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CHINA- emerging Superpower

Saying China is communist is just ignorant

China is a democracy, just a controlled democracy

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The NPC consists of about 3,000 delegates. Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.
Saying China is communist is just ignorant

China is a democracy, just a controlled democracy

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The NPC consists of about 3,000 delegates. Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.

At least the local people are happy in china, thats all, china doesn't need to do what india says. Those who criticize china are jealous of their progress.:china::pakistan:
Saying China is communist is just ignorant

China is a democracy, just a controlled democracy

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The NPC consists of about 3,000 delegates. Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.

hahaha what? do you really believe that? The NPC passes all resolutions with near 100% rate.

Why pretend what the CCP is what it isn't? I for one don't want a western style democracy and don't see political reform anywhere on the horizon. People are stupid and easily manipulated. Sounds harsh but if you follow American politics, you'll know what I am talking about.

p.s. why did someone resurrect this 4 year old thread?
Saying China is communist is just ignorant

China is a democracy, just a controlled democracy

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The NPC consists of about 3,000 delegates. Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.

China is a communist but it has a market economy. Go look up the word "democracy," you fool..

Now shut your mouth and stop embarrassing the rest of us. It's a one party system.

"Democracy is a political form of government where governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people"
"Democracy is a political form of government where governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people"

And China fits this description EXACTLY

Every member of the National People's Congress has been democratically elected. These members chose the Politburo of China. If they wanted to they could remove Hu Jintao from power right now.

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The NPC consists of about 3,000 delegates. Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.
And China fits this description EXACTLY

Every member of the National People's Congress has been democratically elected. These members chose the Politburo of China. If they wanted to they could remove Hu Jintao from power right now.

National People's Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The NPC consists of about 3,000 delegates. Delegates to the National People's Congress are elected for five-year terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system. Delegates are elected by the provincial people's assemblies, who in turn are elected by lower level assemblies, and so on through a series of tiers to the local people's assemblies which are directly elected by the electorate.
Are you really going argue with me on whether china has Democracy or not? Are you telling me everyone is wrong but you? Even the CCP? They call themselves a Communist party for a reason!!!!!!!!!!! It's in their party flag you fool. China is a communist with a market economy! That doesn't make them a democratic country..
China is a communist with a market economy! That doesn't make them a democratic party..

Almost, but not quite.

China is most certainly NOT a Democracy.

However it is not Communist either. Communism is primarily an "Economic" definition. Here are some definitions:

com·mu·nism (kmy-nzm)
1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

communism [ˈkɒmjʊˌnɪzəm]
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) advocacy of a classless society in which private ownership has been abolished and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community

China has had a market economy since the 1978 reforms under Deng Xiaoping. We are now the number one exporter of goods in the world, and we trade our products on the global free market.

"Private property" is certainly allowed in China, you may be surprised to hear this but yes, I do own my own things.

There is no "classless" society either, which is made even more clear when you look at the Hukou system.

In terms of "Politics"... China follows what is referred to as "One-party Socialism/Authoritarianism" which is most certainly NOT democratic, in any sense of the word.

In my home town of Hong Kong we can vote in Government elections, but the ultimate power lies with the Bejing Government, not with the people.
Almost, but not quite.

China is most certainly NOT a Democracy.

However it is not Communist either. Communism is primarily an "Economic" definition. Here are some definitions:

China has had a market economy since the 1978 reforms under Deng Xiaoping. We are now the number one exporter of goods in the world, and we trade our products on the global free market.

"Private property" is certainly allowed in China, you may be surprised to hear this but yes, I do own my own things.

There is no "classless" society either, which is made even more clear when you look at the Hukou system.

In terms of "Politics"... China follows what is referred to as "One-party Socialism/Authoritarianism" which is most certainly NOT democratic, in any sense of the word.

In my home town of Hong Kong we can vote in Government elections but the ultimate power lies with the Bejing Government, not with the people.
What the hell are you yapping about? No one is saying China is not fee you fool. I'm saying China doesn't have democracy. You keep saying China has democracy.

BTW..I'm chinese..
Are you really going argue with me on whether china has Democracy or not? Are you telling me everyone is wrong but you? Even the CCP? They call themselves a Communist party for a reason!!!!!!!!!!! It's in their party flag you fool. China is a communist with a market economy! That doesn't make them a democratic party..

China is democratic, they just have one party. It is still democratic because people are voting within the party to see who gets power.

China is by definition a single party democracy, USA is by definition a two party democracy.


You can have a communist democracy, communism just means that wealth is distributed fairly.
China is democratic, they just have one party. It is still democratic because people are voting within the party to see who gets power.

China is by definition a single party democracy, USA is by definition a two party democracy.


You can have a communist democracy, communism just means that wealth is distributed fairly.

That's just electing and voting within the party, dummy. That's not democracy. To have democracy you have to allow people to vote for their official.

The soviet union did the same thing..Voting within the party and North korea too.
That's just electing and voting within the party, dummy. That's not democracy. To have democracy you have to allow people to vote for their official.

The soviet union did the same thing..Voting within the party and North korea too.

Then if you want to vote join the party. Anybody in China can vote if they join the party.

In the USA its the same thing, if you don't want to vote just don't show up to the elections.
You keep saying China has democracy.

I never once said that China has Democracy.

Can you point to a post where I have said that?

You are clearly a sock puppet account, and have nothing to offer but personal abuse.
Then if you want to vote join the party. Anybody in China can vote if they join the party.

In the USA its the same thing, if you don't want to vote just don't show up to the elections.

type google..."The flag of the Communist Party of China"

That is the CCP party's flag.

Dude for real, give it up..You making yourself a fool and everyone in here..

---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

I never once said that China has Democracy.

Can you point to a post where I have said that?

i thought you were Chinaownseverything, nevermind.
Will you guys stop arguing for something thats worth nothing to argue for? do we need to show others our soft belly all the time="Unity"
Who give a damn what system we are running as long as its working good for us.
And Chinese-Dragon buddy, please stop apologize to those Chinese-haters, it won't help in anyway to ease the hatred some of those Ah3
shown on this forum against us, go check it out what type of reply you got in return. :china:
PS, i am from HK too, nice to meet you all.:china:
Will you guys stop arguing for something thats worth nothing to argue for? do we need to show others our soft belly all the time="Unity"
Who give a damn what system we are running as long as its working good for us.
And Chinese-Dragon buddy, please stop apologize to those Chinese-haters, it won't help in anyway to ease the hatred some of those Ah3
shown on this forum against us, go check it out what type of reply you got in return. :china:
PS, i am from HK too, nice to meet you all.:china:

I'm just stating facts rather than apologizing. Clearly China is not Communist since the word Communist implies collective ownership and the abolishment of private property.

Communist in name only, which is fine, but not in terms of Economics. Nothing wrong with that, I think it's a good system overall. I believe our system is most often referred to as "Socialism with Chinese characteristics."

I'm from HK too, grew up in Mid-levels in HK island. :cheers:

(Also no need for the "Ah3", it's better to just state the facts and let people decide).

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