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翻山越岭 Over the hills and cross the mountains!:china:



August 27, 2012


这是8月27日在四川省甘孜藏族自治州石渠县境内拍摄的“甘石线”110千伏铁塔。 8月27日起,四川藏区电网建设重点项目——“新甘石”电网联网工程整体转入后期调试验收阶段,有望于今年9月底实现竣工通电,点亮甘孜藏区。新甘石电网联网工程起始于500千伏新都桥变电站,经220千伏新都桥—甘孜线路、220千伏甘孜变电站和110千伏甘孜—石渠线路,终达石渠110千伏变电站。线路全长1015千米,线路走廊平均海拔近4000米,工程施工周期短,沿途交通、气候条件十分恶劣。该工程对实现“十二五”末新增农牧民聚居区“户户通电”的目标具有重大意义,还将有力支持甘孜水电资源大规模开发,促进资源优势向经济优势转化。新华社发(薛玉斌 摄)
来源:新华能源 (责任编辑: 徐宁)

The new Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Shiqu County electicity grid interconnection project will light up Sichuan Tibetan

This is an Aug. 27 shooting in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Shiqu County Gan stone line 110 kV tower. August 27, the overall power grid interconnection project of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan power grid construction of key projects - new sweet stone into the post-commissioning and acceptance phase, at the end of September this year is expected to achieve completion energized lit Ganzi. The new Gan power grid interconnection project starting at 500 kV xinduqiao substation 220-kilovolt xinduqiao - Ganzi line, 220-kilovolt of Ganzi substation and 110 kV Ganzi - Shiqu line, the end of Shiqu 110 kV substation. Line length of 1015 km, line corridor average altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, short construction period, along traffic, weather conditions are very bad. The project is of great significance for achieving the goal of "Twelve Five" new farmers and herdsmen ghetto "Power for All", will also be strong support Ganzi Hydropower large-scale development of resources, promote resource advantages into economic advantages. Xinhua News Agency (Xue Yubin photo)
Source: Xinhua Energy (Editor: Xu Ning)


施工人员在甘孜220千伏变电站施工(8月25日摄)。 8月27日起,四川藏区电网建设重点项目——“新甘石”电网联网工程整体转入后期调试验收阶段,有望于今年9月底实现竣工通电,点亮甘孜藏区。新甘石电网联网工程起始于500千伏新都桥变电站,经220千伏新都桥—甘孜线路、220千伏甘孜变电站和110千伏甘孜—石渠线路,终达石渠110千伏变电站。线路全长1015千米,线路走廊平均海拔近4000米,工程施工周期短,沿途交通、气候条件十分恶劣。该工程对实现“十二五”末新增农牧民聚居区“户户通电”的目标具有重大意义,还将有力支持甘孜水电资源大规模开发,促进资源优势向经济优势转化。新华社发(薛玉斌 摄)

Construction workers in the Ganzi 220 kV substation construction (photo) on August 25. August 27, the overall power grid interconnection project of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan power grid construction of key projects - new sweet stone into the post-commissioning and acceptance phase, at the end of September this year is expected to achieve completion energized lit Ganzi. The new Gan power grid interconnection project starting at 500 kV xinduqiao substation 220-kilovolt xinduqiao - Ganzi line, 220-kilovolt of Ganzi substation and 110 kV Ganzi - Shiqu line, the end of Shiqu 110 kV substation. Line length of 1015 km, line corridor average altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, short construction period, along traffic, weather conditions are very bad. The project is of great significance for achieving the goal of "Twelve Five" new farmers and herdsmen ghetto "Power for All", will also be strong support Ganzi Hydropower large-scale development of resources, promote resource advantages into economic advantages. Xinhua News Agency (Xue Yubin photo)


这是8月26日在四川省甘孜藏族自治州甘孜县境内拍摄的“甘石线”110千伏铁塔。 8月27日起,四川藏区电网建设重点项目——“新甘石”电网联网工程整体转入后期调试验收阶段,有望于今年9月底实现竣工通电,点亮甘孜藏区。新甘石电网联网工程起始于500千伏新都桥变电站,经220千伏新都桥—甘孜线路、220千伏甘孜变电站和110千伏甘孜—石渠线路,终达石渠110千伏变电站。线路全长1015千米,线路走廊平均海拔近4000米,工程施工周期短,沿途交通、气候条件十分恶劣。该工程对实现“十二五”末新增农牧民聚居区“户户通电”的目标具有重大意义,还将有力支持甘孜水电资源大规模开发,促进资源优势向经济优势转化。新华社发(薛玉斌 摄)

This is an Aug. 26 shooting in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Ganzi County Gan stone line 110 kV tower. August 27, the overall power grid interconnection project of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan power grid construction of key projects - new sweet stone into the post-commissioning and acceptance phase, at the end of September this year is expected to achieve completion energized lit Ganzi. The new Gan power grid interconnection project starting at 500 kV xinduqiao substation 220-kilovolt xinduqiao - Ganzi line, 220-kilovolt of Ganzi substation and 110 kV Ganzi - Shiqu line, the end of Shiqu 110 kV substation. Line length of 1015 km, line corridor average altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, short construction period, along traffic, weather conditions are very bad. The project is of great significance for achieving the goal of "Twelve Five" new farmers and herdsmen ghetto "Power for All", will also be strong support Ganzi Hydropower large-scale development of resources, promote resource advantages into economic advantages. Xinhua News Agency (Xue Yubin photo)


8月27日,施工人员在进行组塔作业。 8月27日起,四川藏区电网建设重点项目——“新甘石”电网联网工程整体转入后期调试验收阶段,有望于今年9月底实现竣工通电,点亮甘孜藏区。新甘石电网联网工程起始于500千伏新都桥变电站,经220千伏新都桥—甘孜线路、220千伏甘孜变电站和110千伏甘孜—石渠线路,终达石渠110千伏变电站。线路全长1015千米,线路走廊平均海拔近4000米,工程施工周期短,沿途交通、气候条件十分恶劣。该工程对实现“十二五”末新增农牧民聚居区“户户通电”的目标具有重大意义,还将有力支持甘孜水电资源大规模开发,促进资源优势向经济优势转化。新华社发(薛玉斌 摄)

On August 27, the construction workers during the group tower job. August 27, the overall power grid interconnection project of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan power grid construction of key projects - new sweet stone into the post-commissioning and acceptance phase, at the end of September this year is expected to achieve completion energized lit Ganzi. The new Gan power grid interconnection project starting at 500 kV xinduqiao substation 220-kilovolt xinduqiao - Ganzi line, 220-kilovolt of Ganzi substation and 110 kV Ganzi - Shiqu line, the end of Shiqu 110 kV substation. Line length of 1015 km, line corridor average altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, short construction period, along traffic, weather conditions are very bad. The project is of great significance for achieving the goal of "Twelve Five" new farmers and herdsmen ghetto "Power for All", will also be strong support Ganzi Hydropower large-scale development of resources, promote resource advantages into economic advantages. Xinhua News Agency (Xue Yubin photo)


施工人员在甘孜220千伏变电站检查电缆(8月25日摄)。 8月27日起,四川藏区电网建设重点项目——“新甘石”电网联网工程整体转入后期调试验收阶段,有望于今年9月底实现竣工通电,点亮甘孜藏区。新甘石电网联网工程起始于500千伏新都桥变电站,经220千伏新都桥—甘孜线路、220千伏甘孜变电站和110千伏甘孜—石渠线路,终达石渠110千伏变电站。线路全长1015千米,线路走廊平均海拔近4000米,工程施工周期短,沿途交通、气候条件十分恶劣。该工程对实现“十二五”末新增农牧民聚居区“户户通电”的目标具有重大意义,还将有力支持甘孜水电资源大规模开发,促进资源优势向经济优势转化。新华社发(薛玉斌 摄)

Check the cable construction personnel in Ganzi 220 kV substation, (August 25). August 27, the overall power grid interconnection project of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan power grid construction of key projects - new sweet stone into the post-commissioning and acceptance phase, at the end of September this year is expected to achieve completion energized lit Ganzi. The new Gan power grid interconnection project starting at 500 kV xinduqiao substation 220-kilovolt xinduqiao - Ganzi line, 220-kilovolt of Ganzi substation and 110 kV Ganzi - Shiqu line, the end of Shiqu 110 kV substation. Line length of 1015 km, line corridor average altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, short construction period, along traffic, weather conditions are very bad. The project is of great significance for achieving the goal of "Twelve Five" new farmers and herdsmen ghetto "Power for All", will also be strong support Ganzi Hydropower large-scale development of resources, promote resource advantages into economic advantages. Xinhua News Agency (Xue Yubin photo)

google translated
China develops 10m-watt electric locomotive

Updated: 2012-08-28 10:23 ( Xinhua)


BEIJING -- A major Chinese train maker announced Monday it has developed an electric locomotive with "the world's highest power."

The power, which reaches 10,000 kilowatts, is the world's highest for an electrical locomotive. This compares to the maximum 6,400-kilowatts power for traditional locomotives, according to a spokesman of Datong Electric Locomotive Co Ltd, maker of the railway vehicle.

The company is a subsidiary of China North Locomotive and Rolling Corp Ltd, the country's second-largest train maker.

Designed with a maximum speed that can reach 120 km per hour, the locomotive can carry an estimated 100 railway carriages each weighing 80 tonnes, more than double that of a traditional locomotive, the spokesman said.

Datong Locomotive has developed six types of large-power electric locomotives and become the first Chinese business to export such products to Europe
Japan may "acknowledge" China's claim to island to calm tension

TOKYO, Oct. 10, Kyodo

Japan is considering plans to calm heightened tensions with China by acknowledging Chinese claims to disputed islands in the East China Sea, while maintaining its position that no official territorial dispute exists over the islet group, sources close to the matter said Tuesday.

The plans would allow Japan, without changing its long-held position, to compromise a little with China, which has called on Tokyo to acknowledge the existence of a dispute over the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands, called Diaoyu by the Chinese.

It remains uncertain, however, whether China would be encouraged by the Japanese step to improve the soured ties, according to the sources.

Japan has refused to reverse course on its recent purchase of most of the islands from a private Japanese owner, which it says was meant to maintain the uninhabited islands in a stable manner, despite China's strong calls to rescind the purchase.

In a meeting with a delegation of Japanese lawmakers and business leaders in Beijing late last month, Jia Qinglin, a senior Communist Party of China official, urged Japan to recognize the existence of the territorial dispute with China.

"Japan should realize the seriousness of the current situation, squarely face the disputes over the Diaoyu Islands and correct its mistake as soon as possible, so as to avoid further damaging China-Japan ties," the No. 4 man in the party was quoted by China's official Xinhua News Agency as saying in the meeting.

Tokyo interpreted his remark as suggesting that the Chinese government has made it its temporary goal to make Japan acknowledge the existence of a territorial dispute, without altering its position that Japan must rescind its purchase of the islands, the sources said.

Such an interpretation has led Japan to begin considering what can be done to remove obstacles that have prevented bilateral ties from improving.

Japan has kept in mind the 1972 Japan-China joint communique, in which China said Taiwan is an inalienable part of its territory. Japan promised then that it "fully understands and respects" the Chinese stance, a move that allowed Japan not to express clearly its own position on the sovereign status of Taiwan.

In the case of the Senkaku Islands, Tokyo would only "acknowledge" Chinese claims to the disputed islet group given that if Japan makes clear that it "fully understands and respects" them, it might be construed by China as acknowledging the existence of a territorial dispute between the two countries.

The dispute over the islands flared up after the Japanese government purchased three of the five main islands in the group in mid-September, a move intended to prevent nationalist Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara from buying them to solidify Japan's sovereign claims to the islands.

China says the islands are an inherent part of its territory. The islands are also claimed by Taiwan, which calls them Tiaoyutai.


Japan may "acknowledge" China's claim to island to calm tension | Kyodo News
While the acknowledgement of China's claim on Diaoyu means not that much on the existing dispute, nevertheless it indicates Japan is under tremendous pressures. The continue disputes with Korea, Russia and Taiwan seems to isolate her in this part of the world on top of the economic woes she is facing. Today she cancels a currency sway deal with Korea: Korea, Japan halt currency swap compact and this is only the start. A retracting economy would put her into a 'gloom and doom decade' after three lost ones.

Without China's trade and market there's no doubt Japan is in deep deep troubles. She's dumping Taiwan under the bus.
Surely Japan today is in a weaker position than it possessed 10 years ago. It can be easier blackmailed. And thing is not going to change for Japan. That´s a lession other can draw.
No one can and is blackmailing Japan, of course, 'you know who' howls she'll submit without a sound of defiant. I think that might the case here since the Wall street Journal pick up the news as quick as the Japanese Medias.
Found this:

The Diaoyutai Islands on Taiwan's Official Maps: Pre- and Post- 1971
Ko-Hua Yap
Yu-Wen Chen
Ching-Chi Huang

Abstract: This report presents cartographic evidence of the government of the Republic of China's (ROC) change of attitude from denying to asserting sovereignty over the Diaoyutai Islands in the early 1970s. Scholars have hinted that China kept silent about the Japanese claim on Diaoyutai Islands since its 1895 annexation. As cartographic evidence in this report reveals, however, the ROC did not keep silent. By not including the Diaoyutai Islands in its official cartographic productions, the ROC admitted that the Diaoyutai Islands were not part of its territory. This has significant implications for the ROC because Japan exerts its claim over the islands not only on the terra nullius principle, but also on the fact that Taiwan viewed these islands as non-ROC territory until the 1970s. Today, Taiwan continues to exert the claim that it has owned these islands since ancient times. our cartographic evidence suggests difficulties for Taiwan in defending its claim in this longstanding battle.

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Surely Japan today is in a weaker position than it possessed 10 years ago. It can be easier blackmailed. And thing is not going to change for Japan. That´s a lession other can draw.

My country also suffered economic coercions(banana dispute/tourist boycott) from China just recently. China's tried to blackmail my country in giving up Scarborough shoal.
SinoShip - News Content - Sinopec building SE Asia?s largest oil storage terminal
Sinopec building SE Asia’s largest oil storage terminal

Sinopec building SE Asia’s largest oil storage terminal
a picture goes here

Hong Kong: Sinopec, Asia’s largest refiner, is building what will become the biggest oil storage terminal in southeast Asia. Spread across 360 hectares in the Batam free trade zone in Indonesia near Singapore the initial costs for the facility is expected to be around $850m.

Sinopec Kantons Holdings, a unit of the Sinopec Group, will hold a stake of 95 percent in the PT West Point Terminal project covering the construction of storage for up to 16 million barrels of crude and refined fuels, the company told the Hong Kong Exchange in a filing on Tuesday. [10/10/12]

SinoShip - News Content - Another drilling platform joins the fleet of COSL
Another drilling platform joins the fleet of COSL

Beijing: China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL) announced Tuesday that the company has purchased semi-submersible drilling platform “NH8” which has already been delivered to the city of Shenzhen.

The “NH8” platform is able to operate at water depths of 4,600 feet and perform drilling up to a maximum depth of 25,000 feet, with an accommodation capacity for 120 crew members. It is also equipped with a mooring positioning system. Currently undergoing some renovations, the drilling platform can meet a service capability requirement for performing operations at a depth of around 800 m in Chinese waters, and is expected to commence drilling operations by the end of 2012 in Chinese waters. [10/10/12]
China's ARJ21-700 aircraft into the the airworthiness certification stage

2012年09月27日 10:39 来源:新华网
At 10:39 on September 27 2012 Source: Xinhua


First photo and text from Chinanews.com


photo from max56.com


photo from huanqiu.com

  中国商飞公司董事长金壮龙表示,中国商飞公司将以研制更加安全的民用飞机为最大责任,努力研制更加安全、经济、舒适、环保的民用飞机,全面履行企业的安全责任、发展责任。(记者 贾远琨)

China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. 26 report revealed the ARJ21-700 aircraft development has entered the airworthiness certification stage, validation and show that the aircraft meet the requirements of the China Civil Aviation Regulations ", the project to complete a total of more than 2,300 flight hours in the appropriateflight certification test.
It is reported that on February 14 this year, the Civil Aviation Administration of China Model qualified review group Model checking authorizations issued to the ARJ21-700 aircraft, the project officially entered the China Civil Aviation Bureau validation flight test phase, the Civil Aviation Administration of China test pilots, flight test engineers and Chinese Commercial Aircraft Corporation of test pilots, flight test engineers with the validation test flight of more than 1,200 sorties, totaling more than 2,300 flight hours.
Since February of this year, ARJ21-700 aircraft has completed the stall characteristics of applicants indicates compliance test flight, airspeed calibration is carried out test flights, the inlet splash test. September 21 in Shanghai to complete the ground emergency evacuation test of the whole machine. So far, ARJ21-700 aircraft since its first flight in November 28, 2008, has been safely complete the development test flight more than 2100 hours and forensics test flight of more than 700 hours.
Kim Armstrong, chairman of the China Commercial Aircraft Company, Long said, China Commercial Aircraft Company will be the greatest responsibility for the development of a safer civilian aircraft, efforts to develop safer, economy, comfort, environmental protection, civil aircraft, the full implementation of the security responsibility, responsibility for development. (Reporter Jia Yuankun)

translated by google

The world's first AP1000 third generation nuclear power turbine successfully manufactured




October 8, AP1000 three generations of 1.25 million kilowatts grade nuclear steam turbine low pressure within the cylinder in Qinhuangdao FOB. Day by HPEGC Harbin Turbine Co. Ltd. to produce the world's first AP1000 three generations of 1,250,000 kilowatts Level Nuclear Steam Turbine final set of low pressure within the cylinder smoothly in Qinhuangdao reloading base shipment marks Kazakhstan start shipment destined for the Sanmen Nuclear Power Plant Sanmen Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd., Harbin Turbine Works manufactured master device manufactured.

google translated text
Japan may take more conciliatory approach toward China in islet row
2012/10/10 14:23:13

Tokyo, Oct. 10 (CNA) The Japanese government is considering adopting a more conciliatory attitude toward China in the two countries' territorial dispute over the Diaoyutai Islands, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported Wednesday.

Japan has repeatedly insisted that it has sovereignty over the Diaoyutais, known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan, and that disputes over the islets do not exist, but that may change.

Citing unidentified Japanese officials, a Kyodo report said the Japanese government, while upholding its sovereignty claim, is now planning to acknowledge that China is also claiming the island chain in the East China Sea.

The report further said that the Japanese government will decide how to be more accommodating to China's claim after getting a better understanding of Beijing's attitude toward such a proposal.

Located some 100 nautical miles northeast of Taiwan, the Diaoyutai Islands, known as the Diaoyu Islands in China, have been under Japan's control since 1972, but are also claimed by Taiwan and China.

The long-simmering dispute came to a head last month after Japan nationalized the island cluster by buying three islets from their private owners on Sept. 11 in an attempt to reinforce its sovereignty claim.

The move sparked widespread protests in China that hurt Japanese businesses.

Recent research reports by major financial institutions have warned that continued squabbling between Japan and China could take a toll on Japan's economy, especially its automobile industry, perhaps prompting Japan's rethinking of its approach on the Diaoyutais.

A JPMorgan Securities Japan Co. research note issued Oct. 6 said Japan's gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter may shrink 0.8 percent from the previous quarter amid the Diaoyutai row.

China has also shown its dismay over Japan's move to nationalize the island by limiting bilateral exchanges.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed that Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, will not attend an IMF plenary meeting scheduled for Friday in Tokyo.

Zhou will be represented by his deputy Yi Gang, an IMF spokesman said.

Japan has already adopted a more conciliatory tone with Taiwan in their bilateral dispute over the uninhabited island cluster.

In a show of good will, Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba issued a statement Oct. 5 calling for calm in dealing with "pending issues" in relations between the two countries and expressing the willingness to resume fishery talks with Taiwan after a three-and-half-year hiatus.

Gemba also said in his statement released by Japan's Interchange Association that Tokyo and Taipei should not allow "isolated problems" (referring to the Diaoyutai spat) to affect bilateral ties and should instead make efforts to communicate and deal with problems rationally.

Japan may take more conciliatory approach toward China in islet row - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
Hahaha, it's Japan that doesn't want to go to the ICJ this time, of course, China's not pushing for it either.
Someone is furiously jealous at China's progress perhaps, mixing up an economic threasd with territorial disputes

How about a little fun for this, a bit old but fresh when you watch it the first time:

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亚洲最大垃圾填埋气发电项目在沪并网 Asia's largest landfill gas power generation project begins working for the Shanghai electricity grid
2012-10-11 来源:新华网 2012-10-11 Source: Xinhua


当日,亚洲最大的垃圾填埋气发电项目在上海老港正式并网。老港填埋气发电项目满负荷生产后每年可向上海电网输送“绿色电力”约1.1亿千瓦时,解决约10万户居民的日常用电。  新华社发(陈志强 摄)

On the day of writing, Asia's largest landfill gas power generation project in Shanghai Old Port becomes part of the electricity grid. Annual full production of landfill gas power generation project in the old port to Shanghai Power Grid transporting about 110 million kwh of "green power" to solve the daily electricity consumption of approximately 100,000 residents. Xinhua News Agency (Chen Zhiqiang photo)



Waste transportation trucks


Landfill and gas piplines Photo courtesy

How it works?



More info on the project:

  据测算,该工程完全满负荷生产后,一方面与相同发电量的火电相比,每年节约标准煤约3.78万吨;另一方面,工程每年可减少填埋场区约8100余万立方米可燃易爆填埋气体直接向大气中排放,彻底改变填埋气无序排放的状态,对减少臭气和改善填埋场周边空气环境起到积极作用。另外,该项目产生的二氧化碳减排量可通过碳交易市场进行交易产生销售收入。 (记者 张奕)


Yesterday, currently Asia's largest landfill gas power project - the Old Port landfill gas power generation projects have been formally grid. The project per year after full production delivered to the Shanghai power grid of about 110 million kwh of green power to solve the daily electricity consumption of approximately 100,000 residents, about 70 million yuan of annual tariff revenue. Executive Vice Mayor Yang Xiong attended the yesterday Grid ceremony.
Old Port of Shanghai life landfill by one, two, three, four project covers an area of ​​6.5 square kilometers, the daily processing the garbage nearly 1 million tons, accounting for more than 50% of the city's garbage output is currently Asia's largest garbage landfill.
Fermentation of organic waste in the landfill pile landfill gas composed mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, the both gas is a major factor in causing the greenhouse effect, in particular methane, the greenhouse effect is 21 times that of carbon dioxide. Old Port with landfill gas power generation project generation fuel 100% from the Old Port landfill landfill landfill gas. The construction and operation of the renewable energy project by Shanghai Old Port Co., Ltd., the company by Shanghai City Investment Holdings's Shanghai Investment Co., Ltd. invested 60% Hong Kong Lung country, Co., Ltd. invested 40% from the formation.
It is estimated that the project completely full production, on the one hand, compared with the same amount of thermal power generation, annual savings of approximately 37,800 tons of standard coal; On the other hand, works to reduce annual landfill area some 81 million cubic meters of combustible explosive landfill gas emissions directly to the atmosphere, completely changed the disordered state emissions of landfill gas, and to play a positive role to reduce odors and improve the the landfill surrounding air environment. In addition, the carbon dioxide emission reductions resulting from the project through the carbon trading market transactions to generate sales revenue. (Reporter Zhang yi)

Translation: Google
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