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China: Doing it all yourself has its drawbacks

Idiot. R-27K is a missile with quasi-ballistic capability.

Any evidence that your R-27K is categorized as quasi ballistic? or it is only your assumption? :lol:

Guided in initial stage or even second stage cannot be said as Quasi Balistic.
And no point if Warhead is not maneuverable as the target is always dynamic.

You are clueless.

Only warhead is ballistic and non-guided. And military world refer to R-27K as the first ASBM. More and more evidence that you are retarded.

The problem is: you are always unable to prove what you have claimed.
Where is the requested evidence saying that R-27K said as the first ASBM in the military world?

Yes, you can call "success in testing" if missile detonated lets say 300m near the ship relying on nuclear payload. Or do you expect China says that they failed in development of true ASBM? Still no evidence that DF-21D is capable to directly hit the target :lol:

As I said: what kind of evidence do you expect?

Dont you understand the meaning of successful testing?

If what you are saying is logic, then why USA fears the ASBM missile that miss 300m of the target?? You are idiot :lol:
Its not about seeing a problem. There isn;t a problem. The only point I notice immdeiately is that bineg stated owned entities, it woud be fairly easy to achieve that given the kind of govt support and population they have.
Royal dutch Shell, Beoing, LM, Toyota, and all of those big Banks and big oil companies got supports from their governments, and their governments even went to wars for them````do you get it now simpleton Indians? it has nothing to do with state owned or not, it is all about economy development and competence, which explained fairly well why 1.2 billion India can only have half dozen in fortune 500
Any evidence that your R-27K is categorized as quasi ballistic? or it is only your assumption? :lol:
Guided in initial stage or even second stage cannot be said as Quasi Balistic.
I dont even know why im wasting my time on you.
Trajectory of a projectile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn what is ballistic trajectory. Quasi-ballistic means missile dont follow pure ballistic trajectory. If the missile is guided near re-entry point and changes its course - then it is quasi-ballistic missile.

As I said: what kind of evidence do you expect?

Dont you understand the meaning of successful testing?

If what you are saying is logic, then why USA fears the ASBM missile that miss 300m of the target?? You are idiot :lol:

Still no evidence that it can directly hit a ship like R-27K can? As expected :lol:
I dont even know why im wasting my time on you.
Trajectory of a projectile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn what is ballistic trajectory. Quasi-ballistic means missile dont follow pure ballistic trajectory. If the missile is guided near re-entry point and changes its course - then it is quasi-ballistic missile.

As I said: you dont have clue about what you want to debate.

Ballistic missile is not 100% purely ballistic trajectory.

A ballistic missile is a missile only guided during the relatively brief initial powered phase of flight, whose course is subsequently governed by the laws of classical mechanics. Modern inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), contain a maneuverable orbiting bus that positions and releases ballistic warheads in space using celestial navigation.
Ballistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The above mentioned Modern ICBM is still not categorized as Quasi Ballistic. It is still called Ballistic Missile, eventhough there is some limited maneuvers during the trajectory. :lol:

Still no evidence that it can directly hit a ship like R-27K can? As expected :lol:
You are demonstrating idiocy.

What kind of evidence do you expect?
Is the so claimed successful testing of your R-27K was witnessed by other parties?
@ zzzz

This is the definition of Quasi Ballistic Missiles:

Quasi ballistic missiles

A quasi ballistic missile (also called a semi ballistic missile) is a category of missile that has a low trajectory and/or is largely ballistic but can perform maneuvers in flight or make unexpected changes in direction and range.

At a lower trajectory than a ballistic missile, a quasi ballistic missile can maintain higher speed, thus allowing its target less time to react to the attack, at the cost of reduced range.

The Russian Iskander is a quasi ballistic missile.[3] The Russian Iskander-M cruises at hypersonic speed of 2,100–2,600 m/s (Mach 6 - 7) at a height of 50 km. The Iskander-M weighs 4,615 kg carries a warhead of 710 – 800 kg, has a range of 480 km and achieves a CEP of 5 – 7 meters. During flight it can maneuver at different altitudes and trajectories to evade anti-ballistic missiles.[4][5]

China has recently developed the first and only anti-ship ballistic missile in the world, that combines a maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV) with a terminal guidance system, allowing them to adjust the flight path as they near their target, and are thought to be in use by the People's Liberation Army as of late 2010.

Ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dont make any idiotic claim anymore :lol:
The above mentioned Modern ICBM is still not categorized as Quasi Ballistic. It is still called Ballistic Missile, eventhough there is some limited maneuvers during the trajectory. :lol:

Its dependent on how limited those maneuvers to classify missile as qusi-ballistic. Modern ballistic missiles that perform big enough maneuvers are called quasi-ballistic. DF-21D is also called ASBM(anti-ship ballistic missile) though you claim its quasi-ballistic. Now, retard, GTFO.

What kind of evidence do you expect?
Is the so claimed successful testing of your R-27K was witnessed by other parties?

And im also asking you just any single text report. No need to bring witnesses. Whats up, no such report? :lol:
Its depended on how limited those maneuvers to classify missile as qusi-ballistic. Modern ballistic missiles that perform big enough maneuvers are called quasi-ballistic. DF-21D is also called ASBM(anti-ship ballistic missile) though you claim its quasi-ballistic. Now, retard, GTFO.

Who said Ballistic Missile has to be purely balistic and cannot be quasi ballistic?

I said Ballistic Missile is not always 100% percent follow ballistic trajectory.

Are you idiot or something?

Cant you read the article I gave above?

Is it not clear enough for you that DF-21D is called the First ASBM due it its ability to make change in direction and range?

Can your R-27K perform so?

And im also asking you just any single text report. No need to bring witnesses. Whats up, no such report? :lol:

I have given as the above.
Illiterate or something? :cry:
Is it not clear enough for you that DF-21D is called the First ASBM due it its ability to make change in direction and range?

Can your R-27K perform so?
Yes it can. Read wikipedia article about R-27K that i linked to you.

I have given as the above.
Illiterate or something? :cry:

Report of directly hitting a ship. Date, place and report that this missile directly hit a ship. Retarded or something? :lol:
Report of directly hitting a ship. Date, place and report that this missile directly hit a ship. Retarded or something? :lol:

Send him an email.

Another possible indication is a recent news release attributed to China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (CASIC) citing Wang Genbin, Deputy Director of its 4th Department, as stating that the DF-21D can hit “slow-moving targets” with a CEP (circular error probable, meaning half of missiles fired will strike within) of dozens of meters.
DF-21D can hit “slow-moving targets” with a CEP (circular error probable, meaning half of missiles fired will strike within) of dozens of meters.

Thank you. This is what i needed. So the chances that DF-21D can directly hit a slow-moving target are slim. The chances that it can hit a fast-moving target are almost zero :lol:
Thank you. This is what i needed. So the chances that DF-21D can directly hit a slow-moving target are slim. The chances that it can hit a fast-moving target are almost zero :lol:

You don't understand what CEP means.

Unlike the other Chinese members, I'm not willing to waste my time with a troll. There are tons of them in this Chinese sub-forum.

Okay, I'm willing to humor Gambit every once in a while. However, all you other trolls don't merit my time.
Thank you. This is what i needed. So the chances that DF-21D can directly hit a slow-moving target are slim. The chances that it can hit a fast-moving target are almost zero :lol:

You need to add also IR blinders which will most likely be soon installed on US ships. Effectively blinding the seeker head once it gets exposed after reentry.
You don't understand what CEP means.

Why not. If you aim lets say into the center of AC then you will hit it probably 50%. But how will you be able to provide such accurate coordinates of AC? The coordinates of AC your missile will receive will already be wrong. Now add here CEP of missile itself. The result is obvious.
Yes it can. Read wikipedia article about R-27K that i linked to you.
Where? show/quote the sentence that is saying so, or you are only dreaming.

Besides, as you said - the warhead is purely ballistic.

Then why nobody said R-27K as the First ASBM?

Report of directly hitting a ship. Date, place and report that this missile directly hit a ship. Retarded or something? :lol:

You loose boy :lol:

Thank you. This is what i needed. So the chances that DF-21D can directly hit a slow-moving target are slim. The chances that it can hit a fast-moving target are almost zero :lol:

You are really idiot.

Ship is a slow moving target, never been a fast moving target :lol:
And obviously you dont know what CEP means.

You are totally clueless
Then why nobody said R-27K as the First ASBM?

Idiot. I will make it simple for you.
R-27 Zyb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 4K18 was a Soviet intermediate-range ballistic anti-ship missile

Now GTFO :lol:

You loose boy :lol:

So still didnt find confirmation that DF-21D was able to directly hit a ship during tests? Should i wait more or will you admit there is none? :lol:

Ship is a slow moving target, never been a fast moving target :lol:

If all ships are slow moving targets why should he specify "slow moving"? Everyone knows that DF-21D can be used only against ships. So obviously he meant that missile will have different CEP against slow moving ship and fast moving ships. Obviously for anyone with a brain. You dont have one :lol:
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