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China curbs Ramadan fasting

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Some of the Demands were meet like Jobs and Housing including stopping discrimination after 2009 still several changes are needed, as for armed violence the East Turkmenstan Islamic movement has done that since the 90's only to be destroyed by the Americans who killed off their entire leadership in Afghanistan. so waiting till 2013.

Percentage of Han Chinese increased from 4% in 1949 to 40% in 2009 in Xinjiang and Uighurs are already minority in many cities of Xinjiang. Do you really believe jobs and housing will answer their complains. Even it is 40%, I read that migrants Han laborers are not included in census but Han who are settled there are counted in census.
If you have nothing to contribute to the thread you don't have to post here you know.
Son, you're just 2 months old here. You don't know how people have "contributed" (as you wanna call it) in threads like these.

I'm missing those people you know.
Percentage of Han Chinese increased from 4% in 1949 to 40% in 2009 and Uighurs already minority in all many cities of Xinjiang. Do you really believe jobs and housing will answer their complains. Even it is 40%, I read that all migrants Han laborers are not included in census.

It's improved the situation but plenty of change is needed Uighurs are still the Majority in Xinjiang removing restrictions would help
Some of the Demands were meet like Jobs and Housing including stopping discrimination after 2009 still several changes are needed, as for armed violence the East Turkmenstan Islamic movement has done that since the 90's only to be destroyed by the Americans who killed off their entire leadership in Afghanistan. so waiting till 2013.

Well I read somewhere that this East Turkmenstan Islamic movement is nothing but a creation by central Govt to to give them a reason to crush the genuine Uighur Movement.

It's improved the situation but plenty of change is needed Uighurs are still the Majority in Xinjiang removing restrictions would help

But it seems it will not remain for long.
Well I read somewhere that this East Turkmenstan Islamic movement is nothing but a creation by central Govt to to give them a reason to crush the genuine Uighur Movement.

Not Exactly during the 90's both the USA and Russia were aware of this they operated from Kazakhstan and Afghanistan until post 9/11 the Americans killed off nearly all of their leadership.
It's improved the situation but plenty of change is needed Uighurs are still the Majority in Xinjiang removing restrictions would help

They are already reduced to minority
Uighurs-40-45%, Han:-40% (excluding migrant Han laborers)
Guys, especially gleeful Indians, tell us how to force feed those who don’t want to eat!

Dude, when M. Gandhi went on fasting could anybody force-feed him?

Assume Chinese state machine is so powerful, so every policeman cat force feed 3 guys. In China, there are hundreds of millions of Muslims, who can afford to force feed them all?

Guys, use your brains?

LOL! You can only starve people like in democratic free-to-starve India, how could you force people to eat if they decided not to, especially when practiced by so many millions.

How pitiful the brainless gullibles...
Some of you indians are having a ball ... disrespecting islam and it's values shame on you jerks show some respect it's a holy month for us muslims and if you can't control your self then go to a indian site no need to be here we don't want you here ...act human if anything grow up.
Mods please start banning these trolls before it gets out of hand ... people have forgotten how to be human beings why should we muslims tolerate these hateful jerks and their direspect towards our religion.
Son, you're just 2 months old here. You don't know how people have "contributed" (as you wanna call it) in threads like these.

I'm missing those people you know.

One I am not your son and two your post was nothing more then uneventful sarcasm. Lastly just because I have only been registered for about a couple of months doesn't mean I haven't been following this forum boy.
Hu Songshan!

What is opinion on people of Xinjaing on this?
How can the government ban fasting at all?How such action can be enforced? I dont understand this..Its totally an individual matter.. I mean, how would the state authorities, even come to know, whether someone is fasting or not,let alone banning it? A person, not necessarily needs to go somewhere else..A person needs to do Sehri, early morning meal, which u obviously do at home, then whole day, u dont eat or drink anything(which is totally a private matter..so state authorities dont come in this..obviously authroities, wont come asking to each and every person, are u fasting today or not?).. About praying, well, in an Islamic country, obviously men must go to mosques, for prayers, but if u are not in an Islamic country, where there are not sufficient mosques, in your locality, then u can offer prayers at your home, or anywhere, while at work, where u think can be appropriate in a separate room...and then in the evening u can have meal...so I really dont understand, fasting being a totally individual matter, how can state authorities, enforce ban? Whatever ibadat, a person, has to do, obviously, he will do at his home...so how can state restrict it, at all?How would they even know, tht who is fasting and who is not?

I suppose they would ask them. :lol: Yeah it is hard to believe but you have to understand in what context this thread was started. The point of this thread when started was how Muslims on this forum complain when Western countries impose restrictions on Muslims but we turn a blind eye to China because they are friends.
Now Where are International human rights organizations and UN, forbidding ones from practicing religious beliefs is violation of human rights.
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