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China Conducts Test of New Anti-Satellite Missile


Oct 28, 2012
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China’s military on Monday conducted the first test of a new ground-launched anti-satellite missile that was fired into space and disguised as a space-exploration rocket, according to U.S. officials.

The test was carried out early Monday from the Xichang Space Launch center and was identified by officials as the new Dong Ning-2 ASAT missile.

The ASAT test comes a week after China protested the release of the Pentagon’s annual report on the Chinese military buildup that mentioned Beijing’s development of anti-satellite weapons.

The Free Beacon first disclosed the existence of the new missile in October and a missile researcher reported in January that a new ASAT missile was being readied for its first test.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei was asked if China conducted an ASAT test during a briefing for reporters in Beijing on Monday. He did not deny that it was carried out. “I am not aware of the development that you described,” he said. “China has consistently advocated the peaceful use of outer space and is opposed to militarizing and conducting an arms race in outer space.”

Pentagon spokeswoman Maj. Cathy Wilkinson said: “We don’t have a comment on it as we don’t discuss intelligence.”

A U.S. official familiar with intelligence reports said the DN-2, as a high earth-orbit attack missile, is a significant advance for China’s program of developing asymmetric warfare capabilities for use against the United States. Others include cyber-warfare capabilities and anti-ship ballistic missiles.

It could not be learned if the latest ASAT test involved an impact with a target satellite.

A second official said the Chinese apparently disguised the ASAT missile test as a space exploration experiment. The website of the National Space Science Center, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported Monday that a sounding rocket was used in a high-altitude scientific exploration test.

“This experiment used a high-altitude space-exploring rocket, Langmuir probe, high-energetic particle detectors, magnetometers and barium-powder release experimental apparatus and other payload of scientific exploration to test and measure the ionosphere, the high-energy particles and magnetic fields of the near-Earth space strength and structure,” the notice said.

China in 2007 conducted its first successful hit-to-kill ASAT test against a weather satellite in low-earth orbit. The impact left tens of thousands of pieces of debris in orbit that continue to threaten both manned and unmanned spacecraft.

Defense officials have said China’s ASAT weapons, including missile interceptors, lasers, and electronic jammers, are designed to disrupt satellite communications and navigation systems used extensively by the U.S. military in conducting joint warfare.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel stated in written answers to questions during his confirmation hearing in January that the United States would seek to avoid engaging in hostilities in space.

However, Hagel revealed that U.S. space policy calls for “the secretary of defense to develop capabilities, plans and options to deter, defend against, and, if necessary, defeat efforts to interfere with or attack U.S. or allied space systems.”

The statement was the clearest indication that the Pentagon is preparing to develop “counterspace” weapons in response to Chinese anti-satellite weapons.

“The chances are good this is indeed an ASAT test as it was launched from the Xichang Space Launch Center, the same launch site used for the January 2007 successful SC-19 ASAT interception of a Chinese weather satellite,” said Rick Fisher, a senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. Xichang is located in southern Sichuan Province.

Fisher said Chinese Internet reports stated that the ASAT test of what U.S. official say was a DN-2 may have up to four stages and included one or two liquid-fueled upper stages to provide greater thrust as the missile closed in on a target.

“While there so far has been no report of a successful interception, even a very near miss would serve to validate this new [People’s Liberation Army] ASAT system,” Fisher said.

A validated DN-2 ASAT system would provide the Chinese military with the capability to “degrade or severely damage the U.S. Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system,” he said.

“This is not merely a threat against some American military satellites, but a threat to a what has become a vital part of the global electronic infrastructure, affecting global commerce and financial flows, to your personal finances that contribute to personal freedom.”

Fisher said China has been “preaching” that other states should disarm while Beijing secretly builds space weaponry at the same time it has denied being engaged in the space arms buildup.

“In the face of such a threat, the United States simply has no choice but to pursue symmetric capabilities to deter Chinese attacks in space, but also to consider its own requirements for space superiority,” he said.

The major concern for Pentagon war planners is that China, with an arsenal of around two dozen anti-satellite missiles, could severely disrupt U.S. command-and-control systems, intelligence-gathering satellites, and navigation satellites used to guide precision guided missiles.

Security analyst Gregory Kulacki said in an online posting in January that the ASAT test was expected as early as that month.

“Given these high-level administration concerns and past Chinese practice, there seems to be a strong possibility China will conduct an ASAT test within the next few weeks,” Kulacki, a Chinese-language speaker with the Union of Concerned Scientists stated.

Defense officials disclosed to the Free Beacon that the DN-2 test was initially planned for last fall, but was delayed by the Chinese over concerns that the test would upset President Barack Obama’s reelection bid.

While details of the DN-2 are not know, U.S. officials said it is expected to be a high earth-orbit interceptor capable of destroying strategic navigation, communication, or intelligence satellites by ramming into them at high speeds.

The DN-2 is said to be capable of hitting targets in high-earth orbit between 12,000 and 22,236 miles above earth. Many military, intelligence, and commercial satellites orbit at that altitude.

A Pentagon-State Department report to Congress last year on export controls stated that in addition to ground-launched ASAT missiles, China is building high-technology kinetic and direct energy weapons for ASAT use.
This entry was posted in China, National Security and tagged ASAT missile, China, Dong-Ning 2. Bookmark the permalink.

China Conducts Test of New Anti-Satellite Missile | Washington Free Beacon


some guy think it is failed when kkv head turned back and searched the target

the city list where people see the rocket:


Yunnan: Kunming / Simao / Yuxi / Lincang / Zhaotong / Qujing Honghe /
Sichuan: chengdu / Panzhihua
Guizhou: Guiyang Liupanshui Bijie.
Hubei: Wuhan Shiyan Xiangyang Yichang Shennongjia
Hunan: Changsha Yongzhou Yueyang Huaihua Xiangtan
Guangdong: Zhaoqing Jiangmen Guangzhou Zhanjiang Huizhou
Hainan: Haikou
Fujian: Fuzhou Zhangzhou
Guangxi: Nanning Beihai BaiseJiangxi Nanchang
Shanxi: Hanzhoung
Anhui: Mount Huangshan
Henan: Nanyang Luoyang Pingdingshan Zhoukou
Inner Mongolia. Hebei. Zhejiang. Jiangsu. Chongqing. Beijing. Hongkong. More... Etc

how can a sounding rocket fly so long
besides the rocket as guessed, may be them too whihc China has invested long ago:


The creation of such a system would make China THE ONLY country in the world
  capable of successfully hitting satellites of global positioning systems,
  such as the American GPS.


  “If the United States loses the strategic high ground of high-earth orbit [
  from a Chinese high-altitude ASAT missile], we are in real trouble,” said
  one U.S. official.
  U.S. Global Positioning System satellites, used for both navigation and
  precision missile guidance, are located in medium-earth orbit, or about 12,
  000 miles, and thus would be vulnerable to the new DN-2.

  “Even a small scale anti-satellite attack in a crisis against 50 U.S.
  satellites—assuming a mix of targeted military reconnaissance, navigation
  satellites, and communication satellites—could have a catastrophic effect
  not only on U.S. military forces, but on the U.S. civilian economy,” said
  Pillsbury, currently with the Hudson Institute. Chinese military writings
  also have discussed attacks on GPS satellites that are located in high-
  orbit, he stated.

  American military specialists assume that the project called DN-2 is meant
  for destroying satellites in high geostationary orbits (about 20 000 km).
  The creation of such a system would make China the only country in the
  capable of successfully hitting satellites of global positioning systems,
  such as the American GPS.

  Taking into account the high dependence of the US Air Force, the Navy and
  many systems of weapons guiding, on the GPS signal, targeting such a system
  can become an effective way of neutralizing the military superiority of the
Not missile, only a Sounding rocke-Kunpeng7, from 200KM to more than 10000KM, put Barium powder to make Artificial aurora, search by CAS

Sounding rocket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“5月13日21时左右,我国科学家再次成功进行高空科学探测试验。本次试验利用高空探空火箭,通过朗缪尔 探针、高能粒子探测器、磁强计和钡粉释放实验装置等多种科学探测有效载荷,对电离层、近地空间的高能粒子和 磁场强度与结构进行了原位探测。

探空火箭是进行空间探测和科学试验的有效探测工具。利用探空火箭可以在高度方向探测大气各层结构成分和参数 ,研究电离层、地磁、宇宙线、太阳紫外线和X射线、陨尘等多种日-地物理现象。

此次试验在西昌卫星发射中心进行。经中科院国家空间科学中心初步分析表明,实验已获得了不同高度上空间环境 垂直分布的第一手科学数据,达到了预期目的,为我国进一步开展自主空间环境监测、保障空间活动安全积累了宝 贵的数据。”
Google trans
"21 o'clock on May 13, 2011, Chinese scientists have once again successfully test of high-altitude scientific exploration. This experiment the use of high-altitude sounding rockets, Langmuir probe, energetic particle detectors, magnetometers and barium powder release of experimental apparatus and other payload of scientific exploration, the ionosphere, the high-energy particles and magnetic fields of the near-Earth space strength and structure of the in situ detection.

Sounding rocket is effective detection tool for space exploration and scientific experiments. Using rockets and can detect the atmospheric layers of structural components and parameters in the height direction to study the ionosphere, geomagnetism, cosmic rays, the sun ultraviolet and X-ray, meteorite dust and other day - to physical phenomena.

The trial at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Preliminary analysis indicates that the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the experiment has obtained different heights on the space environment first-hand vertical distribution of scientific data, to achieve the desired purpose, for China to further develop its own space environment monitoring, to protect the safety of space activities has accumulated valuable data."
didn't some Chinese posters opened thread on the same "unidentified objects" which roamed for a long time and residents from various cities saw that??didn't think it was an ASAT..and what is described,I don't think its a successful launch as ASAt is just another ballistic missile which would vanish within a minute after launch..don't think it roams over various provinces..I thought it was a cruise missile..
didn't some Chinese posters opened thread on the same "unidentified objects" which roamed for a long time and residents from various cities saw that??didn't think it was an ASAT..and what is described,I don't think its a successful launch as ASAt is just another ballistic missile which would vanish within a minute after launch..don't think it roams over various provinces..I thought it was a cruise missile..

Care to read the post above you before making uneducated guesses?
China missile hit highest suborbital level since 1976: scientist

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China launched a large missile on Monday that reached 6,200 miles above the earth, its highest suborbital launch since 1976, according to a U.S. scientist at Harvard University.

Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the rocket was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in western China, and China said the rocket carried a science payload which studied the earth's magnetosphere.

He said the rocket could possibly be used in the future to carry an anti-satellite payload on a similar trajectory, but there was no evidence to indicate the launch was intended to test such a capability.

China missile hit highest suborbital level since 1976: scientist
The Chinese officially release news report simply said more than 10,000 km, but read below what pentagon spokewoman told Airforce Magazine,

Airforce Magazine -- Chinese Anti-Satellite Test?

A Chinese space launch this week ostensibly for peaceful scientific research may actually have been a test of a new Chinese anti-satellite weapon, according to US press reports. China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported the May 13 launch of a high-altitude sounding rocket from southwestern China that was meant to investigate energy ions and magnetic fields in space. However, the mission was actually a test of the so called Dong Ning-2 missile that China could fire to attack a satellite, reported the Washington Free Beacon on May 14, citing US officials. The test reflects a significant advance in Chinese counterspace capabilities, claimed the Beacon. A Reuters report on Wednesday citing a US defense official made similar claims. Asked for comment, Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col Monica Matoush told the Daily Report on Wednesday: "We detected a launch on May 13 from within China. The launch appeared to be on a ballistic trajectory nearly to geosynchronous Earth orbit. We tracked several objects during the flight, but did not observe the insertion of any objects into orbit and no objects associated with this launch remain in space." China tested an ASAT weapon in 2007 that created thousands of pieces of debris on orbit. The Pentagon's newly issued 2013 annual report on Chinese military developments states that China is acquiring "a range of technologies" to improve its space and counterspace capabilities.

—Marc V. Schanz

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