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China crisis over Yangtze river drought forces drastic dam measures


Nov 26, 2010
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The dried up Yangtze river in southwest China's Chongqing municipality. The severe drought has forced a massive release of water from China's Three Gorges reservoir for irrigation and drinking water.

The Yangtze – Asia's biggest river – is experiencing its worst drought in 50 years, forcing an unprecedented release of water from the Three Gorges reservoir. The drought is damaging crops, threatening wildlife and raising doubts about the viability of China's massive water diversion ambitions.

Between now and 10 June the dam will release 5bn cubic metres of water – equivalent to the volume of Lake Windermere in Britain every day – as engineers sacrifice hydroelectric generation for irrigation, drinking supplies and ecosystem support.

The drastic measure comes amid warnings of power shortages and highlights the severity of the dry spell in the Yangtze delta, which supports 400 million people and 40% of China's economic activity.

From January to April, the worst hit province of Hubei has had 40% less rainfall than the average over the same period since 1961. Shanghai, Jiangsu and Hunan are also severely affected.

Regional authorities have declared more than 1,300 lakes "dead", which means they are out of use for irrigation and drinking supply. Shortages affect 4.4 million people and 3.2 million farm animals, according to the Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.

The narrowing and shallowing of the Yangtze and its tributaries has stranded thousands of boats and left a 220km stretch off limits for container ships.

The central government has dispatched water pumps and diesel generators to Hubei and Hunan to ease the impact. This is expensive and adds to the pressures on China's energy supply system at a time when the state grid authorities are warning of the worst summer power cuts in seven years.

"The primary cause of this drought is a lack of rainfall. But we can also be certain that the Three Gorges dam has had a negative impact on the water supply downstream," said Ma Jun, founder of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs. "This is a reminder that the water in the Yangtze is not unlimited. We cannot bet everything on this river. We need to focus more on conservation."

Desperate farmers are pumping water from nature reserves, prompting alarm among conservationists about the loss of habitat for several endangered species including the finless porpoise – the last remaining cetacean on the Yangtze after the demise of the baiji dolphin.

At the Swan Island national nature reserve the depth is three metres lower than last year – which was then a record low. According to Wang Ding, a dolphin expert at the Hydrobiology Institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the habitat of a pod of 30 porpoises has halved in length from 21km to 10km.

"Finless porpoises cannot survive if the level continues to drop," Wang told Xinhua news agency. "If the activity area is reduced they might be stranded on the bank and will die if they can not swim back." There are believed to be 1,000 porpoises left in the river.

The authorities have attempted cloud seeding to induce rain but a brief shower at the weekend was far from enough. China's meteorological administration sees little prospect of rain before the end of the month and says temperatures in the affected region could rise to 36C.

To minimise the impact, the Three Gorges authority has been instructed to open the sluice gates. It has already discharged 1.8bn cubic metres of water this month, taking the level of the reservoir below 153m from a peak of 175m.

The dam's role in the drought has been the subject of a fierce debate. Downstream communities have accused the Three Gorges of holding back too much water to generate power. Environmentalists say this has contributed to the demise of lakes and wetlands, which are already under pressure from urban development and the demands of agriculture. The operators, however, say the reservoir is helping to ease shortages through a timely release of water.

Last week the state council – China's cabinet – acknowledging that Three Gorges faces "urgent problems" of geological disaster prevention, relocation and ecological protection. It noted the negative impact on downstream water supplies and river transport.

The dam is not the only hydro-engineering project that has come under scrutiny as a result of the drought. The state's massive south-north water diversion project, which aims to tap the normally moist Yangtze basin to supply arid northern cities like Beijing, is also being called into question because one of its source reservoirs at Danjiangkou has fallen 4m below the minimum requirement for its operation.

"This is bound to have an impact on the diversion project," said Zhang Junfeng, an environmental activist with Green Earth Volunteers. "Water storage at Danjiangkou reservoir is already at a dead level and I think the situation will get worse year by year because this is partly due to climate change."

China crisis over Yangtze river drought forces drastic dam measures | Environment | The Guardian
China's Three Gorges is its biggest mistake and creating all types of ecological problems but in times of global terrorism if targated by terrorists it will wipe out major parts of china.
^at least they had the will and ambition to try something on such a massive scale and complete it. when was the last time India did something on a similar scale. Mistakes happen when mega projects such as these are taken and believe me chinese have the capability to sort out these issues.
noobs :hitwall:
^at least they had the will and ambition to try something on such a massive scale and complete it. when was the last time India did something on a similar scale. Mistakes happen when mega projects such as these are taken and believe me chinese have the capability to sort out these issues.
noobs :hitwall:

So you are suggesting that we displace millions of people, destroy pristine forest, kill wildlife, submerge thousands of acres of agricultural land and basically cause irreversible damage to the eco-system just to show the world that we can build a mega dam.

Thank God I don't live in a Communist dictatorship
So you are suggesting that we displace millions of people, destroy pristine forest, kill wildlife, submerge thousands of acres of agricultural land and basically cause irreversible damage to the eco-system just to show the world that we can build a mega dam.

Much better than India, who lets 5.6 million of its own people starve to death every year, just so their politicians can add more money to their Swiss Bank accounts.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

A Unicef report in May said the world was failing its children by not ensuring that they had enough to eat.

The report said India contributed to about 5.6 million child deaths per year, more than half the world's total.

How many hundreds of billions are hidden in those Swiss Bank accounts? The Three Gorges Dam only cost US$26 billion, with all that Indian black money you could have built SO many of them.
The causuality in your charges are weak and unreliable but the benefits of electricity generating and flood-prevention is solid.
^at least they had the will and ambition to try something on such a massive scale and complete it. when was the last time India did something on a similar scale. Mistakes happen when mega projects such as these are taken and believe me chinese have the capability to sort out these issues.
noobs :hitwall:

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I guarantee you a billion Chinese people, myself included, Thank God or Thank Buddha or Thank Confuscius every day that they don't live in 'shining' India.

Nobody invited you or your fellow Chinese to live in India. This is our land not yours. I am just happy that my country is not a Communist dictatorship that will run tanks over me if I dare protest the Govt policies
China's Three Gorges is its biggest mistake and creating all types of ecological problems but in times of global terrorism if targated by terrorists it will wipe out major parts of china.

Same can be said about the 5 biggest dams of India (Tehri, Bhakra Nangal, Hirakud , Nagarjunasagar and Sardar Sarovar Dam) if targeted by global terrorism. You are clearly trolling as you have nothing worthy of a conversation to add but to incite terrorism.

In terms of ecological problem, if it weren't for the dam, we would have experienced greater flooding, more damage than the ones in America.
The dam also gave us an alternative energy source. Clearly the dam was build with more pros than cons in mind. Something that ignoramuses like you fail to see.
Much better than India, who lets 5.6 million of its own people starve to death every year, just so their politicians can add more money to their Swiss Bank accounts.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

How many hundreds of billions are hidden in those Swiss Bank accounts? The Three Gorges Dam only cost US$26 billion, with all that Indian black money you could have built SO many of them.

Pls stick to the topic and update yourself. This is 2011 not 2006.

Coming back to the topic, I was only saying that there is no need to build such huge dams just for the sake of building it. People around the world including me will marvel at these mega dams.. but at the end of the day, its your dam and you have to face the consequences related to it.Its up to you to decide whether the price needed to be paid for this type of projects like irreversible ecological damage is worth it.
Nobody invited you or your fellow Chinese to live in India. This is our land not yours. I am just happy that my country is not a Communist dictatorship that will run tanks over me if I dare protest the Govt policies

Nobody wants your land because 800 million uneducated, starving people comes with it. Nobody wants to live in your kleptocracy. 800 million illiterate voters combined with vote buying is hardly democracy.
Pls stick to the topic and update yourself. This is 2011 not 2006.

Coming back to the topic, I was only saying that there is no need to build such huge dams just for the sake of building it. People around the world including me will marvel at these mega dams.. but at the end of the day, its your dam and you have to face the consequences related to it.Its up to you to decide whether the price needed to be paid for this type of projects like irreversible ecological damage is worth it.

Who told you it was just for the sake of building it?
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