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China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

they have their own position on this matter to defend, i suppose....

whats with indian generals getting visas denied lately?

It is something new ..and also lately Beijing refuses to paste visas on the passports of residents of J&K, and staples them instead. this is ridiculous....

and India righlty cancelled the military contact with China....China has no right to intervene b/w India and Pakistan...
they have their own position on this matter to defend, i suppose....

whats with indian generals getting visas denied lately?

The region is disputed between ALL three: China, India and Pakistan.

Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


it is definately interfrence in India's issues. Coz the area which is disputed is Akshai Chin.. and the Genaral does not have army in that area obviosuly...... and the Kashmir area he is responsible for is not disputed by China........ that area and the Pak Kashmir is disputed b/w India and Pak....

So China is no way a party to the area controlled by the General above.....China is limited to akshia chin....

and so it is a clear INTERFERENCE in Indias affairs..and is a PROVOCATIVE and a RETROGADE step by China..:angry::tdown:

(if i furthur extend China logic, Whole of Tibet is also disputed b/w India and China as u consider AP to be a part of TIbet..)
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So China is no way a party to the area controlled by the General above.....China is limited to akshia chin....

No, look at the map.

There are areas that are shaded blue, but behind the yellow line. This part of J&K is still in a state of active dispute between China and India.

This is not just "Indian issues"... this is "Indian AND Chinese issues". These issues have always involved China.
it is definately interfrence in India's issues. Coz the area which is disputed is Akshai Chin.. and the Genaral does not have army in that area obviosuly...... and the Kashmir area he is responsible for is not disputed by China........ that area and the Pak Kashmir is disputed b/w India and Pak....

So China is no way a party to the area controlled by the General above.....China is limited to akshia chin....

and so it is a clear INTERFERENCE in Indias affairs..and is a PROVOCATIVE and a RETROGADE step by China..:angry::tdown:

(if i furthur extend China logic, Whole of Tibet is also disputed b/w India and China as u consider AP to be a part of TIbet..)

That is what you do for your true friend like Pakistan. You support their policies. Does China has beef with the J&K situation? helll no! but it concerns Pakistan so we support them. If India wants to be an allies it will enjoy the same support.
Tibet is not disputed.

The Indian government considers Tibet to be a part of China, so do all other countries and the UN.

First tell me what does China mean by Disupted..??? Does it mean India and Pak or does it mean India and China.

IF first then it is gross interference in India's affairs.

If second, then being part of Akshai Chin makes China to Claim whole J and K as disputed b/w India and China...! isnt that ridiculous.

But if the case is 2nd(whole J and K disputed b/w India and China and that is why China refued visa) then Surely as AP(equivalnt to Akshai) is disputed b/w India and China so that makes whole of Tibet a disputed area between India and China.
You cant deny it then.

China is not a party to the J & K controlled by the General and by parts controlled by Pak . That is squarely b/w India and Pak.

Surely a very very retrogade and foolish step by China. INDIA has done the best thing by cancelling the military contacts.
it is definately interfrence in India's issues. Coz the area which is disputed is Akshai Chin.. and the Genaral does not have army in that area obviosuly...... and the Kashmir area he is responsible for is not disputed by China........ that area and the Pak Kashmir is disputed b/w India and Pak....

So China is no way a party to the area controlled by the General above.....China is limited to akshia chin....

and so it is a clear INTERFERENCE in Indias affairs..and is a PROVOCATIVE and a RETROGADE step by China..:angry::tdown:

(if i furthur extend China logic, Whole of Tibet is also disputed b/w India and China as u consider AP to be a part of TIbet..)

That is what you do for your true friends like Pakistan. You support their policies. Does China has beef with the J&K situation? helll no! but it concerns Pakistan so we support them. If India wants to be an allies it will enjoy the same support.
If second, then being part of Akshai Chin makes China to Claim whole J and K as disputed b/w India and China...! isnt that ridiculous.

This is a dispute between China and India.

It might be ridiculous situation... but until we sort out the border issues it will continue to be a ridiculous situation.

So like I said, the best way forward is to sort out the border issues.

My opinion is that we should make the "status quo" into the official borders.
That is what you do for your true friend like Pakistan. You support their policies. Does China has beef with the J&K situation? helll no! but it concerns Pakistan so we support them. If India wants to be an allies it will enjoy the same support.

when you have to solv South China issue then China says it will do it bilateraly with each and every one, when all those countries want to solve it multilaterally.
China got no right to interfere b/w India and Pak. Obviously if i wants to be a frnd it vcan advise and wish for India and PAk to solve their issues. That will be welcome. But it is not at all the right way or the acceptable manner to not give visa to Indian general.

Will you like India denying visa to Chinese general saying he is in command of disputed ares with ASEAN countries..??? IF yes then fair and Idnia should also do so.

I am all for good relations but this kind of groos interference is India and PAk affairs is unacceptable. It should be a friedndly advise/wish from beijing to solve our disputes but what it has done just now is grossly wrong and retrogade step for India-China relations.
I don't think they should have denied the Visa to the general. There is no benefit to be gained by doing it.

However it is just a visa, it's not really a huge issue.

Will you like India denying visa to Chinese general saying he is in command of disputed ares with ASEAN countries..??? IF yes then fair and Idnia should also do so.

If any country wants to deny visas to a Chinese official for the stated reason of a border dispute... that is their decision. I personally wouldn't be bothered by it, there are much bigger things to be worried about.
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