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China Economy Forum

Fake Chinese data is collapsing the Indian economy, china should continue what it's doing for the interest of Supah dupah power India.

LOL, looks like the troll brigade havent yet received their brief to counter this and are engaging in oft repeated and older briefs....better ask for the new briefs pronto.
worse than that, Economy doesnt work like, faking double of what you produced means the whole manufacturing, sales and product cycle is fake by 50%, one wouldnt know from how long these companies haave been manipulating and to what extent - its not as if they faked 50% for decades - it would have been more or it would have been less at any point of time.

Wow... this just adds a whole new dimension to the discussion...

And as of now we are only looking at a sample size.... the whole economic fakeup is still to be examined.
If its consistent fake data in a grand scale, than it would be so easy to prove that it would have been proven many times over. China might over reporting when the actual data is lower but under report when its economic is doing too well. In the long run, the actual growth would be accurate.

The reason that countries(not just China) would do that is obvious.
China Export Gains Seen Halved With Fake-Data Crackdown

China’s crackdown on fake export invoices used to disguise money flows is probably cutting the nation’s trade figures, revealing subdued global demand that will weigh on economic growth.

Outbound shipments may have grown 7.1 percent in May from a year earlier, less than half the previous month’s reported 14.7 percent, based on the median estimate of 34 economists ahead of data due June 8. Import growth probably slowed to 6.9 percent from April’s 16.8 percent, a Bloomberg News survey showed.

Successful deterrence of fraudulent data through regulatory scrutiny of companies and banks would help restore trust in trade figures, while more accurate numbers may also highlight the urgency for Premier Li Keqiang to shift growth toward domestic consumption. Weakness in exports could also test Li’s reluctance to add stimulus to support the expansion of the world’s second-biggest economy.

“The crackdown from China’s foreign-exchange authorities on fake invoicing will bring the inflated export growth down to the real trend, which is single digits,” said Zhang Zhiwei, chief China economist at Nomura Holdings Inc. in Hong Kong, who projects export gains of 5 percent for May. More broadly, China’s economy “is weakening but is not collapsing,” said Zhang, who previously worked at the International Monetary Fund.

Then MSCI Asia Pacific Index of stocks was down 1.2 percent as of 4:19 p.m. in Tokyo today.
Inflation Figures
The trade data from the General Administration of Customs will be followed June 9 by National Bureau of Statistics releases on prices, industrial production, retail sales and investment that are forecast to show little change from April growth figures. New yuan loans may have increased to 850 billion yuan ($139 billion) from April’s 792.9 billion yuan in People’s Bank of China numbers due over the next week, based on the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index of stocks has declined for six days, the longest losing streak since June 2012, amid concern that economic growth is losing steam. The gauge lost 1.3 percent today, the most in six weeks.
Economists in a separate survey last month said January-April export growth was overstated by 4 to 13 percentage points. Shipments abroad probably rose 8.5 percent in the first four months of 2013 from a year earlier, based on the median estimate of 15 economists, less than half the official 17.4 percent number. Imports may have gained 8.25 percent, according to 14 analysts’ median estimate, compared with the government’s 10.6 percent figure.

PMI Gauge
The figures compare with South Korea’s reported 1 percent increase in exports in the first five months of 2013 and a 1.3 percent January-April gain reported by Taiwan. China’s official Purchasing Managers’ Index (SHCOMP) for manufacturing has shown new export orders contracting for four of the past five months.

Slower growth in last month’s official trade data may reflect measures announced by China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange to crack down on speculative funds entering the country disguised as payments for trade.

The currency regulator said May 6 that it will send out warning notices to companies whose goods and capital flows don’t match as well as those bringing large amounts of cash into China. SAFE on May 22 told banks to improve checks of customer documents related to special trade zones amid speculation that the areas have been exploited to mask money inflows as exports.

Double-counting in the zones probably continued to inflate May’s figures, said Steve Wang, chief China economist in Hong Kong for Reorient Financial Markets Ltd., an investment bank backed by the Chinese government. While exports probably rose 9.3 percent in May, the true rate may be close to 4.6 percent excluding distortions from double-counting in the zones, Wang said.

Fraud Probe
The customs administration didn’t respond to faxed questions yesterday from Bloomberg News or to other inquiries on the issue since it held a press briefing on April 10. Zheng Yuesheng, an agency spokesman, said at the time that China is investigating possible fraud behind first-quarter export growth and that the practice of false trade declarations “does exist but is definitely not mainstream.”

Some Chinese exports face other issues. The European Union this week said tariffs of as much as 67.9 percent could be imposed on solar panels from China in the largest EU commercial dispute of its kind, affecting Chinese companies like Yingli Green Energy Holding Co., Wuxi Suntech Power Co. and Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co.

Reserve Ratio
The slowdown may be too much for the government to stomach, said Hu Yifan, chief economist at Haitong International Securities Co. in Hong Kong, who previously worked at the World Bank. Authorities may start “active supportive policies,” including a cut this month in banks’ reserve-requirement ratio, said Hu, the only analyst surveyed to project a May decline in exports.

China’s gross domestic product expanded a less-than-estimated 7.7 percent in the first quarter and analysts last month trimmed forecasts for the April-June period to a median projection of 7.8 percent. The government in March set a goal of 7.5 percent for the year.

“The pressure on the Chinese leadership may grow to do more to boost domestic demand,” such as faster approvals of investment projects, said Sun Junwei, a Beijing-based economist at HSBC Holdings Plc. “The government doesn’t want another stimulus package, but it won’t like a deepening slowdown either.”

Around the world today, U.K. house prices rose for a fourth month in May as government measures to help the property market boosted demand, according to Halifax, the mortgage unit of Lloyds Banking Group Plc. Other releases today include U.S. jobless claims and factory orders in Germany.

The Bank of England will probably decide to hold its target for bond purchases at 375 billion pounds ($577 billion), according to a Bloomberg News survey of economists. The European Central Bank will keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 0.5 percent today, according to a survey of analysts.

China Export Gains Seen Halved With Fake-Data Crackdown - Bloomberg
Chinese county's fake economic data exposed

BEIJING - China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Thursday announced it had uncovered a serious case involving the faking of economic data by a county government in Southwest China's Yunnan province.

According to the NBS's publicized report, the government of Luliang had coerced local companies to report inflated industrial output value, resulting in artificially high economic figures.

Twenty-eight sampled local companies reported a total of 6.34 billion yuan ($1.03 billion) in industrial output value in 2012; however, the actual value was only 2.82 billion yuan, based on initial calculation, according to the report.

Similarly, 25 sampled local companies reported 2.74 billion yuan of industrial output value in the first half of 2013, but the NBS initially verified the actual value to be only 1.06 billion yuan.

Meanwhile, the county was also found to have faked investment data.

Companies complained that if they did not fraudulently report higher data, their reports would be returned by local government departments. They also said that fake reports would ensure they would enjoy favorable policies such as securing bank loans.

The NBS said that the misconduct has seriously affected the authenticity and independence of company data.

The NBS did not specify the reasons behind the county's faking of data but it is a well-known fact that local government leaders are assessed for their performances based on economic data. Nice-looking data sheets mean promotion opportunities.

In February 2012, the NBS launched a unified data collection system through which companies can send their data directly to the government's statistics center or authorized provincial branches, in an effort to ensure the authenticity of official economic data and dispel discrepancies in this field.

The scheme covers a total of 700,000 major enterprises, which contribute about 80 percent of the country's GDP. However, many other small and medium-sized companies as well as individual businesses are not included.

Chinese county's fake economic data exposed |Economy |chinadaily.com.cn
This guy is mad. Keep posting negative news of China, but you can't save India economy.

China's GDP is highly underestimated - if by any reason it is not accurate.
This guy is mad. Keep posting negative news of China, but you can't save India economy.

China's GDP is highly underestimated - if by any reason it is not accurate.

Under estimated... mate your very own Government t is saying that the GDP numbers are inflated by a figure of 100% and you still claim its underestimated...

Some control they have on you guys.
Under estimated... mate your very own Government t is saying that the GDP numbers are inflated by a figure of 100% and you still claim its underestimated...

Some control they have on you guys.

Mate, you are not live in China, GDP of China is under estimated, most firms want tax evasion by reducing operating income, even I rent a house by 700Yuan/month, I signed 2 agreement, one 350 for rent(owner should pay tax based on this) and another 350 for property charges, management fees atc(not pay tax part), in fact 700 is all rent fee.
What you should notice is Fiscal revenue,at least 5 or 6 government Fiscal revenue should be the real GDP of China.
First of all over the world governments fake data. How else do you explain the crises now confronting US, EU and India etc. Atleast in China they are trying to make an effort to get to the bottom of things unlike others that ignores these issue's.

Second there are some wild presumptions being made here that this is happening throughout the country and for decades. Any proof of that ?

And third do you believe no matter in which country you live in that the economic data that the government releases is true ?
First of all over the world governments fake data. How else do you explain the crises now confronting US, EU and India etc. Atleast in China they are trying to make an effort to get to the bottom of things unlike others that ignores these issue's.

Second there are some wild presumptions being made here that this is happening throughout the country and for decades. Any proof of that ?

And third do you believe no matter in which country you live in that the economic data that the government releases is true ?
And thats your justification...everyelse is a thief so I have right to become Dacoit
And thats your justification...everyelse is a thief so I have right to become Dacoit

No, but China is being singled out for something that's widespread throughout the world and there is a HUGE hypocrysie on the part of those who are pointing their fingers at China.

And China's reported GDP data doesn't come from the local governments but is gathered by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).
People need to learn to read article's more carefully. What the article state is that as part of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) unified data collection scheme that allows companies to directly report their numbers to the NBS from february 2012 onwards. This scheme involves 700000 major companies nationwide that comprise 80% of GDP. They have found through this that in this one county in Yunnan province the companies have been forced by the local government to exaggerate there output by as much as 100%. I'm sure that there will be other cases like this in other parts of China that will be uncovered by this scheme. But its certainly a far stretch of the imagination to say that based on this one extreme case that China's GDP is only half of what is reported.

Chinese county's fake economic data exposed

China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Thursday announced it had uncovered a serious case involving the faking of economic data by a county government in southwest China's Yunnan Province.

According to the NBS's publicized report, the government of Luliang had coerced local companies to report inflated industrial output value, resulting in artificially high economic figures.

Twenty-eight sampled local companies reported a total of 6.34 billion yuan (1.03 billion U.S. dollars) in industrial output value in 2012; however, the actual value was only 2.82 billion yuan, based on initial calculation, according to the report.

Similarly, 25 sampled local companies reported 2.74 billion yuan of industrial output value in the first half of 2013, but the NBS initially verified the actual value to be only 1.06 billion yuan.

Meanwhile, the county was also found to have faked investment data.

Companies complained that if they did not fraudulently report higher data, their reports would be returned by local government departments. They also said that fake reports would ensure they would enjoy favorable policies such as securing bank loans.

The NBS said that the misconduct has seriously affected the authenticity and independence of company data.

The NBS did not specify the reasons behind the county's faking of data but it is a well-known fact that local government leaders are assessed for their performances based on economic data. Nice-looking data sheets mean promotion opportunities.

In February 2012, the NBS launched a unified data collection system through which companies can send their data directly to the government's statistics center or authorized provincial branches, in an effort to ensure the authenticity of official economic data and dispel discrepancies in this field.

The scheme covers a total of 700,000 major enterprises, which contribute about 80 percent of the country's GDP. However, many other small and medium-sized companies as well as individual businesses are not included.

Chinese county's fake economic data exposed - Xinhua | English.news.cn
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