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China Economic “Miracle” Has Failed… What’s Next For the Stock Market?

Why? because I am against trolling on Chinese topics? I said the same thing when people start bashing India without basis. I was called 'from a low IQ area' because I said IQ tests are not accurate and ppl should not use those test numbers to call names such as 'low IQ Indians', clearly they thought I was a NRI.

Trolling means inflaming hatred against and amongst members here. OP has no knowledge about either Chinese or Indian economy, yet he's been creating multiple similar threads with only wishful thinking "Oh, God, please make China go down". This is bound to end up as a troll dog fight.

Those posters who often open bashing India threads and posts are of low caliber and of low intellect, try as you one cannot get any decent discussion going with them - and you seem to have tried to discuss with them - I am sure you came back flustered from the experience, if you think this is in opposition to that then think again because if needed we can go down to their levels to open up similar china bashing threads but we dont, because we arent low lives like them.

As for this topic, this topic is current and worthy of discussion and my offer of you posting an article showing overall positivity for the chinese economy still stands.
Lots of this kind crap articles come out every year since 2002, but we still stay strong.
In the other hand, even there are lots of Indian will be superpower blahblahblah predication and articles, Indian still lags far behind china... Talking is easy but making them real is difficult.

Wolf .. Wolf .... Haha .. just joking.

And then one day, the wolf came.
Wolf .. Wolf .... Haha .. just joking.

And then one day, the wolf came.

I think you didn't understand the story. The person who cried wolf again and again was the the one who lost everything, because nobody came to his rescue when the wolf really came.

In this case you, hellraiser and some other Indian members of the forum. ;)
Götterdämmerung;4517533 said:
I think you didn't understand the story. The person who cried wolf again and again was the the one who lost everything, because nobody came to his rescue when the wolf really came.

In this case you, hellraiser and some other Indian members of the forum. ;)


You'll soon understand the story. :laugh:
Indian economy is collapsing and Indians are laughing at China. You can't make this sh*t up :lol:

India has one of the worst performing currencies in the world, even Greece is doing better than India. India had to go into deficits to get their growth, but debt levels are too high and the currency has collapsed. To deal with the collapsed currency, they are forced to reduce their deficits, but that means their growth has been reduced significantly because their economy is based on how long they could afford to run deficits. As all Ponzi schemes come to an end, Indian Ponzi scheme has come to an end.

Indian rupee will be at 100 by the end of the year, bookmark it.
Indian economy is collapsing and Indians are laughing at China. You can't make this sh*t up :lol:

India has one of the worst performing currencies in the world, even Greece is doing better than India. India had to go into deficits to get their growth, but debt levels are too high and the currency has collapsed. To deal with the collapsed currency, they are forced to reduce their deficits, but that means their growth has been reduced significantly because their economy is based on how long they could afford to run deficits. As all Ponzi schemes come to an end, Indian Ponzi scheme has come to an end.

Indian rupee will be at 100 by the end of the year, bookmark it.

India economy is not financed by external debt but by people,s saving. There is a very small FDI contribution. It is also a domestic oriented economy unlike China. So if you dont have your basic facts right, and think that India is like Greece or Spain, the rest of your blabber about indian currency etc has zero relevance.
Your dear PRC: People Ruined by China. :laugh:

So China repetetly cried that their economy is going to fall and not some Indian and US experts. The OP article was written by some Chinese and printed in some Chinese newspaper. :smokin:

On a serious note, here is why I think China will be harder hit:

1. It is far more export oriented than India. Indian economy mainly caters to the internal market

On the other word, you have nothing to export. This was in the past, is for the present, not sure but pessimistic for the future as you don’t have the infrastructure and business friendly bureaucracy.

2. You have created excessive industrial capacity with FDI. These factories / real estate is going to turn ghost towns
Short-sighted Indian democratic officials and their constituents will never understand the word “forward looking”. That’s why they are always one or more steps (decades?) behind China.

3. Far more urbanized than India, with much greater Industrial employment working in expoert dependent industries. In India, majority is still in primary sector which is insulated from outer world.
Urbanization is the key to promote internal consumption. A farmer can be self-sufficient with low quality of life. So your prompted “internal consumption” in early paragraph is imaginably pitiful, whereas China has the foundation to implement a healthy internal consumption economic goal.

4. Has built a pile of worthless US Govt treasury bonds which cannot be encashed. Indian saving is mostly in Gold. India has mote than 50% of world's gold.

Bad for Indians if what you said is true as the gold price has fallen steadily from around 1900USD/oz to 1200USD/oz and you take 50% of the hit of the world and you are almost 40% poorer if you want to cash the gold! Whereas USD is hardening.

Why are you still so delighted?

Amazing logic!

5. For all its size, China is far resource poor. Its population is larger and agricultural land lesser than India. India has extremely favorable agro climatic conditions allowing for multiple cropping. Frther, chinese have massively polluted their land.

Lets see where we both are in 10 years time.

Even funnier logic.

Japan is 100 times resource poorer than China. It does not stop it being rich.

Where India is very resource rich (which I really doubt), but it never stop India from being the poorest country in the world with millions kid starved to death yearly and vast illiteracy.

Pollution? LOL! Air Pollution in New Delhi Was Much Worse Than Beijing Thursday, But Indian Government Is Not Acting - NYTimes.com

We can definitely see in 10 years or even longer that China will surely fair better than you. This is not because star-telling, but the political system.

But more importantly, in past 60+ years, a more advanced India in late 1940s has become vastly behind China today. While the Chinese enjoy their unprecedentedly prosperity and longevity, you are bogged down in your rambunctious fake democracy and keep suffering from malnutrition and illiteracy, happily.

This is because while the Chinese fix their problems through hard-work, you are happy with your problems by oscillating your mouths only.
A completely tangential and diversionary reply because you have nothing to rebut my points and could not substantially address any of them. Shows that your faith in the Chinese miracle is just that...pure faith. And I know why this wishful dreaming - because China has you by the balls. If it sinks, it takes your stock market and consequently your bond market and your economy along with it. Which is why the fed is shamelessly lying through its teeth about chinese growth numbers. And you say the bonds are strengthening, so be afraid.. Be very afraid...you are entering a deflation.

On the other word, you have nothing to export. This was in the past, is for the present, not sure but pessimistic for the future as you don’t have the infrastructure and business friendly bureaucracy.

Short-sighted Indian democratic officials and their constituents will never understand the word “forward looking”. That’s why they are always one or more steps (decades?) behind China.

Urbanization is the key to promote internal consumption. A farmer can be self-sufficient with low quality of life. So your prompted “internal consumption” in early paragraph is imaginably pitiful, whereas China has the foundation to implement a healthy internal consumption economic goal.

Bad for Indians if what you said is true as the gold price has fallen steadily from around 1900USD/oz to 1200USD/oz and you take 50% of the hit of the world and you are almost 40% poorer if you want to cash the gold! Whereas USD is hardening.

Why are you still so delighted?

Amazing logic!

Even funnier logic.

Japan is 100 times resource poorer than China. It does not stop it being rich.

Where India is very resource rich (which I really doubt), but it never stop India from being the poorest country in the world with millions kid starved to death yearly and vast illiteracy.

Pollution? LOL! Air Pollution in New Delhi Was Much Worse Than Beijing Thursday, But Indian Government Is Not Acting - NYTimes.com

We can definitely see in 10 years or even longer that China will surely fair better than you. This is not because star-telling, but the political system.

But more importantly, in past 60+ years, a more advanced India in late 1940s has become vastly behind China today. While the Chinese enjoy their unprecedentedly prosperity and longevity, you are bogged down in your rambunctious fake democracy and keep suffering from malnutrition and illiteracy, happily.

This is because while the Chinese fix their problems through hard-work, you are happy with your problems by oscillating your mouths only.
This thread is really funny.

All the arguments made by those guys are based on several ”western articles“, authored by some nobodies, talking about inferring GDP from electricity supply (BTW, do not know where the stats on electricity comes from). While the Chinese GDP growth rates reported by IMF, WBG, and CIA every year are viewed as somehow "fake" by CCP.......

Great! Carry on. I am enjoying watching~~~:yahoo:
This thread is really funny.

All the arguments made by those guys are based on several ”western articles“, authored by some nobodies, talking about inferring GDP from electricity supply (BTW, do not know where the stats on electricity comes from). While the Chinese GDP growth rates reported by IMF, WBG, and CIA every year are viewed as somehow "fake" by CCP.......

Great! Carry on. I am enjoying watching~~~:yahoo:

When these same fools write articles that show India in a poor light, you go into overdrive. right? Why this disparity now? :undecided: :offpost:
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