take time to mature up but when you compare pakistan, yes we can match up, we have the economy and we have the military muscle. Your only advantage is the US but then dont forget once you sit in uncles lap, russia wouldnt be the same with you people as its now and pakistan has started to build her relations up with the russia.

Well all pakistanis think, the way they got screwed by US will happen to everyone. Look at South Korea, Japan, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, they too are allies.

If you have self respect other would respect you too, in that way Pakistan was 'different' from others.
Well it has often bugged me how some Pakistanis actually like to be considered 'important tools' of superpowers, and surprisingly take pride in it. There is a big urge to be under the shade of a great power. Its not the first time i have heard this. Is it only limited to internet warriors or is it widespread among the population ?

The sheer psychophancy displayed towards China these days, and the US when they were bestest of allies is simply amazing. I have never seen any people take so much pride in some other people's acievements, allies or no allies.

Is it just me or have other people also noticed this pehnomenon ? Instead of bashing me, try to be honest.

Because China helps Pakistan at time of desperate need? Because China is cooperating with Pakistan closely?? Because Pakistan has closely worked with China in developing its own capabilities?? So it is natural Pakistan is proud of its own allies because it is directly benefited in the cooperative process, which becomes its own achievement. (eg. JF-17)

I think Indians are just jealous of what Pakistan get, and it never cease to amaze me how Indians are so petty at such level of jealousy . And it often bugs me how a lot of indians are always talking about OTHER PEOPLE and at the same time talking about itself. It sure is a lot of talking. LOL.
If you have self respect other would respect you too, in that way Pakistan was 'different' from others.

And Indians have soooo much "self-respect" but did others respect you?? I think it is more akin to shear maniacal arrogance. Indians never stop talking about its "own" achievements while actively degrading other's acheivements in other people's forums. In a way, India is "different" from others.
These lines shud be framed.

Yeah please do that.

Well all pakistanis think, the way they got screwed by US will happen to everyone. Look at South Korea, Japan, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, they too are allies.

If you have self respect other would respect you too, in that way Pakistan was 'different' from others.

Selfrespect my foot! Japan has been the only country that got its *** hit by a nuke and yet they worship the same country who did it. Germany forget how there asss was kicked in WW2 and the country was divided in two parts east and west hitler was forced to kill himself and to this day the countries nukes are in US hands. This you call selfrespect suck it up then, we are much better then that. Australia, ahhh a country still under the influence of the queen one can see it from there flag. Canada you are mistaken about it since canadians dont like US at one bit there only problem is that they have to rely on US for there defence and so is SouthKorea....... if this is what you call self respect, well we are much better then that and one more thing if we hadnt built nuclear, we would have been in the same league since you have forgotten pakistan ruled this option out and again in 1998 when they wanted us not to test the weapon, we did it. This is self respect.
One more thing you ran out under the pressure of uncle Sam in the IPI project, we are still in and we will go forward with it nomatter what happens.

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